117 resultados para domain controller
We present a generalized framework for gradient-domain Metropolis rendering, and introduce three techniques to reduce sampling artifacts and variance. The first one is a heuristic weighting strategy that combines several sampling techniques to avoid outliers. The second one is an improved mapping to generate offset paths required for computing gradients. Here we leverage the properties of manifold walks in path space to cancel out singularities. Finally, the third technique introduces generalized screen space gradient kernels. This approach aligns the gradient kernels with image structures such as texture edges and geometric discontinuities to obtain sparser gradients than with the conventional gradient kernel. We implement our framework on top of an existing Metropolis sampler, and we demonstrate significant improvements in visual and numerical quality of our results compared to previous work.
FgfrL1 is the fifth member of the fibroblast growth factor receptor (Fgfr) family. Studies with FgfrL1 deficient mice have demonstrated that the gene plays an important role during embryonic development. FgfrL1 knock-out mice die at birth as they have a malformed diaphragm and lack metanephric kidneys. Similar to the classical Fgfrs, the FgfrL1 protein contains an extracellular part composed of three Ig-like domains that interact with Fgf ligands and heparin. However, the intracellular part of FgfrL1 is not related to the classical receptors and does not possess any tyrosine kinase activity. Curiously enough, the amino acid sequence of this domain is barely conserved among different species, with the exception of three motifs, namely a dileucine peptide, a tandem tyrosine-based motif YXXΦ and a histidine-rich sequence. To investigate the function of the intracellular domain of FgfrL1, we have prepared genetically modified mice that lack the three conserved sequence motifs, but instead contain a GFP cassette (FgfrL1ΔC-GFP). To our surprise, homozygous FgfrL1ΔC-GFP knock-in mice are viable, fertile and phenotypically normal. They do not exhibit any alterations in the diaphragm or the kidney, except for a slight reduction in the number of glomeruli that does not appear to affect life expectancy. In addition, the pancreas of both FgfrL1ΔC-GFP knock-in and FgfrL1 knock-out mice do not show any disturbances in the production of insulin, in contrast to what has been suggested by recent studies. Thus, the conserved motifs of the intracellular FgfrL1 domain are dispensable for organogenesis and normal life. We conclude that the extracellular domain of the protein must conduct the vital functions of FgfrL1.
BACKGROUND Sodium channel NaV1.5 underlies cardiac excitability and conduction. The last 3 residues of NaV1.5 (Ser-Ile-Val) constitute a PDZ domain-binding motif that interacts with PDZ proteins such as syntrophins and SAP97 at different locations within the cardiomyocyte, thus defining distinct pools of NaV1.5 multiprotein complexes. Here, we explored the in vivo and clinical impact of this motif through characterization of mutant mice and genetic screening of patients. METHODS AND RESULTS To investigate in vivo the regulatory role of this motif, we generated knock-in mice lacking the SIV domain (ΔSIV). ΔSIV mice displayed reduced NaV1.5 expression and sodium current (INa), specifically at the lateral myocyte membrane, whereas NaV1.5 expression and INa at the intercalated disks were unaffected. Optical mapping of ΔSIV hearts revealed that ventricular conduction velocity was preferentially decreased in the transversal direction to myocardial fiber orientation, leading to increased anisotropy of ventricular conduction. Internalization of wild-type and ΔSIV channels was unchanged in HEK293 cells. However, the proteasome inhibitor MG132 rescued ΔSIV INa, suggesting that the SIV motif is important for regulation of NaV1.5 degradation. A missense mutation within the SIV motif (p.V2016M) was identified in a patient with Brugada syndrome. The mutation decreased NaV1.5 cell surface expression and INa when expressed in HEK293 cells. CONCLUSIONS Our results demonstrate the in vivo significance of the PDZ domain-binding motif in the correct expression of NaV1.5 at the lateral cardiomyocyte membrane and underline the functional role of lateral NaV1.5 in ventricular conduction. Furthermore, we reveal a clinical relevance of the SIV motif in cardiac disease.
PURPOSE To report outcomes and assess structural changes in the retina in patients with severe endophthalmitis. METHODS Retrospective, nonrandomized, interventional case series at a tertiary referral centre. Spectral domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) images of both eyes were acquired at least 5 months after pars plana vitrectomy. OCT images were analyzed using retinal layer segmentation. RESULTS Nine patients (46-80 years of age) were included in this study. Average ETDRS visual acuity before treatment was 23 letters and improved to 74 letters. In our cohort we did not find a generalized reduction of retinal layers using automated layer segmentation. CONCLUSION Our findings suggest that prompt treatment of severe endophthalmitis with intravitreal antibiotics followed by pars plana vitrectomy may lead to excellent visual outcomes with minimal damage to the retinal architecture.
Software dependencies play a vital role in programme comprehension, change impact analysis and other software maintenance activities. Traditionally, these activities are supported by source code analysis; however, the source code is sometimes inaccessible or difficult to analyse, as in hybrid systems composed of source code in multiple languages using various paradigms (e.g. object-oriented programming and relational databases). Moreover, not all stakeholders have adequate knowledge to perform such analyses. For example, non-technical domain experts and consultants raise most maintenance requests; however, they cannot predict the cost and impact of the requested changes without the support of the developers. We propose a novel approach to predicting software dependencies by exploiting the coupling present in domain-level information. Our approach is independent of the software implementation; hence, it can be used to approximate architectural dependencies without access to the source code or the database. As such, it can be applied to hybrid systems with heterogeneous source code or legacy systems with missing source code. In addition, this approach is based solely on information visible and understandable to domain users; therefore, it can be efficiently used by domain experts without the support of software developers. We evaluate our approach with a case study on a large-scale enterprise system, in which we demonstrate how up to 65 of the source code dependencies and 77% of the database dependencies are predicted solely based on domain information.
Answering run-time questions in object-oriented systems involves reasoning about and exploring connections between multiple objects. Developer questions exercise various aspects of an object and require multiple kinds of interactions depending on the relationships between objects, the application domain and the differing developer needs. Nevertheless, traditional object inspectors, the essential tools often used to reason about objects, favor a generic view that focuses on the low-level details of the state of individual objects. This leads to an inefficient effort, increasing the time spent in the inspector. To improve the inspection process, we propose the Moldable Inspector, a novel approach for an extensible object inspector. The Moldable Inspector allows developers to look at objects using multiple interchangeable presentations and supports a workflow in which multiple levels of connecting objects can be seen together. Both these aspects can be tailored to the domain of the objects and the question at hand. We further exemplify how the proposed solution improves the inspection process, introduce a prototype implementation and discuss new directions for extending the Moldable Inspector.
Debuggers are crucial tools for developing object-oriented software systems as they give developers direct access to the running systems. Nevertheless, traditional debuggers rely on generic mechanisms to explore and exhibit the execution stack and system state, while developers reason about and formulate domain-specific questions using concepts and abstractions from their application domains. This creates an abstraction gap between the debugging needs and the debugging support leading to an inefficient and error-prone debugging effort. To reduce this gap, we propose a framework for developing domain-specific debuggers called the Moldable Debugger. The Moldable Debugger is adapted to a domain by creating and combining domain-specific debugging operations with domain-specific debugging views, and adapts itself to a domain by selecting, at run time, appropriate debugging operations and views. We motivate the need for domain-specific debugging, identify a set of key requirements and show how our approach improves debugging by adapting the debugger to several domains.
We present an application and sample independent method for the automatic discrimination of noise and signal in optical coherence tomography Bscans. The proposed algorithm models the observed noise probabilistically and allows for a dynamic determination of image noise parameters and the choice of appropriate image rendering parameters. This overcomes the observer variability and the need for a priori information about the content of sample images, both of which are challenging to estimate systematically with current systems. As such, our approach has the advantage of automatically determining crucial parameters for evaluating rendered image quality in a systematic and task independent way. We tested our algorithm on data from four different biological and nonbiological samples (index finger, lemon slices, sticky tape, and detector cards) acquired with three different experimental spectral domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) measurement systems including a swept source OCT. The results are compared to parameters determined manually by four experienced OCT users. Overall, our algorithm works reliably regardless of which system and sample are used and estimates noise parameters in all cases within the confidence interval of those found by observers.
Retinal vein occlusion is a leading cause of visual impairment. Experimental models of this condition based on laser photocoagulation of retinal veins have been described and extensively exploited in mammals and larger rodents such as the rat. However, few reports exist on the use of this paradigm in the mouse. The objective of this study was to investigate a model of branch and central retinal vein occlusion in the mouse and characterize in vivo longitudinal retinal morphology alterations using spectral domain optical coherence tomography. Retinal veins were experimentally occluded using laser photocoagulation after intravenous application of Rose Bengal, a photo-activator dye enhancing thrombus formation. Depending on the number of veins occluded, variable amounts of capillary dropout were seen on fluorescein angiography. Vascular endothelial growth factor levels were markedly elevated early and peaked at day one. Retinal thickness measurements with spectral domain optical coherence tomography showed significant swelling (p<0.001) compared to baseline, followed by gradual thinning plateauing two weeks after the experimental intervention (p<0.001). Histological findings at day seven correlated with spectral domain optical coherence tomography imaging. The inner layers were predominantly affected by degeneration with the outer nuclear layer and the photoreceptor outer segments largely preserved. The application of this retinal vein occlusion model in the mouse carries several advantages over its use in other larger species, such as access to a vast range of genetically modified animals. Retinal changes after experimental retinal vein occlusion in this mouse model can be non-invasively quantified by spectral domain optical coherence tomography, and may be used to monitor effects of potential therapeutic interventions.
Comparative genomics of virulent Tannerella forsythia ATCC 43037 and a close health-associated relative, Tannerella BU063, revealed, in the latter, the absence of an entire array of genes encoding putative secretory proteases that possess a nearly identical C-terminal domain (CTD) that ends with a -Lys-Leu-Ile-Lys-Lys motif. This observation suggests that these proteins, referred to as KLIKK proteases, may function as virulence factors. Re-sequencing of the loci of the KLIKK proteases found only six genes grouped in two clusters. All six genes were expressed by T. forsythia in routine culture conditions, although at different levels. More importantly, a transcript of each gene was detected in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) from periodontitis sites infected with T. forsythia indicating that the proteases are expressed in vivo. In each protein, a protease domain was flanked by a unique N-terminal profragment and a C-terminal extension ending with the CTD. Partially purified recombinant proteases showed variable levels of proteolytic activity in zymography gels and toward protein substrates, including collagen, gelatin, elastin, and casein. Taken together, these results indicate that the pathogenic strain of T. forsythia secretes active proteases capable of degrading an array of host proteins, which likely represents an important pathogenic feature of this bacterium.
PURPOSE Quantification of retinal layers using automated segmentation of optical coherence tomography (OCT) images allows for longitudinal studies of retinal and neurological disorders in mice. The purpose of this study was to compare the performance of automated retinal layer segmentation algorithms with data from manual segmentation in mice using the Spectralis OCT. METHODS Spectral domain OCT images from 55 mice from three different mouse strains were analyzed in total. The OCT scans from 22 C57Bl/6, 22 BALBc, and 11 C3A.Cg-Pde6b(+)Prph2(Rd2) /J mice were automatically segmented using three commercially available automated retinal segmentation algorithms and compared to manual segmentation. RESULTS Fully automated segmentation performed well in mice and showed coefficients of variation (CV) of below 5% for the total retinal volume. However, all three automated segmentation algorithms yielded much thicker total retinal thickness values compared to manual segmentation data (P < 0.0001) due to segmentation errors in the basement membrane. CONCLUSIONS Whereas the automated retinal segmentation algorithms performed well for the inner layers, the retinal pigmentation epithelium (RPE) was delineated within the sclera, leading to consistently thicker measurements of the photoreceptor layer and the total retina. TRANSLATIONAL RELEVANCE The introduction of spectral domain OCT allows for accurate imaging of the mouse retina. Exact quantification of retinal layer thicknesses in mice is important to study layers of interest under various pathological conditions.
Through dedicated measurements in the optical regime we demonstrate that ptychography can be applied to reconstruct complex-valued object functions that vary with time from a sequence of spectral measurements. A probe pulse of approximately 1 ps duration, time delayed in increments of 0.25 ps, is shown to recover dynamics on a ten times faster time scale with an experimental limit of approximately 5 fs.