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A number of molecular tools enable us to study the mechanisms of muscle plasticity. Ideally, this research is conducted in view of the structural and functional consequences of the exercise-induced changes in gene expression. Muscle cells are able to detect mechanical, metabolic, neuronal and hormonal signals which are transduced over multiple pathways to the muscle genome. Exercise activates many signaling cascades--the individual characteristic of the stress leading to a specific response of a network of signaling pathways. Signaling typically results in the transcription of multiple early genes among those of the well known for and jun family, as well as many other transcription factors. These bind to the promoter regions of downstream genes initiating the structural response of muscle tissue. While signaling is a matter of minutes, early genes are activated over hours leading to a second wave of transcript adjustments of structure genes that can then be effective over days. Repeated exercise sessions thus lead to a concerted accretion of mRNAs which upon translation results in a corresponding protein accretion. On the structural level, the protein accretion manifests itself for instance as an increase in mitochondrial volume upon endurance training or an increase in myofibrillar proteins upon strength training. A single exercise stimulus carries a molecular signature which is typical both for the type of stimulus (i.e. endurance vs. strength) as well as the actual condition of muscle tissue (i.e. untrained vs. trained). Likewise, it is clearly possible to distinguish a molecular signature of an expressional adaptation when hypoxic stress is added to a regular endurance exercise protocol in well-trained endurance athletes. It therefore seems feasible to use molecular tools to judge the properties of an exercise stimulus much earlier and at a finer level than is possible with conventional functional or structural techniques.


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Biological systems have acquired effective adaptive strategies to cope with physiological challenges and to maximize biochemical processes under imposed constraints. Striated muscle tissue demonstrates a remarkable malleability and can adjust its metabolic and contractile makeup in response to alterations in functional demands. Activity-dependent muscle plasticity therefore represents a unique model to investigate the regulatory machinery underlying phenotypic adaptations in a fully differentiated tissue. Adjustments in form and function of mammalian muscle have so far been characterized at a descriptive level, and several major themes have evolved. These imply that mechanical, metabolic and neuronal perturbations in recruited muscle groups relay to the specific processes being activated by the complex physiological stimulus of exercise. The important relationship between the phenotypic stimuli and consequent muscular modifications is reflected by coordinated differences at the transcript level that match structural and functional adjustments in the new training steady state. Permanent alterations of gene expression thus represent a major strategy for the integration of phenotypic stimuli into remodeling of muscle makeup. A unifying theory on the molecular mechanism that connects the single exercise stimulus to the multi-faceted adjustments made after the repeated impact of the muscular stress remains elusive. Recently, master switches have been recognized that sense and transduce the individual physical and chemical perturbations induced by physiological challenges via signaling cascades to downstream gene expression events. Molecular observations on signaling systems also extend the long-known evidence for desensitization of the muscle response to endurance exercise after the repeated impact of the stimulus that occurs with training. Integrative approaches involving the manipulation of single factors and the systematic monitoring of downstream effects at multiple levels would appear to be the ultimate method for pinpointing the mechanism of muscle remodeling. The identification of the basic relationships underlying the malleability of muscle tissue is likely to be of relevance for our understanding of compensatory processes in other tissues, species and organisms.


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The Gram-positive bacteria Enterococcus hirae, Lactococcus lactis, and Bacillus subtilis have received wide attention in the study of copper homeostasis. Consequently, copper extrusion by ATPases, gene regulation by copper, and intracellular copper chaperoning are understood in some detail. This has provided profound insight into basic principles of how organisms handle copper. It also emerged that many bacterial species may not require copper for life, making copper homeostatic systems pure defense mechanisms. Structural work on copper homeostatic proteins has given insight into copper coordination and bonding and has started to give molecular insight into copper handling in biological systems. Finally, recent biochemical work has shed new light on the mechanism of copper toxicity, which may not primarily be mediated by reactive oxygen radicals.


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Reprogramming of gene expression contributes to structural and functional adaptation of muscle tissue in response to altered use. The aim of this study was to investigate mechanisms for observed improvements in leg extension strength, gain in relative thigh muscle mass and loss of body and thigh fat content in response to eccentric and conventional strength training in elderly men (n = 14) and women (n = 14; average age of the men and women: 80.1 ± 3.7 years) by means of structural and molecular analyses. Biopsies were collected from m. vastus lateralis in the resting state before and after 12 weeks of training with two weekly resistance exercise sessions (RET) or eccentric ergometer sessions (EET). Gene expression was analyzed using custom-designed low-density PCR arrays. Muscle ultrastructure was evaluated using EM morphometry. Gain in thigh muscle mass was paralleled by an increase in muscle fiber cross-sectional area (hypertrophy) with RET but not with EET, where muscle growth is likely occurring by the addition of sarcomeres in series or by hyperplasia. The expression of transcripts encoding factors involved in muscle growth, repair and remodeling (e.g., IGF-1, HGF, MYOG, MYH3) was increased to a larger extent after EET than RET. MicroRNA 1 expression was decreased independent of the training modality, and was paralleled by an increased expression of IGF-1 representing a potential target. IGF-1 is a potent promoter of muscle growth, and its regulation by microRNA 1 may have contributed to the gain of muscle mass observed in our subjects. EET depressed genes encoding mitochondrial and metabolic transcripts. The changes of several metabolic and mitochondrial transcripts correlated significantly with changes in mitochondrial volume density. Intramyocellular lipid content was decreased after EET concomitantly with total body fat. Changes in intramyocellular lipid content correlated with changes in body fat content with both RET and EET. In the elderly, RET and EET lead to distinct molecular and structural adaptations which might contribute to the observed small quantitative differences in functional tests and body composition parameters. EET seems to be particularly convenient for the elderly with regard to improvements in body composition and strength but at the expense of reducing muscular oxidative capacity.


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We investigated structural aspects of electron transfer (ET) in tunneling junctions (Au(1 1 1)vertical bar FcN vertical bar solution gap vertical bar Au STM tip) with four different redox-active N-thioalk(ano)ylferrocenes (FcN) embedded. The investigated molecules consist of a redox-active ferrocene (Fc) moiety connected via alkyl spacers with N = 4, 6, 8 and 11 carbon atoms to a thiol anchoring group. We found that for short FcNs (N = 4, 6,8) the redox-mediated ET response increases with the increase of the alkyl chain length, while no enhancement of the ET was observed for Fc1 1. The model of two-step ET with partial vibrational relaxation by Kuznetsov and Ulstrup was used to rationalize these results. The theoretical ET steps were assigned to two processes: (1) electron tunneling from the Fc group to the Au tip through the electrolyte layer and (2) electron transport from the Au(1 1 1) substrate to the Fc group through the organic adlayer. We argue that for the three short FcNs, the first process represents the rate-limiting step. The increase of the length of the alkyl chain leads to an approach of the Fc group to the STM tip, and consequently accelerates the first El' step. In case of the Fcl 1 junctions the rather high thickness of the organic layer leads to a decrease of the rate of the second ET step. In consequence, the contribution of the redox-mediated current enhancement to the total tunneling current appears to be insignificant. Our work demonstrates the importance of combined structural and transport approaches for the understanding of Er processes in electrochemical nanosystems. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to assess the structural and cross-cultural validity of the KIDSCREEN-27 questionnaire. METHODS: The 27-item version of the KIDSCREEN instrument was derived from a longer 52-item version and was administered to young people aged 8-18 years in 13 European countries in a cross-sectional survey. Structural and cross-cultural validity were tested using multitrait multi-item analysis, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, and Rasch analyses. Zumbo's logistic regression method was applied to assess differential item functioning (DIF) across countries. Reliability was assessed using Cronbach's alpha. RESULTS: Responses were obtained from n = 22,827 respondents (response rate 68.9%). For the combined sample from all countries, exploratory factor analysis with procrustean rotations revealed a five-factor structure which explained 56.9% of the variance. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated an acceptable model fit (RMSEA = 0.068, CFI = 0.960). The unidimensionality of all dimensions was confirmed (INFIT: 0.81-1.15). Differential item functioning (DIF) results across the 13 countries showed that 5 items presented uniform DIF whereas 10 displayed non-uniform DIF. Reliability was acceptable (Cronbach's alpha = 0.78-0.84 for individual dimensions). CONCLUSIONS: There was substantial evidence for the cross-cultural equivalence of the KIDSCREEN-27 across the countries studied and the factor structure was highly replicable in individual countries. Further research is needed to correct scores based on DIF results. The KIDSCREEN-27 is a new short and promising tool for use in clinical and epidemiological studies.


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A heterozygous missense mutation in the GH-1 gene converting codon 77 from arginine (R) to cysteine (C), which was previously reported to have some GH antagonistic effect, was identified in a Syrian family. The index patient, a boy, was referred for assessment of his short stature (-2.5 SDS) at the age of 6 years. His mother and grandfather were also carrying the same mutation, but did not differ in adult height from the other unaffected family members. Hormonal examination in all affected subjects revealed increased basal GH, low IGF-I concentrations, and subnormal IGF-I response in generation test leading to the diagnosis of partial GH insensitivity. However, GH receptor gene (GHR) sequencing demonstrated no abnormalities. As other family members carrying the GH-R77C form showed similar alterations at the hormonal level, but presented with normal final height, no GH therapy was given to the boy, but he was followed through his pubertal development which was delayed. At the age of 20 years he reached his final height, which was normal within his parental target height. Functional characterization of the GH-R77C, assessed through activation of Jak2/Stat5 pathway, revealed no differences in the bioactivity between wild-type-GH (wt-GH) and GH-R77C. Detailed structural analysis indicated that the structure of GH-R77C, in terms of disulfide bond formation, is almost identical to that of the wt-GH despite the introduced mutation (Cys77). Previous studies from our group demonstrated a reduced capability of GH-R77C to induce GHR/GH-binding protein (GHBP) gene transcription rate when compared with wt-GH. Therefore, reduced GHR/GHBP expression might well be the possible cause for the partial GH insensitivity found in our patients. In addition, this group of patients deserve further attention because they could represent a distinct clinical entity underlining that an altered GH peptide may also have a direct impact on GHR/GHBP gene expression causing partial GH insensitivity. This might be responsible for the delay of growth and pubertal development. Finally, we clearly demonstrate that GH-R77C is not invariably associated with short stature, but that great care needs to be taken in ascribing growth failure to various heterozygous mutations affecting the GH-IGF axis and that careful functional studies are mandatory.


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Sarcopenia is the age-related loss of muscle mass and strength and has been associated with an increased risk of falling and the development of metabolic diseases. Various training protocols, nutritional and hormonal interventions have been proposed to prevent sarcopenia. This study explores the potential of continuous eccentric exercise to retard age-related loss of muscle mass and function. Elderly men and women (80.6 +/- 3.5 years) were randomized to one of three training interventions demanding a training effort of two sessions weekly for 12 weeks: cognitive training (CT; n = 16), conventional resistance training (RET; n = 23) and eccentric ergometer training (EET; n = 23). Subjects were tested for functional parameters and body composition. Biopsies were collected from M. vastus lateralis before and after the intervention for the assessment of fiber size and composition. Maximal isometric leg extension strength (MEL: +8.4 +/- 1.7%) and eccentric muscle coordination (COORD: -43 +/- 4%) were significantly improved with EET but not with RET (MEL: +2.3 +/- 2.0%; COORD: -13 +/- 3%) and CT (MEL: -2.3 +/- 2.5%; COORD: -12 +/- 5%), respectively. We observed a loss of body fat (-5.0 +/- 1.1%) and thigh fat (-6.9 +/- 1.5%) in EET subjects only. Relative thigh lean mass increased with EET (+2.5 +/- 0.6%) and RET (+2.0 +/- 0.3%) and correlated negatively with type IIX/type II muscle fiber ratios. It was concluded that both RET and EET are beneficial for the elderly with regard to muscle functional and structural improvements but differ in their spectrum of effects. A training frequency of only two sessions per week seems to be the lower limit for a training stimulus to reveal measurable benefits.


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GABA(A) receptors mediate inhibitory neurotransmission in the mammalian brain via synaptic and extrasynaptic receptors. The delta (delta)-subunit-containing receptors are expressed exclusively extra-synaptically and mediate tonic inhibition. In the present study, we were interested in determining the architecture of receptors containing the delta-subunit. To investigate this, we predefined the subunit arrangement by concatenation. We prepared five dual and three triple concatenated subunit constructs. These concatenated dual and triple constructs were used to predefine nine different GABA(A) receptor pentamers. These pentamers composed of alpha(1)-, beta(3)-, and delta-subunits were expressed in Xenopus oocytes and maximal currents elicited in response to 1 mm GABA were determined in the presence and absence of THDOC (3alpha, 21-dihydroxy-5alpha-pregnane-20-one). beta(3)-alpha(1)-delta/alpha(1)-beta(3) and beta(3)-alpha(1)-delta/beta(3)-alpha(1) resulted in the expression of large currents in response to GABA. Interestingly, the presence of the neurosteroid THDOC uncovered alpha(1)-beta(3)-alpha(1)/beta(3)-delta receptors, additionally. The functional receptors were characterized in detail using the agonist GABA, THDOC, Zn(2+), and ethanol and their properties were compared with those of non-concatenated alpha(1)beta(3) and alpha(1)beta(3)delta receptors. Each concatenated receptor isoform displayed a specific set of properties, but none of them responded to 30 mm ethanol. We conclude from the investigated receptors that delta can assume multiple positions in the receptor pentamer. The GABA dose-response properties of alpha(1)-beta(3)-alpha(1)/beta(3)-delta and beta(3)-alpha(1)-delta/alpha(1)-beta(3) match most closely the properties of non-concatenated alpha(1)beta(3)delta receptors. Furthermore, we show that the delta-subunit can contribute to the formation of an agonist site in alpha(1)-beta(3)-alpha(1)/beta(3)-delta receptors.


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FUS/TLS (fused in sarcoma/translocated in liposarcoma) is a ubiquitously expressed protein of the hnRNP family, that has been discovered as fused to transcription factors in several human sarcomas and found in protein aggregates in neurons of patients with an inherited form of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis [Vance C. et al., 2009]. FUS is a 53 kDa nuclear protein that contains structural domains, such as a RNA Recognition Motif (RRM) and a zinc finger motif, that give to FUS the ability to bind to both RNA and DNA sequences. It has been implicated in a variety of cellular processes, such as pre-mRNA splicing, miRNA processing, gene expression control and transcriptional regulation [Fiesel FC. and Kahle PJ., 2011]. Moreover, some evidences link FUS to genome stability control and DNA damage response: mice lacking FUS are hypersensitive to ionizing radiation (IR) and show high levels of chromosome instability and, in response to double-strand breaks, FUS is phosphorylated by the protein kinase ATM [Kuroda M. et al., 2000; Hicks GG. et al., 2000; Gardiner M. et al., 2008]. Furthermore, preliminary results of mass spectrometric identification of FUS interacting proteins in HEK293 cells, expressing a recombinant flag-tagged FUS protein, highlighted the interactions with proteins involved in DNA damage response, such as DNA-PK, XRCC-5/-6, and ERCC-6, raising the possibilities that FUS is involved in this pathway, even though its role still needs to be clarified. This study aims to investigate the biological roles of FUS in human cells and in particular the putative role in DNA damage response through the characterization of the proteomic profile of the neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y upon FUS inducible depletion, by a quantitative proteomic approach. The SH-SY5Y cell line that will be used in this study expresses, in presence of tetracycline, a shRNA that targets FUS mRNA, leading to FUS protein depletion (SH-SY5Y FUS iKD cells). To quantify changes in proteins expression levels a SILAC strategy (Stable Isotope Labeling by Amino acids in Cell culture) will be conducted on SH-SY5Y FUS iKD cells and a control SH-SY5Y cell line (that expresses a mock shRNA) and the relative changes in proteins levels will be evaluated after five and seven days upon FUS depletion, by nanoliquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (nLC-MS/MS) and bioinformatics analysis. Preliminary experiments demonstrated that the SH-SY5Y FUS iKD cells, when subjected to genotoxic stress (high dose of IR), upon inducible depletion of FUS, showed a increased phosphorylation of gH2AX with respect to control cells, suggesting an higher activation of the DNA damage response.


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The ultrastructure of capillaries in skeletal muscle was morphometrically assessed in vastus lateralis muscle (VL) biopsies taken before and after exercise from 22 participants of two training studies. In study 1 (8 wk of ergometer training), light microscopy revealed capillary-fiber (C/F) ratio (+27%) and capillary density (+16%) to be higher (P ≤ 0.05) in postexercise biopsies than in preexercise biopsies from all 10 participants. In study 2 (6 mo of moderate running), C/F ratio and capillary density were increased (+23% and +20%; respectively, P ≤ 0.05) in VL biopsies from 6 angiogenesis responders (AR) after training, whereas 6 nonangiogenesis responders (NR) showed nonsignificant changes in these structural indicators (-4%/-4%, respectively). Forty capillary profiles per participant were evaluated by point and intersection counting on cross sections after transmission electron microscopy. In study 1, volume density (Vv) and mean arithmetic thickness (T) of endothelial cells (ECs; +19%/+17%, respectively) and pericytes (PCs; +20%/+21%, respectively) were higher (P ≤ 0.05), whereas Vv and T of the pericapillary basement membrane (BM) were -23%/-22% lower (P ≤ 0.05), respectively, in posttraining biopsies. In study 2, exercise-related differences between AR and NR-groups were found for Vv and T of PCs (AR, +26%/+22%, respectively, both P ≤ 0.05; NR, +1%/-3%, respectively, both P > 0.05) and BM (AR, -14%/-13%, respectively, both P ≤ 0.05; NR, -9%/-11%, respectively, P = 0.07/0.10). Vv and T of ECs were higher (AR, +16%/+18%, respectively; NR, +6%/+6%, respectively; all P ≤ 0.05) in both groups. The PC coverage was higher (+13%, P ≤ 0.05) in VL biopsies of individuals in the AR group but nonsignificantly altered (+3%, P > 0.05) in those of the NR group after training. Our study suggests that intensified PC mobilization and BM thinning are related to exercise-induced angiogenesis in human skeletal muscle, whereas training per se induces EC-thickening.


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Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) applied over the right posterior parietal cortex (PPC) in healthy participants has been shown to trigger a significant rightward shift in the spatial allocation of visual attention, temporarily mimicking spatial deficits observed in neglect. In contrast, rTMS applied over the left PPC triggers a weaker or null attentional shift. However, large interindividual differences in responses to rTMS have been reported. Studies measuring changes in brain activation suggest that the effects of rTMS may depend on both interhemispheric and intrahemispheric interactions between cortical loci controlling visual attention. Here, we investigated whether variability in the structural organization of human white matter pathways subserving visual attention, as assessed by diffusion magnetic resonance imaging and tractography, could explain interindividual differences in the effects of rTMS. Most participants showed a rightward shift in the allocation of spatial attention after rTMS over the right intraparietal sulcus (IPS), but the size of this effect varied largely across participants. Conversely, rTMS over the left IPS resulted in strikingly opposed individual responses, with some participants responding with rightward and some with leftward attentional shifts. We demonstrate that microstructural and macrostructural variability within the corpus callosum, consistent with differential effects on cross-hemispheric interactions, predicts both the extent and the direction of the response to rTMS. Together, our findings suggest that the corpus callosum may have a dual inhibitory and excitatory function in maintaining the interhemispheric dynamics that underlie the allocation of spatial attention. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: The posterior parietal cortex (PPC) controls allocation of attention across left versus right visual fields. Damage to this area results in neglect, characterized by a lack of spatial awareness of the side of space contralateral to the brain injury. Transcranial magnetic stimulation over the PPC is used to study cognitive mechanisms of spatial attention and to examine the potential of this technique to treat neglect. However, large individual differences in behavioral responses to stimulation have been reported. We demonstrate that the variability in the structural organization of the corpus callosum accounts for these differences. Our findings suggest novel dual mechanism of the corpus callosum function in spatial attention and have broader implications for the use of stimulation in neglect rehabilitation.