10 resultados para Photon pairs

em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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Ein wesentliches Ziel des COMPASS Experiments am CERN istdie direkte Messung der Gluonpolarisation in derinelastischen Streuung von polarisierten 160 GeV Myonen aneinem polarisierten Nukleon Target. In der inelastischenLepton-Nukleon-Streuung erlaubt der sog.Photon-Gluon-Fusions-Prozess (PGF) die Untersuchung derGluonverteilung.Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein Triggersystementwickelt und aufgebaut, das gezielt PGF-Reaktionenselektiert. Das System basiert auf demkoinzidenten Nachweis der gestreuten Myonen zusammen mit denproduzierten Hadronen und generiert innerhalb 600 ns einhochselektives Triggersignal. Der Wirkungsquerschnitt derPGF wird von Ereignissen mit quasi-reellen Photonendominiert, d.h. der Myonstreuwinkel ist kein geeignetesKriterium um die gestreuten Myonen von den Strahlmyonen zutrennen, deshalb muss der Energieverlust des Myons verwendetwerden. Der sog. Energieverlusttrigger besteht aus Paarenvon Plastikszintillatorhodoskopen mit exzellenter Zeitaufloesung, die zusammen mit einer selbstentwickeltenschnellen Koinzidenzelektronik eine Koinzidenzzeit vonweniger als 3ns möglich macht. Fuer den gleichzeitigenNachweis der Hadronen wurden die beiden Hadronkalorimeterdes COMPASS--Spektrometers mit einer eigens entwickeltenElektronik versehen.


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Time-of-flight photoemission spectromicroscopy was used to measure and compare the two-photon photoemission (2PPE) spectra of Cu and Ag nanoparticles with linear dimensions ranging between 40 nm and several 100 nm, with those of the corresponding homogeneous surfaces. 2PPE was induced employing femtosecond laser radiation from a frequency-doubled Ti:sapphire laser in the spectral range between 375 nm and 425 nm with a pulse width of 200 fs and a repetition rate of 80 MHz. The use of a pulsed radiation source allowed us to use a high-resolution photoemission electron microscope as imaging time-of-flight spectrometer, and thus to obtain spectroscopic information about the laterally resolved electron signal. Ag nanoparticle films have been deposited on Si(111) by electron-beam evaporation, a technique leading to hemispherically-shaped Ag clusters. Isolated Cu nanoparticles have been generated by prolonged heating of a polycrystalline Cu sample. If compared to the spectra of the corresponding homogeneous surfaces, the Cu and Ag nanoparticle spectra are characterized by a strongly enhanced total 2PPE yield (enhancement factor up to 70), by a shift (about 0.1 eV) of the Fermi level onset towards lower final state energies, by a reduction of the work function (typically by 0.2 eV) and by a much steeper increase of the 2PPE yield towards lower final state energies. The shift of the Fermi level onset in the nanoparticle spectra has been explained by a positive unit charge (localized photohole) residing on the particle during the time-scale relevant for the 2PPE process (few femtoseconds). The total 2PPE yield enhancement and the different overall shape of the spectra have been explained by considering that the laser frequency was close to the localized surface plasmon resonance of the Cu and Ag nanoparticles. The synchronous oscillations induced by the laser in the metal electrons enhance the near-zone (NZ) field, defined as the linear superposition of the laser field and the field produced in the vicinity of the particles by the forced charge oscillations. From the present measurements it is clear that the NZ field behavior is responsible for the 2PPE enhancement and affects the 2PPE spatial and energy distribution and its dynamics. In particular, its strong spatial dependence allows indirect transitions through real intermediate states to take place in the metal clusters. Such transitions are forbidden by momentum conservation arguments and are thus experimentally much less probable on homogeneous surfaces. Further, we investigated specially tailored moon-shaped small metal nanostructures, whose NZ field was theoretically predicted, and compared the calculation with the laterally resolved 2PPE signal. We could show that the 2PPE signal gives a clear fingerprint of the theoretically predicted spatial dependence of the NZ field. This potential of our method is highly attractive in the novel field of plasmonics.


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In 1998 a pilot experiment was carried out to study the helicity dependence of photoreaction cross sections using circularly polarized real photons on longitudinally polarized deuterons in a deuterated butanol target. The knowledge of these cross sections is required to test the validity of the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn sum rule on the deuteron and the neutron. The focus of this thesis is on the results for the differential and total cross sections for the photodisintegration reaction for various photon energies in the range from 200 to 450 MeV using data taken with the detector system DAPHNE. The current understanding of the NN interaction as represented by the calculations by M. Schwamb could be confirmed within the given uncertainties. In addition, the detector DAPHNE has been prepared for the main experiment in 2003. The according work is presented together with results of the quality-test measurements of the renewed detector components.


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Neuronal circuits in the retina analyze images according to qualitative aspects such as color or motion, before the information is transmitted to higher visual areas of the brain. One example, studied for over the last four decades, is the detection of motion direction in ‘direction selective’ neurons. Recently, the starburst amacrine cell, one type of retinal interneuron, has emerged as an essential player in the computation of direction selectivity. In this study the mechanisms underlying the computation of direction selective calcium signals in starburst cell dendrites were investigated using whole-cell electrical recordings and two-photon calcium imaging. Analysis of the somatic electrical responses to visual stimulation and pharmacological agents indicated that the directional signal (i) is not computed presynaptically to starburst cells or by inhibitory network interactions. It is thus computed via a cell-intrinsic mechanism, which (ii) depends upon the differential, i.e. direction selective, activation of voltage-gated channels. Optically measuring dendritic calcium signals as a function of somatic voltage suggests (iii) a difference in resting membrane potential between the starburst cell’s soma and its distal dendrites. In conclusion, it is proposed that the mechanism underlying direction selectivity in starburst cell dendrites relies on intrinsic properties of the cell, particularly on the interaction of spatio-temporally structured synaptic inputs with voltage-gated channels, and their differential activation due to a somato-dendritic difference in membrane potential.


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One of the main goals of the COMPASS experiment at CERN is the determination of the gluon polarisation in the nucleon. It is determined from spin asymmetries in the scattering of 160 GeV/c polarised muons on a polarised LiD target. The gluon polarisation is accessed by the selection of photon-gluon fusion (PGF) events. The PGF-process can be tagged through hadrons with high transverse momenta or through charmed hadrons in the final state. The advantage of the open charm channel is that, in leading order, the PGF-process is the only process for charm production, thus no physical background contributes to the selected data sample. This thesis presents a measurement of the gluon polarisation from the COMPASS data taken in the years 2002-2004. In the analysis, charm production is tagged through a reconstructed D0-meson decaying in $D^{0}-> K^{-}pi^{+}$ (and charge conjugates). The reconstruction is done on a combinatorial basis. The background of wrong track pairs is reduced using kinematic cuts to the reconstructed D0-candidate and the information on particle identification from the Ring Imaging Cerenkov counter. In addition, the event sample is separated into D0-candidates, where a soft pion from the decay of the D*-meson to a D0-meson, is found, and the D0-candidates without this tag. Due to the small mass difference between D*-meson and D0-meson the signal purity of the D*-tagged sample is about 7 times higher than in the untagged sample. The gluon polarisation is measured from the event asymmetries for the for the different spin configurations of the COMPASS target. To improve the statistical precision of the final results, the events in the final sample are weighted. This method results in an average value of the gluon polarisation in the x-range covered by the data. For the COMPASS data from 2002-2004, the resulting value of the gluon polarisation is $=-0.47+-0.44 (stat)+-0.15(syst.)$. The result is statistically compatible with the existing measurements of $$ in the high-pT channel. Compared to these, the open charm measurement has the advantage of a considerably smaller model dependence.


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Am COMPASS-Experiment am CERN-SPS wird die Spinsstruktur des Nukleons mit Hilfe der Streuung von polarisierten Myonen an polarisierten Nukleonen untersucht. Der in der inklusiven tiefinelastischen Streuung gemessene Beitrag der Quarks zum Nukleonspin reicht nicht aus, um den Spin des Nukleons zu erklären. Daher soll geklärt werden, wie die Gluonpolarisation und die Bahndrehimpulse von Quarks und Gluonen zum Gesamtspin des Nukleons beitragen. Da sich die Gluonpolarisation aus der $Q^{2}$-Abhängigkeit der Asymmetrien in der inklusiven Streuung nur abschätzen lässt, wird eine direkte Messung der Gluonpolarisation benötigt. Die COMPASS-Kollaboration bestimmt daher die Wirkungsquerschnittsasymmetrien für Photon-Gluon-Fusionprozesse, indem sie zum einen die offene Charmproduktion und zum anderen die Produktion von Hadronpaaren mit großen Transversalimpulsen verwendet. In dieser Arbeit wird die Messung der Gluonpolarisation mit den COMPASS-Daten der Jahre 2003 und 2004 vorgestellt. Für die Analyse werden die Ereignisse mit großem Impulsübertrag ($Q^{2}>1$ $GeV^{2}/c^{2}$) und mit Hadronpaaren mit großem Transversalimpuls ($p_{perp}>0.7$ $GeV/c$) verwendet. Die Photon-Nukleon-Asymmetrie wurde aus dem gewichteten Doppelverhältnis der selektierten Ereignisse bestimmt. Der Schnitt auf $p_{perp}>0.7$rn$GeV/c$ unterdrückt die Prozesse führender Ordnung und QCD-Compton Prozesse, so dass die Asymmetrie direkt mit der Gluonpolarisation über die Analysierstärke verknüpft ist. Der gemessene Wert ist sehr klein und verträglich mit einer verschwindenden Gluonpolarisation. Zur Vermeidung von falschen Asymmetrien aufgrund der Änderung der Detektorakzeptanz wurden Doppelverhältnisse untersucht, bei denen sich der Wirkungsquerschnitt aufhebt und nur die Detektorasymmetrien übrig bleiben. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass das COMPASS-Spektrometer keine signifikante Zeitabhängigkeit aufweist. Für die Berechnung der Analysierstärke wurden Monte Carlo Ereignisse mit Hilfe des LEPTO-Generators und des COMGeant Software Paketes erzeugt. Dabei ist eine gute Beschreibung der Daten durch das Monte Carlo sehr wichtig. Dafür wurden zur Verbesserung der Beschreibung JETSET Parameter optimiert. Es ergab sich ein Wert von rn$frac{Delta G}{G}=0.054pm0.145_{(stat)}pm0.131_{(sys)}pm0.04_{(MC)}$ bei einem mittleren Impulsbruchteil von $langle x_{gluon}rangle=0.1$ und $langle Q^{2}rangle=1.9$ $GeV^{2}/c^{2}$. Dieses Ergebnis deutet auf eine sehr kleine Gluonpolarisation hin und steht im Einklang mit den Ergebnissen anderer Methoden, wie offene Charmproduktion und mit den Ergebnissen, die am doppelt polarisierten RHIC Collider am BNL erzielt wurden.


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Im Juli 2009 wurde am Mainzer Mikrotron (MAMI) erstmal ein Experiment durchgeführt, bei dem ein polarisiertes 3He Target mit Photonen im Energiebereich von 200 bis 800 MeV untersucht wurde. Das Ziel dieses Experiments war die Überprüfung der Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Summenregel am Neutron. Die Verwendung der Messdaten welche mit dem polarisierten 3He Target gewonnen wurden, geben - im Vergleich mit den bereits existieren Daten vom Deuteron - aufgrund der Spin-Struktur des 3He einen komplementären und direkteren Zugang zum Neutron. Die Messung des totalen helizitätsabhängigen Photoabsorptions-Wirkungsquerschnitts wurde mittels eines energiemarkierten Strahls von zirkular polarisierten Photonen, welcher auf das longitudinal polarisierte 3He Target trifft, durchgeführt. Als Produktdetektoren kamen der Crystal Ball (4π Raumabdeckung), TAPS (als ”Vorwärtswand”) sowie ein Schwellen-Cherenkov-Detektor (online Veto zur Reduktion von elektromagnetischen Ereignissen) zum Einsatz. Planung und Aufbau der verschiedenen komponenten Teile des 3He Experimentaufbaus war ein entscheidender Teil dieser Dissertation und wird detailliert in der vorliegenden Arbeit beschrieben. Das Detektorsystem als auch die Analyse-Methoden wurden durch die Messung des unpolarisierten, totalen und inklusiven Photoabsoprtions-Wirkungsquerschnitts an flüssigem Wasserstoff getestet. Hierbei zeigten die Ergebnisse eine gute Übereinstimmung mit bereits zuvor publizierten Daten. Vorläufige Ergebnisse des unpolarisierten totalen Photoabsorptions-Wirkungsquerschnitts sowie der helizitätsabhängige Unterschied zwischen Photoabsorptions-Wirkungsquerschnitten an 3He im Vergleich zu verschiedenen theoretischen Modellen werden vorgestellt.


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The Standard Model of particle physics was developed to describe the fundamental particles, which form matter, and their interactions via the strong, electromagnetic and weak force. Although most measurements are described with high accuracy, some observations indicate that the Standard Model is incomplete. Numerous extensions were developed to solve these limitations. Several of these extensions predict heavy resonances, so-called Z' bosons, that can decay into an electron positron pair. The particle accelerator Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Switzerland was built to collide protons at unprecedented center-of-mass energies, namely 7 TeV in 2011. With the data set recorded in 2011 by the ATLAS detector, a large multi-purpose detector located at the LHC, the electron positron pair mass spectrum was measured up to high masses in the TeV range. The properties of electrons and the probability that other particles are mis-identified as electrons were studied in detail. Using the obtained information, a sophisticated Standard Model expectation was derived with data-driven methods and Monte Carlo simulations. In the comparison of the measurement with the expectation, no significant deviations from the Standard Model expectations were observed. Therefore exclusion limits for several Standard Model extensions were calculated. For example, Sequential Standard Model (SSM) Z' bosons with masses below 2.10 TeV were excluded with 95% Confidence Level (C.L.).


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In this thesis the measurement of the effective weak mixing angle wma in proton-proton collisions is described. The results are extracted from the forward-backward asymmetry (AFB) in electron-positron final states at the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. The AFB is defined upon the distribution of the polar angle between the incoming quark and outgoing lepton. The signal process used in this study is the reaction pp to zgamma + X to ee + X taking a total integrated luminosity of 4.8\,fb^(-1) of data into account. The data was recorded at a proton-proton center-of-mass energy of sqrt(s)=7TeV. The weak mixing angle is a central parameter of the electroweak theory of the Standard Model (SM) and relates the neutral current interactions of electromagnetism and weak force. The higher order corrections on wma are related to other SM parameters like the mass of the Higgs boson.rnrnBecause of the symmetric initial state constellation of colliding protons, there is no favoured forward or backward direction in the experimental setup. The reference axis used in the definition of the polar angle is therefore chosen with respect to the longitudinal boost of the electron-positron final state. This leads to events with low absolute rapidity have a higher chance of being assigned to the opposite direction of the reference axis. This effect called dilution is reduced when events at higher rapidities are used. It can be studied including electrons and positrons in the forward regions of the ATLAS calorimeters. Electrons and positrons are further referred to as electrons. To include the electrons from the forward region, the energy calibration for the forward calorimeters had to be redone. This calibration is performed by inter-calibrating the forward electron energy scale using pairs of a central and a forward electron and the previously derived central electron energy calibration. The uncertainty is shown to be dominated by the systematic variations.rnrnThe extraction of wma is performed using chi^2 tests, comparing the measured distribution of AFB in data to a set of template distributions with varied values of wma. The templates are built in a forward folding technique using modified generator level samples and the official fully simulated signal sample with full detector simulation and particle reconstruction and identification. The analysis is performed in two different channels: pairs of central electrons or one central and one forward electron. The results of the two channels are in good agreement and are the first measurements of wma at the Z resonance using electron final states at proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=7TeV. The precision of the measurement is already systematically limited mostly by the uncertainties resulting from the knowledge of the parton distribution functions (PDF) and the systematic uncertainties of the energy calibration.rnrnThe extracted results of wma are combined and yield a value of wma_comb = 0.2288 +- 0.0004 (stat.) +- 0.0009 (syst.) = 0.2288 +- 0.0010 (tot.). The measurements are compared to the results of previous measurements at the Z boson resonance. The deviation with respect to the combined result provided by the LEP and SLC experiments is up to 2.7 standard deviations.


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Although the Standard Model of particle physics (SM) provides an extremely successful description of the ordinary matter, one knows from astronomical observations that it accounts only for around 5% of the total energy density of the Universe, whereas around 30% are contributed by the dark matter. Motivated by anomalies in cosmic ray observations and by attempts to solve questions of the SM like the (g-2)_mu discrepancy, proposed U(1) extensions of the SM gauge group have raised attention in recent years. In the considered U(1) extensions a new, light messenger particle, the hidden photon, couples to the hidden sector as well as to the electromagnetic current of the SM by kinetic mixing. This allows for a search for this particle in laboratory experiments exploring the electromagnetic interaction. Various experimental programs have been started to search for hidden photons, such as in electron-scattering experiments, which are a versatile tool to explore various physics phenomena. One approach is the dedicated search in fixed-target experiments at modest energies as performed at MAMI or at JLAB. In these experiments the scattering of an electron beam off a hadronic target e+(A,Z)->e+(A,Z)+l^+l^- is investigated and a search for a very narrow resonance in the invariant mass distribution of the lepton pair is performed. This requires an accurate understanding of the theoretical basis of the underlying processes. For this purpose it is demonstrated in the first part of this work, in which way the hidden photon can be motivated from existing puzzles encountered at the precision frontier of the SM. The main part of this thesis deals with the analysis of the theoretical framework for electron scattering fixed-target experiments searching for hidden photons. As a first step, the cross section for the bremsstrahlung emission of hidden photons in such experiments is studied. Based on these results, the applicability of the Weizsäcker-Williams approximation to calculate the signal cross section of the process, which is widely used to design such experimental setups, is investigated. In a next step, the reaction e+(A,Z)->e+(A,Z)+l^+l^- is analyzed as signal and background process in order to describe existing data obtained by the A1 experiment at MAMI with the aim to give accurate predictions of exclusion limits for the hidden photon parameter space. Finally, the derived methods are used to find predictions for future experiments, e.g., at MESA or at JLAB, allowing for a comprehensive study of the discovery potential of the complementary experiments. In the last part, a feasibility study for probing the hidden photon model by rare kaon decays is performed. For this purpose, invisible as well as visible decays of the hidden photon are considered within different classes of models. This allows one to find bounds for the parameter space from existing data and to estimate the reach of future experiments.