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Esta contribución se inscribe dentro de un proyecto de investigación en marcha desde enero de 2012 que tiene por objetivo analizar la percepción de las hablas limeñas y las actitudes frente a éstas que tienen los hablantes de la capital del Perú, en directa relación con las representaciones geosociales que manejan de su ciudad, para lo cual partimos del concepto de estilos de interacción. Al hablar de representaciones geosociales queremos hacer hincapié en el hecho de que nuestra investigación no gira en torno a datos efectivos, empíricamente comprobables mediante censos y estudios socioeconómicos sobre la composición sociodemográfica de Lima Metropolitana y sus distritos, sino que se centra en los mapas sociales que forman y perfilan sus habitantes como consecuencia de sus experiencias individuales y de percepciones colectivas sociohistórica y culturalmente motivadas. Subrayemos entonces que el enfoque teórico de este estudio es constructivista, a partir del cual se analizará cómo los hablantes de Lima, en tanto que actores sociales, moldean su espacio urbano mediante las percepciones de la lengua y en interacción dinámica con “el otro” . Dentro de este marco, en el presente estudio nos ocupamos específicamente de la manera como es percibida por jóvenes limeñas la forma de hablar de otras limeñas jóvenes cuyos padres proceden de la Sierra peruana: ¿qué rasgos actúan como indicadores socio-étnicos y dónde, sobre la base de dichas percepciones, son “localizadas” en los mapas mentales de las entrevistadas estas “nuevas” limeñas? Estas preguntas son relevantes en relación con las hablas limeñas porque dada la situación de la ciudad de Lima, cuya población ha crecido fuertemente debido a la emigración de habitantes originarios de otras regiones del país, un estudio sobre las percepciones, representaciones y actitudes que tienen las jóvenes limeñas puede dar luces acerca de la existencia de nuevas variedades fruto del contacto interdialectal en Lima, de su reconocimiento y de su aceptabilidad sociolingüística por parte de los hablantes.
The aims of this study were to quantify the effectiveness of specialist advice about udder health in Swiss dairy herds and to compare 3 different udder health improvement strategies against a negative control group. In 2010, 100 Swiss dairy herds with a high (between 200,000 and 300,000 cells/mL) yield-corrected bulk milk somatic cell count (YCBMSCC) were recruited for a 1-yr multiarm randomized field trial. The herds were visited between September and December 2011 to evaluate udder health-management practices and then randomly allocated into 1 of 4 study arms containing 25 herds each. The negative control study arm received neither recommendations for improving udder health nor any active support. The remaining 75 farmers received a herd-specific report with recommendations to improve udder health management. The positive control study arm received no further active support during 2012. The veterinarian study arm received additional support in the form of monthly visits by their herd veterinarian. Finally, the study group study arm received support in the form of bimonthly study group meetings where different topics concerning udder health were discussed. One year later, implementation of recommendations and changes in udder health were assessed. Of the recommendations given, 44.3% were completely implemented, 23.1% partially, and 32.6% were not implemented. No differences in implementation of recommendations were noted between the 3 study arms. At study enrollment, farmers were asked for the study arm of their preference but were subsequently randomly assigned to 1 of the 4 study arms. Farmers that were assigned to the study arm of their preference implemented more recommendations than farmers assigned to a study arm not of their preference. No decrease in the within-herd prevalence of cows that had a high (≥200,000 cells/mL) composite somatic cell count was observed in herds that had a YCBMSCC ≥200,000 cells/mL at the start of intervention. However, the 3 study arms with intervention (positive control, the veterinarian, and the study groups) prevented an increase in the within-herd prevalence of cows that had a high somatic cell count in herds with a low YCBMSCC at the start of the intervention compared with the negative control study arm. In the year after sending the report, herds assigned to the study group study arm had a reduced incidence rate of treated mastitis cases in comparison with the year before sending the report.
Desde un enfoque constructivista del espacio urbano como producto social, en el presente artículo presentamos algunos aspectos teóricos y metodológicos para el análisis de las representaciones geosociales y la identidad urbana para luego investigar a partir de una selección de mapas mentales la imagen espacial que los hablantes expresan a través de las variedades lingüísticas que distinguen, estilizan y ubican en su cartografía mental de la ciudad. Se trata de un primer acercamiento a un corpus recopilado en 2013, que permite observar, por un lado, que la percepción del espacio urbano está basada en la fuerte identificación de los porteños con los barrios de la ciudad y, por otro lado, que existe en el imaginario colectivo una dicotomía norte-sur estilizada que se refleja tanto en lo social, lo espacial y lo lingüístico.
The different aspects of magic became an essential ingredient of bucolic universe since the origin of pastoral genre. Within an idealized and utopic frame, magic built a bridge towards transcendence, and balanced the disharmony created by human love emotions within Arcadian microcosm. This concept of magic became infused to Sixteenth century pastoral novel through Neoplatonism and Hermetic tradition. From a narratological point of view, magic episodes became indispensable to complete the philosophical meaning of the works. Lope de Vega, in La Arcadia, published in 1598, fully participated from this tradition, though he will approach the convention from a particular dramatic-like perspective. And it was precisely in pastoral comedias where the Fénix ends up deconstructing bucolic code to remodel it as a mere vestige of the tradition and treat magic as a humorous ingredient.
Departing from the concepts of visualism and theatricality understood as the base of the world view of an epoch, a reflection about the presence of a pictorial-based expressiveness in the performance of Lope’s comedias de santos is suggested. Besides the analysis of the suitable contexts and staging procedures associated to the appearance of sacred images on stage, static performances, closer to painting than to drama, are also taken into account as a device which contribute to create that transcendent meaning which is essential to hagiographical comedias.