14 resultados para Metal-ceramic joint. Mechanical metallization. Brazing. Zirconia and stainless steel
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
The purpose of this thesis is the atomic-scale simulation of the crystal-chemical and physical (phonon, energetic) properties of some strategically important minerals for structural ceramics, biomedical and petrological applications. These properties affect the thermodynamic stability and rule the mineral-environment interface phenomena, with important economical, (bio)technological, petrological and environmental implications. The minerals of interest belong to the family of phyllosilicates (talc, pyrophyllite and muscovite) and apatite (OHAp), chosen for their importance in industrial and biomedical applications (structural ceramics) and petrophysics. In this thesis work we have applicated quantum mechanics methods, formulas and knowledge to the resolution of mineralogical problems ("Quantum Mineralogy”). The chosen theoretical approach is the Density Functional Theory (DFT), along with periodic boundary conditions to limit the portion of the mineral in analysis to the crystallographic cell and the hybrid functional B3LYP. The crystalline orbitals were simulated by linear combination of Gaussian functions (GTO). The dispersive forces, which are important for the structural determination of phyllosilicates and not properly con-sidered in pure DFT method, have been included by means of a semi-empirical correction. The phonon and the mechanical properties were also calculated. The equation of state, both in athermal conditions and in a wide temperature range, has been obtained by means of variations in the volume of the cell and quasi-harmonic approximation. Some thermo-chemical properties of the minerals (isochoric and isobaric thermal capacity) were calculated, because of their considerable applicative importance. For the first time three-dimensional charts related to these properties at different pressures and temperatures were provided. The hydroxylapatite has been studied from the standpoint of structural and phonon properties for its biotechnological role. In fact, biological apatite represents the inorganic phase of vertebrate hard tissues. Numerous carbonated (hydroxyl)apatite structures were modelled by QM to cover the broadest spectrum of possible biological structural variations to fulfil bioceramics applications.
A major weakness of composite materials is that low-velocity impact, introduced accidentally during manufacture, operation or maintenance of the aircraft, may result in delaminations between the plies. Therefore, the first part of this study is focused on mechanics of curved laminates under impact. For this aim, the effect of preloading on impact response of curved composite laminates is considered. By applying the preload, the stress through the thickness and curvature of the laminates increased. The results showed that all impact parameters are varied significantly. For understanding the contribution rate of preloading and pre-stress on the obtained results another test is designed. The interesting phenomenon is that the preloading can decrease the damaged area when the curvature of the both specimens is the same. Finally the effect of curvature type, concave and convex, is investigated under impact loading. In the second part, a new composition of nanofibrous mats are developed to improve the efficiency of curved laminates under impact loading. Therefore, at first some fracture tests are conducted to consider the effect of Nylon 6,6, PCL, and their mixture on mode I and mode II fracture toughness. For this goal, nanofibers are electrospun and interleaved between mid-plane of laminate composite to conduct mode I and mode II tests. The results shows that efficiency of Nylon 6,6 is better than PCL in mode II, while the effect of PCL on fracture toughness of mode I is more. By mixing these nanofibers the shortage of the individual nanofibers is compensated and so the Nylon 6,6/PCL nanofibers could increased mode I and II fracture toughness. Then all these nanofibers are used between all layers of composite layers to investigate their effect on damaged area. The results showed that PCL could decrease the damaged area about 25% and Nylon 6,6 and mixed nanofibers about 50%.
Composite porcelain enamels are inorganic coatings for metallic components based on a special ceramic-vitreous matrix in which specific additives are randomly dispersed. The ceramic-vitreous matrix is made by a mixture of various raw materials and elements and in particular it is based on boron-silicate glass added with metal oxides(1) of titanium, zinc, tin, zirconia, alumina, ecc. These additions are often used to improve and enhance some important performances such as corrosion(2) and wear resistance, mechanical strength, fracture toughness and also aesthetic functions. The coating process, called enamelling, depends on the nature of the surface, but also on the kind of the used porcelain enamel. For metal sheets coatings two industrial processes are actually used: one based on a wet porcelain enamel and another based on a dry-silicone porcelain enamel. During the firing process, that is performed at about 870°C in the case of a steel substrate, the enamel raw material melts and interacts with the metal substrate so enabling the formation of a continuous varying structure. The interface domain between the substrate and the external layer is made of a complex material system where the ceramic vitreous and the metal constituents are mixed. In particular four main regions can be identified, (i) the pure metal region, (ii) the region where the metal constituents are dominant compared with the ceramic vitreous components, (iii) the region where the ceramic vitreous constituents are dominant compared with the metal ones, and the fourth region (iv) composed by the pure ceramic vitreous material. It has also to be noticed the presence of metallic dendrites that hinder the substrate and the external layer passing through the interphase region. Each region of the final composite structure plays a specific role: the metal substrate has mainly the structural function, the interphase region and the embedded dendrites guarantee the adhesion of the external vitreous layer to the substrate and the external vitreous layer is characterized by an high tribological, corrosion and thermal shock resistance. Such material, due to its internal composition, functionalization and architecture can be considered as a functionally graded composite material. The knowledge of the mechanical, tribological and chemical behavior of such composites is not well established and the research is still in progress. In particular the mechanical performances data about the composite coating are not jet established. In the present work the Residual Stresses, the Young modulus and the First Crack Failure of the composite porcelain enamel coating are studied. Due to the differences of the porcelain composite enamel and steel thermal properties the enamelled steel sheets have residual stresses: compressive residual stress acts on the coating and tensile residual stress acts on the steel sheet. The residual stresses estimation has been performed by measuring the curvature of rectangular one-side coated specimens. The Young modulus and the First Crack Failure (FCF) of the coating have been estimated by four point bending tests (3-7) monitored by means of the Acoustic Emission (AE) technique(5,6). In particular the AE information has been used to identify, during the bending tests, the displacement domain over which no coating failure occurs (Free Failure Zone, FFZ). In the FFZ domain, the Young modulus has been estimated according to ASTM D6272-02. The FCF has been calculated as the ratio between the displacement at the first crack of the coating and the coating thickness on the cracked side. The mechanical performances of the tested coated specimens have also been related and discussed to respective microstructure and surface characteristics by double entry charts.
In case of severe osteoarthritis at the knee causing pain, deformity, and loss of stability and mobility, the clinicians consider that the substitution of these surfaces by means of joint prostheses. The objectives to be pursued by this surgery are: complete pain elimination, restoration of the normal physiological mobility and joint stability, correction of all deformities and, thus, of limping. The knee surgical navigation systems have bee developed in computer-aided surgery in order to improve the surgical final outcome in total knee arthroplasty. These systems provide the surgeon with quantitative and real-time information about each surgical action, like bone cut executions and prosthesis component alignment, by mean of tracking tools rigidly fixed onto the femur and the tibia. Nevertheless, there is still a margin of error due to the incorrect surgical procedures and to the still limited number of kinematic information provided by the current systems. Particularly, patello-femoral joint kinematics is not considered in knee surgical navigation. It is also unclear and, thus, a source of misunderstanding, what the most appropriate methodology is to study the patellar motion. In addition, also the knee ligamentous apparatus is superficially considered in navigated total knee arthroplasty, without taking into account how their physiological behavior is altered by this surgery. The aim of the present research work was to provide new functional and biomechanical assessments for the improvement of the surgical navigation systems for joint replacement in the human lower limb. This was mainly realized by means of the identification and development of new techniques that allow a thorough comprehension of the functioning of the knee joint, with particular attention to the patello-femoral joint and to the main knee soft tissues. A knee surgical navigation system with active markers was used in all research activities presented in this research work. Particularly, preliminary test were performed in order to assess the system accuracy and the robustness of a number of navigation procedures. Four studies were performed in-vivo on patients requiring total knee arthroplasty and randomly implanted by means of traditional and navigated procedures in order to check for the real efficacy of the latter with respect to the former. In order to cope with assessment of patello-femoral joint kinematics in the intact and replaced knees, twenty in-vitro tests were performed by using a prototypal tracking tool also for the patella. In addition to standard anatomical and articular recommendations, original proposals for defining the patellar anatomical-based reference frame and for studying the patello-femoral joint kinematics were reported and used in these tests. These definitions were applied to two further in-vitro tests in which, for the first time, also the implant of patellar component insert was fully navigated. In addition, an original technique to analyze the main knee soft tissues by means of anatomical-based fiber mappings was also reported and used in the same tests. The preliminary instrumental tests revealed a system accuracy within the millimeter and a good inter- and intra-observer repeatability in defining all anatomical reference frames. In in-vivo studies, the general alignments of femoral and tibial prosthesis components and of the lower limb mechanical axis, as measured on radiographs, was more satisfactory, i.e. within ±3°, in those patient in which total knee arthroplasty was performed by navigated procedures. As for in-vitro tests, consistent patello-femoral joint kinematic patterns were observed over specimens throughout the knee flexion arc. Generally, the physiological intact knee patellar motion was not restored after the implant. This restoration was successfully achieved in the two further tests where all component implants, included the patellar insert, were fully navigated, i.e. by means of intra-operative assessment of also patellar component positioning and general tibio-femoral and patello-femoral joint assessment. The tests for assessing the behavior of the main knee ligaments revealed the complexity of the latter and the different functional roles played by the several sub-bundles compounding each ligament. Also in this case, total knee arthroplasty altered the physiological behavior of these knee soft tissues. These results reveal in-vitro the relevance and the feasibility of the applications of new techniques for accurate knee soft tissues monitoring, patellar tracking assessment and navigated patellar resurfacing intra-operatively in the contest of the most modern operative techniques. This present research work gives a contribution to the much controversial knowledge on the normal and replaced of knee kinematics by testing the reported new methodologies. The consistence of these results provides fundamental information for the comprehension and improvements of knee orthopedic treatments. In the future, the reported new techniques can be safely applied in-vivo and also adopted in other joint replacements.
In the most recent years, Additive Manufacturing (AM) has drawn the attention of both academic research and industry, as it might deeply change and improve several industrial sectors. From the material point of view, AM results in a peculiar microstructure that strictly depends on the conditions of the additive process and directly affects mechanical properties. The present PhD research project aimed at investigating the process-microstructure-properties relationship of additively manufactured metal components. Two technologies belonging to the AM family were considered: Laser-based Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) and Wire-and-Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM). The experimental activity was carried out on different metals of industrial interest: a CoCrMo biomedical alloy and an AlSi7Mg0.6 alloy processed by LPBF, an AlMg4.5Mn alloy and an AISI 304L austenitic stainless steel processed by WAAM. In case of LPBF, great attention was paid to the influence that feedstock material and process parameters exert on hardness, morphological and microstructural features of the produced samples. The analyses, targeted at minimizing microstructural defects, lead to process optimization. For heat-treatable LPBF alloys, innovative post-process heat treatments, tailored on the peculiar hierarchical microstructure induced by LPBF, were developed and deeply investigated. Main mechanical properties of as-built and heat-treated alloys were assessed and they were well-correlated to the specific LPBF microstructure. Results showed that, if properly optimized, samples exhibit a good trade-off between strength and ductility yet in the as-built condition. However, tailored heat treatments succeeded in improving the overall performance of the LPBF alloys. Characterization of WAAM alloys, instead, evidenced the microstructural and mechanical anisotropy typical of AM metals. Experiments revealed also an outstanding anisotropy in the elastic modulus of the austenitic stainless-steel that, along with other mechanical properties, was explained on the basis of microstructural analyses.
Laser-based Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) technology is one of the most commonly used metal Additive Manufacturing (AM) techniques to produce highly customized and value-added parts. The AlSi10Mg alloy has received more attention in the L-PBF process due to its good printability, high strength/weight ratio, corrosion resistance, and relatively low cost. However, a deep understanding of the effect of heat treatments on this alloy's metastable microstructure is still required for developing tailored heat treatments for the L-PBF AlSi10Mg alloy to overcome the limits of the as-built condition. Several authors have already investigated the effects of conventional heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical behavior of the L-PBF AlSi10Mg alloy but often overlooked the peculiarities of the starting supersatured and ultrafine microstructure induced by rapid solidification. For this reason, the effects of innovative T6 heat treatment (T6R) on the microstructure and mechanical behavior of the L-PBF AlSi10Mg alloy were assessed. The short solution soaking time (10 min) and the relatively low temperature (510 °C) reduced the typical porosity growth at high temperatures and led to a homogeneous distribution of fine globular Si particles in the Al matrix. In addition, it increased the amount of Mg and Si in the solid solution available for precipitation hardening during the aging step. The mechanical (at room temperature and 200 °C) and tribological properties of the T6R alloy were evaluated and compared with other solutions, especially with an optimized direct-aged alloy (T5 alloy). Results showed that the innovative T6R alloy exhibits the best mechanical trade-off between strength and ductility, the highest fatigue strength among the analyzed conditions, and interesting tribological behavior. Furthermore, the high-temperature mechanical performances of the heat-treated L-PBF AlSi10Mg alloy make it suitable for structural components operating in mild service conditions at 200 °C.
In the last decades the development of bone substitutes characterized by a superior biomimetism has become of particular interest, owing to the increasing economic and societal impact of the bone diseases. In the present work of research the development of bone substitutes characterized by improved biomimetism, has been faced in a chemical, structural and morphological perspective. From a chemical point of view, it has been developed the synthesis of hydroxyapatite powders, exhibiting multiple ionic substitutions in both cationic and anionic sites, so to simulate the chemical composition of the natural bone. Particular emphasis has been given to the effect of silicon on the chemical-physical and solubility properties of the obtained hydroxyapatites. From a structural point of view, it has been developed the synthesis of ceramic composite materials, based on hydroxyapatite and calcium silicates, employed both as a reinforcing phase, to raise the mechanical strength of the composite compared to hydroxyapatite, and as a bioactive phase, able to increase the bioactivity properties of the whole ceramic. Finally the unique morphological features of the bone were mimicked by taking inspiration by Nature, so that native wood structures were treated in chemical and thermal way to obtain hydroxyapatite porous materials characterized by the same morphology as the native wood. The results obtained in the present work were positive in all the three different areas of investigation, so to cover the three different aspects of biomimetism, chemical, structural and morphological. Anyway, only at the convergence of the three different fields it is possible to find out the best solutions to develop the ideal bone-like scaffold. Thus, the future activity should be devoted to solve the problems at the borderline between the different research lines, which hamper this convergence and in consequence, the achievement of a bone scaffold able to mimic the various aspects exhibited by the bone tissue
Most of current ultra-miniaturized devices are obtained by the top-down approach, in which nanoscale components are fabricated by cutting down larger precursors. Since this physical-engineering method is reaching its limits, especially for components below 30 nm in size, alternative strategies are necessary. Of particular appeal to chemists is the supramolecular bottom-up approach to nanotechnology, a methodology that utilizes the principles of molecular recognition to build materials and devices from molecular components. The subject of this thesis is the photophysical and electrochemical investigation of nanodevices obtained harnessing the principles of supramolecular chemistry. These systems operate in solution-based environments and are investigated at the ensemble level. The majority of the chemical systems discussed here are based on pseudorotaxanes and catenanes. Such supramolecular systems represent prototypes of molecular machines since they are capable of performing simple controlled mechanical movements. Their properties and operation are strictly related to the supramolecular interactions between molecular components (generally photoactive or electroactive molecules) and to the possibility of modulating such interactions by means of external stimuli. The main issues addressed throughout the thesis are: (i) the analysis of the factors that can affect the architecture and perturb the stability of supramolecular systems; (ii) the possibility of controlling the direction of supramolecular motions exploiting the molecular information content; (iii) the development of switchable supramolecular polymers starting from simple host-guest complexes; (iv) the capability of some molecular machines to process information at molecular level, thus behaving as logic devices; (v) the behaviour of molecular machine components in a biological-type environment; (vi) the study of chemically functionalized metal nanoparticles by second harmonic generation spectroscopy.
To continuously improve the performance of metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistors (MOSFETs), innovative device architectures, gate stack engineering and mobility enhancement techniques are under investigation. In this framework, new physics-based models for Technology Computer-Aided-Design (TCAD) simulation tools are needed to accurately predict the performance of upcoming nanoscale devices and to provide guidelines for their optimization. In this thesis, advanced physically-based mobility models for ultrathin body (UTB) devices with either planar or vertical architectures such as single-gate silicon-on-insulator (SOI) field-effect transistors (FETs), double-gate FETs, FinFETs and silicon nanowire FETs, integrating strain technology and high-κ gate stacks are presented. The effective mobility of the two-dimensional electron/hole gas in a UTB FETs channel is calculated taking into account its tensorial nature and the quantization effects. All the scattering events relevant for thin silicon films and for high-κ dielectrics and metal gates have been addressed and modeled for UTB FETs on differently oriented substrates. The effects of mechanical stress on (100) and (110) silicon band structures have been modeled for a generic stress configuration. Performance will also derive from heterogeneity, coming from the increasing diversity of functions integrated on complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) platforms. For example, new architectural concepts are of interest not only to extend the FET scaling process, but also to develop innovative sensor applications. Benefiting from properties like large surface-to-volume ratio and extreme sensitivity to surface modifications, silicon-nanowire-based sensors are gaining special attention in research. In this thesis, a comprehensive analysis of the physical effects playing a role in the detection of gas molecules is carried out by TCAD simulations combined with interface characterization techniques. The complex interaction of charge transport in silicon nanowires of different dimensions with interface trap states and remote charges is addressed to correctly reproduce experimental results of recently fabricated gas nanosensors.
The above factors emphasize the scope of this thesis for further investigations on zirconia, the improvement of all-ceramic zirconia restorations, and especially the interaction of zirconia and veneering and its influence on the performance of the whole restoration. The introduction, chapter 1, gave a literature overview on zirconia ceramics. In chapter 2, the objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of abrading before and after sintering using alumina-based abrasives on the surface of yttria-tetragonal zirconia polycrystals. Particular attention was paid to the amount of surface stress–assisted phase transformation (tetragonal→monoclinic) and the presence of microcracks. Chapter 3 is based on the idea that the conventional sintering techniques for zirconia based materials, which are commonly used in dental reconstruction, may not provide a uniform heating, with consequent generation of microstructural flaws in the final component. As a consequence of the sintering system, using microwave heating, may represent a viable alternative. The purpose of the study was to compare the dimensional variations and physical and microstructural characteristics of commercial zirconia (Y-TZP), used as a dental restoration material, sintered in conventional and microwave furnaces. Chapter 4 described the effect of sandblasting before and after sintering on the surface roughness of zirconia and the microtensile bond strength of a pressable veneering ceramic to zirconia.
Il rachide è stato suddiviso in tre colonne da Denis: anteriore e centrale comprendono la metà anteriore del corpo vertebrale, la metà posteriore e l’inizio dei peduncoli, mentre la colonna posteriore comprende l’arco e i peduncoli stessi. In caso di resezione o lesione della colonna anteriore e media è indicata la ricostruzione. Diverse tecniche e materiali possono essere usati per ricostruire il corpo vertebrale. Innesti vascolarizzati, autograft, allograft sono stati usati, così come impianti sintetici di titanio o materiale plastico come il PEEK (Poly etere etere ketone). Tutti questi materiali hanno vantaggi e svantaggi in termini di proprietà intrinseche, resistenza meccanica, modulo di elasticità, possibilità di trasmissione malattie, capacità di fondersi con l’osso ospite o meno. Le soluzioni più usate sono le cage in titanio o carbonio, il PMMA ( Poli methil metacrilato), gli innesti ossei massivi. Si è effettuato uno studio di coorte retrospettivo paragonando due gruppi di pazienti oncologici spinali trattati da due chirurghi esperti in un centro di riferimento, con vertebrectomia e ricostruzione della colonna anteriore: un gruppo con cage in carbonio o titanio, l’altro gruppo con allograft massivo armato di innesto autoplastico o mesh in titanio. Si sono confrontati i risultati in termini di cifosi segmenterai evolutiva, fusione ossea e qualità di vita del paziente. Il gruppo delle cage in carbonio / titanio ha avuto risultati leggermente migliori dal punto di vista biomeccanico ma non statisticamente significativo, mentre dal punto di vista della qualità di vita i risultati sono stati migliori nel gruppo allograft. Non ci sono stati fallimenti meccanici della colonna anteriore in entrambi i gruppi, con un Fu tra 12 e 60 mesi. Si sono paragonati anche i costi delle due tecniche. In conclusione l’allogar è una tecnica sicura ed efficace, con proprietà meccaniche solide, soprattutto se armato con autograft o mesi in titanio.
The research activities described in this thesis were focused on two main topics: the study of shaft-hub joint performance, with particular regard to interference-fitted and adhesively bonded connection, and the fatigue characterization of additively processed metal alloys. The research on interference-fitted shaft-hub joints dealt with some studies in the field of fretting fatigue. Rotating bending fatigue tests were performed on different materials by not conventional specimens to determine the fatigue properties of interference-fitted joints and to investigate the fretting fatigue phenomenon, which led to novel and original results. In adhesively bonded and interference-fitted shaft-hub connections (called hybrid joints) the synergic effect of anaerobic adhesive and interference has the capability of improving the joint strength. However, the adhesive contribution depends on several factors. Therefore, its behavior was investigated for different coupling pressure, coupling procedure, operating temperature and joint design. The study on additively manufactured metal alloy deals with rotating banding fatigue tests. AlSi10Mg and Maraging Stainless Steel CX were involved in the campaign for their wide applicability in Automotive. Build direction, heat and surface treatments were considered as input parameters. Fatigue results were interpreted by statistical method and microscopy analyses in order to determine the effectiveness and the beneficial or detrimental effects of the considered factors. Fracture mode and microstructure were investigated by fractographic and micrographic analyses
The increasing consumption rates among citizens and the uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources have made environmental pollution and management of waste the main problems facing humanity in its upcoming future. Together with generation of energy and transport, industrial production certainly plays a key role in the genesis of these problems. It is for this reason that the concepts of environmental, social and economic sustainability have emerged over the years as the cornerstones for future development. In light of this, the most forward-looking industries have begun to study their impact on environment and society in order to improve their performances and, at the same time, to anticipate the increasingly rigorous environmental regulations. In this work, various performance indicators related to the Italian ceramic tile sector will be presented and discussed. In particular, the emission factor of characteristic pollutants will be reported on a period of up to fifteen years while data regarding waste management, concentration of pollutants and emission legal limits for the last decade will be here disclosed as a result of a vast analysis on recorded data. The collected information describes the present level of performance of the ceramic tile manufacturing industries in Italy and shows how recycling is now a consolidated reality and how some pollutants, such as particulate matter, fluorine and lead are actually disappearing from production processes and how others, such as volatile organic compounds, are increasing instead. Moreover, the adoption of alternative raw materials for the production of ceramic tiles is discussed and the implementation of the recycling of various waste is addressed at experimental or industrial scale. Finally, the development of a new ceramic engobe with high content of waste glass (20%) is presented as an experimental example of reutilization of resources in the ceramic tile industry.
Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) permits the manufacturing of parts with optimized geometry, enabling lightweight design of mechanical components in aerospace and automotive and the production of tools with conformal cooling channels. In order to produce parts with high strength-to-weight ratio, high-strength steels are required. To date, the most diffused high-strength steels for LPBF are hot-work tool steels, maraging and precipitation-hardening stainless steels, featuring different composition, feasibility and properties. Moreover, LPBF parts usually require a proper heat treatment and surface finishing, to develop the desired properties and reduce the high roughness resulting from LPBF. The present PhD thesis investigates the effect of different heat treatments and surface finishing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of a hot-work tool steel and a precipitation-hardening stainless steel manufactured via LPBF. The bibliographic section focuses on the main aspects of LPBF, hot-work tool steels and precipitation-hardening stainless steels. The experimental section is divided in two parts. Part A addresses the effect of different heat treatments and surface finishing on the microstructure, hardness, tensile and fatigue behaviour of a LPBF manufactured hot-work tool steel, to evaluate its feasibility for automotive and racing components. Results indicated the possibility to achieve high hardness and strength, comparable to the conventionally produced steel, but a great sensitivity of fatigue strength on defects and surface roughness resulting from LPBF. Part B investigates the effect of different heat treatments on the microstructure, hardness, tensile and notch-impact behaviour of a LPBF produced precipitation-hardening stainless steel, to assess its feasibility for tooling applications. Results indicated the possibility to achieve high hardness and strength also through a simple Direct Aging, enabling heat treatment simplification by exploiting the microstructural features resulting from LPBF.