11 resultados para In-Shader Rendering

em AMS Tesi di Laurea - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Approaching the world of the fairy tale as an adult, one soon realizes that things are not what they once seemed during story time in bed. Something that once appeared so innocent and simple can become rather complex when digging into its origin. A kiss, for example, can mean something else entirely. I can clearly remember my sister, who is ten years older than I am, telling me that the fairy tales I was told had a mysterious hidden meaning I could not understand. I was probably 9 or 10 when she told me that the story of Sleeping Beauty, which I used to love so much in Disney’s rendering, was nothing more than the story of an adolescent girl, with all the necessary steps needed to become a woman, the bleeding of menstruation and the sexual awakening - even though she did not really put it in these terms. This shocking news troubled me for a while, so much so that I haven’t watched that movie since. But in reality it was not fear that my sister had implanted in me: it was curiosity, the feeling that I was missing something terribly important behind the words and images. But it was not until last year during my semester abroad in Germany, where I had the chance to take a very interesting English literature seminar, that I fully understood what I had been looking for all these years. Thanks to what I learned from the work of Bruno Bettelheim, Jack Zipes, Vladimir Propp, and many other authors that wrote extensively about the subject, I feel I finally have the right tools to really get to know this fairy tale. But what I also know now is that the message behind fairy tales is not to be searched for behind only one version: on the contrary, since they come from oral traditions and their form was slowly shaped by centuries of recountals and retellings, the more one digs, the more complete the understanding of the tale will be. I will therefore look for Sleeping Beauty’s hidden meaning by looking for the reason why it did stick so consistently throughout time. To achieve this goal, I have organized my analysis in three chapters: in the first chapter, I will analyze the first known literary version of the tale, the French Perceforest, and then compare it with the following Italian version, Basile’s Sun, Moon, and Talia; in the second chapter, I will focus on the most famous and by now classical literary versions of Sleeping Beauty, La Belle Au Bois Dormant, written by the Frenchman, Perrault, and the German Dornröschen, recorded by the Brothers Grimm’s; finally, in the last chapter, I will analyze Almodovar’s film Talk to Her as a modern rewriting of this tale, which after a closer look, appears closely related to the earliest version of the story, Perceforest.


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Il mondo di Internet ha vissuto un radicale e inarrestabile processo di rinnovamento nel corso dell'ultimo decennio. Nel giro di pochi anni, i siti che popolano il World Wide Web si sono evoluti divenendo vere e proprie applicazioni in grado di fornire un livello di interattività e di coinvolgimento fino ad allora impensabile. Il mondo del Web è mutato, e con esso quello dei browser, i quali assumono sempre più le conformazioni di "sistemi operativi nei sistemi operativi": si sono tramutati in complesse piattaforme di sviluppo in grado di fornire a programmatori e web designer potenti librerie e API relative a qualsiasi ambito, nonché avanzati strumenti di debugging. Numerosi standard che governano l'ecosistema di Internet hanno raggiunto la maturità in questo contesto: fra tutti HTML5, il quale ha arricchito enormemente le potenzialità di un browser introducendo nuovi strumenti orientati alla multimedialità e alla classificazione semantica delle risorse. Altri standard altrettanto importanti hanno visto la luce in questi anni, affermandosi e conquistando, nel giro di pochissimi anni, l'interesse di un'ampia platea di sviluppatori. E' il caso di WebGL, una potente e flessibile libreria grafica derivata dal mondo di OpenGL che ha aperto le porte al rendering di scene tridimensionali all'interno di un qualsiasi browser moderno. WebGL ha rappresentato un punto di svolta abbattendo un'ulteriore barriera tra il mondo del web che vive all'interno di un browser e la dimensione delle applicazioni native che popolano un sistema operativo, consolidando il già affermato concetto di web app che lentamente sta seppellendo l'idea di "sito" così come era stato concepito all'inizio del nuovo millennio. Scopo di questo elaborato è quello di fornire una panoramica delle principali funzionalità offerte dalla libreria WebGL (con una particolare attenzione per il supporto cross browser) e di analizzare le possibilità che essa offre, studiando e implementando i principali modelli di illuminazione e le tecniche di applicazione texture per definire un ambiente tridimensionale esplorabile e il più possibile realistico all'interno della dimensione del web.


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L'elaborato prende in esame alcuni motori di rendering, studiandone e descrivendone le caratteristiche sia dal punto di vista teorico-matematico che pratico, con un'ampia introduzione sulla teoria del rendering e sui diversi modelli di illuminazione.


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Lo scopo di questa tesi è dimostrare che è possibile integrare elementi sintetici in scene reali, producendo rendering realistici, avvalendosi di software come Autodesk Maya e Adobe Photoshop. Il progetto, infatti, consiste nella realizzazione di cinque immagini ottenute assemblando in fotografie reali, oggetti 3D, generati usando il software di modellazione Maya, con l’obiettivo di produrre immagini finali altamente fotorealistiche, per cui l’osservatore non riesce a distinguere se l’immagine è reale o sintetica.


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Contacts between languages have always led to mutual influence. Today, the position of authority of the English language affects Italian in many ways, especially in the scientific and technical fields. When new studies conceived in the English-speaking world reach the Italian public, we are faced not only with the translation of texts, but most importantly the rendition of theoretical constructs that do not always have a suitable rendering in the target language. That is why we often find anglicisms in Italian texts. This work aims to show their frequency in a specific field, underlying how and when they are used, and sometimes preferred to the Italian corresponding word. This dissertation looks at a sample of essays from the specialised magazine “Lavoro Sociale”, published by Edizioni Centro Studi Erickson, searching for borrowings from English and discussing their use in order to make hypotheses on the reasons of this phenomenon, against the wider background of translation studies and translation universals research. What I am more interested in is the understanding of the similarities and differences in the use of anglicisms by authors of Italian texts and translators from English into Italian, so that I can figure out what the main dynamics and tendencies are. The whole paper is has four parts. Chapter 1 briefly explains the theoretical background on translation studies, and introduces and discusses the notion of translation universals. After that, the research methodology and theoretical background on linguistic borrowings (especially anglicisms) in Italian are summarized. Chapter 2 presents the study, explaining the organisation of the material, the methodology used and the object of interest. Chapter 3 is the core of the dissertation because it contains the qualitative and quantitative data taken from the texts and the examination of the dynamics of the use of anglicisms. Finally, Chapter 4 compares the conclusions drawn from the previous chapter with the opinions of authors, translators and proof-readers, whom I asked to answer a questionnaire written specifically to investigate the mechanisms and choices behind their use of anglicisms.


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L'obiettivo di questo elaborato è quindi quello di progettare e realizzare un editor grafico per la modellazione di oggetti tridimensionali, di consentire ad un utente di costruire scene complesse curandone il rendering. Il progetto è stato realizzato facendo uso del linguaggio C++ e degli strumenti messi a disposizione dalle librerie OpenGL


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The main purpose of this thesis is to promote the Slovak culture in Italy through the adaptation of Pásli ovce valasi (The shepherd grazed the sheep), a TV series for children by director Ladislav Čapek. The series, which was released in Czechoslovakia in 1973, is divided into thirteen episodes and tells the story of Matko and Kubko, two shepherds who live in the mountains in central Slovakia. Pásli ovce valasi represented an interesting choice from the adaptation point of view, due to its deep cultural value and the peculiarities of the language used by the characters. The constraints of audiovisual translation were combined to the difficulty of rendering Slovak cultural-specific elements into Italian, together with the limits imposed by having children as a primary recipient. The importance of their role as a target has constrained not only our translation choices, but also the adaptation mode. For this reason, it was decided to realise subtitles in order to make the audiovisual product immediately available, together with an adaptation for dubbing, more suitable for a young audience. The opportunity to present two different forms of adaptation is closely linked to the specific characteristics of the cartoon language. The present study consists of four chapters. The first one provides a brief introduction to the series, its language and setting. The second chapter outlines the main characteristics of audiovisual translation, focusing on dubbing and subtitling in particular. It also presents an analysis of the role of children as a target and the consequent decision to realise an adaptation for dubbing. The two adaptation modes, together with the transcription of the original dialogues, are provided in the third chapter. The fourth and last chapter consists of a description and analysis of the translation process, focusing on morphosyntactic, lexical, rethorical, historical and cultural aspects. The last part of the chapter analyses the differences between the subtitles and the adaptation for dubbing.


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Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di realizzare un modello tridimensionale del lungomare di Riccione, mediante l'uso di programmi di modellazione, grafica e CAD (computer aided design). Lo scopo è di riprodurre un intero ambiente virtuale che l'utente sia libero di esplorare e in cui possa muoversi in totale libertà. Il possibile utilizzo di un tale progetto è quindi essenzialmente divulgativo o a fini turistici, poiché permette di far conoscere il lungomare di Riccione e di farlo esplorare attivamente dall'utente attraverso il computer comodamente da casa. Questo potrebbe successivamente invogliare gli utenti a visitare dal vivo la città, destando curiosità in merito agli arredi turistici precedentemente osservati in maniera virtuale.