28 resultados para Measurements models
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Digital models are an alternative for carrying out analyses and devising treatment plans in orthodontics. The objective of this study was to evaluate the accuracy and the reproducibility of measurements of tooth sizes, interdental distances and analyses of occlusion using plaster models and their digital images. Thirty pairs of plaster models were chosen at random, and the digital images of each plaster model were obtained using a laser scanner (3Shape R-700, 3Shape A/S). With the plaster models, the measurements were taken using a caliper (Mitutoyo Digimatic(®), Mitutoyo (UK) Ltd) and the MicroScribe (MS) 3DX (Immersion, San Jose, Calif). For the digital images, the measurement tools used were those from the O3d software (Widialabs, Brazil). The data obtained were compared statistically using the Dahlberg formula, analysis of variance and the Tukey test (p < 0.05). The majority of the measurements, obtained using the caliper and O3d were identical, and both were significantly different from those obtained using the MS. Intra-examiner agreement was lowest when using the MS. The results demonstrated that the accuracy and reproducibility of the tooth measurements and analyses from the plaster models using the caliper and from the digital models using O3d software were identical.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The accurate identification of the nitrogen content in plants is extremely important since it involves economic aspects and environmental impacts, Several experimental tests have been carried out to obtain characteristics and parameters associated with the health of plants and its growing. The nitrogen content identification in plants involves a lot of non-linear parameters and complexes mathematical models. This paper describes a novel approach for identification of nitrogen content thought SPAD index using artificial neural networks (ANN). The network acts as identifier of relationships among, crop varieties, fertilizer treatments, type of leaf and nitrogen content in the plants (target). So, nitrogen content can be generalized and estimated and from an input parameter set. This approach can form the basis for development of an accurate real time system to predict nitrogen content in plants.
VAMP (variable-mass particle) scenarios, in which the mass of the cold dark matter particles is a function of the scalar field responsible for the present acceleration of the Universe, have been proposed as a solution to the cosmic coincidence problem, since in the attractor regime both dark energy and dark matter scale in the same way. We find that only a narrow region in parameter space leads to models with viable values for the Hubble constant and dark energy density today. In the allowed region, the dark energy density starts to dominate around the present epoch and consequently such models cannot solve the coincidence problem. We show that the age of the Universe in this scenario is considerably higher than the age for noncoupled dark energy models, and conclude that more precise independent measurements of the age of the Universe would be useful in distinguishing between coupled and noncoupled dark energy models.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Some possible evolutionary scenarios suggested by Cl-36 measurements in Guarani aquifer groundwaters
The Guarani aquifer underlies 1.2 M km(2) in the Parana sedimentary basin of South America and is an important source of water for industry, agriculture, and domestic supplies. To determine the sustainability of this aquifer we need to understand the dynamics of the groundwater system. This paper describes the first Cl-36 measurements on aquifer groundwaters and some measurements on South American rainwaters, thought to be indicative of the recharge water. The results are compared to previous work in the region, including other radioisotope analyses. A simple model is developed, incorporating radioactive decay, allowing scenarios to be developed for mixing different waters at different mixing rates. Thus, mixing scenarios consistent with other hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical data could be assessed. A model that mixes fresh recharging waters with formational waters, that contain elevated chloride levels, but low (in situ) Cl-36 levels, can explain most of the results presented here. The expectation that rainwater samples would provide a good end-member for modelling recharge proved problematic, however. As a consequence, it is suggested that either: the recharge waters are not sourced from the same locations as the rains; that the current rainfall and fallout conditions were significantly different in the past; or that the low levels of chloride in rainfall may have allowed some contamination of the samples by old (Cl-36-free) chloride during the recharge process. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
OBJETIVO: a ancoragem óssea é fundamental para o sucesso do tratamento de algumas más oclusões, pois permite a aplicação de forças contínuas, diminui o tempo de tratamento e independe da colaboração do paciente. MÉTODOS: o propósito desse trabalho foi comparar, por meio de modelos dentários, a perda de ancoragem após a retração inicial de caninos superiores entre dois grupos. O grupo A utilizou o mini-implante enquanto o grupo B utilizou o Botão de Nance. Para todos os pacientes foram realizados dois modelos (M1 e M2). Os primeiros modelos foram realizados ao início (M1), e os outros ao final da retração inicial de canino (M2). RESULTADOS: todas as medidas foram tabuladas e submetidas à análise estatística. Para verificar o erro sistemático intraexaminador foi utilizado o teste t pareado. Na determinação do erro casual utilizou-se o cálculo de erro proposto por Dahlberg. Para comparação entre as fases Início e Após, foi utilizado o teste t pareado. Para a comparação entre os grupos de mini-implante e Botão de Nance, foi utilizado o teste t de Student para medidas independentes. em todos os testes foi adotado nível de significância de 5% (p<0,05). CONCLUSÃO: ao se medir e comparar em modelos dentários a perda de ancoragem dos molares após a retração inicial de canino utilizando-se dois sistemas de ancoragem distintos (Mini-implante e Botão de Nance), pôde-se observar a inexistência de diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os dois grupos.
Esta pesquisa foi conduzida com o objetivo de avaliar diferentes tipos de coberturas em instalações para aves, por meio do Índice de Temperatura de Globo Negro e Umidade (ITGU), Carga Térmica de Radiação (CTR) e Entalpia (H). O experimento foi conduzido na Universidade Estadual de Goiás, entre os meses de abril e maio de 2011, sendo composto por cinco tratamentos (coberturas): CA -Telha de cimento-amianto; BA -Telha de bambu; BAP -Telha de bambu pintada de branco; FB -Telha de fibra vegetal e betume; FBP -Telha de fibra vegetal e betume pintada de branco, com 15 repetições, sendo as repetições os dias de medição. Dentre os horários estudados, o considerado menos confortável foi às 14h, sendo que a cobertura de fibra vegetal e betume foi a que apresentou maior valor de ITGU (84,1) quando comparada às demais coberturas, caracterizando uma situação de menor conforto térmico, não sendo observada diferença para CTR e H entre os tratamentos na região estudada.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Measurements of global and diffuse solar-radiation, at the Earth's surface, carried out from May 1994 to June 1999 in São Paulo City, Brazil, were used to develop correlation models to estimate hourly, daily and monthly values of diffuse solar-radiation on horizontal surfaces. The polynomials derived by linear regression fitting were able to model satisfactorily the daily and monthly values of diffuse radiation. The comparison with models derived for other places demonstrates some differences related mainly to altitude effects. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Laboratory time-scale experiments were conducted on Carboniferous Limestone gravels from the Mendip Hills area, England, with the purpose of evaluating the release of Rn-222 to the water phase. The specific surface areas of the samples were 4.14 and 1.69 cm g(-1), which provided, respectively, values of 50.6 and 12.7 pCi for the released Rn. These results allowed the calculation of the emanation coefficient of this rock matrix with respect to the release of Rn, where completely different values corresponding to 23% and 6% were found, suggesting that the extent to which grain boundaries or imperfections in aggregates of micro-crystals of calcite intersect the particle surface certainly affects the Rn release. They also permitted the evaluation of models for the generation of Rn in rocks and transfer to water, in order to interpret the radioactivity due to this gas in groundwaters from the karstic aquifer of the Mendip Hills area, where the calculated activities in groundwater based on the values of 23% and 6% for the emanation coefficient were about 51 and 15 times higher than actually measured in groundwater. Therefore, the emanation coefficient in nature is considerably smaller than in the lab experiment, and another factor k (0 < k < 1) may be introduced into the equations related to the modelling, with the aim of adjusting the theoretical-practical results. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background the Test-mate kit determines acetylcholinesterase (AChE, EC and hemoglobin content of a drop of blood, displaying enzyme activities normalized to 25degreesC. Previous models produced inconsistent results at different temperatures. This report focuses on the current model, ChE 400, and two instruments of a previous OP model.Methods AChE activities were determined by the Ellman assay, using the three kits and a 96-well microplate reader Temperatures ranged from 10 to 37degreesC. Fetal bovine serum was the source of AChE.Results Normalized activities decreased below 20degreesC in the ChE model and below 25 C in the OP models. Activities of the same serum sample differed between the three Test-mate kits, ranging from 1.03 to 1.49 mumoles/min/ml. Percent errors were greater than with the microplate reader at all temperatures.Conclusions Neither we nor the manufacturer recommend the current Test-mate model for fieldwork. Nevertheless, there have been field measurements with Test-Mate kits, and we recommend that an enzyme activity standard be run in parallel with their use. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
As a new modeling method, support vector regression (SVR) has been regarded as the state-of-the-art technique for regression and approximation. In this study, the SVR models had been introduced and developed to predict body and carcass-related characteristics of 2 strains of broiler chicken. To evaluate the prediction ability of SVR models, we compared their performance with that of neural network (NN) models. Evaluation of the prediction accuracy of models was based on the R-2, MS error, and bias. The variables of interest as model output were BW, empty BW, carcass, breast, drumstick, thigh, and wing weight in 2 strains of Ross and Cobb chickens based on intake dietary nutrients, including ME (kcal/bird per week), CP, TSAA, and Lys, all as grams per bird per week. A data set composed of 64 measurements taken from each strain were used for this analysis, where 44 data lines were used for model training, whereas the remaining 20 lines were used to test the created models. The results of this study revealed that it is possible to satisfactorily estimate the BW and carcass parts of the broiler chickens via their dietary nutrient intake. Through statistical criteria used to evaluate the performance of the SVR and NN models, the overall results demonstrate that the discussed models can be effective for accurate prediction of the body and carcass-related characteristics investigated here. However, the SVR method achieved better accuracy and generalization than the NN method. This indicates that the new data mining technique (SVR model) can be used as an alternative modeling tool for NN models. However, further reevaluation of this algorithm in the future is suggested.