em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha
ABSTRACT: In this work, proton conducting copolymers, polymer blends and composites containing phosphonic acid groups have been prepared. Proton conduction mechanisms in these materials are discussed respectively in both, the anhydrous and humidified state. Atom transfer radical copolymerization (ATRCP) of diisopropyl-p-vinylbenzyl phosphonate (DIPVBP) and 4-vinyl pyridine (4VP) is studied for the first time in this work. The kinetic parameters are obtained by using the 1H-NMR online technique. Proton conduction in poly(vinylbenzyl phosphonic acid) (PVBPA) homopolymer and its statistical copolymers with 4-vinyl pyridine (poly(VBPA-stat-4VP)s) are comprehensively studied in both, the “dry” and “wet” state. Effects of temperature, water content and polymer composition on proton conductivities are studied and proton transport mechanisms under various conditions are discussed. The proton conductivity of the polymers is in the range of 10-6-10-8 S/cm in nominally dry state at 150 oC. However, proton conductivity of the polymers increases rapidly with water content in the polymers which can reach 10-2 S/cm at the water uptake of 25% in the polymers. The highest proton conductivity obtained from the polymers can even reach 0.3 S/cm which was measured at 85oC with 80% relative humidity in the measuring atmosphere. Poly(4-vinyl pyridine) was grafted from the surface of SiO2 nanoparticles using ATRP in this work for the first time. Following this approach, silica nanoparticles with a shell of polymeric layer are used as basic particles in a polymeric acidic matrix. The proton conductivities of the composites are studied under both, humidified and dry conditions. In dry state, the conductivity of the composites is in the range of 10-10~10-4 S/cm at 150 oC. While in humid state, the composites show much higher proton conductivity. The highest proton conductivity obtained with the composites is 0.5 S/cm measured at 85oC with 80% relative humidity in the measuring atmosphere. The miscibility of poly (vinyl phosphonic acid) and PEO is studied for the first time in this work and a phase diagram is plotted based on a DSC study and optical microscopy. With this knowledge, homogeneous PVPA/PEO mixtures are prepared as proton-conducting polymer blends. The mobility of phosphonic acid groups and PEO in the blends is determined by 1H-MAS-NMR in temperature dependent measurements. The effect of composition and the role of PEO on proton conduction are discussed.
This work describes the synthesis of a new class of rod-coil block copolymers, oligosubstituted shape persistent macrocycles, (coil-ring-coil block copolymers), and their behavior in solution and in the solid state.The coil-ring-coil block copolymers are formed by nanometer sized shape persistent macrocycles based on the phenyl-ethynyl backbone as rigid block and oligomers of polystyrene or polydimethylsiloxane as flexible blocks. The strategy that has been followed is to synthesize the macrocycles with an alcoholic functionality and the polymer carboxylic acids independently, and then bind them together by esterification. The ester bond is stable and relatively easy to form.The synthesis of the shape persistent macrocycles is based on two separate steps. In the first step the building blocks of the macrocycles are connected by Hagiara-Sogonaschira coupling to form an 'half-ring' as precursor, that contains two free acetylenes. In the second step the half-ring is cyclized by forming two sp-sp bonds via a copper-catalyzed Glaser coupling under pseudo-high-dilution conditions. The polystyrene carboxylic acid was prepared directly by siphoning the living anionic polymer chain into a THF solution, saturated with CO2, while the polydimethylsiloxane carboxylic acid was obtained by hydrosilylating an unsaturated benzylester with an Si-H terminated polydimethylsiloxane, and cleavage of the ester. The carbodiimide coupling was found to be the best way to connect macrocycles and polymers in high yield and high purity.The polystyrene-ring-polystyrene block copolymers are, depending on the molecular weight of the polystyrene, lyotropic liquid crystals in cyclohexane. The aggregation behavior of the copolymers in solution was investigated in more detail using several technique. As a result it can be concluded that the polystyrene-ring-polystyrene block copolymers can aggregate into hollow cylinder-like objects with an average length of 700 nm by a combination of shape complementary and demixing of rigid and flexible polymer parts. The resulting structure can be described as supramolecular hollow cylindrical brush.If the lyotropic solution of the polystyrene-ring-polystyrene block copolymers are dried, they remain birefringent indicating that the solid state has an ordered structure. The polydimethylsiloxane-ring-polydimethylsiloxane block copolymers are more or less fluid at room temperature, and are all birefringent (termotropic liquid crystals) as well. This is a prove that the copolymers are ordered in the fluid state. By a careful investigation using electron diffraction and wide-angle X-ray scattering, it has been possible to derive a model for the 3D-order of the copolymers. The data indicate a lamella structure for both type of copolymers. The macrocycles are arranged in a layer of columns. These crystalline layers are separated by amorphous layers which contain the polymers substituents.
In the past decade, block copolymers (BCPs) have attracted increasing scientific and technological interest because of their inherent capability to spontaneously self-assemble into ordered arrays of nanostructures. The importance of nanostructures in a number of applications has fostered the need for well-defined, complex macromolecular architectures. In this thesis, the influence of macromolecular architecture on the bulk morphologies of novel linear-hyperbranched and linear brush-like diblock copolymer structure is investigated. An innovative, generally applicable strategy for the preparation of these defined diblock copolymers, consisting of linear polystyrene and branched polycarbosilane blocks, is demonstrated. Furthermore, complete characterization and solid-state morphological studies are provided. Finally, the concept is extended to linear-hyperbrached and linear brush-like polyalkoxysilanes. A shift of the classical phase boundaries to higher PS weight fractions as well as the appearance of new morphologies confirms the dramatic effect that polymer topology has on the morphology of BCPs.
The last decades have witnessed significant and rapid progress in polymer chemistry and molecular biology. The invention of PCR and advances in automated solid phase synthesis of DNA have made this biological entity broadly available to all researchers across biological and chemical sciences. Thanks to the development of a variety of polymerization techniques, macromolecules can be synthesized with predetermined molecular weights and excellent structural control. In recent years these two exciting areas of research converged to generate a new type of nucleic acid hybrid material, consisting of oligodeoxynucleotides and organic polymers. By conjugating these two classes of materials, DNA block copolymers are generated exhibiting engineered material properties that cannot be realized with polymers or nucleic acids alone. Different synthetic strategies based on grafting onto routes in solution or on solid support were developed which afforded DNA block copolymers with hydrophilic, hydrophobic and thermoresponsive organic polymers in good yields. Beside the preparation of DNA block copolymers with a relative short DNA-segment, it was also demonstrated how these bioorganic polymers can be synthesized exhibiting large DNA blocks (>1000 bases) applying the polymerase chain reaction. Amphiphilic DNA block copolymers, which were synthesized fully automated in a DNA synthesizer, self-assemble into well-defined nanoparticles. Hybridization of spherical micelles with long DNA templates that encode several times the sequence of the micelle corona induced a transformation into rod-like micelles. The Watson-Crick motif aligned the hydrophobic polymer segments along the DNA double helix, which resulted in selective dimer formation. Even the length of the resulting nanostructures could be precisely adjusted by the number of nucleotides of the templates. In addition to changing the structural properties of DNA-b-PPO micelles, these materials were applied as 3D nanoscopic scaffolds for organic reactions. The DNA strands of the corona were organized by hydrophobic interactions of the organic polymer segments in such a fashion that several DNA-templated organic reactions proceeded in a sequence specific manner; either at the surface of the micelles or at the interface between the biological and the organic polymer blocks. The yields of reactions employing the micellar template were equivalent or better than existing template architectures. Aside from its physical properties and the morphologies achieved, an important requirement for a new biomaterial is its biocompatibility and interaction with living systems, i.e. human cells. The toxicity of the nanoparticles was analyzed by a cell proliferation assay. Motivated by the non-toxic nature of the amphiphilic DNA block copolymers, these nanoobjects were employed as drug delivery vehicles to target the anticancer drug to a tumor tissue. The micelles obtained from DNA block copolymers were easily functionalized with targeting units by hybridization. This facile route allowed studying the effect of the amount of targeting units on the targeting efficacy. By varying the site of functionalization, i.e. 5’ or 3’, the outcome of having the targeting unit at the periphery of the micelle or in the core of the micelle was studied. Additionally, these micelles were loaded with an anticancer drug, doxorubicin, and then applied to tumor cells. The viability of the cells was calculated in the presence and absence of targeting unit. It was demonstrated that the tumor cells bearing folate receptors showed a high mortality when the targeting unit was attached to the nanocarrier.
Feste Lösungen homogen dispergierter Wirkstoffmoleküle in amorphen Polymermatrizen sind wichtige Materialien in vielen pharmazeutischen Anwendungen, bei denen eine kontrollierte Abgabe wasserunlöslicher Wirkstoffe in wässrige Systeme eine Rolle spielt. Die intermolekulare Bindungs-stärke zwischen Polymer- und Wirkstoffmolekülgruppen bestimmt die Stabilität der festen Lösung und steuert somit die biologische Aktivität der Wirkstoffmoleküle. In festen Lösungen, die aus acryl-säurehaltigen Copolymeren (Protonendonoren) und basischen Wirkstoffmolekülen (Protonenakzepto-ren) hergestellt werden, sind intermolekulare Wasserstoffbrücken zwischen den Systemkomponenten Triebkraft für die Bildung einer stabilen homogenen Dispersion und für die Entstehung struktureller Merkmale zwischen den Molekülgruppen der Systemkomponenten. Zudem ist die Bindungsstärke der Wasserstoffbrücken im Hinblick auf die kontrollierte Abgabe der Wirkstoffe von Bedeutung. Da dynamische chemische Gleichgewichte bei der Bildung der Wasserstoffbrücken eine wichtige Rolle spielen müssen neben strukturellen Parametern auch dynamische Faktoren beleuchtet werden. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist neben der Ermittlung von intermolekularen Bindungsstärken vor allem die Identifika-tion struktureller Verhältnisse zwischen den Systemkomponenten auf molekularer Ebene. Die Be-stimmung der Abhängigkeit dieser Parameter von der Struktur der verwendeten Polymere und einer Vielzahl weiterer Einflüsse wie z.B. Feuchtigkeit, Lagerdauer oder Wirkstoffkonzentration soll ein kontrolliertes Design fester Lösungen mit definierten anwendungsspezifischen Eigenschaften ermögli-chen. Temperaturabhängige 1H-Festkörper-MAS-NMR (Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) Experimente an festen Lösungen mit unterschiedlichen Copolymer-Zusammensetzungen weisen die Existenz dynamischer chemischer Gleichgewichte in den komplexen Wasserstoffbrücken-netzwerken nach. Veränderungen in der chemischen Verschiebung und in der Linienform der Reso-nanzlinien acider Protonen erlauben einen tiefen Einblick in die Architektur dieser Netzwerke und legen die Bindungsverhältnisse unter Berücksichtigung der Polymerchemie und der Mobilität der Systemkomponenten dar, wobei die Befunde mithilfe quantenchemischer Rechnungen untermauert werden können. Die Gegenwart acider Protonen ermöglicht einen einfachen 1H-2H-Austausch, wor-aufhin mithilfe rotorsynchronisierter temperaturabhängiger 2H-MAS-NMR Experimente die Wasser-stoffbrückenbindungsstärke bestimmt werden kann. Mit 1H-1H-Korrelationsexperimenten (Doppelquantenspektroskopie) stehen Methoden für die Bestimmung homonuklearer dipolarer 1H-1H-Kopplungen zur Verfügung, die strukturelle Aussagen aufgrund von bevorzugten räumlichen Kontak-ten bestimmter Molekülgruppen ermöglichen. Weiterhin können diese Experimente verwendet werden, um Wasserstoffbrücken zwischen Polymergruppen von Polymer-Wirkstoff-Wasserstoffbrücken zu unterscheiden, wodurch eine quantitative Beschreibung des Bindungsnetzwerks und der Konkurrenz-prozesse zwischen den einzelnen wasserstoffverbrückten Spezies ermöglicht wird. Eine Kristallisation der Wirkstoffmoleküle ist in vielen Anwendungen unerwünscht, da sie die biologische Verfügbarkeit des Wirkstoffs reduzieren. Mit 1H-Festkörper-MAS-NMR Experimenten können kristalline von amorph dispergierten Wirkstoffmolekülen unterschieden werden, wodurch eine Quantifizierung der Destabilisierungsprozesse ermöglicht wird, die durch Exposition der festen Lösungen mit Wasserdampf ausgelöst werden können. Die Zeit- und Konzentrationsabhängigkeit der Wasseraufnahme kann mit NMR-Experimenten verfolgt werden, wobei unterschiedlich mobile Was-serspezies an unterschiedlichen Bindungsorten identifiziert werden können, was zum molekularen Verständnis der Destabilisierungsprozesse beiträgt. Zusätzlich wird die Mobilität der Wirkstoffmole-küle bestimmt, die sich – wie auch die Wirkstoffkonzentration - als wichtige Größe in der Beschrei-bung der Destabilisierung erweist. Aufbauend auf den Beobachtungen wird ein Zusammenhang zwischen der Copolymerzusammensetzung und einer kritischen Wirkstoffkonzentration hergestellt, der für die Anwendungen amorpher fester Lösungen in biologischen Systemen von großer Bedeutung ist.
DNA block copolymer, a new class of hybrid material composed of a synthetic polymer and an oligodeoxynucleotide segment, owns unique properties which can not be achieved by only one of the two polymers. Among amphiphilic DNA block copolymers, DNA-b-polypropylene oxide (PPO) was chosen as a model system, because PPO is biocompatible and has a Tg < 0 °C. Both properties might be essential for future applications in living systems. During my PhD study, I focused on the properties and the structures of DNA-b-PPO molecules. First, DNA-b-PPO micelles were studied by scanning force microscopy (SFM) and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS). In order to control the size of micelles without re-synthesis, micelles were incubated with template-independent DNA polymerase TdT and deoxynucleotide triphosphates in reaction buffer solution. By carrying out ex-situ experiments, the growth of micelles was visualized by imaging in liquid with AFM. Complementary measurements with FCS and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) confirmed the increase in size. Furthermore, the growing process was studied with AFM in-situ at 37 °C. Hereby the growth of individual micelles could be observed. In contrast to ex-situ reactions, the growth of micelles adsorbed on mica surface for in-situ experiments terminated about one hour after the reaction was initiated. Two reasons were identified for the termination: (i) block of catalytic sites by interaction with the substrate and (ii) reduced exchange of molecules between micelles and the liquid environment. In addition, a geometrical model for AFM imaging was developed which allowed deriving the average number of mononucleotides added to DNA-b-PPO molecules in dependence on the enzymatic reaction time (chapter 3). Second, a prototype of a macroscopic DNA machine made of DNA-b-PPO was investigated. As DNA-b-PPO molecules were amphiphilic, they could form a monolayer at the air-water interface. Using a Langmuir film balance, the energy released owing to DNA hybridization was converted into macroscopic movements of the barriers in the Langmuir trough. A specially adapted Langmuir trough was build to exchange the subphase without changing the water level significantly. Upon exchanging the subphase with complementary DNA containing buffer solution, an increase of lateral pressure was observed which could be attributed to hybridization of single stranded DNA-b-PPO. The pressure versus area/molecule isotherms were recorded before and after hybridization. I also carried out a series of control experiments, in order to identify the best conditions of realizing a DNA machine with DNA-b-PPO. To relate the lateral pressure with molecular structures, Langmuir Blodgett (LB) films were transferred to highly ordered pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) and mica substrates at different pressures. These films were then investigated with AFM (chapter 4). At last, this thesis includes studies of DNA and DNA block copolymer assemblies with AFM, which were performed in cooperation with different group of the Sonderforschungsbereich 625 “From Single Molecules to Nanoscopically Structured Materials”. AFM was proven to be an important method to confirm the formation of multiblock copolymers and DNA networks (chapter 5).
Hyperverzweigte Polymere erfuhren in den letzten Jahren immer mehr Beachtung, da sie im Vergleich zu ihren linearen Analoga besondere Eigenschaften besitzen. Im Jahre 2002 wurde die erste enzymkatalysierte Darstellung hyperverzweigter Poly(epsilon-caprolacton)e (hb-PCL) beschrieben. Hier ermöglichte das Konzept der konkurrierenden ringöffnenden Polymerisation und Polykondensation die Kontrolle der Eigenschaften des dargestellten Polymers. Detaillierte Untersuchungen in Hinblick auf Grenzen und Möglichkeiten, aber auch die Synthese im Technikumsmaßstab sind wesentliche Aspekte dieser Arbeit. Außerdem wird ein neues Konzept eingeführt, das Reknitting genannt wurde. Ziel desselben ist das Recycling kommerziellen, linearen PCLs mittels Umesterung zu hb-PCL durch Enzymkatalyse. Diese hb-PCLs zeigen vergleichbare Eigenschaften zu den aus den Comonomeren dargestellten. Ausgehend von hb-PCL sollte eine geeignete Route zu methacrylierten Vernetzerverbindungen entwickelt werden. Aus Mischungen derselben mit 2-Hydroxyethylmethacrylat wurden komplexe Netzwerkarchitekturen durch Copolymerisation erhalten. Diese Netzwerke wurden in Hinblick auf ihre mechanisch physikalischen Eigenschaften untersucht. Zuletzt wurden Screeningexperimente an anderen zyklischen Estern durchgeführt, da ein Transfer des oben vorgestellten Konzepts angestrebt wurde. Zwei neue hyperverzweigte Polymerklassen, hb-Poly(delta-valerolacton) und hb-Polytrimethylencarbonat wurden detaillierter untersucht und in Ihren Eigenschaften mit hb-PCL verglichen.
Amphiphile Blockcopolymere sind in der Lage in Wasser Morphologien auszubilden, die analog sind zur hydrophil-hydrophob-hydrophil-Struktur von natürlichen Lipiddoppelschichten. In dieser Arbeit wird zum ersten Mal die Präparation und Charakterisierung von oberflächengestützten Polymerdoppelschichten aus Polybutadien-b-Polyethylenoxid (PB-PEO) beschrieben. Für die Herstellung dieser Strukturen wurden zwei unterschiedliche Präparationsstrategien verfolgt. Der erste Weg besteht aus einer zweistufigen Methode, bei der im ersten Schritt organisierte Monoschichten mittels Langmuir-Blodgett-Transfer auf Gold übertragen und kovalent angebunden werden. Im zweiten Schritt werden hydrophobe Wechselwirkungen ausgenutzt, um über Langmuir-Schaefer-Transfer eine weitere Schicht aufzubringen. Somit wurden homogene Architekturen erzeugt, die oberflächengestützten Lipiddoppelschichten gleichen. Als alternativer, einstufiger Ansatz zur Herstellung von Polymerdoppelschichten wurde das Spreiten von Polymervesikeln auf Gold verfolgt. Auch hierdurch ließen sich Doppelschichtstrukturen mit einer vollständigen Oberflächenbedeckung erzeugen. Die hergestellten Polymerdoppelschichten besitzen eine Dicke von 11-14 nm, die von der Präparationsmethode abhängt. Die Polymerstrukturen weisen bei Trocknung für 1.5 h eine Stabilität gegenüber Luft auf. Bei längeren Trocknungszeiten von ca. 12 h kommt es zu einer Reorganisation der Oberfläche. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass Wasser dazu notwendig ist die Strukturen auf lange Sicht zu stabilisieren. Um die Biokompatibilität der Polymerschichten nachzuweisen, wurden die Wechselwirkungen mit dem membranaktiven Peptid Polymyxin B und dem Transmembranprotein α-Haemolysin gezeigt. Mobilität ist ein wichtiger Faktor für die korrekte Funktion vieler Transmembranproteine. Um die laterale Diffusionsdynamik innerhalb der künstlichen Strukturen zu untersuchen, wurde die Mobilität eines integralen Modellpeptids und von fluoreszierenden Membransonden gemessen. Es konnte mit einzelmolekülempfindlichen Techniken gezeigt werden, dass das α-helikale Peptid und die kleinen Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe frei im hydrophoben Kern der Polymerdoppelschicht diffundieren können. Die Diffusion von beiden Spezies scheint stark von der Fluidität der Polymermatrix beeinflusst zu sein. Ein weiterer Teil dieser Arbeit widmet sich der Entwicklung eines angemessenen, lipidbasierten Referenzsystems für zukünftige Proteinuntersuchungen. Hierzu wurde eine neue Methode zu Herstellung von peptidgestützten Lipiddoppelschichtmembranen entwickelt. Dies wurde durch kovalente Befestigung eines Thiopeptids an einen Goldfilm und darauffolgende Anbindung eines Lipids erreicht. Zur Ausbildung der Lipiddoppelschicht auf dem Lipopeptidunterbau wurder der Rapid Solvent Exchange verwendet. Die Ausbildung der Lipiddoppelschicht wurde sowohl auf microskopischer als auch auf makroskopischer Ebene nachgewiesen. Im letzten Schritt wurde die Anwendbarkeit des Modelsystems für elektrochemische Messungen durch den funktionalen Einbau des Ionentransporters Valinomycin unter Beweis gestellt.
Synthesis and characterization of monodisperse oligonucleotide-polypeptide di- and triblock copolymers are described. These block copolymers are promising building blocks for the formation of defined structures by sequential DNA self-assembly. The oligonucleotide sequences (ODN, 46 bases) obtained from standard solid phase synthesis were designed to form four-arm DNA junctions. The hybridization of the four single stranded oligonucleotides at room temperature to a stable four-arm junction is selective and quantitative. The junctions exhibit good thermal stability as proven by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and UV analysis. The second block consists of monodisperse elastin-like polypeptides (ELPs) with a pentapeptide repeat unit of (Val-Pro-Gly-Val-Gly) synthesized by genetic engineering. ODN-ELP diblock copolymers were obtained either by thiol coupling or by activated ester chemistry. Taking advantage of the endgroup control of both components (ODN, ELP), combination of the two different synthetic approaches leads to the synthesis of ODN-ELP-ODN triblock copolymers. Dynamic light scattering measurements of the single components and the synthesized diblock copolymers reveal their monodispersity. Hybridization of four ODN-ELP diblock copolymers carrying the four junction sequences shows quantitative self-assembly. In conclusion, this work provides the first example of the synthesis of perfectly defined ODN-ELP block copolymers and their potential use in DNA self-assembly.
From amphiphilic block copolymers to ferrocenyl-functionalized polymers for biosensoric applications
The present thesis can be divided in three main parts. In all parts new polymer architecturesrnwere synthesized and characterized concerning their special features.rnThe first part will emphasize the advantage of a polystyrene-block-(hyperbranchedrnpolyglycerol) copolymer in comparison to an analogue polystyrene-block-(linear polyglycerol)rncopolymer. Therefore a synthethic route to prepare linear block copolymersrnhas been developed. Two strategies were examined. One strategy was based on thernclassic, sequential anionic polymerization; the second strategy was based on arn“Click-Chemistry” coupling reaction. In a following step glycidol was hypergraftedrnfrom these block copolymers by applying a hypergrafting reaction with glycidol. Thernbehavior of the amphiphilic block copolymers synthesized was studied in differentrnsolvents. Furthermore the polarity of the solvent was changed to form the correspondingrninverse micelles. DLS, SLS, SEC-MALLS-VISCO, AFM and Cyro TEMrnmeasurements were performed to obtain a visual image from the appearance of thernaggregates. It was found that a linear-hyperbranched architecture is necessary, ifrnwell defined, monodisperse aggregates are required, e.g. for the preparation of orderedrnnanoarrays. Linear-linear block copolymers formed only polydisperse aggregates.rnAdditionally it was found that size distribution could be improved dramaticallyrnby passing the aggregates through a SEC column with large pores. The SEC columnsrnacted like a template in which the aggregates adopt a more stable conformation.rnIn the second part anionic polymerization was employed to synthesize silaneendfunctionalizedrnmacromonomers with different molecular weights based on polybutadienernand polyisoprene. These were polymerized by a hydrosilylation reaction inrnbulk to obtain branched polymers, using Karstedt’s catalyst. Surprisingly the additionrnof monofunctional silanes during the polymerization had only a minimal effect concerningrnthe degree of polymerization. It was possible to introduce silanes without increasingrnthe overall number of reaction steps by a very convenient “pseudo-copolymerization”rnmethod. All branched polymers were analyzed by SEC, SEC-MALLS,rnSEC-viscometry, 1H-NMR-spectroscopy and DSC concerning their branching ratio.rnThe branching parameters for the branched polymers exhibited similar characteristicsrnas hyperbranched polymers based on AB2 monomers. Detailed kinetic study showedrnthat the polymerization occurred very rapidly in comparison to the hydrosilylation polymerizationrnof classical AB2 type carbosilanes monomers.rnThe last part will deal with ferrocenyl-functionalized polymers. On the one hand,rnferrocenyl-functionalized polyglycerols (PG) were studied. Esterification of PGs withrndifferent molecular weight using ferrocenemonocarboxylic acid gave the ferrocenylrnfuntionalized polymers in high yields. On the other hand three different block copolymersrnwere prepared with different ratios of styrene to butadiene units (10:1, 4:1, 2:1).rnThe double bonds of the 1,2-PB block were hydrosilylated using silanes bearing onern(HSiMe2Fc) or two (HSiMeFc2) ferrocene units. High degrees of functionalizationrnwere obtained (up to 83 %). In this manner, six different ferrocenyl-rich block copolymersrnwith different fractions of ferrocene were prepared and analyzed, employingrnNMR-spectroscopy, SEC, SEC/MALLS/viscometry, DLS and cyclic voltammetry. Thernredox properties of the studied polymers varied primarily with the nature of the silanernunit attached. Additionally, the redox properties in solution of the studied polymersrnwere influenced by the block length ratio of the block copolymers. Unexpectedly, withrnincreasing block length of the ferrocenyl block the fraction of active ferrocenes decreased.rnNevertheless, in case of thin monolayer films this behaviour was not observed.rnAll polymers (PG and PS-b-PB based) exhibited good electrochemical propertiesrnin a wide range of solvents, which rendered them very interesting for biosensoricrnapplications.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Computersimulationen von Keimbildungs- und Kris\-tallisationsprozessen in rnkolloidalen Systemen durchgef\"uhrt. rnEine Kombination von Monte-Carlo-Simulationsmethoden und der Forward-Flux-Sampling-Technik wurde rnimplementiert, um die homogene und heterogene Nukleation von Kristallen monodisperser Hart\-kugeln zu untersuchen. rnIm m\"a\ss{ig} unterk\"uhlten Bulk-Hartkugelsystem sagen wir die homogenen Nukleationsraten voraus und rnvergleichen die Resultate mit anderen theoretischen Ergebnissen und experimentellen Daten. rnWeiterhin analysieren wir die kristallinen Cluster in den Keimbildungs- und Wachstumszonen, rnwobei sich herausstellt, dass kristalline Cluster sich in unterschiedlichen Formen im System bilden. rnKleine Cluster sind eher l\"anglich in eine beliebige Richtung ausgedehnt, w\"ahrend gr\"o\ss{ere} rnCluster kompakter und von ellipsoidaler Gestalt sind. rn rnIm n\"achsten Teil untersuchen wir die heterogene Keimbildung an strukturierten bcc (100)-W\"anden. rnDie 2d-Analyse der kristallinen Schichten an der Wand zeigt, dass die Struktur der rnWand eine entscheidende Rolle in der Kristallisation von Hartkugelkolloiden spielt. rnWir sagen zudem die heterogenen Kristallbildungsraten bei verschiedenen \"Ubers\"attigungsgraden voraus. rnDurch Analyse der gr\"o\ss{ten} Cluster an der Wand sch\"atzen wir zus\"atzlich den Kontaktwinkel rnzwischen Kristallcluster und Wand ab. rnEs stellt sich heraus, dass wir in solchen Systemen weit von der Benetzungsregion rnentfernt sind und der Kristallisationsprozess durch heterogene Nukleation stattfindet. rn rnIm letzten Teil der Arbeit betrachten wir die Kristallisation von Lennard-Jones-Kolloidsystemen rnzwischen zwei ebenen W\"anden. rnUm die Erstarrungsprozesse f\"ur ein solches System zu untersuchen, haben wir eine Analyse des rnOrdnungsparameters f\"ur die Bindung-Ausrichtung in den Schichten durchgef\"urt. rnDie Ergebnisse zeigen, dass innerhalb einer Schicht keine hexatische Ordnung besteht, rnwelche auf einen Kosterlitz-Thouless-Schmelzvorgang hinweisen w\"urde. rnDie Hysterese in den Erhitzungs-Gefrier\-kurven zeigt dar\"uber hinaus, dass der Kristallisationsprozess rneinen aktivierten Prozess darstellt.
In summary, thermoresponsive polyacrylamides with various amounts of different photoswitchable side groups, i. e. azobenzene, salicylideneaniline and fulgimide were successfully prepared. As such, in a first step three different chromophores with an amine functionality were synthesized. The synthesis of the stimuli-responsive materials was based on the RAFT polymerization of activated ester acrylates followed by a polymer analogous reaction with different amines. The procedure has been designed to allow the synthesis of well-defined materials with functional groups. All copolymers prepared in this way showed a LCST in aqueous solution. The LCST was in general decreased by increasing the amount of hydrophobic dye incorporated into the thermoresponsive polymer. However, in the case of the fulgimide, the LCST was hardly affected by the chromophore. For azobenzene containing PNIPAM polymers and analogues, higher LCST values were measured after irradiation of the polymer sample solutions with UV-light (Delta LCSTmax = 7.3°C). A reversible light-induced solubility change within a certain temperature range was possible. In contrast to this, irradiated samples of salicylideneaniline containing thermoresponsive copolymers showed an irreversible increase in the LCST (Delta LCSTmax = 13.0°C). Fulgimide chromophores did not influence the LCST of PNIPAM based copolymers after UV-light exposure.rnSimilar to the thermoresponsive polyacrylamides with azobenzene side groups, poly(oligo(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate) [P(OEGMA)] polymers with azobenzene end groups showed a LCST shift upon UV-irradiation. These polymers were synthesized by RAFT polymerization using a functional chain transfer agent (CTA). For this, PFP-CTA was used as a RAFT-agent for end group functionalization of (thermoresponsive) polymers. In contrast to the statistically arranged copolymers with azobenzene side groups, P(OEGMA) polymers with terminal azobenzene showed a linear increase of the LCST shifts with increasing amount of chromophore (Delta LCSTmax = 4.3°C). Noteworthy, the chemical nature of the end group exhibited a strong influence on the LCST in the case of short thermoresponsive P(OEGMA) polymers.rnThe investigation on temperature- and lightresponsive polymers was transferred onto block copolymers capable to self-assemble into polymeric micelles. Therefore, PEO-b-PNIPAM block copolymers with azobenzene moieties were synthesized successfully. These polymers showed a “smart” behavior in aqueous solution, as the reversible formation and disruption of the micelles could either be controlled by temperature or using light as a stimulus. The usefulness of these materials was demonstrated by encapsulation of a hydrophobic dye in the core of the micelle. Such materials might have a great potential as a model system for several technical or biological applications.rnFinally, double thermoresponsive block copolymers forming micellar structures in a certain temperature range with functional end groups could successfully be synthesized. These “smart materials” based on POEGMA-b-PNIPMAM have been demonstrated to be very promising for a temperature selective immobilization on a protein surface. This might be a suitable concept for further biological applications.rnConcluding, different thermoresponsive copolymers and block copolymers with lightresponsive moieties arranged along the backbone or located at the chain ends were successfully prepared and investigated. By controlling the nature of functional groups and their respective incorporation ratios, the LCST could be dialed in precisely. Further, the LCST of the polymers could be triggered by light. A light-controlled disruption of micellar structures could be shown for functional block copolymers. The importance of end groups of thermoresponsive polymers was demonstrated by a temperature-controlled protein-polymer binding of a terminal biotin-functionalized double thermoresponsive polymer. The synthetic approaches and the material properties presented here should be promising for further research and applications beyond this dissertation.rn
Polycarbosilanes are a class of polymers at the interface between organic and inorganic chemistry. They are characterized by a high thermal and chemical inertness and high flexibility, especially pronounced for branched structures. Linear polycarbosilanes are well known as precursors for the preparation of SiCx ceramics. Additionally, more sophisticated architectures like dendrimers, hyperbranched polymers or block copolymers have been the subject of research for more than a decade. The scope of this work was to expand the properties and fields of application for polycarbosilane-containing structures. Thus, the work is divided in two major parts. The first part covers the synthesis and characterization of hyperbranched polycarbosilanes containing organometallic moieties. Hyperbranched poly-carbosilanes were synthesized using hydrosilylation of diallylmethylsilane and methyldiundecenylsilane. The degree of branching for polydiallymethylsilane was determined using standard 1H-NMR spectroscopy. The functional building blocks ferrocenyldimethylsilane and diferrocenylmethylsilane were synthesized which contain an isolated ferrocene unit or two ferrocenes bridged by silicon, respectively. Hyperbranched polycarbosilanes functionalized with ferrocenyl moieties were synthesized by modification of preformed polymers or by copolymerization of AB2 carbosilane monomers with AX-type ferrocenylsilanes. Polymers with Mn = 2500-9000g/mol and ferrocene contents of up to 67wt% were obtained. Electrochemical characterization by cyclic voltammetry revealed that polymers functionalized with isolated ferrocene units showed a single reversible oxidation wave, while voltammograms for polymers functionalized with diferrocenyl silane exhibited two well-separated reversible oxidation-reduction waves. This shows that the polymer bound ferrocenes bridged by silicon are electronically communicating and thus oxidation of the first ferrocene shifts the oxidation potential for the adjacent one. The polymers were utilized successfully for the preparation of modified electrodes with persistent and reproducible electrochemical response in organic solvents as well as in aqueous solution. The presented work has proven that ferrocenyl-functionalized hyperbranched polymers exhibit similar electrochemical properties as the analogous dendrimers. In a further approach it was shown that hyperbranched polymers containing organometallic moieties can be synthesized by polymerization of a new ferrocene-containing AB2 monomer - diallylferrocenylsilane. The second part of this work is dedicated to the preparation of core-functional hyperbranched polycarbosilanes. Low molecular weight ambifunctional molecules were synthesized that contain double bonds for the attachment of a polycarbosilane polymer as well as a second functionality available for further reaction and modification. Reactive vinyl groups in the core molecule allow an efficient attachment of hyperbranched polycarbosilane which was proven by MALDI-ToF and GPC. In combination with slow monomer addition techniques molecular weight and polydispersity of the polymers were controlled successfully. Core-functional polymers were characterized by NMR-spectroscopy, MALDI-ToF and GPC. Polymers with polydispersities <2 and molecular weights up to 5300g/mol were obtained. Transformation of the double bonds of the carbosilane was demonstrated with various silanes using hydrosilylation reaction or hydrogenation. Additionally, the core-functionality was varied resulting in polymers with bromo-, phthalimide-, amine- or azide moieties. Thus, a versatile synthetic strategy was developed that allows the synthesis of tailor-made polymers.A promising approach is the application of the polymer building blocks in copolymer synthesis. Bisglycidolization of amine-functional polycarbosilanes produces macro-initiators that are suitable for the multibranching-ring opening polymerization of glycidol. This experiments lead to the first example of hyperbranched-hyperbranched amphiphilic block copolymers, hb-PG-b-hb-PCS. Furthermore, the implementation of copper-catalyzed cycloaddition between azide-functional polycarbosilane and alkyne-functional poly(ethoxyethyl glycidylether) resulted in linear-hyperbranched block copolymers. The facile removal of acetal protecting groups provided convenient access to lin-PG-b-hb-PCS.
Polysiloxanes can be synthesized and subsequently modified (i) by the attachment of small molecules that change the properties of the silicone in such a way that it becomes more hydrophilic, but under the premise that this does not go together with a loss of the silicone-specific features. This can be done by adding hydrophilic sidechains to a polysiloxane. Polyethers like poly(ethylene glycol) or hyperbranched polyether-polyols are suitable in this regard. In order to assure that the silicone properties retain, these side groups can be attached to only one part of the polysiloxane backbone, which results in a block copolymer that consists of a common polysiloxane and a second block of the modified structure. (ii) Polysiloxanes can be equipped with functional groups that are capable of initializing polymerization of a different monomer (macroinitiator approach). For example, hydroxyl groups are used to initiate the ring opening polymerization of cyclic esters, or ATRP macroinitiators can be synthesized to add a second block via controlled radical polymerization. Stimuli responsive polymers like poly(oligoethylene glycol methacrylate) (POEGMA) can be added via this route to create “smart” siloxane-containing block copolymers that respond to certain stimuli. rnAn important premise for all synthetic routes is to achieve the targeted structure in a process as simple as possible, because facile availability of the material is crucial with regard to industrial applicability of the invented products. rnConcerning characterization of the synthesized macromolecules, emphasize is put on their (temperature dependent) aggregation behavior, which can be investigated by several microscopic and scattering methods, their behavior at the interface between silicone oils and water and their thermal properties.rnrn