99 resultados para humans


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In the antisaccade task, subjects are requested to suppress a reflexive saccade towards a visual target and to perform a saccade towards the opposite side. In addition, in order to reproduce an accurate saccadic amplitude, the visual saccade vector (i.e., the distance between a central fixation point and the peripheral target) must be exactly inverted from one visual hemifield to the other. Results from recent studies using a correlational approach (i.e., fMRI, MEG) suggest that not only the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) but also the frontal eye field (FEF) might play an important role in such a visual vector inversion process. In order to assess whether the FEF contributes to visual vector inversion, we applied an interference approach with continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) during a memory-guided antisaccade task. In 10 healthy subjects, one train of cTBS was applied over the right FEF prior to a memory-guided antisaccade task. In comparison to the performance without stimulation or with sham stimulation, cTBS over the right FEF induced a hypometric gain for rightward but not leftward antisaccades. These results obtained with an interference approach confirm that the FEF is also involved in the process of visual vector inversion.


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The moral force of impartiality (i.e. the equal treatment of all human beings) is imperative for providing justice and fairness. Yet, in reality many people become partial during intergroup interactions; they demonstrate a preferential treatment of ingroup members and a discriminatory treatment of outgroup members. Some people, however, do not show this intergroup bias. The underlying sources of these inter-individual differences are poorly understood. Here we demonstrate that the larger the gray matter volume and thickness of the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (DMPFC), the more individuals in the role of an uninvolved third-party impartially punish outgroup and ingroup perpetrators. Moreover, we show evidence for a possible mechanism that explains the impact of DMPFC's gray matter volume on impartiality, namely perspective-taking. Large gray matter volume of DMPFC seems to facilitate equal perspective-taking of all sides, which in turn leads to impartial behavior. This is the first evidence demonstrating that brain structure of the DMPFC constitutes an important source underlying an individual's propensity for impartiality.


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Trust and betrayal of trust are ubiquitous in human societies. Recent behavioral evidence shows that the neuropeptide oxytocin increases trust among humans, thus offering a unique chance of gaining a deeper understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying trust and the adaptation to breach of trust. We examined the neural circuitry of trusting behavior by combining the intranasal, double-blind, administration of oxytocin with fMRI. We find that subjects in the oxytocin group show no change in their trusting behavior after they learned that their trust had been breached several times while subjects receiving placebo decrease their trust. This difference in trust adaptation is associated with a specific reduction in activation in the amygdala, the midbrain regions, and the dorsal striatum in subjects receiving oxytocin, suggesting that neural systems mediating fear processing (amygdala and midbrain regions) and behavioral adaptations to feedback information (dorsal striatum) modulate oxytocin's effect on trust. These findings may help to develop deeper insights into mental disorders such as social phobia and autism, which are characterized by persistent fear or avoidance of social interactions.


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PURPOSE To analyse the influence of corneal cross-linking (CXL) with ultraviolet-A (UV-A) and riboflavin on drug permeability in human subjects. METHODS Keratoconus patients (n = 23; mean age 26.9 ± 5.8 years) undergoing a standard CXL procedure with UV-A (5.4 J/cm(2) , 30 min) and riboflavin in one eye were included in the study. The pupillary diameter, measured before and every 3 min for 30 min after the topical application of one drop of 2% pilocarpine, was used as an indirect measure of the corneal permeability. The pupillary diameter was measured with an infrared pupillometer device before (baseline) and 4 months after CXL. RESULTS Prior to pilocarpine application, no significant difference in the pupillary diameter was detected before CXL and 4 months later. The mean decrease in the pupillary diameter after the application of pilocarpine was similar at baseline and the 4-month follow-up visit: mean decreases of 3.9 and 3.7 mm were observed 30 min after pilocarpine application, respectively (p > 0.05). CONCLUSIONS No significant influence of CXL on the corneal penetration of topically applied pilocarpine was observed in this clinical study.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate in humans the amount of new bone after sinus floor elevation with a synthetic bone substitute material consisting of nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite embedded in a highly porous silica gel matrix. The lateral approach was applied in eight patients requiring sinus floor elevation to place dental implants. After elevation of the sinus membrane, the cavities were filled with 0.6-mm granules of nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite mixed with the patient's blood. A collagen membrane (group 1) or a platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) membrane (group 2) was placed over the bony window. After healing periods between 7 and 11 months (in one case after 24 months), 16 biopsy specimens were harvested with a trephine bur during implant bed preparation. The percentage of new bone, residual filler material, and soft tissue was determined histomorphometrically. Four specimens were excluded from the analysis because of incomplete biopsy removal. In all other specimens, new bone was observed in the augmented region. For group 1, the amount of new bone, residual graft material, and soft tissue was 28.7% ± 5.4%, 25.5% ± 7.6%, and 45.8% ± 3.2%, respectively. For group 2, the values were 28.6% ± 6.90%, 25.7% ± 8.8%, and 45.7% ± 9.3%, respectively. All differences between groups 1 and 2 were not statistically significant. The lowest and highest values of new bone were 21.2% and 34.1% for group 1 and 17.4% and 37.8% for group 2, respectively. The amount of new bone after the use of nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite for sinus floor elevation in humans is comparable to values found in the literature for other synthetic or xenogeneic bone substitute materials. There was no additional beneficial effect of the PRF membrane over the non-cross-linked collagen membrane.


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Humanâwildlife conflict is emerging as an important topic in conservation. Carnivores and birds of prey are responsible for most conflicts with livestock and game but since the mid 1990s a new conflict is emerging in south-west Europe: the presumed killing of livestock by griffon vultures Gyps fulvus. Lack of scientific data and magnification of the problem by the media are increasing alarm amongst the public, and political pressures to implement management decisions have not been based on scientific evidence. We compiled information on 1,793 complaints about attacks by griffon vultures on livestock, lodged with Spanish authorities from 1996 to 2010. Spain is home to the majority (95%) of griffon vultures and other scavengers in the European Union. Most of the cases occurred in areas of high livestock density, affected principally sheep (49%) and cows (31%), and were associated with spring birthing times (AprilâJune). On average 69% of the complaints made annually were rejected because of a lack of evidence about whether the animal was alive before being eaten. The total economic cost of compensation was EUR 278,590 from 2004 to 2010. We discuss possible ways to mitigate this emerging humanâwildlife conflict. These need to include the participation of livestock farmers, authorities, scientists and conservation groups.


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Since the origin of early Homo species during the Late Pliocene, interactions of humans with scavenging birds and mammals have changed in form through shifting ecological scenarios. How humans procured meat during the Quaternary Period changed from confrontational scavenging to hunting; shepherding of wild animals; and, eventually, intensive husbandry of domesticated animals. As humans evolved from carcass consumers to carcass providers, the overall relationship between humans and scavengers shifted from competition to facilitation. These changing interactions have translated into shifting provisioning (by signaling carcass location), regulating (e.g., by removing animal debris and controlling infectious diseases), and cultural ecosystem services (e.g., by favoring human language and social cooperation skills or, more recently, by enhancing ecotourism) provided by scavenging vertebrates. The continued survival of vultures and large mammalian scavengers alongside humans is now severely in jeopardy, threatening the loss of the numerous ecosystem services from which contemporary and future humans could benefit.


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Characterization of third-generation-cephalosporin-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates originating mainly from one human hospital (n = 22) and one companion animal hospital (n = 25) in Bern (Switzerland) revealed the absence of epidemiological links between human and animal isolates. Human infections were not associated with the spread of any specific clone, while the majority of animal infections were due to K. pneumoniae sequence type 11 isolates producing plasmidic DHA AmpC. This clonal dissemination within the veterinary hospital emphasizes the need for effective infection control practices.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES We aimed to study the impact of size, maturation and cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) genotype activity score as predictors of intravenous tramadol disposition. METHODS Tramadol and O-desmethyl tramadol (M1) observations in 295 human subjects (postmenstrual age 25 weeks to 84.8 years, weight 0.5-186 kg) were pooled. A population pharmacokinetic analysis was performed using a two-compartment model for tramadol and two additional M1 compartments. Covariate analysis included weight, age, sex, disease characteristics (healthy subject or patient) and CYP2D6 genotype activity. A sigmoid maturation model was used to describe age-related changes in tramadol clearance (CLPO), M1 formation clearance (CLPM) and M1 elimination clearance (CLMO). A phenotype-based mixture model was used to identify CLPM polymorphism. RESULTS Differences in clearances were largely accounted for by maturation and size. The time to reach 50 % of adult clearance (TM50) values was used to describe maturation. CLPM (TM50 39.8 weeks) and CLPO (TM50 39.1 weeks) displayed fast maturation, while CLMO matured slower, similar to glomerular filtration rate (TM50 47 weeks). The phenotype-based mixture model identified a slow and a faster metabolizer group. Slow metabolizers comprised 9.8 % of subjects with 19.4 % of faster metabolizer CLPM. Low CYP2D6 genotype activity was associated with lower (25 %) than faster metabolizer CLPM, but only 32 % of those with low genotype activity were in the slow metabolizer group. CONCLUSIONS Maturation and size are key predictors of variability. A two-group polymorphism was identified based on phenotypic M1 formation clearance. Maturation of tramadol elimination occurs early (50 % of adult value at term gestation).


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AIMS COâ is an intrinsic vasodilator for cerebral and myocardial blood vessels. Myocardial vasodilation without a parallel increase of the oxygen demand leads to changes in myocardial oxygenation. Because apnoea and hyperventilation modify blood COâ, we hypothesized that voluntary breathing manoeuvres induce changes in myocardial oxygenation that can be measured by oxygenation-sensitive cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR). METHODS AND RESULTS Fourteen healthy volunteers were studied. Eight performed free long breath-hold as well as a 1- and 2-min hyperventilation, whereas six aquatic athletes were studied during a 60-s breath-hold and a free long breath-hold. Signal intensity (SI) changes in Tâ*-weighted, steady-state free precession, gradient echo images at 1.5 T were monitored during breathing manoeuvres and compared with changes in capillary blood gases. Breath-holds lasted for 35, 58 and 117 s, and hyperventilation for 60 and 120 s. As expected, capillary pCOâ decreased significantly during hyperventilation. Capillary pOâ decreased significantly during the 117-s breath-hold. The breath-holds led to a SI decrease (deoxygenation) in the left ventricular blood pool, while the SI of the myocardium increased by 8.2% (P = 0.04), consistent with an increase in myocardial oxygenation. In contrast, hyperventilation for 120 s, however, resulted in a significant 7.5% decrease in myocardial SI/oxygenation (P = 0.02). Change in capillary pCOâ was the only independently correlated variable predicting myocardial oxygenation changes during breathing manoeuvres (r = 0.58, P < 0.01). CONCLUSION In healthy individuals, breathing manoeuvres lead to changes in myocardial oxygenation, which appear to be mediated by COâ. These changes can be monitored in vivo by oxygenation-sensitive CMR and thus, may have value as a diagnostic tool.


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The effects of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and endogenous cannabinoids (endocannabinoids, ECs) are both mediated by activation of the cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2. Exogenous activation of these receptors by THC could therefore alter EC levels. We tested this hypothesis in healthy volunteers (nâ=â25) who received a large intravenous dose of THC (0.10 mg/kg). Effects on the EC system were quantified by serial measurements of plasma ECs after THC administration. Eleven blood samples were drawn during the first 5 h after THC administration and two more samples after 24 and 48 h. THC, its metabolites THC-OH (biologically active) and THC-COOH (non-active), and the ECs anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) were quantified by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. EC-plasma levels showed a biphasic response after THC injection reaching maximal values at 30 min. Anandamide increased slightly from 0.58â±â0.21 ng/ml at baseline to 0.64â±â0.24 ng/ml (pâ<â0.05) and 2-AG from 7.60â±â4.30 ng/ml to 9.50â±â5.90 ng/ml (pâ<â0.05). After reaching maximal concentrations, EC plasma levels decreased markedly to a nadir of 300 min after THC administration (to 0.32â±â0.15 ng/ml for anandamide and to 5.50â±â3.01 ng/ml for 2-AG, pâ<â0.05). EC plasma concentrations returned to near baseline levels until 48 h after the experiment. THC (0.76â±â0.16 ng/ml) and THC-OH (0.36â±â0.17 ng/ml) were still measurable at 24 h and remained detectible until 48 h after THC administration. Although the underlying mechanism is not clear, high doses of intravenous THC appear to influence endogenous cannabinoid concentrations and presumably EC-signalling.


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Positive allosteric modulators of GABAA receptors (GAMs) acting at specific subtypes of GABAA receptors effectively restore compromised spinal pain control in rodents. Studies addressing a similar antihyperalgesic effect in humans are sparse and are hampered by sedative effects of nonselective GAMs available for use in humans. We present results from a randomized controlled double-blind crossover study in 25 healthy volunteers, which addressed potential antihyperalgesic actions of clobazam (CBZ) and clonazepam (CLN) at mildly sedating equianticonvulsive doses. Clobazam was chosen because of its relatively low sedative properties and CLN because of its use in neuropathic pain. Tolterodine (TLT) was used as an active placebo. The primary outcome parameter was a change in the area of cutaneous UVB irradiation-induced secondary hyperalgesia (ASH), which was monitored for 8 hours after drug application. Sedative effects were assessed in parallel to antihyperalgesia. Compared with TLT, recovery from hyperalgesia was significantly faster in the CBZ and CLN groups (P = 0.009). At the time point of maximum effect, the rate of recovery from hyperalgesia was accelerated by CBZ and CLN, relative to placebo by 15.7% (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.8-30.5), P = 0.040, and 28.6% (95% CI 4.5-52.6), P = 0.022, respectively. Active compounds induced stronger sedation than placebo, but these differences disappeared 8 hours after drug application. We demonstrate here that GAMs effectively reduce central sensitization in healthy volunteers. These results provide proof-of-principle evidence supporting efficacy of GAMs as antihyperalgesic agents in humans and should stimulate further research on compounds with improved subtype specificity.


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Experimentally renal tissue hypoxia appears to play an important role in the pathogenesis of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and arterial hypertension (AHT). In this study we measured renal tissue oxygenation and its determinants in humans using blood oxygenation level-dependent magnetic resonance imaging (BOLD-MRI) under standardized hydration conditions. Four coronal slices were selected, and a multi gradient echo sequence was used to acquire T2* weighted images. The mean cortical and medullary R2* values (âŠ=âŠ1/T2*) were calculated before and after administration of IV furosemide, a low R2* indicating a high tissue oxygenation. We studied 195 subjects (95 CKD, 58 treated AHT, and 42 healthy controls). Mean cortical R2 and medullary R2* were not significantly different between the groups at baseline. In stimulated conditions (furosemide injection), the decrease in R2* was significantly blunted in patients with CKD and AHT. In multivariate linear regression analyses, neither cortical nor medullary R2* were associated with eGFR or blood pressure, but cortical R2* correlated positively with male gender, blood glucose and uric acid levels. In conclusion, our data show that kidney oxygenation is tightly regulated in CKD and hypertensive patients at rest. However, the metabolic response to acute changes in sodium transport is altered in CKD and in AHT, despite preserved renal function in the latter group. This suggests the presence of early renal metabolic alterations in hypertension. The correlations between cortical R2* values, male gender, glycemia and uric acid levels suggest that these factors interfere with the regulation of renal tissue oxygenation.


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Our knowledge on the many aspects of mammalian reproduction in general and equine reproduction in particular has greatly increased during the last 15 years. Advances in the understanding of the physiology, cell biology, and biochemistry of reproduction have facilitated genetic analyses of fertility. Currently, there are more than 200 genes known that are involved in the production of fertile sperm cells. The completion of a number of mammalian genome projects will aid in the investigation of these genes in different species. Great progress has been made in the understanding of genetic aberrations that lead to male infertility. Additionally, the first genetic mechanisms are being discovered that contribute to the quantitative variation of fertility traits in fertile male animals. As artificial insemination (AI) represents a widespread technology in horse breeding, semen quality traits may eventually become an additional selection criterion for breeding stallions. Current research activities try to identify genetic markers that correlate to these semen quality traits. Here, we will review the current state of genetic research in male fertility and offer some perspectives for future research in horses.