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The documentary Com a Morte Convivo (With death I cohabit) shows people who work at or go to the Cemitério da Saudade (Nostalgia's Cemetery), located in Bauru, a city of the state of São Paulo. Investigating the relations between these characters and the cemetery brings out the discovery of both expressiveness and significance of image, silence and pause. The use of these elements intends to provide a sensory experience of the characters' world view


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Considerado una verdadera lección de cine, ya que es una película que se refiere al propio arte cinematográfica, La ventana indiscreta (Rear Window), dirigida por Alfred Hitchcock en 1954, tuvo como base para el guión de John Michael Hayes el cuento “Tenía que ser un asesinato” (“It had to be murder”, 1942), de Cornell Woolrich. Reconocido como uno de los mayores escritores del género policial noir, Woolrich profesaba la “poética del fracaso, [...] conduciendo gradualmente la angustia de la víctima al centro del cuadro, en contraste con la indiferencia mecánica de una sociedad que no se molestaba con su suerte”. (OLIVA, 2003, p.116- 7). La película tuvo un gran éxito de público y crítica, pero esto no había ocurrido con el cuento, que solo se hizo conocido después de su adaptación para el cine. El propósito de este trabajo es realizar un análisis comparativo entre los dos textos, subrayando los siguientes aspectos: 1) la caracterización del género noir (cuando la investigación ya no es un juego para mentes refinadas, como había sido en la narrativa policial clásica) y del suspense (narrativa de tensión que se caracteriza por el aplazamiento de la resolución del enigma), tanto en la narración literaria como en la película; 2) la autorreferencialidad en la película y en el cuento mediante el uso de la metaficción; 3) el problema de la transposición del foco en primera persona de la narrativa para el cine; 4) los diferentes desenlaces, señalando en qué medida indican visiones del mundo también divergentes.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This article aims to further discuss the Local Productive Arrangements (APLs), considering some geographical visions thinking about spatial configuration and the economic and social processes that characterize them, configuring a wide range of territorialities and productive territories that mark the landscape current Brazilian. In this sense, APLs are present today in both the figure of those who study analytical concept for regional development, and as a public policy supporting networks and supply chains in their territorial bases, especially small businesses. Thus, this arrangements can be read, geographically, as territorial productive specializations that are configured in spatial circuits of production, integrated with other regions, localities and supply chains through the morphology of networks and districts and grounded in networks of urban networks of material and immaterial flows which are bringing urban centers of different sizes. Considering the multidimensionality of the subject, the clusters have certain weaknesses in terms of their assumptions and perspectives, especially the limitations of the tool if designed just for resources and policies applied at the local level. Suggest the approach of a "geography of APLs" is to seek treat it from a territorial and socio reading.


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A escola é uma instituição qual a competição esta instalada intrinsecamente, e esta pedagogia se tornou atualmente muito controversa, pois esta gera diversas dúvidas para sua prática bem aplicada, e acaba, portanto, sendo simplesmente negada por diversos educadores. O fato é que a competição, como elemento fundamental do esporte, e, por sua vez, caracterizado dentro da cultura corporal, a faz elemento fundamental a ser executado dentro das aulas de Educação Física. Esta que passou historicamente por diferentes visões e vertentes, desde o militarismo até a utilização dos PCNs como principal ferramenta norteadora das aulas, tem estas mudanças temporalmente abruptas contribuintes para com a polarização veemente de opiniões acerca da competição esportiva na escola. O que acontece atualmente, seja por falta de preparo do professor, estudos sobre o assunto ou mesmo sobre essa constante negatória competitiva, faz com que ela seja erroneamente utilizada dentro das aulas de Educação Física e, uma ferramenta como esta, mal utilizada, acaba meramente espelhando os desportos perfomances de alto nível, onde se tem a vitória como principal foco ativo, o que acaba levando à exclusão de certos alunos menos habilidosos. Temos então de estudar esta potente ferramenta pedagógica que é a competição esportiva escolar, para que possamos utilizá-la de maneira correta, focando o processo educativo qual empreende esta competição e o desporto, se pautando em objetivos claros para que seja possível se obter uma competição com faces educativas fortes. Seria muito cômodo para nós educadores simplesmente ignorar esta face competitiva inerente à escola, inviabilizando, por conseguinte, um elemento rico e vasto de conteúdos e pedagogias em nossa área. Temos então de aceitar essa competição como um desafio, onde se estudam formas para recriá-la da melhor maneira pedagógica possível, se maximizando os efeitos benéficos desta...


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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We can notice in the different sectors of the society a significant increase of individuals that possess some type of deficiency. Although there is an increasing process of inclusion, we find, even in Educational Institutions, barriers and limited conceptions on this subject. Thus, aiming at clarifying some questions related to this subject, we present some debates found in the literature about the Inclusive Education, Special Education and the construction of inclusive education strategies.


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There are at least three different visions about origins of design; the most diffused is the idea that design begins with the Industrial Revolution. Some see the design as heir of a special kind of crafts at Revolution’s eve, because it already have a former project and work division. Less diffused is the idea that there aren’t much significant differences between design and crafts, giving to design some millenniums of history. But, being the designer heir of this millenary tradition isn’t time to reconciliate it again with crafts? Shouldn’t we return to defend the rescue of concepts of project before the modernism?


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This paper seeks to understand the mediation of cultural products devoted to childhood in the children's play culture. This research focused on a dialogue between the TV cartoons, which are foods to playfulness and fantasy that characterize childhood cultures; the ethics, because the questioning of symbolic mediators (ideas, values, norms, rules) are essential to reflect on the society we want to live, and Physical Education as a curriculum component, shall contribute to the critical mediation of the body culture and the sports arising out from the media, which has close relation with the practical and moral problems that arise in the classroom. To analyze the narrative structures of cartoons we have adopted the comprehensive methodology of Joan Ferrés. Such method suggests a hermeneuticphenomenological approach, which allowed to access Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutics; as one interpretative method, it allows the reflection on our values, and also the values presented by the audiovisual product, and possible changes. Successive readings indicate that the narrative structure of TV cartoons responds to a double moral standard, which are constructed from stereotyped models between good and evil, right and wrong, villain and hero, and propose universal role models of conduct. However, some cartoons, mostly based on animé productions, have broader visions of the human common living experiences. We concluded that the current symbolic production of childhood cultures proposes one challenge to the Physical Education teacher: the critical mediation of values related to the movement body culture. Along with the support of moral philosophy, it can target his/her practice for understanding the different manners of (re)creation of the ways, and the living in society.


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A Mineração de Aspectos visa a identificar potenciais interesses transversais em código fonte de programa e a Refatoração para Aspectos visa a encapsulá-los em aspectos. A Mineração de Aspectos é um processo não-automático, pois o usuário precisa analisar e compreender os resultados gerados por técnicas/ferramentas e confirmar interesses transversais para refatorá-los em aspectos. Neste trabalho é proposta uma abordagem visual que lida com resultados gerados por duas técnicas de mineração de aspectos propostas na literatura. Por meio de múltiplas visões coordenadas, diferentes níveis de detalhe para explorar sistemas de software apóiam a análise e a compreensão de tais resultados para futura refatoração. O modelo de coordenação, implementado na ferramenta SoftVis4CA, é apresentado neste trabalho, juntamente com as visualizações e com os resultados preliminares obtidos.


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This paper discusses issues related to the relationship of the Associação Atlética Acadêmica Unesp Bauru with stakeholders, its acquired image and the construction of this image throughout its history. Through a survey of former members, deepening interviews, image search analysis with campus students in 2011 and redemption of the entity's files entity is proposed a public relations plan aimed at improving the position of Atlética strategically with the new demands of its stakeholders. Thus the work aims to analyze the image of the members based on their institutional memory and students regarding the entity and thus propose a plan that is as faithful as possible to the dualistic views of these two public, improving the processes and actions of the Association