23 resultados para URBAN TRANSPORT

em Comissão Econômica para a América Latina e o Caribe (CEPAL)


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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In that decade, a different solution was required, because the Latin American economies, with only a few exceptions, were already regulated, protected and supervised by the State. One notable exception was the Chilean economy, which, at the onset of the 1970s, had been among the most controlled economies in the region after Cuba. Beginning in 1976/1977, Chile's economy underwent profound restructuring with the adoption of neoliberal policies, involving a reduction in customs tariffs, a decrease in State subsidies, the first steps towards the privatization of state-owned enterprises and a loosening of controls both over prices and production processes in general. The Chilean experience initially gave good results, but in 1982 Chile fell into a deep recession, caused to some extent by the continued fixing of one of the most important prices, that of the Chilean peso on the foreign exchange market, together with inadequate regulation of the banking sector.


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Transport planning necessarily takes into account more than just the immediate time-frame. In the case of urban transport, planning needs to come up with solutions in regard to infrastructure which is expensive and may have a useful life extending over several decades. Therefore, planning must take note of economic, technological, social and demographic changes that influence trips undertaken.The purpose of this article is to explore some of the trends that may well be observed in upcoming decades. The article arrives at the conclusion that, in a period of considerable change and uncertainty, failure to take heed of recent trends may result in the construction of infrastructure that is not always the most appropriate and, what is more, that urban development militates against the efficient operation of public transport and, as a result, is likely to jeopardize the sustainability of cities in the long term.


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This edition of the FAL Bulletin provides an account of recent developments and trends in rail and urban transport and road maintenance in Latin America and the Caribbean.


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This edition of the FAL Bulletin tells of recent events and trends in urban transport, railways and highway maintenance in Latin America and the Caribbean.


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The process of urbanization in Latin America presents new challenges for urban transport systems insofar as one of the priorities is to provide proper mobility for the increasing and complex interaction of communities.This edition of the Bulletin, prepared by Irma Chaparro, presents a summary of the recent study entitled Evaluación del impacto socio-económico del transporte urbano en la ciudad de Bogotá. El caso del sistema masivo de transporte, Transmilenio, LC/L 1786-P, October 2002, which considers the socioeconomic impact of the Transmilenio system in Bogotá. This system is part of an integrated transport strategy promoted by the District Authority over the period 1998-2001 and is an avant-garde solution to the difficult problem of transport in the city.


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On 13 and 14 March 2008 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, a seminar on urban mobility policies and urban transport infrastructure services was organized by French Cooperation and ECLAC (through its Natural Resources and Infrastructure Division and its Office in Buenos Aires), with the sponsorship of the Alliance française and the Andean Development Corporation.


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The growing use of e-commerce and the need to generate efficient solutions to problems such as traffic jams and the physical distribution of merchandise have created a new scenario for transport in general, particularly in urban areas. Because of this, the application of new information and telecommunications technologies presents a strategic challenge that enables maximum advantage to be obtained from the deregulation of markets and the opening up of economies, as well as addressing other urgent needs of this sector. This issue of the Bulletin is based on a study of the application of information and telecommunications technologies to fleet management and urban transport, being carried out by the ECLAC Transport Unit. Although the study focuses on the impact of these technologies in these fields, its reflections, analysis and conclusions are also applicable in other areas of the transport sector.


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Incluye bibliografía


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This issue of the FAL Bulletin examines aspects of current urban transport policies in Latin America and proposes a conceptual framework for an integrated and sustainable mobility policy.


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Traffic congestion has become a severe scourge in large cities, in both the industrialized and developing countries. Increasing demand for urban transport and transit has led to longer travel times, and a greater incidence of accidents, environmental problems and deterioration in the quality of life than is considered acceptable for citizens. A multidisciplinary approach is required in order to keep the negative effects of congestion under control and to ensure standards of living remain sustainable. In view of the seriousness of the problem, ECLAC with the support of the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) is carrying out a project to study measures that contribute to traffic control. As part of this project, initiatives regarding the supply of, and the demand for, transport have been examined, and a programme to disseminate information is being conducted.For further information, please contact Mr Alberto Bull .


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Urban transport in the largest Latin American and Caribbean cities consumes about 3.5% of regional GDP — a percentage that is inflated by the effects of traffic congestion. In addition to the costs of congestion in terms of lost economic efficiency, there are also negative consequences in terms of social cohesion. The phenomenon of traffic congestion, which is caused mainly by relatively wealthy car drivers, lengthens journey times and, more importantly, forces up public transport fares. Owning a car is one of the fruits of human progress; using it in conditions of acute congestion or contamination is a social ill.