99 resultados para psicologia aplicada

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT


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Investigations in ethnomathematics show that there are several cultural forms of mathematics, mathematics different dominant. Currently, most research in ethnomathematics aim an ethnographic study of anthropological or cultural groups. However, there is a strong need for studies in ethnomathematics is to target the pedagogical action, involving the teachinglearning practices. So the big challenge for researchers in ethnomathematics is the development of study and teaching practices in line with the objectives philosophicaltheoretical Program Ethnomathematics


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Objetivando analisar funcionalmente a atuação do odontopediatra, procedeu-se ao atendimento odontológico de 3 crianças não-colaboradoras, utilizando ansiolítico ou placebo. As sessões foram filmadas e registrou-se os eventos clínicos e comportamentais dos participantes, em intervalos de 15 segundos. Os resultados revelaram que a colaboração das crianças pode ser considerada condição estabelecedora para os comportamentos da profissional. O ansiolítico não demonstrou efeitos sobre o comportamento dos pacientes. Direção, categoria comportamental predominantemente utilizada pela dentista, revelou-se eficaz na evocação de respostas de colaboração para 2 pacientes. Os dados expressam a contribuição da análise funcional do comportamento ao estudo da interação profissional-paciente em odontopediatria.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This research analyzes the discourse of teachers of ancient oriental arts, namely: Yoga, Tai Chi Chuan, Kung Fu, Lian Gong, Qwan Ki Do, reveals the meaning that subjects have about what are the benefits to health of those already considered practical alternatives conventional treatment of health. The research uses the phenomenological method specifically the method of the phenomenon. The method first provides a pre-reflection on the oriental arts, exposing not systematically, some curiosities changing between aspects of oriental arts: historical, main teaching methods, styles, the character of struggle, why are linked to health, the benefits of their practices, movements, philosophy, concepts, ways of acting, the roots, the basics. In this article the pre-reflection does not appear to meet the standards of Congress page limit. Rather concentrate on the next step of the research and present the phenomenon situated in the experience of those who have experienced it in the case of the five arts teachers mentioned above. The method performs individual analysis or ideographic analysis of the five discourses of teachers from each oriental art and then conducts the general or nomothetic. The result is presented an analysis of generalities, convergence, divergence and individuality of meanings expressed by the subject, to finally develop a discussion of these data and weave a synthesis. The analyzes reveal that Eastern practices currently as some of these five analyzed here, those involving aspects of struggle and concentration are excellent allied health development and well-being. Understanding the philosophical aspect is inherent in the practice of the movements, although the character of the struggle, which they transmit through knowledge of their origins and roots is the current thinking routine that generates a life philosophy of selfhelp, self-enabling and tranquility preparation to overcome the tensions, disputes, everyday challenges. The speeches also reveal that the psychophysical aspects of diseases are real, because the practices of movements and the physical drilling of these oriental arts have enabled visible improvements in health by working the mental and the physical in an integrated manner. Masters must have all the knowledge to better meet today's society, preserving these cultures, passing them through the generations.


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Famílias que estimulam comportamentos socialmente habilidosos parecem favorecer o desenvolvimento social de seus filhos. Assim, intervir no relacionamento dos pais parece ser uma saída para minimizar indicativos de problemas de comportamento. Para uma efetiva intervenção é recomendado especificar as demandas das pessoas que procuram por atendimento, seja através da caracterização do repertório de pais e cuidadores, seja da caracterização das dificuldades e/ou habilidades das crianças e/ou adolescentes. O objetivo da pesquisa foi o de caracterizar, através de uma Entrevista Clínica Semiestruturada, queixas e dificuldades de 59 pais/cuidadores que buscaram atendimento psicológico em um Centro de Psicologia Aplicada. Os resultados principais são: a) queixas de problemas externalizantes, tais como agressividade, desobediência e birras; b) dificuldades dos pais/cuidadores quanto às habilidades envolvidas no estabelecer limites (bater e não ter consistência) e na comunicação. Discute-se a interdependência entre os comportamentos dos adultos e crianças/adolescentes e repercussões para futuras intervenções.


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Trata-se de um caso de Transtorno de Personalidade Borderline, encaminhado para a área de Psicoterapia Dinâmica Breve (PDB) do Centro de Psicologia Aplicada da UNESP - Bauru/SP. O foco delimitado consistiu em trabalhar as características depressivas do paciente, buscando ajudá-lo a elaborar o luto pela perda de sua mãe. A análise deste caso veio corroborar a hipótese de que pacientes com transtorno de personalidade borderline também podem ser beneficiados com a PDB. A peculiaridade desta modalidade de atendimento está relacionada ao estabelecimento de objetivos terapêuticos (foco) condizentes com as reais possibilidades e limites de cada paciente.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O acompanhamento do desenvolvimento de bebês implica na consideração de fatores de risco para os mesmos e na utilização de instrumentos que possibilitem a identificação de defasagens, comportamentais, visando à elaboração de intervenções pontuais junto a pais e outros cuidadores. O presente estudo prendendeu descrever variáveis distais e proximais do desenvolvimento de uma amostra de bebês, a partir de suas características peculiares, bem como das dos seus familiares e avaliar o repertório comportamental dos bebês, correlacionando-o com variáveis de risco como prematuridade, baixo peso ao nascer e filhos de mães adolescentes, comparando-o com bebês sem condição de risco identificada. Pretendeu, também, identificar comportamentos típicos nas áres do desenvolvimento avaliadas pelo inventário portage operacionalizado, mês a mês, durante o primeiro ano de vida, utilizando os critérios de estabilização, normalização e aparecimento destes comportamentos entre os meninos e meninas. Participaram do estudo 217 bebês que foram avaliados no decorrer do primeiro ano de vida, sendo que 33% eram prematuros, 28% filhos de mães adolescentes, 11% com baixo peso nascidos a termo, 3% sindrômicos ou filhos de mães portadoras de HIV+ e 25% do Grupo Controle, sem condições de risco identificado no nascimento. Os dados foram coletados a partir da entrevista inicial e da avaliação mensal do inventário. Os dados foram coletados a partir da entrevista inicial e da aplicação mensal do inventário portage operacionalizado (IPO), em um Centro de Psicologia Aplicada de uma universidade pública. Os desempenhos dos bebês no IPO e as condições de risco identificadas foram submetidas ao tratamento por meio do Statistic Package Social for Science (SPSS, versão 12.0). para a identificação de comportamentos típicos utilizaram-se os critérios de Estabilização... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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We know that play is directly linked to the development and growth of the child. Thinking in this context, were created recreational spaces, more known as playrooms or toy libraries. This research seeks to understand the playful objects used in more visits with children, realized CPA, FC UNESP - Bauru. Therefore, it was necessary to identify the objects necessary to the demands of users of CPA, they were psychology trainees, fellows extension projects, graduate students, teachers and the subjects treated population served. Composed over 1000 objects, the collection must be appropriate to the needs of the CPA. The research in question is characterized as a case study, is related to our shares a scholarship project Playing in the Center for Applied Psychology - CPA, held in the collection playful and Toy CPA, FC UNESP - Bauru, used, in this case, as a field for this research. Watching the playful collection, daily, some questions have arisen about this space became in this study. The data collection period was from September 2011 to September 2012. As an instrument for data collection was mounted a notebook control in order to check the movement of the objects of the collection, also applied a questionnaire to teachers and trainees working in the CPA. At the end of the study we can say that the symbolic games and rules are the objects that are related to care provided in the CPA because of its capabilities to assist in various aspects of the development of children, with the most frequently used symbolic games with children aged 2 to 7 years and the games rules with children aged 7-12 years or more


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This paper analyzes the process of sorting through the intervening demand survey that reaches the Center for Research and Applied Psychology (CPPA) “Dr. Betti Katzenstein” UNESP Assis. The objective was to better understand the reality of conflicts that people face and, therefore, to characterize the patients who seek help in CPPA. With greater understanding of demand, it is possible to trace more consistent referrals and tailor the service to the school clinic profile of clients that demand. Recalling that the actual attendance of screening is already a form of interventional care, because it provides patient care from first contact. This was a documentary research, which had collected their data sheets of the CPPA trials conducted in 2011. 394 screenings were performed. We present the distribution of the demand for sex, age and complaint that motivated the search for care. It can be concluded that the characterization allows a customer routing more efficient services offered at the institution, as it contributes to a better understanding delineated in each case and a reduced number of dropouts in the screening process.


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This paper is the result of a homonymous scientific research, funded by CNPq-PIBIC where we understand the adoption process as a process of dissidence in relation to the bio-parental matrix. Founded on a heteronormative naturalization of human sexuality - which presupposes a continuum and naturalized organization among sex / gender / desire – this bioparental matrix sets the binary relation of distinction between the legitimate/illegitimate child as their origin or not arising from “blood ties”. Considering our experience in the Project developed at the Department of Clinical Psychology at UNESP, Assis, SP called “Ties of love: Adoption, Gender, Citizenship and Rights”, we prepared a content analysis - as proposed by Bardin (1977) -, of transcripts of psychological sessions that were made from 2005 to 2012 in the "Center for Research and Applied Psychology “Dra. Betti Katzenstein. Our general objective was to analyze the effects of the bioparental matrix and its impact on children/adolescents and their families as well as estimate the possibilities of escape to the subjection to this bioparental matrix. The results showed us several aspects that may be significant for understanding the discursive crossings related to the practice of adoption. It was observed that there is still a great ambivalence pervading this theme, revealing that there is a discrepancy between what we say and what we do in relation to practices of caring among the adopted children. On the one hand, it was noticed that relatives rationally seek to enhance the bonding of the “emotional ties”, but their practices and beliefs, are still supported in modes of subjectivation that prioritize the biological discourse. This fact reveals a strained and conflictive field that probably weaknesses those families seeking to prioritize the ties of affection. However, as can be seen in this study, it is comforting and motivating to realize the power of resistance of individuals to absolute truths that govern their ways of feeling, affiliating and/ or exert their parenting.


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Studies show that children with Down’s syndrome have deficits in social skills, which can interfere in their social interactions and also in their academic performance. The aim of this study was to analyze the clinical significance and reliable change in repertory of social skills of a child with Down’s syndrome, from interventions in the clinic, at home and at school. A seven year old girl with Down’s Syndrome who had frequented the first year of regular school, her parents and her teacher participated in this study. They were attending in a Center of Applied Psychology, of a public university in São Paulo State. Before and after the intervention parents and teacher answered the Rating System Social Skills (SSRS). The intervention with the child had been conducted for six months, through playful activities in weekly meetings. It was discussed various topics related to social skills with parents and teacher in biweekly and monthly meetings. The results were analyzed using JT method. With parents, comparing the two assessments conducted, the data pointed to positive change reliable for four of the six skills assessed. Of the five skills assessed by the teacher, one of them was not in the clinical level since the first application. The other two went from clinical to non-clinical level, featuring reliable positive change. The study showed the importance of pre and post measures in case study, enabling the assessment of the effects of the intervention performed on the various factors of social skills. Further studies with larger populations may ratify the data obtained.