697 resultados para Traduzione automatica,traduzione umana,ambito letterario,analisi,post-editing
Le collocazioni in traduzione e interpretazione tra italiano e francese: Uno studio su eptic_01_2011
This dissertation aims at investigating differences in phraseological patterns in translated and interpreted language, on the basis of the intermodal corpus EPTIC_01_2011 and focusing on Italian and French. First of all, an overview is offered of the main studies and theories about corpus linguistics and collocations: the notion of corpus is defined and a typology (focusing on intermodal corpora) is presented, before moving on to the linguistic phenomenon of collocation and its investigation through corpus linguistics methods. Second, the general structure of EPTIC_01_2011 is presented, including the ways in which its texts have been assembled, edited through ad hoc conventions and enriched with metadata. The methodology proposed by Durrant and Schmitt (2009), slightly edited to fit the present study, has been used to extract and compare noun+adjective/adjective+noun bigrams from a quantitative point of view. A subset of these data have then been extracted and analysed manually. The results of the study are presented through graphs and examples, with an in-depth discussion of the bigrams considered. Lastly, the data collected are analysed and categorised in terms of shifts occurring in translation and in interpreting, potential causes are discussed and ideas for further research and for the development of the EPTIC corpus are sketched.
The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the differences in the phraseological patterns used by Italian and English translators and interpreters through the intermodal corpus EPTIC_01_2011. First, the most important studies and theories about corpus linguistics and collocations are introduced. After defining the notion of “corpus”, the different types of corpora are categorised, giving particular attention to the intermodal one. Then the dissertation focuses on a description of collocations, as defined by the main linguistics scholars, and it describes some attempts to apply corpus linguistics to the study of collocations. Secondly, EPTIC_01_2011 is presented, with a description of its structure and of the text editing process carried out applying specific editing conventions and adding a set of metadata before each text. The analysis of collocation candidate bigrams (adjective+noun/noun+adjective) from a quantitative point of view, was conducted applying a methodology adapted from Durrant and Schmitt (2009). Qualitative analysis was also performed on a subsection of the data. The results of the study are presented through examples and graphs, giving particular attention to the interpretation of the data analysed from a qualitative perspective. Finally, results are summarised and categorised, and suggestions are made concerning the diverging choices made in translation and interpreting. The final section concentrates on further studies that could be carried out in the future, as well as on suggestions for corpus enlargement.
This dissertation is part of the Language Toolkit project which is a collaboration between the School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Interpreting and Translation of the University of Bologna, Forlì campus, and the Chamber of Commerce of Forlì-Cesena. This project aims to create an exchange between translation students and companies who want to pursue a process of internationalization. The purpose of this dissertation is demonstrating the benefits that translation systems can bring to businesses. In particular, it consists of the translation into English of documents supplied by the Italian company Technologica S.r.l. and the creation of linguistic resources that can be integrated into computer-assisted translation (CAT) software, in order to optimize the translation process. The latter is claimed to be a priority with respect to the actual translation products (the target texts), since the analysis conducted on the source texts highlighted that the company could streamline and optimize its English language communication thanks to the use of open source CAT tools such as OmegaT. The work consists of five chapters. The first introduces the Language Toolkit project, the company (Technologica S.r.l ) and its products. The second chapter provides some considerations about technical translation, its features and some misconceptions about it. The difference between technical translation and scientific translation is then clarified and an overview is offered of translation aids such as those used for computer-assisted translation, machine translation, termbases and translation memories. The third chapter contains the analysis of the texts commissioned by Technologica S.r.l. and their categorization. The fourth chapter describes the translation process, with particular attention to terminology extraction and the creation of a bilingual glossary based on a specialized corpus. The glossary was integrated into the OmegaT software in order to facilitate the translation process both for the present task and for future applications. The memory deriving from the translation represents a sort of hybrid resource between a translation memory and a glossary. This was found to be the most appropriate format, given the specific nature of the texts to be translated. Finally, in chapter five conclusions are offered about the importance of language training within a company environment, the potentialities of translation aids and the benefits that they would bring to a company wishing to internationalize itself.
L’objet de ce mémoire de maîtrise est la traduction du français en italien du guide humoristique Comment (ne pas) devenir Parisien – Le guide ultime du parfait autochtone de la capitale, écrit par la journaliste Caroline Rochet et publié en 2012 par Leduc.s Éditions. Ce mémoire a pour but de relier les aspects pratiques de la traduction avec ses principes théoriques et représente une piste de réflexion sur la nature complexe et fascinante de la traduction considérée comme médiation culturelle. Ce mémoire se compose de cinq chapitres : après une introduction illustrant la structure et les buts du mémoire, le premier chapitre présente l’œuvre originale, sa maison d’édition et l’auteur du guide. Le deuxième chapitre est dédié à l’analyse du texte : au genre textuel et à la typologie textuelle de l’œuvre, à son style, au profil socio-professionnel de la langue de l’auteur et au bagage de connaissances du destinataire. Le troisième chapitre expose le parcours d’approfondissement théorique suivi pour arriver au choix de la stratégie traductive convenable, c’est-à-dire la valorisation de la composante exotique. Le quatrième chapitre est consacré à la traduction du texte. Le dernier chapitre est constitué par deux sections : un commentaire sur les principaux aspects problématiques rencontrés pendant la traduction et sur les tactiques adoptées pour les résoudre (information invariante, information modifiée, information ajoutée et contenu éliminé) ; un commentaire dédié à la phase de rédaction d’un texte qui respecte le genre, le style et le fil conducteur du guide, c’est-à-dire l’ironie, ainsi que la formule d’interlocution la plus adapte à ce texte en langue italienne. Ces cinq chapitres sont suivis par une conclusion qui résume les différentes phases rencontrées pendant la traduction et est accompagnée par une réflexion sur la médiation interlinguistique considérée comme art d’écrire, liberté mais prise de responsabilité aussi.
The aim of the present work was to make more accessible a documentary film that focuses on the life and work of the Russian journalist killed in Moscow in 2006: Anna Politkovskaja. The film, entitled “Anna, seven years at the frontline” is a collage of several video-interviews with Politkovskaja’s friends and colleagues, in which they talk about who she was, what was her job about and how she tried to make the public aware about the Chechen wars. Working on this translation gave me a unique opportunity to deepen one of the most controversial issues in the recent history of Russia and to create a useful final product for those who have a particular interest in this topic but do not have the necessary linguistic competence to understand this documentary film.
La presente tesi nasce dal desiderio di effettuare un confronto tra due lingue dei segni che possiedono un'origine comune: la lingua dei segni italiana (LIS) e la langue des signes française (LSF). Si è cercato di capire quanto queste ultime possano essere analoghe tutt'oggi effettuando un confronto tra le loro principali strutture sintattiche, dopo aver passato in rassegna gli avvenimenti storici ed i provvedimenti legislativi più influenti in entrambi i paesi. La pecularietà di questa tesi risiede essenzialmente nel suo carattere inedito poiché finora nessun confronto del genere era stato realizzato tra queste due lingue. Nel primo capitolo, si è deciso di passare in rassegna le varie definizioni proposte dall'OMS circa l'handicap e la disabilità in modo da distinguere due concetti che spesso vengono considerati sinonimi. Vediamo inoltre quanto è importante l'impatto dell'ambiente circostante e della società nei confronti dell'handicap, dopodiché viene rivolta particolare attenzione alla sordità. Nel secondo capitolo, ripercorriamo i sentieri della storia, dai pensatori dell'Antichità fino al giorno d'oggi, al fin di vedere quali sono state le varie correnti di pensiero riguardo la sordità e le lingue dei segni attraverso i secoli. In seguito, ci focalizziamo sull'aspetto legislativo riportando i vari disegni di legge e provvedimenti legislativi che hanno segnato un decisivo progresso nel campo del riconoscimento delle lingue dei segni in Francia ed in Italia. Nel terzo capitolo, dopo una breve introduzione sulle lingue dei segni, vengono scomposti i parametri formazionali della LIS e della LSF, soffermandoci sulle differenze circa la dattilologia e le configurazioni in LSF e in LIS. Infine, viene effettuato il confronto tra le principali strutture sintattiche in LSF e in LIS allo scopo di verificare l'ipotesi alla base della presente tesi. Dopo aver esposto l'obiettivo, ciò che emerge dal confronto, sebbene vi siano alcune piccole differenze, conferma l'ipotesi all'origine della ricerca.
The aim of this dissertation is to provide a translation from English into Italian of an extract from the research report “The Nature of Errors Made by Drivers”. The research was conducted by the MUARC (the Monash University Accident Research Centre) and published in June 2011 by Austroads, the association of Australasian road transport and traffic agencies. The excerpt chosen for translation is the third chapter, which provides an overview of the on-road pilot study conducted to analyse why drivers make mistakes during their everyday drive, including the methodology employed and the results obtained. This work is divided into six sections. It opens with an introduction on the topic and the formal structure of the report, followed by the first chapter, which provides an overview of the main features of the languages for special purposes and the specialised texts, an analysis of the text type and a presentation of the extract chosen for translation. In the second chapter the linguistic and extralinguistic resources available to specialised translators are presented, focussing on the ones used to translate the text. The third chapter is dedicated to the source text and its translation, while the fourth one provides an analysis of the strategies chosen to translate the text and a comment on the solutions to problematic passages. Finally, the last section – the conclusion – provides a comment on the entire work and on the professional activity of translators. The work closes with an appendix, which contains a glossary of the terms extracted from the translated text.
L'elaborato consiste nella traduzione di un un dépliant informativo sul mercato dei farmaci biotecnologici in Germania estratto dal sito ufficiale del gruppo vfa.bio. La traduzione è stata svolta simulandone la commissione per le seguenti finalità: informare i destinatari italiani che operano nello stesso tipo di mercato sul lavoro del gruppo vfa.bio; attirare finanziamenti esteri; informare e sensibilizzare il destinatario sulle scelte da operare in politica sanitaria a livello europeo per un miglior sviluppo di questo settore.
Oggetto del presente elaborato è l’analisi contrastiva di sentenze penali italiane, austriache e tedesche del più alto grado di giudizio. Le analisi sono condotte su tre corpora di sentenze, uno per ogni variante linguistica presa in considerazione, e si svolgono su due livelli: il primo prevede l’analisi degli elementi macro- e microstrutturali delle sentenze, mentre il secondo livello si concentra sugli elementi di coesione testuale con un’analisi statistica della sintassi e della semantica dei connettori testuali, la cui funzione principale è quella di costruire relazioni semantiche tra gli elementi costitutivi del testo. Con la prima analisi si vogliono mettere in risalto le differenze tra il tedesco giuridico della Germania e quello dell’Austria ed evidenziare quindi le differenti strategie traduttive che devono essere utilizzate, se si ha a che fare con varianti di una stessa lingua provenienti da due sistemi giuridici differenti. Per quanto riguarda, invece, l’analisi degli elementi di coesione testuale, il suo obiettivo è quello di verificare da una parte, se esistono delle differenze nell’uso dei connettori all’interno della lingua tedesca e dall’altra di vedere quali differenze possono esserci nell’uso dei connettori in italiano e in tedesco. Nel primo capitolo si introducono i concetti giuridici che stanno alla base del processo penale in Italia, Austria e Germania, per introdurre la materia di base dei testi oggetto dell’analisi. Nel secondo capitolo si espongono delle considerazioni relative al genere testuale della sentenza e ai fattori extra-testuali che condizionano la sua redazione. Nel terzo capitolo si espone l’analisi contrastiva degli elementi macro- e microstrutturali dei corpora di sentenze italiane, austriache e tedesche. Nel quarto capitolo, infine, si espone l’analisi sintattica e semantica dei connettori individuati nei corpora di sentenze.
In the following thesis I present the book The Space Race from South African author Alex Latimer and my translation of some chapters, from English into Italian. Alex Latimer is an illustrator and author based in Cape Town, known mostly for his picture books for children, although his works also appear in magazines and advertisements. The Space Race is his first novel, but it immediately had a good reception amongst readers and critics. The author, his work and his novel The Space Race will be presented in depth in Chapter 1 of the thesis. Then, an overview on the South African fictional production will follow in Chapter 2, focusing mainly on the contemporary trends and trying to understand if and how The Space Race fits. Before presenting my translation and my reflections on the translating process itself, I will outline in Chapter 3 my general approach to the text and its translation, as well as explain the reasons why I chose those specific parts of the book. The original texts and their translations are presented in Chapter 4, preceded by a short introduction to better understand the position of the chapter in the plot and the elements of interests contained in it. A commentary on the translating process will follow in Chapter 5, about problems or just remarks on aspects of interest; also, further elements of complication in the text are described and my solutions presented. The thesis ends with a conclusion on the work done.
L'elaborato mostra in un primo momento i poteri del linguaggio, inteso come diretta espressione della persona. In un secondo momento la ricerca si sofferma sui poteri particolari della metafora. La metafora è in grado se usata in maniere consapevole di modificare il nostro rapporto con la comunità e quello con noi stessi.
The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the language of evaluation in Italian, English and French sustainability reports in order to observe how firms build their corporate image and to investigate the kind of relationship they develop with their stakeholders. The analysis is carried out by applying Martin & White's Appraisal theory and corpus linguistics methods. For the purposes of this research, a multilingual specialized corpus of sustainability reports has been created, which is the result of two different levels of compilation. At the first level, three sub-corpora have been created with the aim of representing three different languages (Italian, English and French): at this level, the research on evaluative language will show that a standardization process of sustainability reports is underway. At the second level of compilation, each of the three sub-corpora has been split in two further sub-corpora, representative of two different business sectors: at this level, the research will show how the sector where firms operate directly influences the choice of the topics to be discussed. The first chapter of this dissertation introduces the concept of evaluative language, with a particular focus on the framework of Appraisal theory. The second chapter deals with corpus linguistics and describes different types of corpora, the search methods and the criteria for the compilation of corpora. The third chapter discusses the concepts of Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainability reports, focusing mainly on the reporting principles and the linguistic patterns of this genre, and provides an overview of the main guidelines and certifications for the reporting of sustainability actions. Chapter four is dedicated to the description of the methodology used for this research, while the last chapter presents and discusses the results of the analysis, in an attempt to draw generalizations on the use of evaluative language in this emerging genre.
Analisi della nascita e dell'espansione del fenomeno Pokémon, con una spiegazione sui contenuti, i messaggi educativi, e un'analisi della traduzione ufficiale.
Настоящая работа представляет собой выполненный нами перевод с русского языка на итальянский семи глав книги «Тотальной “Войны” арт-активизма эпохи тандемократии», написанной видным социологом Алеком Эпштейном. Начав свою деятельность в Петербурге и Москве в 2007-ом году, арт-группа «Война» сразу стала одной из самых ярких представителей стрит-арта и акционизма современной России. В своей книге Алек Эпштейн проводит глубокий анализ истории арт-группы «Войны» и её деятельности, с первых акций до раскола группы и задержания двух из главных членов. В первой главе нами представлены арт-группа «Война», автор книги, характеристики текста и наш комментарий к переводу. В точности рассмотрены примечания переводчика, написанные в виде приложения в конце перевода. Эти примечания были созданы, чтобы лучше обеспечить трансляцию заключенной в тексте культурно-специфической информации. В второй главе представлен исторический и социологический анализ современной России, написанный, чтобы показать происхождение «Войны». В третьей главе рассмотрены искусственные методы и движения, оказавшие влияние на творчество «Войны». В заключение дан выполненный нами перевод и примечания переводчика.
In questo elaborato ho realizzato una breve analisi del concetto di 'Littérature-Monde' così come sostenuto da vari autori di lingua francese che rivendicano un mondo letterario più variegato e aperto, cosa che si realizzerebbe soprattutto nel pari riconoscimento tra scrittori francesi e scrittori francofoni: questi ultimi infatti sono stati per lungo tempo considerati ai margini della letteratura francese in quanto stranieri. Questa analisi è stata propedeutica per arrivare a capire il senso profondo del testo 'La cave de ma mémoire, le toit de ma maison sont des mots français' di Tahar Ben Jelloun, tratto dalla raccolta di testi "Pour une littérature-monde", che ho poi tradotto dal francese all'italiano.