11 resultados para Perturbation (Mathematics)

em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Variation abgeschlossener Unterräume eines Hilbertraumes untersucht, die mit isolierten Komponenten der Spektren von selbstadjungierten Operatoren unter beschränkten additiven Störungen assoziiert sind. Von besonderem Interesse ist hierbei die am wenigsten restriktive Bedingung an die Norm der Störung, die sicherstellt, dass die Differenz der zugehörigen orthogonalen Projektionen eine strikte Normkontraktion darstellt. Es wird ein Überblick über die bisher erzielten Resultate gegeben. Basierend auf einem Iterationsansatz wird eine allgemeine Schranke an die Variation der Unterräume für Störungen erzielt, die glatt von einem reellen Parameter abhängen. Durch Einführung eines Kopplungsparameters wird das Ergebnis auf den Fall additiver Störungen angewendet. Auf diese Weise werden zuvor bekannte Ergebnisse verbessert. Im Falle von additiven Störungen werden die Schranken an die Variation der Unterräume durch ein Optimierungsverfahren für die Stützstellen im Iterationsansatz weiter verschärft. Die zugehörigen Ergebnisse sind die besten, die bis zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt erzielt wurden.


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In der vorliegenden Dissertation werden zwei verschiedene Aspekte des Sektors ungerader innerer Parität der mesonischen chiralen Störungstheorie (mesonische ChPT) untersucht. Als erstes wird die Ein-Schleifen-Renormierung des führenden Terms, der sog. Wess-Zumino-Witten-Wirkung, durchgeführt. Dazu muß zunächst der gesamte Ein-Schleifen-Anteil der Theorie mittels Sattelpunkt-Methode extrahiert werden. Im Anschluß isoliert man alle singulären Ein-Schleifen-Strukturen im Rahmen der Heat-Kernel-Technik. Zu guter Letzt müssen diese divergenten Anteile absorbiert werden. Dazu benötigt man eine allgemeinste anomale Lagrange-Dichte der Ordnung O(p^6), welche systematisch entwickelt wird. Erweitert man die chirale Gruppe SU(n)_L x SU(n)_R auf SU(n)_L x SU(n)_R x U(1)_V, so kommen zusätzliche Monome ins Spiel. Die renormierten Koeffizienten dieser Lagrange-Dichte, die Niederenergiekonstanten (LECs), sind zunächst freie Parameter der Theorie, die individuell fixiert werden müssen. Unter Betrachtung eines komplementären vektormesonischen Modells können die Amplituden geeigneter Prozesse bestimmt und durch Vergleich mit den Ergebnissen der mesonischen ChPT eine numerische Abschätzung einiger LECs vorgenommen werden. Im zweiten Teil wird eine konsistente Ein-Schleifen-Rechnung für den anomalen Prozeß (virtuelles) Photon + geladenes Kaon -> geladenes Kaon + neutrales Pion durchgeführt. Zur Kontrolle unserer Resultate wird eine bereits vorhandene Rechnung zur Reaktion (virtuelles) Photon + geladenes Pion -> geladenes Pion + neutrales Pion reproduziert. Unter Einbeziehung der abgeschätzten Werte der jeweiligen LECs können die zugehörigen hadronischen Strukturfunktionen numerisch bestimmt und diskutiert werden.


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The present thesis is concerned with the study of a quantum physical system composed of a small particle system (such as a spin chain) and several quantized massless boson fields (as photon gasses or phonon fields) at positive temperature. The setup serves as a simplified model for matter in interaction with thermal "radiation" from different sources. Hereby, questions concerning the dynamical and thermodynamic properties of particle-boson configurations far from thermal equilibrium are in the center of interest. We study a specific situation where the particle system is brought in contact with the boson systems (occasionally referred to as heat reservoirs) where the reservoirs are prepared close to thermal equilibrium states, each at a different temperature. We analyze the interacting time evolution of such an initial configuration and we show thermal relaxation of the system into a stationary state, i.e., we prove the existence of a time invariant state which is the unique limit state of the considered initial configurations evolving in time. As long as the reservoirs have been prepared at different temperatures, this stationary state features thermodynamic characteristics as stationary energy fluxes and a positive entropy production rate which distinguishes it from being a thermal equilibrium at any temperature. Therefore, we refer to it as non-equilibrium stationary state or simply NESS. The physical setup is phrased mathematically in the language of C*-algebras. The thesis gives an extended review of the application of operator algebraic theories to quantum statistical mechanics and introduces in detail the mathematical objects to describe matter in interaction with radiation. The C*-theory is adapted to the concrete setup. The algebraic description of the system is lifted into a Hilbert space framework. The appropriate Hilbert space representation is given by a bosonic Fock space over a suitable L2-space. The first part of the present work is concluded by the derivation of a spectral theory which connects the dynamical and thermodynamic features with spectral properties of a suitable generator, say K, of the time evolution in this Hilbert space setting. That way, the question about thermal relaxation becomes a spectral problem. The operator K is of Pauli-Fierz type. The spectral analysis of the generator K follows. This task is the core part of the work and it employs various kinds of functional analytic techniques. The operator K results from a perturbation of an operator L0 which describes the non-interacting particle-boson system. All spectral considerations are done in a perturbative regime, i.e., we assume that the strength of the coupling is sufficiently small. The extraction of dynamical features of the system from properties of K requires, in particular, the knowledge about the spectrum of K in the nearest vicinity of eigenvalues of the unperturbed operator L0. Since convergent Neumann series expansions only qualify to study the perturbed spectrum in the neighborhood of the unperturbed one on a scale of order of the coupling strength we need to apply a more refined tool, the Feshbach map. This technique allows the analysis of the spectrum on a smaller scale by transferring the analysis to a spectral subspace. The need of spectral information on arbitrary scales requires an iteration of the Feshbach map. This procedure leads to an operator-theoretic renormalization group. The reader is introduced to the Feshbach technique and the renormalization procedure based on it is discussed in full detail. Further, it is explained how the spectral information is extracted from the renormalization group flow. The present dissertation is an extension of two kinds of a recent research contribution by Jakšić and Pillet to a similar physical setup. Firstly, we consider the more delicate situation of bosonic heat reservoirs instead of fermionic ones, and secondly, the system can be studied uniformly for small reservoir temperatures. The adaption of the Feshbach map-based renormalization procedure by Bach, Chen, Fröhlich, and Sigal to concrete spectral problems in quantum statistical mechanics is a further novelty of this work.


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Es wird die Existenz invarianter Tori in Hamiltonschen Systemen bewiesen, die bis auf eine 2n-mal stetig differenzierbare Störung analytisch und integrabel sind, wobei n die Anzahl der Freiheitsgrade bezeichnet. Dabei wird vorausgesetzt, dass die Stetigkeitsmodule der 2n-ten partiellen Ableitungen der Störung einer Endlichkeitsbedingung (Integralbedingung) genügen, welche die Hölderbedingung verallgemeinert. Bisher konnte die Existenz invarianter Tori nur unter der Voraussetzung bewiesen werden, dass die 2n-ten Ableitungen der Störung hölderstetig sind.


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This thesis is concerned with calculations in manifestly Lorentz-invariant baryon chiral perturbation theory beyond order D=4. We investigate two different methods. The first approach consists of the inclusion of additional particles besides pions and nucleons as explicit degrees of freedom. This results in the resummation of an infinite number of higher-order terms which contribute to higher-order low-energy constants in the standard formulation. In this thesis the nucleon axial, induced pseudoscalar, and pion-nucleon form factors are investigated. They are first calculated in the standard approach up to order D=4. Next, the inclusion of the axial-vector meson a_1(1260) is considered. We find three diagrams with an axial-vector meson which are relevant to the form factors. Due to the applied renormalization scheme, however, the contributions of the two loop diagrams vanish and only a tree diagram contributes explicitly. The appearing coupling constant is fitted to experimental data of the axial form factor. The inclusion of the axial-vector meson results in an improved description of the axial form factor for higher values of momentum transfer. The contributions to the induced pseudoscalar form factor, however, are negligible for the considered momentum transfer, and the axial-vector meson does not contribute to the pion-nucleon form factor. The second method consists in the explicit calculation of higher-order diagrams. This thesis describes the applied renormalization scheme and shows that all symmetries and the power counting are preserved. As an application we determine the nucleon mass up to order D=6 which includes the evaluation of two-loop diagrams. This is the first complete calculation in manifestly Lorentz-invariant baryon chiral perturbation theory at the two-loop level. The numerical contributions of the terms of order D=5 and D=6 are estimated, and we investigate their pion-mass dependence. Furthermore, the higher-order terms of the nucleon sigma term are determined with the help of the Feynman-Hellmann theorem.


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This thesis is concerned with the calculation of virtual Compton scattering (VCS) in manifestly Lorentz-invariant baryon chiral perturbation theory to fourth order in the momentum and quark-mass expansion. In the one-photon-exchange approximation, the VCS process is experimentally accessible in photon electro-production and has been measured at the MAMI facility in Mainz, at MIT-Bates, and at Jefferson Lab. Through VCS one gains new information on the nucleon structure beyond its static properties, such as charge, magnetic moments, or form factors. The nucleon response to an incident electromagnetic field is parameterized in terms of 2 spin-independent (scalar) and 4 spin-dependent (vector) generalized polarizabilities (GP). In analogy to classical electrodynamics the two scalar GPs represent the induced electric and magnetic dipole polarizability of a medium. For the vector GPs, a classical interpretation is less straightforward. They are derived from a multipole expansion of the VCS amplitude. This thesis describes the first calculation of all GPs within the framework of manifestly Lorentz-invariant baryon chiral perturbation theory. Because of the comparatively large number of diagrams - 100 one-loop diagrams need to be calculated - several computer programs were developed dealing with different aspects of Feynman diagram calculations. One can distinguish between two areas of development, the first concerning the algebraic manipulations of large expressions, and the second dealing with numerical instabilities in the calculation of one-loop integrals. In this thesis we describe our approach using Mathematica and FORM for algebraic tasks, and C for the numerical evaluations. We use our results for real Compton scattering to fix the two unknown low-energy constants emerging at fourth order. Furthermore, we present the results for the differential cross sections and the generalized polarizabilities of VCS off the proton.


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In various imaging problems the task is to use the Cauchy data of the solutions to an elliptic boundary value problem to reconstruct the coefficients of the corresponding partial differential equation. Often the examined object has known background properties but is contaminated by inhomogeneities that cause perturbations of the coefficient functions. The factorization method of Kirsch provides a tool for locating such inclusions. In this paper, the factorization technique is studied in the framework of coercive elliptic partial differential equations of the divergence type: Earlier it has been demonstrated that the factorization algorithm can reconstruct the support of a strictly positive (or negative) definite perturbation of the leading order coefficient, or if that remains unperturbed, the support of a strictly positive (or negative) perturbation of the zeroth order coefficient. In this work we show that these two types of inhomogeneities can, in fact, be located simultaneously. Unlike in the earlier articles on the factorization method, our inclusions may have disconnected complements and we also weaken some other a priori assumptions of the method. Our theoretical findings are complemented by two-dimensional numerical experiments that are presented in the framework of the diffusion approximation of optical tomography.


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In electrical impedance tomography, one tries to recover the conductivity inside a physical body from boundary measurements of current and voltage. In many practically important situations, the investigated object has known background conductivity but it is contaminated by inhomogeneities. The factorization method of Andreas Kirsch provides a tool for locating such inclusions. Earlier, it has been shown that under suitable regularity conditions positive (or negative) inhomogeneities can be characterized by the factorization technique if the conductivity or one of its higher normal derivatives jumps on the boundaries of the inclusions. In this work, we use a monotonicity argument to generalize these results: We show that the factorization method provides a characterization of an open inclusion (modulo its boundary) if each point inside the inhomogeneity has an open neighbourhood where the perturbation of the conductivity is strictly positive (or negative) definite. In particular, we do not assume any regularity of the inclusion boundary or set any conditions on the behaviour of the perturbed conductivity at the inclusion boundary. Our theoretical findings are verified by two-dimensional numerical experiments.


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In this thesis we investigate several phenomenologically important properties of top-quark pair production at hadron colliders. We calculate double differential cross sections in two different kinematical setups, pair invariant-mass (PIM) and single-particle inclusive (1PI) kinematics. In pair invariant-mass kinematics we are able to present results for the double differential cross section with respect to the invariant mass of the top-quark pair and the top-quark scattering angle. Working in the threshold region, where the pair invariant mass M is close to the partonic center-of-mass energy sqrt{hat{s}}, we are able to factorize the partonic cross section into different energy regions. We use renormalization-group (RG) methods to resum large threshold logarithms to next-to-next-to-leading-logarithmic (NNLL) accuracy. On a technical level this is done using effective field theories, such as heavy-quark effective theory (HQET) and soft-collinear effective theory (SCET). The same techniques are applied when working in 1PI kinematics, leading to a calculation of the double differential cross section with respect to transverse-momentum pT and the rapidity of the top quark. We restrict the phase-space such that only soft emission of gluons is possible, and perform a NNLL resummation of threshold logarithms. The obtained analytical expressions enable us to precisely predict several observables, and a substantial part of this thesis is devoted to their detailed phenomenological analysis. Matching our results in the threshold regions to the exact ones at next-to-leading order (NLO) in fixed-order perturbation theory, allows us to make predictions at NLO+NNLL order in RG-improved, and at approximate next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) in fixed order perturbation theory. We give numerical results for the invariant mass distribution of the top-quark pair, and for the top-quark transverse-momentum and rapidity spectrum. We predict the total cross section, separately for both kinematics. Using these results, we analyze subleading contributions to the total cross section in 1PI and PIM originating from power corrections to the leading terms in the threshold expansions, and compare them to previous approaches. We later combine our PIM and 1PI results for the total cross section, this way eliminating uncertainties due to these corrections. The combined predictions for the total cross section are presented as a function of the top-quark mass in the pole, the minimal-subtraction (MS), and the 1S mass scheme. In addition, we calculate the forward-backward (FB) asymmetry at the Tevatron in the laboratory, and in the ttbar rest frames as a function of the rapidity and the invariant mass of the top-quark pair at NLO+NNLL. We also give binned results for the asymmetry as a function of the invariant mass and the rapidity difference of the ttbar pair, and compare those to recent measurements. As a last application we calculate the charge asymmetry at the LHC as a function of a lower rapidity cut-off for the top and anti-top quarks.


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One of the most precisely measured quantities in particle physics is the magnetic moment of the muon, which describes its coupling to an external magnetic field. It is expressed in form of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon a_mu=(g_mu-2)/2 and has been determined experimentally with a precision of 0.5 parts per million. The current direct measurement and the theoretical prediction of the standard model differ by more than 3.5 standard deviations. Concerning theory, the contribution of the QED and weak interaction to a_mu can be calculated with very high precision in a perturbative approach.rnAt low energies, however, perturbation theory cannot be used to determine the hadronic contribution a^had_mu. On the other hand, a^had_mu may be derived via a dispersion relation from the sum of measured cross sections of exclusive hadronic reactions. Decreasing the experimental uncertainty on these hadronic cross sections is of utmost importance for an improved standard model prediction of a_mu.rnrnIn addition to traditional energy scan experiments, the method of Initial State Radiation (ISR) is used to measure hadronic cross sections. This approach allows experiments at colliders running at a fixed centre-of-mass energy to access smaller effective energies by studying events which contain a high-energetic photon emitted from the initial electron or positron. Using the technique of ISR, the energy range from threshold up to 4.5GeV can be accessed at Babar.rnrnThe cross section e+e- -> pi+pi- contributes with approximately 70% to the hadronic part of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon a_mu^had. This important channel has been measured with a precision of better than 1%. Therefore, the leading contribution to the uncertainty of a_mu^had at present stems from the invariant mass region between 1GeV and 2GeV. In this energy range, the channels e+e- -> pi+pi-pi+pi- and e+e- -> pi+pi-pi0pi0 dominate the inclusive hadronic cross section. The measurement of the process e+e- -> pi+pi-pi+pi- will be presented in this thesis. This channel has been previously measured by Babar based on 25% of the total dataset. The new analysis includes a more detailed study of the background contamination from other ISR and non-radiative background reactions. In addition, sophisticated studies of the track reconstruction as well as the photon efficiency difference between the data and the simulation of the Babar detector are performed. With these auxiliary studies, a reduction of the systematic uncertainty from 5.0% to 2.4% in the peak region was achieved.rnrnThe pi+pi-pi+pi- final state has a rich internal structure. Hints are seen for the intermediate states rho(770)^0 f_2(1270), rho(770)^0 f_0(980), as well as a_1(1260)pi. In addition, the branching ratios BR(jpsi -> pi+pi-pi+pi-) and BR(psitwos -> jpsi pi+pi-) are extracted.rn


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Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Modellierung niederenergetischer elektromagnetischer und hadronischer Prozesse im Rahmen einer manifest lorentzinvarianten, chiralen effektiven Feldtheorie unter expliziter, dynamischer Berücksichtigung resonanter, das heißt vektormesonischer Freiheitsgrade. Diese effektive Theorie kann daher als Approximation der grundlegenden Quantenchromodynamik bei kleinen Energien verstanden werden. Besonderes Augenmerk wird dabei auf das verwendete Zähl- sowie Renormierungschema gelegt, wodurch eine konsistente Beschreibung mesonischer Prozesse bis zu Energien von etwa 1GeV ermöglicht wird. Das verwendete Zählschema beruht dabei im Wesentlichen auf einem Argument für großes N_c (Anzahl der Farbfreiheitsgrade) und lässt eine äquivalente Behandlung von Goldstonebosonen (Pionen) und Resonanzen (Rho- und Omegamesonen) zu. Als Renormierungsschema wird das für (bezüglich der starken Wechselwirkung) instabile Teilchen besonders geeignete complex-mass scheme als Erweiterung des extended on-mass-shell scheme verwendet, welches in Kombination mit dem BPHZ-Renormierungsverfahren (benannt nach Bogoliubov, Parasiuk, Hepp und Zimmermann) ein leistungsfähiges Konzept zur Berechnung von Quantenkorrekturen in dieser chiralen effektiven Feldtheorie darstellt. Sämtliche vorgenommenen Rechnungen schließen Terme der chiralen Ordnung vier sowie einfache Schleifen in Feynman-Diagrammen ein. Betrachtet werden unter anderem der Vektorformfaktor des Pions im zeitartigen Bereich, die reelle Compton-Streuung (beziehungsweise Photonenfusion) im neutralen und geladenen Kanal sowie die virtuelle Compton-Streuung, eingebettet in die Elektron-Positron-Annihilation. Zur Extraktion der Niederenergiekopplungskonstanten der Theorie wird letztendlich eine Reihe experimenteller Datensätze verschiedenartiger Observablen verwendet. Die hier entwickelten Methoden und Prozeduren - und insbesondere deren technische Implementierung - sind sehr allgemeiner Natur und können daher auch an weitere Problemstellungen aus diesem Gebiet der niederenergetischen Quantenchromodynamik angepasst werden.