3 resultados para Delineation

em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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Die Aufklärung von Biosynthesewegen erfolgt häufig mit Hilfe von Fütterungsexperimenten mit radioaktiven oder stabilen Isotopen markierten Präkusoren oder auf der Basis der Enzymreinigung mit anschließender molekularbiologischer Charakterisierung. Die erstgenannte Methode verlangt die Isolierung der Produkte. Jedoch besteht bei Aufarbeitung und Extraktion immer die Gefahr, daß sich der Metabolit teilweise oder vollständig chemisch verändert. Ein weiterer Nachteil der genannten Methoden ist, daß diese generell mühsam und zeitaufwendig sind. Mit Hilfe der in vivo NMR-Spektroskopie können diese Nachteile umgangen werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Biotransformationen und Biosynthesesequenzen des Ajmalin-Biosyntheseweges mit Hilfe der in vivo NMR-Spektroskopie in Pflanzenzellkulturen von Rauvolfia serpentina und Rauvolfia serpentina x Rhazya stricta anhand der natürlichen 13C-Häufigkeit untersucht. Dafür wurden ein 700 MHz, 800 MHz und ein 500 MHz CryoProbe Spektrometer eingesetzt, um die Biotransformationen von Isatin-3-oxim und Isatin sowie die Metabolisierungen der Alkaloide Vellosimin, Vinorin, Vomilenin, Ajmalin, Nß-Methyl-dihydrochano-ajmalin und Perakin mit der 1H-13C invers korrelierten NMR-Spektroskopie zu verfolgen.


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Major depression belongs to the most serious and widespread psychiatric disorders in today’s society. There is a great need for the delineation of the underlying molecular mechanisms as well as for the identification of novel targets for its treatment. In this thesis, transgenic mice of the endocannabinoid and the corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) system were investigated to determine the putative role of these systems for depression-like phenotypes in mice. In the first part of the thesis, we found that the endocannabinoid system was prominently involved in a brain region-specific and temporally controlled manner in acute as well as in chronic stress processing. Genetic deletion in combination with pharmacological intervention revealed the importance of a fully functional endocannabinoid system for efficient neuroendocrine and behavioral stress coping. Accordingly, cannabinoid type 1 (CB1) receptor-deficient mice displayed several depression-like symptoms and molecular alterations, including “behavioral despair”, stress hormone hypersecretion and decreased glucocorticoid receptor and brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression in the hippocampus. However, the endocannabinoid system was dispensable for the efficacy of currently used antidepressant drugs. To facilitate future endocannabinoid research, a transgenic mouse was generated, which overexpressed the CB1 receptor protein fused to a fluorescent protein. In the second part of the thesis, conditional brain region-specific CRH overexpressing mice were evaluated as a model for pathological chronic CRH hyperactivation. Mutant mice showed aberrant neuroendocrine and behavioral stress coping and hyperarousal due to CRH-induced activation of the noradrenergic system in the brain. Mutant mice appeared to share similarities with naturally occurring endogenous CRH activation in wild-type mice and were sensitive to acute pharmacological blockade of CRH receptor type 1 (CRH-R1). Thus, CRH overexpressing mice serve as an ideal in vivo tool to evaluate the efficacy of novel CRH-R1 antagonists. Together, these findings highlight the potential of transgenic mice for the understanding of certain endo-phenotypes (isolated symptoms) of depression and their molecular correlates.


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The relationship and phylogeny of the western Palearctic harvestmen family Trogulidae is investigated. The traditional system of seven genera and approximately 40 species appeared to be artificially composed but a phylogenetic approach and a comprehensive revision has long been sought after. Species are poorly characterised due to their uniform morphology and species evaluation is furthermore complicated by the variability of the few characters used for species delineation. To meet these demands a molecular genetic analysis is accomplished using the nuclear 28S rRNA gene and the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. This analysis incorporates most genera and species of Trogulidae as well as a comprehensive set of Nemastomatidae and Dicranolasmatidae as outgroup taxa. Phylogenetic results of Bayesian analysis, Maximum Parsimony, Maximum Likelihood and Neighbor Joining are compared with distributional data, morphological characters and results of canonical discriminant analysis of morphometric characters and general congruence of these data sets is shown. To demonstrate the applicability of this method the revision of two species-groups within Trogulus is set out in detail. The Trogulus hirtus species-group and the Trogulus coriziformis species-group are revised. The former is in the central and north-western Balkan Peninsula. T. tricarinatus ssp. hirtus is raised to species level and four new species are described (T. karamanorum [man.n.], T. melitensis [man.n.], T. pharensis [man.n]; T. thaleri [man.n.]). The Trogulus coriziformis species-group is confined to the western Mediterranean area. T. coriziformis, T. aquaticus are re-described, T. cristatus and T. lusitanicus are re-established and four species are described as new (T. balearicus, T. huberi, T. prietoi, T. pyrenaicus). In both species-groups two further cryptic species probably exist but were not described. The species groups are shown to represent different phylogenetic levels and this information is used for the revisional work on the genus Trogulus as well as for the generic system of Trogulidae. Family status of Dicranolasmatidae is rejected and Dicranolasma is shown to be best incorporated within Trogulidae. Calathocratus, Platybessobius and Trogulocratus appear to be polyphyletic and are best to be united within Calathocratus, the oldest name of this set. The cryptic diversity within Trogulidae, especially in Trogulus and the composed genus Calathocratus rates to 150-235% and is thereby remarkably high for a group of the generally well researched European fauna. Genetic features of the group such as heteroplasmy, the possibility of major gene rearrangements and usability of the cytochrome b gene for phylogenetic studies in Opiliones are outlined.