4 resultados para Delineation

em CaltechTHESIS


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Experimental work was performed to delineate the system of digested sludge particles and associated trace metals and also to measure the interactions of sludge with seawater. Particle-size and particle number distributions were measured with a Coulter Counter. Number counts in excess of 1012 particles per liter were found in both the City of Los Angeles Hyperion mesophilic digested sludge and the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts (LACSD) digested primary sludge. More than 90 percent of the particles had diameters less than 10 microns.

Total and dissolved trace metals (Ag, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) were measured in LACSD sludge. Manganese was the only metal whose dissolved fraction exceeded one percent of the total metal. Sedimentation experiments for several dilutions of LACSD sludge in seawater showed that the sedimentation velocities of the sludge particles decreased as the dilution factor increased. A tenfold increase in dilution shifted the sedimentation velocity distribution by an order of magnitude. Chromium, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, and Zn were also followed during sedimentation. To a first approximation these metals behaved like the particles.

Solids and selected trace metals (Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, and Zn) were monitored in oxic mixtures of both Hyperion and LACSD sludges for periods of 10 to 28 days. Less than 10 percent of the filterable solids dissolved or were oxidized. Only Ni was mobilized away from the particles. The majority of the mobilization was complete in less than one day.

The experimental data of this work were combined with oceanographic, biological, and geochemical information to propose and model the discharge of digested sludge to the San Pedro and Santa Monica Basins. A hydraulic computer simulation for a round buoyant jet in a density stratified medium showed that discharges of sludge effluent mixture at depths of 730 m would rise no more than 120 m. Initial jet mixing provided dilution estimates of 450 to 2600. Sedimentation analyses indicated that the solids would reach the sediments within 10 km of the point discharge.

Mass balances on the oxidizable chemical constituents in sludge indicated that the nearly anoxic waters of the basins would become wholly anoxic as a result of proposed discharges. From chemical-equilibrium computer modeling of the sludge digester and dilutions of sludge in anoxic seawater, it was predicted that the chemistry of all trace metals except Cr and Mn will be controlled by the precipitation of metal sulfide solids. This metal speciation held for dilutions up to 3000.

The net environmental impacts of this scheme should be salutary. The trace metals in the sludge should be immobilized in the anaerobic bottom sediments of the basins. Apparently no lifeforms higher than bacteria are there to be disrupted. The proposed deep-water discharges would remove the need for potentially expensive and energy-intensive land disposal alternatives and would end the discharge to the highly productive water near the ocean surface.


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Notch signaling acts in many diverse developmental spatial patterning processes. To better understand why this particular pathway is employed where it is and how downstream feedbacks interact with the signaling system to drive patterning, we have pursued three aims: (i) to quantitatively measure the Notch system's signal input/output (I/O) relationship in cell culture, (ii) to use the quantitative I/O relationship to computationally predict patterning outcomes of downstream feedbacks, and (iii) to reconstitute a Notch-mediated lateral induction feedback (in which Notch signaling upregulates the expression of Delta) in cell culture. The quantitative Notch I/O relationship revealed that in addition to the trans-activation between Notch and Delta on neighboring cells there is also a strong, mutual cis-inactivation between Notch and Delta on the same cell. This feature tends to amplify small differences between cells. Incorporating our improved understanding of the signaling system into simulations of different types of downstream feedbacks and boundary conditions lent us several insights into their function. The Notch system converts a shallow gradient of Delta expression into a sharp band of Notch signaling without any sort of feedback at all, in a system motivated by the Drosophila wing vein. It also improves the robustness of lateral inhibition patterning, where signal downregulates ligand expression, by removing the requirement for explicit cooperativity in the feedback and permitting an exceptionally simple mechanism for the pattern. When coupled to a downstream lateral induction feedback, the Notch system supports the propagation of a signaling front across a tissue to convert a large area from one state to another with only a local source of initial stimulation. It is also capable of converting a slowly-varying gradient in parameters into a sharp delineation between high- and low-ligand populations of cells, a pattern reminiscent of smooth muscle specification around artery walls. Finally, by implementing a version of the lateral induction feedback architecture modified with the addition of an autoregulatory positive feedback loop, we were able to generate cells that produce enough cis ligand when stimulated by trans ligand to themselves transmit signal to neighboring cells, which is the hallmark of lateral induction.


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This dissertation primarily describes studies of serotonin type 3 (5-HT3) receptors of the Cys-loop super-family of ligand gated ion channels. The first chapter provides a general introduction to these important proteins and the methods used to interrogate their structure and function. The second chapter details the delineation of a structural unit of the ligand binding site of homomeric 5-HT3A receptors on which the ligands serotonin (5-HT) and m-chlorophenyl biguanide (mCPBG) are reliant for effective receptor activation. Unnatural amino acid mutagenesis results show that the details of each ligand’s interaction with this organizing feature of the binding site differ, providing insights into general principles of receptor activation.

The third chapter describes a study in which florescent protein fusions of the A and B subunits of the heteromeric 5-HT3AB receptor are employed to determine the subunit stoichiometry and order within functional receptors. Strong evidence is found for an A3B2 stoichiometry with A-A-B-A-B order. The fourth chapter investigates the potential for ligand binding across heteromeric binding sites in the 5-HT3AB receptor. Unlike serotonin, mCPBG is found to bind the receptor at heteromeric binding sites. Further mCPBG is capable of allosterically modulating the response of serotonin on the 5-HT3AB receptor from these heteromeric sites.

Finally, the fifth chapter describes progress towards the application of unnatural amino acid mutagenesis to an important new class of proteins, transcription factors. Experiments optimizing novel methods for the detection of function are described, using RARα of the nuclear receptor family of transcription factors.


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Developmental gene regulatory networks (dGRNs) are assemblages of regulatory genes that direct embryonic development of animal body plans and their morpho-logical structures. dGRNs exhibit recursively-wired circuitry that is encoded in the genome and executed during development. Alteration to the regulatory architecture of dGRNs causes variation in developmental programs both during the development of an individual organism and during the evolution of an individual lineage. The ex-planatory power of these networks is best exemplified by the global dGRN directing early development of the euechinoid sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. This network consists of numerous regulatory genes engaging in hundreds of genomic regulatory transactions that collectively direct the delineation of early embryonic domains and the specification of cell lineages. Research on closely-related euechi-noid sea urchins, e.g. Lytechinus variegatus and Paracentrotus lividus, has revealed marked conservation of dGRN architecture in echinoid development, suggesting little appreciable alteration has occurred since their divergence in evolution at least 90 million years ago (mya).

We sought to test whether this observation extends to all sea urchins (echinoids) and undertook a systematic analysis of over 50 regulatory genes in the cidaroid sea urchin Eucidaris tribuloides, surveing their regulatory activity and function in a sea urchin that diverged from euechinoid sea urchins at least 268 mya. Our results revealed extensive alterations have occurred to all levels of echinoid dGRN archi-tecture since the cidaroid-euechinoid divergence. Alterations to mesodermal sub-circuits were particularly striking, including functional di˙erences in specification of non-skeletogenic mesenchyme (NSM), skeletogenic mesenchyme (SM), and en-domesodermal segregation. Specification of endomesodermal embryonic domains revealed that, while their underlying network circuitry had clearly diverged, regu-latory states established in pregastrular embryos of these two groups are strikingly similar. Analyses of E. tribuloides specification leading to the estab-lishment of dorsal-ventral (aboral-oral) larval polarity indicated that regulation of regulatory genes expressed in mesodermal embryonic domains had incurred significantly more alterations than those expressed in endodermal and ectodermal domains. Taken together, this study highlights the ability of dGRN architecture to buffer extensive alterations in the evolution and early development of echinoids and adds further support to the notion that alterations can occur at all levels of dGRN architecture and all stages of embryonic development.