23 resultados para general practitioner


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In autumn 2007 the Swiss Medical School of Berne (Switzerland) implemented mandatory short-term clerkships in primary health care for all undergraduate medical students. Students studying for a Bachelor degree complete 8 half-days per year in the office of a general practitioner, while students studying for a Masters complete a three-week clerkship. Every student completes his clerkships in the same GP office during his four years of study. The purpose of this paper is to show how the goals and learning objectives were developed and evaluated. Method:A working group of general practitioners and faculty had the task of defining goals and learning objectives for a specific training program within the complex context of primary health care. The group based its work on various national and international publications. An evaluation of the program, a list of minimum requirements for the clerkships, an oral exam in the first year and an OSCE assignment in the third year assessed achievement of the learning objectives. Results: The findings present the goals and principal learning objectives for these clerkships, the results of the evaluation and the achievement of minimum requirements. Most of the defined learning objectives were taught and duly learned by students. Some learning objectives proved to be incompatible in the context of ambulatory primary care and had to be adjusted accordingly. Discussion: The learning objectives were evaluated and adapted to address students’ and teachers’ needs and the requirements of the medical school. The achievement of minimum requirements (and hence of the learning objectives) for clerkships has been mandatory since 2008. Further evaluations will show whether additional learning objectives need to be adopte


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Several new oral anticoagulants are now on the Swiss market and the general practitioner faces new challenges regarding the management of these new drugs. This consensus document aims to answer to the most frequently asked questions regarding rivaroxaban and covers different topics such as indications, initiation of treatment, drug-drug interactions and perioperative management.


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L’infection de prothèse articulaire est une complication rare mais redoutée. Sa prise en charge nécessite une collaboration entre médecin de premier recours, orthopédiste et infectiologue. Une méconnaissance du diagnostic peut avoir pour conséquences des traitements chirurgicaux lourds. L’identification du germe responsable de l’infection est essentielle. Elle guide le choix de l’antibiothérapie et est aussi un critère décisif de la stratégie chirurgicale. Une antibiothérapie ne devrait jamais être instaurée sans prélèvement microbiologique adéquat préalable. Ici, le frottis de plaie superficielle n’est d’aucune utilité, car il reflète tout au plus la colonisation par des germes de la flore cutanée. Cette revue se veut un aperçu pratique des infections de prothèse articulaire à l’attention du médecin de premier recours.


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Die Demenz betrifft viele, belastet Angehörige und führt zu hohen Kosten, weshalb die Schweiz eine Sensibilisierungskampagne lancierte, um u.a. die Früherkennung der Demenz zu fördern. Dank der Früherkennung erleben Patienten und Angehörige Vorteile, wie weniger Notfallzuweisungen oder spätere Heimeintritte. Die Früherkennung ist aber schwierig, wenn Patienten zwar Gedächtnisprobleme beklagen, die Screening-Tests aber normal ausfallen. Möglicherweise helfen Geruchstests und weitere klinische Zeichen bei der Entscheidung, welche Patienten weiter abgeklärt werden. Die Zeit für funktionelle Bildgebungen und Biomarker ist noch nicht reif. Zentral bleibt bei kognitiven Beschwerden und normalem Screening das Gespräch mit Patient und Angehörigen, um nächste Schritte gemeinsam zu beschliessen. Der Hausarzt nimmt dabei eine zentrale, koordinierende und beratende Funktion ein, um Menschen mit Gedächtnisstörungen kompetent und effizient zu betreuen.


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OBJECTIVE The aim of this report is to describe symptoms that can suggest the presence of a patent nasopalatine duct and to illustrate three cases. SUMMARY Patent nasopalatine ducts connecting the oral cavity with the nasal cavity are extremely rare. This malformation can be considered a developmental abnormality. Clinically, patent nasopalatine ducts appear as single or double spherical or oval apertures lateral or posterior to the incisive papilla. This type of anatomical malformation can be associated with an unclear pain sensation in the anterior maxillary region, which may be misinterpreted for example as toothache of endodontic origin. However, persisting nasopalatine ducts can also exist as an asymptomatic abnormality with no clinical sign of discomfort. Accordingly, understanding the differential diagnosis of a possible patent nasopalatine duct can prevent a general practitioner from performing unnecessary interventions, such as endodontic treatments, apical surgeries, or tooth extractions.


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We report about three patients consulting a general practitioner with acute onset of allergy-like clinical signs after having consumed tuna fish salad in the same restaurant. The treatment with antihistamines and steroids was effective and induced a quick regression of the symptoms. We look at considerations regarding the differential diagnosis and explain the pathophysiologic and the biochemical mechanisms of scombrotoxicosis.


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW Hypertension in pregnancy contributes substantially to perinatal mortality and morbidity of both the mother and her child. High blood pressure is mainly responsible for this adverse outcome, in particular when associated with preeclampsia. Although preeclampsia is nowadays a well-known clinical-obstetrical entity, and screening for this complication has been part of routine care during pregnancy for nearly 100 years, its cause is still enigmatic. RECENT FINDINGS Profound changes of the demographic development of our society, the worldwide rising prevalence of obesity and metabolic disorders, and progress in reproductive medicine will inevitably modify the prevalence of many medical problems in pregnancy. Complications such as gestational diabetes mellitus, chronic hypertension, and preeclampsia will rise and an interdisciplinary approach is necessary to handle these women during pregnancy and also after delivery. Indeed, it is now well established that these women and their offspring born large or small-for-gestational age are at increased risk for severe cardiovascular and metabolic complications later in life. SUMMARY Knowledge of the pregnancy course is not only important for an obstetrician but also increasingly inevitable for the general practitioner. Recognition, classification, and adequate management of hypertensive pregnancy disorders and associated complications may considerably reduce perinatal death and morbidity.


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PURPOSE As survival rates of adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer patients increase, a growing number of AYA cancer survivors need follow-up care. However, there is little research on their preferences for follow-up care. We aimed to (1) describe AYA cancer survivors' preferences for the organization and content of follow-up care, (2) describe their preferences for different models of follow-up, and (3) investigate clinical and sociodemographic characteristics associated with preferences for the different models. METHODS AYA cancer survivors (diagnosed with cancer at age 16-25 years; ≥5 years after diagnosis) were identified through the Cancer Registry Zurich and Zug. Survivors completed a questionnaire on follow-up attendance, preferences for organizational aspects of follow-up care (what is important during follow-up, what should be included during appointments, what specialists should be involved, location), models of follow-up (telephone/questionnaire, general practitioner (GP), pediatric oncologist, medical oncologist, multidisciplinary team), and sociodemographic characteristics. Information on tumor and treatment was available through the Cancer Registry Zurich and Zug. RESULTS Of 389 contacted survivors, 160 (41.1 %) participated and 92 (57.5 %) reported still attending follow-up. Medical aspects of follow-up care were more important than general aspects (p < 0.001). Among different organizational models, follow-up by a medical oncologist was rated higher than all other models (p = 0.002). Non-attenders of follow-up rated GP-led follow-up significantly higher than attenders (p = 0.001). CONCLUSION Swiss AYA cancer survivors valued medical content of follow-up and showed a preference for medical oncologist-led follow-up. Implementation of different models of follow-up care might improve accessibility and attendance among AYA cancer survivors.