9 resultados para Yttrium aluminate crystal
em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha
Liquid Crystal Polymer Brushes and their Application as Alignment Layers in Liquid Crystal Cells Polymer brushes with liquid crystalline (LC) side chains were synthesized on planar glass substrates and their nematic textures were investigated. The LC polymers consist of an acrylate or a methacrylate main chain and a phenyl benzoate group as the mesogenic unit which is connected to the main chain via a flexible alkyl spacer composed of six CH2 units. The preparation of the LC polymer brushes was carried out according to the grafting from technique: polymerization is carried out from azo-initiators that have been previously self-assembled on the substrate. LC polymer brushes with a thickness from a few nm to 230 nm were synthesized by varying the monomer concentration and the polymerization time. The LC polymer brushes were thick enough to allow for direct observation of the nematic textures with a polarizing microscope. The LC polymer brushes grown on untreated glass substrates exhibited irregular textures (polydomains). The domain size is in the range of some micrometers and depends only weakly on the brush thickness. The investigations on the texture-temperature relationship of the LC brushes revealed that the brushes exhibit a surface memory effect, that is, the identical texture reappears after the LC brush sample has experienced a thermal isotropization or a solvent treatment, at which the nematic LC state has been completely destroyed. The surface memory effect is attributed to a strong anchoring of the orientation of the mesogenic units to heterogeneities at the substrate surface. The exact nature of the surface heterogeneities is unknown. The effect was observed for the LC brushes swollen with low molecular weight nematic molecules, as well. Rubbing the glass substrate with a piece of velvet cloth prior to the surface modification with the initiator and the brush growth gives rise to the formation of homogenous alignment of the mesogenic units in the LC polymer side chains. Monodomain textures were obtained for these LC brushes. The mechanism for the homogeneous alignment is based on the transfer of Nylon fibers during the rubbing process. A surfactant was mixed with the azo-initiator in modifying rubbed substrates for subsequent brush generation. Such brushes exhibited biaxial optical properties. Hybrid LC cells made from a substrate modified with biaxial brushes and a rubbed glass substrate show an orientation with a tilt angle of a = 15.6 . This work shows that LC brushes grown on rubbed surfaces fulfill the important criteria for alignment layers: the formation of macroscopic monodomains. First results indicate that by diluting the brush with molecules which are also covalently bound to the surface but induce a different orientation, a system is obtained in which the two conflicting alignment mechanisms can be used to generate a tilted alignment. In order to allow for an application of the alignment layers into a potential product, subsequent work should focus on the questions how easy and in which range the tilt angle can be controlled.
Zielsetzung ist der synthetische Zugang zu metallorganischen Verbindungen, die Propylenoxid koordinativ polymerisieren und deren Aktivität sich durch gezielte Variation der sterischen oder elektronischen Eigenschaften kontrollieren läßt. Zur Bearbeitung dieser Aufgabe werden zwei verschiedene Klassen von Komplexen synthetisiert und charakterisiert: Vorwiegend durch Salzmetathese werden mehrere Yttriumamide der allgemeinen Formel Y(NRR´)3(THF)x erhalten. Dabei erfolgt eine Diskussion der Auswirkungen sterischer und elektronischer Variation der beiden Amido-Substituenten R und R´, die sich in der Bildung von at-Komplexen, Lösungsmitteladdukten und größeren Aggregaten äußern. Durch Alkaneliminierung wird eine umfassende Reihe von Aluminiumkomplexen methylen- und thioverbrückter Bisphenolatoliganden dargestellt. Die Verbindungen besitzen unter Ausschluß zusätzlicher Basen dimere oder mehrkernige Strukturen, deren Diskussion schwerpunktsmäßig anhand ihres Verhaltens in Lösung erfolgt. Die Aluminiumkomplexe werden in anschließenden Reaktionen zu Lösungsmitteladdukten und Aluminaten umgesetzt.Die Yttriumamide initiieren die Ringöffnungspolymerisation von Propylenoxid bei Temperaturen von 60 oder 80 °C. Die Polymerisation erfolgt nach einem koordinativen Mechanismus, eine zu niedrige Katalysatoreffizienz schließt jedoch die Yttriumamide als Vorläufer zu definierten single site-Katalysatoren aus. Mit der Kombination aus neutralen Aluminiumkomplexen mit den entsprechenden Aluminaten verläuft die Ringöffnungspolymerisation von Propylenoxid bei Raumtemperatur schnell und kontrolliert. Es läßt sich ein prinzipiell neuer Mechanismus belegen, bei dem die Polymerisation unter synergistischer Wirkung eines Aluminiumphenolato-Komplexes mit dem korrespondierenden at-Komplex erfolgt.
Seit Frühjahr 2004 wird der Crystal Ball-Detektor am Photonenstrahl des Mainzer Mikrotrons für Koinzidenzexperimente zur Untersuchung der Struktur der Nukleonen genutzt. Aufbau und Inbetriebnahme des Kalorimeters, insbesondere der neuen Detektorelektronik, bilden einen Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit. Komponenten wurden neu konstruiert oder auf ihre Verwendbarkeit geprüft und nögenfalls modifiziert. Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss der Aufbauphase wurden Experimente zur Produktion von $pi$- und $eta$-Mesonen am Proton mit mehr als 2500 Stunden Strahlbetrieb durchgeführt. Den zweiten Schwerpunkt der Dissertation bildet die erstmalige Messung der Helizitätsasymmetrie I$^odot$ in der Photoproduktion zweier neutraler Pionen. Zum Verstädnis des Anregungsspektrums der Nukleonen müssen Experimente mit polarisierten Photonen und/oder polarisierten Targets durchgeführt werden. Da Modelle trotz unterschiedlicher Annahmen unpolarisiert gemessene Größen vergleichbar gut reproduzieren, ist die Bestimmung der auf Modellunterschiede empfindlichen Polarisationsobservablen unumgäglich. Im Gegensatz zur Einpionproduktion tritt in der Zweipionproduktion eine Einfachpolarisationsobservable auf, die mit zirkular polarisierten Photonen am unpolarisierten Proton gemessen werden kann. Diese wurde in der Reaktion $gamma$ p $rightarrow$ p $pi^0$ $pi^0$ und in $gamma$ p $rightarrow$ p $pi^+$ $pi^-$ energie- und winkelabhägig bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse weichen stark von den Modellvorhersagen ab.
We have performed Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations of suspensions of monodisperse, hard ellipsoids of revolution. Hard-particle models play a key role in statistical mechanics. They are conceptually and computationally simple, and they offer insight into systems in which particle shape is important, including atomic, molecular, colloidal, and granular systems. In the high density phase diagram of prolate hard ellipsoids we have found a new crystal, which is more stable than the stretched FCC structure proposed previously . The new phase, SM2, has a simple monoclinic unit cell containing a basis of two ellipsoids with unequal orientations. The angle of inclination is very soft for length-to-width (aspect) ratio l/w=3, while the other angles are not. A symmetric state of the unit cell exists, related to the densest-known packings of ellipsoids; it is not always the stable one. Our results remove the stretched FCC structure for aspect ratio l/w=3 from the phase diagram of hard, uni-axial ellipsoids. We provide evidence that this holds between aspect ratios 3 and 6, and possibly beyond. Finally, ellipsoids in SM2 at l/w=1.55 exhibit end-over-end flipping, warranting studies of the cross-over to where this dynamics is not possible. Secondly, we studied the dynamics of nearly spherical ellipsoids. In equilibrium, they show a first-order transition from an isotropic phase to a rotator phase, where positions are crystalline but orientations are free. When over-compressing the isotropic phase into the rotator regime, we observed super-Arrhenius slowing down of diffusion and relaxation, and signatures of the cage effect. These features of glassy dynamics are sufficiently strong that asymptotic scaling laws of the Mode-Coupling Theory of the glass transition (MCT) could be tested, and were found to apply. We found strong coupling of positional and orientational degrees of freedom, leading to a common value for the MCT glass-transition volume fraction. Flipping modes were not slowed down significantly. We demonstrated that the results are independent of simulation method, as predicted by MCT. Further, we determined that even intra-cage motion is cooperative. We confirmed the presence of dynamical heterogeneities associated with the cage effect. The transit between cages was seen to occur on short time scales, compared to the time spent in cages; but the transit was shown not to involve displacements distinguishable in character from intra-cage motion. The presence of glassy dynamics was predicted by molecular MCT (MMCT). However, as MMCT disregards crystallization, a test by simulation was required. Glassy dynamics is unusual in monodisperse systems. Crystallization typically intervenes unless polydispersity, network-forming bonds or other asymmetries are introduced. We argue that particle anisometry acts as a sufficient source of disorder to prevent crystallization. This sheds new light on the question of which ingredients are required for glass formation.
Diese Dissertation untersucht den Einfluss von Eiskristallform und räumlicher Inhomogenität von Zirren auf das Retrieval von optischer Wolkendicke und effektivem Eispartikelradius. Zu diesem Zweck werden flugzeuggetragene spektrale Messungen solarer Strahlung sowie solare und langwellige Strahlungstransfersimulationen durchgeführt. Flugzeuggetragene spektrale aufwärtsgerichtete Radianzen (Strahldichten) sind mit dem SMART-Albedometer (Spectral Modular Airborne Radiation measurement sysTem) während des CIRCLE-2 (CIRrus CLoud Experiment-2) Feldexperiments im Mai 2007 gemessen worden. Basierend auf diesen Radianzdaten werden mittels eines Wolkenretrievalalgorithmus optische Wolkendicken und effektive Eispartikelradien anhand von eindimensionalen Strahlungstransferrechnungen bestimmt. Die Auswirkung der Annahme unterschiedlicher Eiskristallformen auf die retrievten Parameter wird durch Variation der Einfachstreueigenschaften der Eispartikel untersucht. Darüber hinaus wird mittels Strahlungstransferrechnungen auch der Einfluss der Eiskristallform auf den Strahlungsantrieb von Eiswolken ermittelt. Die Frage nach dem relativen Einfluss von räumlicher Wolkeninhomogenität und Eiskristallform wird anhand von dreidimensionalen und independent pixel approximation (IPA) Strahlungssimulationen untersucht. Die Analyse basiert auf einer Modelleiswolke, die aus Daten des NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) TC4 (Tropical Composition, Cloud, and Climate Coupling) Feldexperiments im Sommer 2007 in Costa Rica erzeugt wurde. Lokal gesehen können beide Effekte - Eiskristallform und räumliche Eiswolkeninhomogenität - die gleiche Grössenordnung haben und zu einer Unter- bzw. Überschätzung der retrievten Parameter um 40 – 60% führen. Gemittelt über die ganze Wolke ist jedoch der Einfluss der Eiskristallform viel bedeutender als der von räumlichen Inhomogenitäten.
Within this work, a particle-polymer surface system is studied with respect to the particle-surface interactions. The latter are governed by micromechanics and are an important aspect for a wide range of industrial applications. Here, a new methodology is developed for understanding the adhesion process and measure the relevant forces, based on the quartz crystal microbalance, QCM. rnThe potential of the QCM technique for studying particle-surface interactions and reflect the adhesion process is evaluated by carrying out experiments with a custom-made setup, consisting of the QCM with a 160 nm thick film of polystyrene (PS) spin-coated onto the quartz and of glass particles, of different diameters (5-20µm), deposited onto the polymer surface. Shifts in the QCM resonance frequency are monitored as a function of the oscillation amplitude. The induced frequency shifts of the 3rd overtone are found to decrease or increase, depending on the particle-surface coupling type and the applied oscillation (frequency and amplitude). For strong coupling the 3rd harmonic decreased, corresponding to an “added mass” on the quartz surface. However, positive frequency shifts are observed in some cases and are attributed to weak-coupling between particle and surface. Higher overtones, i.e. the 5th and 7th, were utilized in order to derive additional information about the interactions taking place. For small particles, the shift for specific overtones can increase after annealing, while for large particle diameters annealing causes a negative frequency shift. The lower overtones correspond to a generally strong-coupling regime with mainly negative frequency shifts observed, while the 7th appears to be sensitive to the contact break-down and the recorded shifts are positive.rnDuring oscillation, the motion of the particles and the induced frequency shift of the QCM are governed by a balance between inertial forces and contact forces. The adherence of the particles can be increased by annealing the PS film at 150°C, which led to the formation of a PS meniscus. For the interpretation, the Hertz, Johnson-Kendall-Roberts, Derjaguin-Müller-Toporov and the Mindlin theory of partial slip are considered. The Mindlin approach is utilized to describe partial slip. When partial slip takes place induced by an oscillating load, a part of the contact ruptures. This results in a decrease of the effective contact stiffness. Additionally, there are long-term memory effects due to the consolidation which along with the QCM vibrations induce a coupling increase. However, the latter can also break the contact, lead to detachment and even surface damage and deformation due to inertia. For strong coupling the particles appear to move with the vibrations and simply act as added effective mass leading to a decrease of the resonance frequency, in agreement with the Sauerbrey equation that is commonly used to calculate the added mass on a QCM). When the system enters the weak-coupling regime the particles are not able to follow the fast movement of the QCM surface. Hence, they effectively act as adding a “spring” with an additional coupling constant and increase the resonance frequency. The frequency shift, however, is not a unique function of the coupling constant. Furthermore, the critical oscillation amplitude is determined, above which particle detach. No movement is detected at much lower amplitudes, while for intermediate values, lateral particle displacement is observed. rnIn order to validate the QCM results and study the particle effects on the surface, atomic force microscopy, AFM, is additionally utilized, to image surfaces and measure surface forces. By studying the surface of the polymer film after excitation and particle removal, AFM imaging helped in detecting three different meniscus types for the contact area: the “full contact”, the “asymmetrical” and a third one including a “homocentric smaller meniscus”. The different meniscus forms result in varying bond intensity between particles and polymer film, which could explain the deviation between number of particles per surface area measured by imaging and the values provided by the QCM - frequency shift analysis. The asymmetric and the homocentric contact types are suggested to be responsible for the positive frequency shifts observed for all three measured overtones, i.e. for the weak-coupling regime, while the “full contact” type resulted in a negative frequency shift, by effectively contributing to the mass increase of the quartz..rnThe interplay between inertia and contact forces for the particle-surface system leads to strong- or weak-coupling, with the particle affecting in three mentioned ways the polymer surface. This is manifested in the frequency shifts of the QCM system harmonics which are used to differentiate between the two interaction types and reflect the overall state of adhesion for particles of different size.rn
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Computersimulationen von Keimbildungs- und Kris\-tallisationsprozessen in rnkolloidalen Systemen durchgef\"uhrt. rnEine Kombination von Monte-Carlo-Simulationsmethoden und der Forward-Flux-Sampling-Technik wurde rnimplementiert, um die homogene und heterogene Nukleation von Kristallen monodisperser Hart\-kugeln zu untersuchen. rnIm m\"a\ss{ig} unterk\"uhlten Bulk-Hartkugelsystem sagen wir die homogenen Nukleationsraten voraus und rnvergleichen die Resultate mit anderen theoretischen Ergebnissen und experimentellen Daten. rnWeiterhin analysieren wir die kristallinen Cluster in den Keimbildungs- und Wachstumszonen, rnwobei sich herausstellt, dass kristalline Cluster sich in unterschiedlichen Formen im System bilden. rnKleine Cluster sind eher l\"anglich in eine beliebige Richtung ausgedehnt, w\"ahrend gr\"o\ss{ere} rnCluster kompakter und von ellipsoidaler Gestalt sind. rn rnIm n\"achsten Teil untersuchen wir die heterogene Keimbildung an strukturierten bcc (100)-W\"anden. rnDie 2d-Analyse der kristallinen Schichten an der Wand zeigt, dass die Struktur der rnWand eine entscheidende Rolle in der Kristallisation von Hartkugelkolloiden spielt. rnWir sagen zudem die heterogenen Kristallbildungsraten bei verschiedenen \"Ubers\"attigungsgraden voraus. rnDurch Analyse der gr\"o\ss{ten} Cluster an der Wand sch\"atzen wir zus\"atzlich den Kontaktwinkel rnzwischen Kristallcluster und Wand ab. rnEs stellt sich heraus, dass wir in solchen Systemen weit von der Benetzungsregion rnentfernt sind und der Kristallisationsprozess durch heterogene Nukleation stattfindet. rn rnIm letzten Teil der Arbeit betrachten wir die Kristallisation von Lennard-Jones-Kolloidsystemen rnzwischen zwei ebenen W\"anden. rnUm die Erstarrungsprozesse f\"ur ein solches System zu untersuchen, haben wir eine Analyse des rnOrdnungsparameters f\"ur die Bindung-Ausrichtung in den Schichten durchgef\"urt. rnDie Ergebnisse zeigen, dass innerhalb einer Schicht keine hexatische Ordnung besteht, rnwelche auf einen Kosterlitz-Thouless-Schmelzvorgang hinweisen w\"urde. rnDie Hysterese in den Erhitzungs-Gefrier\-kurven zeigt dar\"uber hinaus, dass der Kristallisationsprozess rneinen aktivierten Prozess darstellt.
One of the most important challenges in chemistry and material science is the connection between the contents of a compound and its chemical and physical properties. In solids, these are greatly influenced by the crystal structure.rnrnThe prediction of hitherto unknown crystal structures with regard to external conditions like pressure and temperature is therefore one of the most important goals to achieve in theoretical chemistry. The stable structure of a compound is the global minimum of the potential energy surface, which is the high dimensional representation of the enthalpy of the investigated system with respect to its structural parameters. The fact that the complexity of the problem grows exponentially with the system size is the reason why it can only be solved via heuristic strategies.rnrnImprovements to the artificial bee colony method, where the local exploration of the potential energy surface is done by a high number of independent walkers, are developed and implemented. This results in an improved communication scheme between these walkers. This directs the search towards the most promising areas of the potential energy surface.rnrnThe minima hopping method uses short molecular dynamics simulations at elevated temperatures to direct the structure search from one local minimum of the potential energy surface to the next. A modification, where the local information around each minimum is extracted and used in an optimization of the search direction, is developed and implemented. Our method uses this local information to increase the probability of finding new, lower local minima. This leads to an enhanced performance in the global optimization algorithm.rnrnHydrogen is a highly relevant system, due to the possibility of finding a metallic phase and even superconductor with a high critical temperature. An application of a structure prediction method on SiH12 finds stable crystal structures in this material. Additionally, it becomes metallic at relatively low pressures.