31 resultados para 16 Studies in Human Society

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Documenting the presence and abundance of the neotropical mammals is the first step for understanding their population ecology, behavior and genetic dynamics in designing conservation plans. The combination of field research with molecular genetics techniques are new tools that provide valuable biological information avoiding the disturbance in the ecosystems, trying to minimize the human impact in the process to gather biological information. The objective of this paper is to review the available non invasive sampling techniques that have been used in Neotropical mammal studies to apply to determine the presence and abundance, population structure, sex ratio, taxonomic diagnostic using mitochondrial markers, and assessing genetic variability using nuclear markers. There are a wide range of non invasive sampling techniques used to determine the species identification that inhabit an area such as searching for tracks, feces, and carcasses. Other useful equipment is the camera traps that can generate an image bank that can be valuable to assess species presence and abundance by morphology. With recent advances in molecular biology, it is now possible to use the trace amounts of DNA in feces and amplify it to analyze the species diversity in an area, and the genetic variability at intraspecific level. This is particularly helpful in cases of sympatric and cryptic species in which morphology failed to diagnose the taxonomic status of several species of brocket deer of the genus Mazama.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Bladder carcinoma is one of the most common tumors in the world and, despite the therapy currently available, most of the patients relapse. Better understanding of the factors involved in disease pathogenesis would provide insights for the development of more effective strategies in treatment. Recently, differential miRNA expression profiles in bladder urothelial carcinomas identified miR-100 down-regulation and miR-708 up-regulation among the most common alterations, although the possible influence of these miRNAs in the control of basic mechanisms in bladder tumors has not been addressed. In this context, the present study aimed to evaluate the in vitro effects of miR-100 forced expression and miR-708 inhibition in the bladder carcinoma cell line 5637. Our results showed that overexpression of miR-100 significantly inhibited growth when compared to controls at both times tested (72 and 96 hours, p<0.01) with a maximum effect at 72 hours reducing proliferation in 29.6 %. Conversely, no effects on cell growth were observed after inhibition of miR-708. MiR-100 also reduced colony formation capacity of 5637 cells by 24.4%. No alterations in cell cycle progression or apoptosis induction were observed. The effects of miR-100 on growth and clonogenicity capacity in 5637 cells evince a possible role of this miRNA in bladder carcinoma pathogenesis. Further studies are necessary to corroborate our findings and examine the potential use of this microRNA in future therapeutic interventions.


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The taeniasis-cysticercosis complex is a zoonosis of great medical and economic importance where humans play an important role as the carrier of adult stage of Taenia solium and Taenia saginata. This paper describes PCR standardization that can be applied in human fecal samples for taeniasis diagnosis. DNA extraction was achieved with DNAzol reagent, after egg disruption with glass beads. DNA prepared from fecal specimens was first purified and PCR amplified generating fragments of 170 and 600 bp. The assay described herein provides an important tool for T saginata identification in human fecal samples. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. (USA). All rights reserved.


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The retromolar foramen allows the passage of the neurovascular bundles that contribute to nutrition and innervation of the pulp and periodontium of the lower teeth. Knowledge of this anatomical variation may prevent complications in the anesthesia and surgical procedures in this area and serve as an anatomical landmark for ethnic identification. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the retromolar foramen in human mandibles of adult Brazilians and discuss the clinical and ethnic related to the presence of this foramen. Were evaluated 222 human mandibles, dry, adults, Brazilians, independent of gender. The evaluation was performed by two examiners who standardized search from a previous anatomical study. The mandibles were analyzed: the presence of the retromolar foramen (bilateral or unilateral), the presence of the foramen on right and left sides, and the number of foramens present on each side. It was found that 59 had at least one mandible retromolar foramens resulting in an incidence of 26.58%. The retromolar foramen was present unilaterally in 41 mandibles and 18 bilaterally, with incidences of 18.47% and 12.16% respectively. on the right side, the retromolar foramen was present in incidences of 16.22% and 18.92% respectively The analysis of the right side of the mandibles revealed that 47.46%, 21.21% and 3.03% had one, two and three foramens, respectively The left side showed 55.93%, 16.22% and 8.11% of the 222 mandibles with one, two and three retromolar foramens, respectively The incidence of retromolar foramen in the Brazilian population is significant and should be considered in the planning and execution of procedures in several areas of clinical practice dentistry in order to avoid complications. Moreover, it was found that the incidence of retromolar foramen contributes to differentiation of ethnic groups in the area of forensic anthropology.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pesticidas podem causar mutações gênicas e aberrações cromossômicas em indivíduos expostos. Investigamos 24 trabalhadores expostos a pesticidas, nos quais foram executados exames clínicos e testes citogenéticos e toxicológicos. Dez indivíduos não expostos foram usados como controles. Dosagem toxicológica de cobre, zinco e manganês (metais encontrados em alguns pesticidas), dosagem de enzimas hepáticas (GOT, GPT, AP) e atividade de acetilcolinesterase foram executadas em 16 trabalhadores e oito controles. Nos trabalhadores expostos, os sintomas clínicos mais pertinentes foram digestão pobre, com sensação de plenitude após alimentação, olhos irritados, enxaqueca e fasciculações. O grupo exposto mostrou dosagem de manganês e atividade de acetilcolinesterase significativamente mais baixas, e nível significativamente mais alto de fosfatase alcalina. Estudos citogenéticos mostraram freqüências de aberrações cromossômicas significativamente mais altas no grupo exposto quando comparado ao grupo de controle. Embora usassem vestuário protetor contra névoa de pesticidas, o qual incluía calças de borracha, botas, luvas, máscara e chapéu, os resultados clínicos revelaram que os trabalhadores foram contaminados. Concluímos que estudos citogenéticos, toxicológicos, juntamente com exames clínicos, são importantes no controle da saúde do trabalhador, mesmo em condições de proteção.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Thirty-seven samples of human milk (colostrum) from donors living in the Ribeirao Preto region were analyzed to determine the levels of organochlorine pesticide residues. Donors were classified into two groups, i.e., occupationally exposed and non-exposed to pesticides. Other factors such as age, previous lactations, race, smoking habit, occupation, family income and educational level were also considered. Analysis was performed by preliminary lipid extraction followed by fractional partition on a column and finally by gas chromatography with an electron capture detector. Lindane was found in 32% of the samples in amounts of less than 0.001 mg/kg; heptachlor was found in 65% of the samples at mean levels of 0.001 mg/kg, i.e., a level five-fold lower than that established by FAO/WHO (1970) for cow's milk. Aldrin and endrin were not detected in any of the samples. Dieldrin was detected in only one sample at a level of 0.038 mg/kg, which is considered high. DDT and DDE amounts are reported as total DDT and at least one of these compounds was present in every sample. Amounts detected in donors occupationally exposed to pesticides ranged from 0.008 to 0.455 mg/kg (mean, 0.149 mg/kg), i.e., three times the limit established by FAO/WHO (1970), while values for donors who had not been exposed ranged from 0.002 to 0.072 mg/kg (mean, 0.025 mg/kg), i.e., half the limit. Considering the level of acceptable daily intake proposed by FAO/WHO (1973), lactents ingested 1% of the acceptable intake of lindane (all donors), 30% of the acceptable intake of heptachlor (all donors), 60% of the acceptable intake of DDT (non-exposed donors), and 3.7 times the acceptable intake of DDT (exposed donors). Comparing the present results with those obtained 10 years ago, the total DDT level in human milk is decreasing in this part of the country. The mean amount of organochlorine residues in non-exposed women's milk was one of the lowest levels among those recorded in the literature. DDT levels of occupationally exposed women's milk were comparable with those reported for developed countries and lower than those detected in Latin American countries. When the results of this survey are considered in relation to the advantages of breast-feeding, the risk-benefit balance is still favorable to breast-feeding. However, given the lack of long-term epidemiological studies, undesirable or harmful long-lasting effects cannot be excluded.


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Venom of the honey bee Apis mellifera induced a protective effect against the induction of dicentric chromosomes by gamma radiation (2.0 Gy) in human peripheral blood lymphocytes which the cultures were treated with 0.00015 mul venom/1 ml medium 6 h before irradiation. In cultures to which the venom was added immediately before irradiation with 0.25, 1.0 and 2.0 Gy, no significant differences in number of dicentric chromosomes induced was observed when compared to cultures submitted to irradiation only. The venom did not induce clastogenic effects nor did it increase the frequency of sister chromatid exchanges.


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Thirty-eight tumors (five grade I-II astrocytomas, three grade III astrocytomas, four glioblastomas, one oligodendroglioma, four ependymomas, one pineocytoma, three medulloblastomas, four acoustic nerve neurinomas, one intraspinal neurinoma, one neurofibroma, 10 meningiomas, and one craniopharyngioma) and three benign lesions of the nervous system were evaluated cytogenetically after in vitro culture. Sex chromosome loss was detected in 56% of the cases (-X in 13 of the 25 female patients and -Y in nine of the 16 male patients). The objective of the present report was to study the role of this abnormality in cells of the nervous system.