8 resultados para energy poverty dynamics

em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurde die Abstandsabhängigkeit des elektronischen Kopplungsverhaltens für eine homologe Reihe von Perylendiimid-Dimeren (PDI-(Ph)x-PDI, x=0-3) mithilfe der Einzelmolekülspektroskopie bei tiefen Temperaturen untersucht. Während für große Abstände überwiegend „schwache“ Kopplung dominierte, wurde für den kleinsten Abstand „starke“ Kopplung gefunden. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigte das p-Phenylen-verbrückte Dimer (x=1) in Abhängigkeit vom untersuchten Molekül ein für beide Grenzfälle typisches Verhalten. Hier entscheidet die Größe der Kopplungsstärke im Vergleich zum statischen Energieunterschied, welcher Kopplungsmechanismus vorliegt. Die homologe Reihe ermöglichte zusätzlich die quantitative Untersuchung der Abstandsabhängigkeit der elektronischen Kopplungsstärke im Grenzfall „schwacher“ Kopplung. Sie konnte direkt aus der zugrunde liegenden Energietransferdynamik ermittelt werden. Der Vergleich mit quantenchemisch berechneten Werten lieferte eine gute Übereinstimmung. Die Abweichung betrug lediglich 20%.rnIm zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde die thermische Besetzung der Schwingungszustände einzelner Terrylen-Moleküle untersucht. Im elektronischen Grundzustand konnte sie mithilfe von anti-Stokes-Fluoreszenz infolge von „Hot Band“ Absorption nachgewiesen werden. Darüber hinaus wurde Fluoreszenz aus höheren Schwingungszuständen des elektronisch angeregten Zustandes gefunden, die auf „Hot Band“ Emission infolge von thermischer Besetzung zurückgeführt werden konnte. Durch die Kombination von Emissions- und Anregungsspektroskopie konnte die Temperaturabhängigkeit beider Prozesse im Temperaturbereich von 209-311 K untersucht werden. Sie folgt der Boltzmann-Statistik, was eine Temperaturmessung mit einzelnen Molekülen ermöglicht. rn


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Despite intensive research during the last decades, thetheoreticalunderstanding of supercooled liquids and the glasstransition is stillfar from being complete. Besides analytical investigations,theso-called energy-landscape approach has turned out to beveryfruitful. In the literature, many numerical studies havedemonstratedthat, at sufficiently low temperatures, all thermodynamicquantities can be predicted with the help of the propertiesof localminima in the potential-energy-landscape (PEL). The main purpose of this thesis is to strive for anunderstanding ofdynamics in terms of the potential energy landscape. Incontrast to the study of static quantities, this requirestheknowledge of barriers separating the minima.Up to now, it has been the general viewpoint that thermallyactivatedprocesses ('hopping') determine the dynamics only belowTc(the critical temperature of mode-coupling theory), in thesense that relaxation rates follow from local energybarriers.As we show here, this viewpoint should be revisedsince the temperature dependence of dynamics is governed byhoppingprocesses already below 1.5Tc.At the example of a binary mixture of Lennard-Jonesparticles (BMLJ),we establish a quantitative link from the diffusioncoefficient,D(T), to the PEL topology. This is achieved in three steps:First, we show that it is essential to consider wholesuperstructuresof many PEL minima, called metabasins, rather than singleminima. Thisis a consequence of strong correlations within groups of PELminima.Second, we show that D(T) is inversely proportional to theaverageresidence time in these metabasins. Third, the temperaturedependenceof the residence times is related to the depths of themetabasins, asgiven by the surrounding energy barriers. We further discuss that the study of small (but not toosmall) systemsis essential, in that one deals with a less complex energylandscapethan in large systems. In a detailed analysis of differentsystemsizes, we show that the small BMLJ system consideredthroughout thethesis is free of major finite-size-related artifacts.


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In dieser Arbeit werden die Dynamiken angeregter Zustände in Donor-Akzeptorsystemen für Energieumwandlungsprozesse mit ultraschneller zeitaufgelöster optischer Spektroskopie behandelt. Der Hauptteil dieser Arbeit legt den Fokus auf die Erforschung der Photophysik organischer Solarzellen, deren aktive Schichten aus diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) basierten Polymeren mit kleiner Bandlücke als Elektronendonatoren und Fullerenen als Elektronenakzeptoren bestehen. rnEin zweiter Teil widmet sich der Erforschung von künstlichen primären Photosynthesereaktionszentren, basierend auf Porphyrinen, Quinonen und Ferrocenen, die jeweils als Lichtsammeleinheit, Elektronenakzeptor beziehungsweise als Elektronendonatoren eingesetzt werden, um langlebige ladungsgetrennte Zustände zu erzeugen.rnrnZeitaufgelöste Photolumineszenzspektroskopie und transiente Absorptionsspektroskopie haben gezeigt, dass Singulettexzitonenlebenszeiten in den Polymeren PTDPP-TT und PFDPP-TT Polymeren kurz sind (< 20 ps) und dass in Mischungen der Polymere mit PC71BM geminale Rekombination von gebundenen Ladungstransferzuständen ein Hauptverlustkanal ist. Zudem wurde in beiden Systemen schnelle nichtgeminale Rekombination freier Ladungen zu Triplettzuständen auf dem Polymer beobachtet. Für das Donor-Akzeptor System PDPP5T:PC71BM wurde nachgewiesen, dass die Zugabe eines Lösungsmittels mit hohem Siedepunkt, und zwar ortho-Dichlorbenzol, die Morphologie der aktiven Schicht stark beeinflusst und die Solarzelleneffizienz verbessert. Der Grund hierfür ist, dass die Donator- und Akzeptormaterialien besser durchmischt sind und sich Perkolationswege zu den Elektroden ausgebildet haben, was zu einer verbesserten Ladungsträgergeneration und Extraktion führt. Schnelle Bildung des Triplettzustands wurde in beiden PDPP5T:PC71BM Systemen beobachtet, da der Triplettzustand des Polymers über Laungstransferzustände mit Triplettcharakter populiert werden kann. "Multivariate curve resolution" (MCR) Analyse hat eine starke Intensitätsabhängigkeit gezeigt, was auf nichtgeminale Ladungsträgerrekombination in den Triplettzustand hinweist.rnrnIn den künstlichen primären Photosynthesereaktionszentren hat transiente Absorptionsspektroskopie bestätigt, dass photoinduzierter Ladungstransfer in Quinon-Porphyrin (Q-P) und Porphyrin-Ferrocen (P-Fc) Diaden sowie in Quinon-Porphyrin-Ferrocen (Q-P-Fc) Triaden effizient ist. Es wurde jedoch auch gezeigt, dass in den P-Fc unf Q-P-Fc Systemen die ladungsgetrennten Zustände in den Triplettzustand der jeweiligen Porphyrine rekombinieren. Der ladungsgetrennte Zustand konnte in der Q-P Diade durch Zugabe einer Lewissäure signifikant stabilisiert werden.


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Simulationen von SiO2 mit dem von van Beest, Kramer und vanSanten (BKS) entwickelten Paarpotenzial erzeugen vielezufriedenstellende Ergebnisse, aber auch charakteristischeSchwachstellen. In dieser Arbeit wird das BKS-Potenzial mitzwei kürzlich vorgeschlagenen Potenzialen verglichen, dieeffektiv Mehrteilchen-Wechselwirkungen beinhalten. Der ersteAnsatz erlaubt dazu fluktuierende Ladungen, der zweiteinduzierbare Polarisierungen auf den Sauerstoffatomen. Die untersuchten Schwachstellen des BKS Potenzialsbeinhalten das Verhältnis der zwei Gitterkonstanten a und cim Quarzübergang, das von BKS falsch beschrieben wird.Cristobalit und Tridymit erscheinen instabil mit BKS.Weiterhin zeigt die BKS-Zustandsdichte charakteristischeAbweichungen von der wahren Zustandsdichte. DerÜbergangsdruck für den Stishovit I-II Übergang wird deutlichüberschätzt. Das Fluktuierende-Ladungs-Modell verbesserteinige der genannten Punkte, reproduziert aber viele andereEigenschaften schlechter als BKS. DasFluktierende-Dipol-Modell dagegen behebt alle genanntenArtefakte. Zusätzlich wird der druckinduzierte Phasenübergang imalpha-Quarz untersucht. Alle Potentiale finden die selbeStruktur für Quarz II. Bei anschliessender Dekompressionerzeugt BKS eine weitere Phase, während die beiden anderenPotentiale wieder zum alpha-Quarz zurückkehren. Weiterhinwerden zwei Methoden entwickelt, um die piezoelektrischenKonstanten bei konstantem Druck zu bestimmen. Die Ergebnissegeben Hinweise auf eine möglicherweisenicht-elektrostatische Natur der Polarisierungen imFluktuierende-Dipole-Modell. Mit dieser Interpretation scheint das Fluktuierende-DipolPotential alle verfügbaren experimentellen Daten am bestenvon allen drei untersuchten Ansätzen zu reproduzieren.


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Currently pi-conjugated polymers are considered as technologically interesting materials to be used as functional building elements for the development of the new generation of optoelectronic devices. More specifically during the last few years, poly-p-phenylene materials have attracted considerable attention for their blue photoluminescence properties. This Thesis deals with the optical properties of the most representative blue light poly-p-phenylene emitters such as poly(fluorene), oligo(fluorene), poly(indenofluorene) and ladder-type penta(phenylene) derivatives. In the present work, laser induced photoluminescence spectroscopy is used as a major tool for the study of the interdependence between the dynamics of the probed photoluminescence, the molecular structures of the prepared polymeric films and the presence of chemical defects. Complementary results obtained by two-dimensional wide-angle X-ray diffraction are reported. These findings show that the different optical properties observed are influenced by the intermolecular solid-state interactions that in turn are controlled by the pendant groups of the polymer backbone. A significant feedback is delivered regarding the positive impact of a new synthetic route for the preparation of a poly(indenofluorene) derivative on the spectral purity of the compound. The energy transfer mechanisms that operate in the studied systems are addressed by doping experiments. After the evaluation of the structure/property interdependence, a new optical excitation pathway is presented. An efficient photon low-energy up-conversion that sensitises the blue emission of poly(fluorene) is demonstrated. The observed phenomenon takes place in poly(fluorene) derivatives hosts doped with metallated octaethyl porphyrins, after quasi-CW photoexcitation of intensities in the order of kW/cm2. The up-conversion process is parameterised in terms of temperature, wavelength excitation and central metal cation in the porphyrin ring. Additionally the observation of the up-conversion is extended in a broad range of poly-p-phenylene blue light emitting hosts. The dependence of the detected up-conversion intensity on the excitation intensity and doping concentration is reported. Furthermore the dynamics of the up-conversion intensity are monitored as a function of the doping concentration. These experimental results strongly suggest the existence of triplet-triplet annihilation events into the porphyrin molecules that are subsequently followed by energy transfer to the host. After confirming the occurrence of the up-conversion in solutions, cyclic voltammetry is used in order to show that the up-conversion efficiency is partially determined from the energetic alignment between the HOMO levels of the host and the dopant.


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A broad variety of solid state NMR techniques were used to investigate the chain dynamics in several polyethylene (PE) samples, including ultrahigh molecular weight PEs (UHMW-PEs) and low molecular weight PEs (LMW-PEs). Via changing the processing history, i.e. melt/solution crystallization and drawing processes, these samples gain different morphologies, leading to different molecular dynamics. Due to the long chain nature, the molecular dynamics of polyethylene can be distinguished in local fluctuation and long range motion. With the help of NMR these different kinds of molecular dynamics can be monitored separately. In this work the local chain dynamics in non-crystalline regions of polyethylene samples was investigated via measuring 1H-13C heteronuclear dipolar coupling and 13C chemical shift anisotropy (CSA). By analyzing the motionally averaged 1H-13C heteronuclear dipolar coupling and 13C CSA, the information about the local anisotropy and geometry of motion was obtained. Taking advantage of the big difference of the 13C T1 relaxation time in crystalline and non-crystalline regions of PEs, the 1D 13C MAS exchange experiment was used to investigate the cooperative chain motion between these regions. The different chain organizations in non-crystalline regions were used to explain the relationship between the local fluctuation and the long range motion of the samples. In a simple manner the cooperative chain motion between crystalline and non-crystalline regions of PE results in the experimentally observed diffusive behavior of PE chain. The morphological influences on the diffusion motion have been discussed. The morphological factors include lamellar thickness, chain organization in non-crystalline regions and chain entanglements. Thermodynamics of the diffusion motion in melt and solution crystallized UHMW-PEs is discussed, revealing entropy-controlled features of the chain diffusion in PE. This thermodynamic consideration explains the counterintuitive relationship between the local fluctuation and the long range motion of the samples. Using the chain diffusion coefficient, the rates of jump motion in crystals of the melt crystallized PE have been calculated. A concept of "effective" jump motion has been proposed to explain the difference between the values derived from the chain diffusion coefficients and those in literatures. The observations of this thesis give a clear demonstration of the strong relationship between the sample morphology and chain dynamics. The sample morphologies governed by the processing history lead to different spatial constraints for the molecular chains, leading to different features of the local and long range chain dynamics. The knowledge of the morphological influence on the microscopic chain motion has many implications in our understanding of the alpha-relaxation process in PE and the related phenomena such as crystal thickening, drawability of PE, the easy creep of PE fiber, etc.


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Key technology applications like magnetoresistive sensors or the Magnetic Random Access Memory (MRAM) require reproducible magnetic switching mechanisms. i.e. predefined remanent states. At the same time advanced magnetic recording schemes push the magnetic switching time into the gyromagnetic regime. According to the Landau-Lifschitz-Gilbert formalism, relevant questions herein are associated with magnetic excitations (eigenmodes) and damping processes in confined magnetic thin film structures.rnObjects of study in this thesis are antiparallel pinned synthetic spin valves as they are extensively used as read heads in today’s magnetic storage devices. In such devices a ferromagnetic layer of high coercivity is stabilized via an exchange bias field by an antiferromagnet. A second hard magnetic layer, separated by a non-magnetic spacer of defined thickness, aligns antiparallel to the first. The orientation of the magnetization vector in the third ferromagnetic NiFe layer of low coercivity - the freelayer - is then sensed by the Giant MagnetoResistance (GMR) effect. This thesis reports results of element specific Time Resolved Photo-Emission Electron Microscopy (TR-PEEM) to image the magnetization dynamics of the free layer alone via X-ray Circular Dichroism (XMCD) at the Ni-L3 X-ray absorption edge.rnThe ferromagnetic systems, i.e. micron-sized spin valve stacks of typically deltaR/R = 15% and Permalloy single layers, were deposited onto the pulse leading centre stripe of coplanar wave guides, built in thin film wafer technology. The ferromagnetic platelets have been applied with varying geometry (rectangles, ellipses and squares), lateral dimension (in the range of several micrometers) and orientation to the magnetic field pulse to study the magnetization behaviour in dependence of these magnitudes. The observation of magnetic switching processes in the gigahertz range became only possible due to the joined effort of producing ultra-short X-ray pulses at the synchrotron source BESSY II (operated in the so-called low-alpha mode) and optimizing the wave guide design of the samples for high frequency electromagnetic excitation (FWHM typically several 100 ps). Space and time resolution of the experiment could be reduced to d = 100 nm and deltat = 15 ps, respectively.rnIn conclusion, it could be shown that the magnetization dynamics of the free layer of a synthetic GMR spin valve stack deviates significantly from a simple phase coherent rotation. In fact, the dynamic response of the free layer is a superposition of an averaged critically damped precessional motion and localized higher order spin wave modes. In a square platelet a standing spin wave with a period of 600 ps (1.7 GHz) was observed. At a first glance, the damping coefficient was found to be independent of the shape of the spin-valve element, thus favouring the model of homogeneous rotation and damping. Only by building the difference in the magnetic rotation between the central region and the outer rim of the platelet, the spin wave becomes visible. As they provide an additional efficient channel for energy dissipation, spin waves contribute to a higher effective damping coefficient (alpha = 0.01). Damping and magnetic switching behaviour in spin valves thus depend on the geometry of the element. Micromagnetic simulations reproduce the observed higher-order spin wave mode.rnBesides the short-run behaviour of the magnetization of spin valves Permalloy single layers with thicknesses ranging from 3 to 40 nm have been studied. The phase velocity of a spin wave in a 3 nm thick ellipse could be determined to 8.100 m/s. In a rectangular structure exhibiting a Landau-Lifschitz like domain pattern, the speed of the field pulse induced displacement of a 90°-Néel wall has been determined to 15.000 m/s.rn


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In the early 20th century, Gouy, Chapman, and Stern developed a theory to describe the capacitance and the spatial ion distribution of diluted electrolytes near an electrode. After a century of research, considerable progress has been made in the understanding of the electrolyte/electrode interface. However, its molecular-scale structure and its variation with an applied potential is still under debate. In particular for room-temperature ionic liquids, a new class of solventless electrolytes, the classical theories for the electrical double layer are not applicable. Recently, molecular dynamics simulations and phenomenological theories have attempted to explain the capacitance of the ionic liquid/electrode interface with the molecular-scale structure and dynamics of the ionic liquid near the electrode. rnHowever, experimental evidence is very limited. rnrnIn the presented study, the ion distribution of an ionic liquid near an electrode and its response to applied potentials was examined with sub-molecular resolution. For this purpose, a new sample chamber was constructed, allowing in situ high energy X-ray reflectivity experiments under potential control, as well as impedance spectroscopy measurements. The combination of structural information and electrochmical data provided a comprehensive picture of the electric double layer in ionic liquids. Oscillatory charge density profiles were found, consisting of alternating anion- and cation-enriched layers at both, cathodic and anodic, potentials. This structure was shown to arise from the same ion-ion correlations dominating the liquid bulk structure that were observed as a distinct X-ray diffraction peak. Therefore, existing physically motivated models were refined and verified by comparison with independent measurements. rnrnThe relaxation dynamics of the interfacial structure upon potential variation were studied by time resolved X-ray reflectivity experiments with sub-millisecond resolution. The observed relaxation times during charging/discharging are consistent with the impedance spectroscopy data revealing three processes of vastly different characteristic time-scales. Initially, the ion transport normal to the interface happens on a millisecond-scale. Another 100-millisecond-scale process is associated with molecular reorientation of electrode-adsorbed cations. Further, a minute-scale relaxation was observed, which is tentatively assigned to lateral ordering within the first layer.