159 resultados para Programa Nacional de Telessaúde (Brasil)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Uso da calculadora nas aulas de Matemática: possibilidades e percepção de licenciandos e professores
The objective of this work is to analyze teaching situations with the use of calculator inside classroom aiming to understand its function and potential to the learning of Mathematics. A survey was carried out about the students and teachers’ conceptions concerning the use of calculator as an auxiliary tool in the learning of Math . The first part of the research is based by means of official documents (Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN) , Proposta Curricular do Estado de São Paulo, Guia do Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD)) , researches and other publications , characterizing by a bibliographic study. The survey with the participants— Math students and teachers acting in public or private schools of São Paulo state— was done through a questionnaire and interviews . The results show that most part of interviewed people are in favor of the use of calculator in the classroom . However , a big part of this number still consider it only as a tool to speed calculations with high numbers or decimals . It was verified that teachers who have recently graduated and have taught for a short period of time accept and comprehend the role of calculator more easily in some activities and consider it as an useful and auxiliary tool to the students’ learning
Identificar as famílias que apresentem estoque e que façam uso de medicamentos, bem como avaliar as condições de armazenamento, segurança e uso desses produtos pelos usuários. O estudo foi conduzido em um município do estado de São Paulo e realizado com usuários cadastrados na Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) localizada no bairro Jardim das Hortências (uma das dez unidades de ESF que o município possui), que conta com 1132 domicílios cadastrados. Para a seleção da amostra foi realizado sorteio aleatório estratificado (134 domicílios, IC 95%). Para a coleta, realizada durante o primeiro semestre de 2011, os usuários dos domicílios selecionados foram entrevistados aplicando-se um formulário semi-estruturado. Participaram do estudo 118 (88,0%) domicílios, dos quais 112 (95,0%) possuíam medicamentos, que eram estocados em lugares inseguros ou inadequados em 75,4% destes. A automedicação – tanto com Medicamentos Isentos de Prescrição (MIP), quanto com Medicamentos Sujeitos a Prescrição (MSP) e aqueles Sujeitos a Controle Especial (SCE) – era prática comum em 46 (47,4%) domicílios. Falta de identificação e segurança nos medicamentos armazenados foi observada em 60 (53,6%) domicílios. A maioria dos domicílios possui estoque de medicamentos (feito de forma inadequada ou insegura) e/ou apresenta especialidades com falta de identificação e segurança, o que pode levar a intoxicações ou inefetividade terapêutica. A Assistência Farmacêutica, no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), carece de iniciativas sociais com ações voltadas ao usuário de medicamentos, deficiência que pode ser sanada pela presença do farmacêutico, essencial para a promoção do Uso Racional de Medicamentos (URM), nas unidades da ESF, que, por meio da Atenção Farmacêutica, pode: identificar, corrigir e prevenir problemas (reais e potenciais) relacionados a medicamentos, os quais podem estar associados com agravos a saúde
In the last twenty years, and more expressively in the past decade, the search for improvement in the organ transplantation system has contributed to the achievement of positive results in the Brazilian statistics related to the survival of transplanted individuals. However, for a transplantation to be performed, a number of phases must be followed by professionals working in organ search services. The phase that generates the greatest tension is undoubtedly that of family interviews, as it involves both the feelings of relatives who are facing a recent loss and those of interviewers who need to know how to deal with families at this time. The goal of this study was to apprehend perceptions of professionals working for an Organ Search Organization concerning interviews with relatives of potential donors. The qualitative methodology was used by adopting the Collective Subject Discourse for data organization. Interviews were conducted with six staff members of an organ search service whose experience as interviewers comprised from eight to fourteen years of work. It was possible to apprehend the professionals’ perceptions of family interviews and identify facilitating and hindering factors in this phase of the donation process. Such factors mainly involve: contact with the teams assisting patients, the difficult moment that families are experiencing and the teams’ as well as the institution’s preparation for rendering this type of service. The balance between the offer of and demand for organs in Brazil will only be achieved by means of an efficient and effective structure in transplantation organ search services and increased donation consent rates to be obtained by adequate communication between interviewers and relatives
A reestruturação do setor de telecomunicações brasileiro é o tema desse trabalho. Essa mudança veio acompanhada da privatização do SISTEMA TELEBRÁS, monopólio estatal organizado em diversas subsidiárias, que forneciam os serviços através de uma rede de telecomunicações interligada em todo o território nacional (PIRES, 1999). Segundo REED (1997), privatização pode ser entendida como um processo através do qual os governos vendem suas empresas estatais na totalidade ou em blocos de ações a investidores privados locais ou internacionais. Apesar de ter sido iniciada ainda nos anos 80, a privatização brasileira só ganhou destaque quando chegou aos serviços públicos na segunda metade da década de 90, trazendo implicações micro e macroeconômicas, tornando-se necessário melhorar as instituições e o sistema de regulação dos setores. O objetivo do estudo é analisar a mudança ocorrida no setor de telecomunicações no Brasil, desde a criação da Telebrás nos anos 70 até a sua privatização; o que promoveu a transformação de um sistema estatal sem regulamentação e freqüentemente ineficiente para um novo setor, que necessitaria de grandes investimentos e esforços para atingir as metas de desenvolvimento
The discussions about the energy rationalization are gaining more and more space on the everyday of engineers and other professionals in the field of energy. A greater focus is being tied to commercial buildings, because they are one of the biggest responsible for the high energetic expenditure according to the National Energetic Balance, especially by the use of air conditioners for the people’s thermal comfort. Such finding made INMETRO to develop a building labeling procedure through th National Program of Electric Energy Conservation in Buildings; by means of this systematic, the built areas are classified by levels that go from A(the best) to E(the worst), taking into account envelopment, illumination system and air conditioning. A bonus process based on water rationalization, use of renewable energy sources, cogeneration systems or technical innovations, allows the classification to be changed up to one level. A study made exactly on a commercial building, the building of Foundation for Technological and Scientific Development located inside of the College of Engineering of Guaratinguetá, sought to identify technical/economic alternatives for the building certification and appealed to the bonus based on water rationalization. The present study is based on analysis of deploying a cogeneration system formed by internal combustion engine and an absorption refrigeration system as bonus alternative, so that the costs are analyzed regarding energy consumption and use of the motor. With the calculations and results, the viability of the building to receive a bonus from INMETRO through its National Program for Energy Conservation in Buildings is studied and concluded from this study whether or not you can get a better level of energy efficiency for the building in question... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The changes occurring in Brazilian agriculture, with the inclusion of agro-industrial activities in your mode of production, must be analyzed to verify the changes in the behavior of territorial dynamics. Through changing the Rural Complex, traditional for the Agroindustrial Complex tightly integrated with trade and industry brought many consequences for the rural population, with regard to employment. Understanding this transformation capitalist the field is needed to analyze the actors involved in this process and the policies adopted for the expansion of sugar and ethanol activity in the State of São Paulo and the consequences for the spatial organization. The expansion of cane production areas were governed by the Institute of Sugar and Alcohol (IAA), the National Alcohol Program (PROÁLCOOL) Development Plan for the West of São Paulo - PRO-WEST and Expansion Program for the production of Canavicultura for production of fuel for the State of São Paulo (PROCANA). The occupation of these agroindustrial facilities in rural spaces contextualized by territorialization of the rural complex, in that sense, understanding these concepts is a key part development in the research. therefore, are concepts of fundamental importance to geographical science, and interpreting their function and construction in rural spaces
It is a systematic literature review, wich aimed to analyze documents, as is the inclusion of the family in Mental Health Services. To do so was based on a literature in the database of the Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences (LILACS). And the documents were selected from the question which funded the research to evaluate the contribution of scientific research published in journals in the period 2000 to 2011. Data analysis reveals that the government's efforts in having the family as an ally, not a recent phenomenon. But this is a process that depends not only on government, also depends on the professionals involved and of their own families, and other factors. It is concluded that much remains to be done, both in terms of research for the topic, the actions in the reality of such a process
The present study addresses the application of the Environmental Management System in chicken production on a farm owned by the Nardo brothers, located in the city of Guapiaçu/SP (Brazil). The objectives were to analyze the process of solid waste generation, destination and forms of treatment in this activity; propose measures to reduce the use of potable water for non-potable ends; determine other measures identified through a questionnaire drafted by Embrapa (Brazilian Agriculture Research Cooperative) and administered to employees who have direct involvement in the productive process; pay visits to chicken production enterprises; and employ the guidelines proposed by the National Fowl-Breeding Sanitation Program that guide the application of the Environmental Management System. Adequate management of waste was put into effect through the construction of a compost shed capable of meeting current production demands, in which all procedures were accompanied – from civil construction to the commercialization process of the organic fertilizer generated. The rain-gathering system for the roofs of the pens proposed to reduce the consumption of potable ground water destined for washing the floors of the pens was completely dimensioned and budgeted, allowing the motivated owners to place the project into effect in a timely fashion. Other simpler but no less important proposals were also made in order to bring the production up to the required quality standards.
This work discusses the importance of the language varieties in the Spanish language to the process of teaching and learning Spanish as a foreign language (ELE), focusing on the approach, ie, how to deal with the phenomenon voseo in Brazilian textbooks. It presents a brief historical overview on the arising of this language and its implementation in Latin America. From an educational approach that values a good development of communicative competence, it’s driven to a presentation of the Spanish schoolbooks selected by PNLD for the year 2012, as well as an observation of activities that demonstrate the phenomenon called voseo, in other words, the use of the variety of the pronoun vos instead of tú for the treatment of the second person. Given the vast range of Spanish courses as a foreign language for high school students, and the growing interest of young people in learning a second language, this study addresses the importance of developing the communicative competence of a foreign language
A pesquisa teve como objetivo central identificar e analisar as diversas estratégias de permanência e reprodução social dos produtores familiares e os efeitos do Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar (PRONAF) no município de Urânia - SP. Constata-se que as atividades desenvolvidas externamente a unidade produtiva e principalmente a previdência social rural são importantes na composição da renda dos produtores familiares. Mas, as principais estratégias são de base agrícola, visto que as atividades agropecuárias constituem-se na principal fonte de renda dos produtores familiares, destacando-se a opção por culturas que proporcionam alta rentabilidade por hectare cultivado, tais como: as frutíferas (uva, laranja, caju, dentre outras) e olerícolas (berinjela, jiló, milho verde etc.). Nesse sentido, a relevância das atividades agropecuárias, principalmente a fruticultura, em especial a uva que demanda grandes investimentos em tecnologia, despesas em insumos faz com que o PRONAF desempenhe importante papel para o desenvolvimento das atividades agropecuárias através das modalidades de custeio e investimento no conjunto de produtores familiares pesquisados, apesar de suas limitações no que tange a marginalização de produtores menos capitalizados e atuação exclusivamente vinculada à concessão de crédito. Identificamos que a gestão profissionalizada é um importante elemento para o progresso econômico da unidade produtiva, proporcionando condições mais favoráveis à permanência do produtor familiar na atividade agrícola e a sucessão hereditária na agricultura familiar, que perfaz a minoria dos casos em função da resistência dos jovens em permanecer no espaço rural decorrentes da baixa rentabilidade e de outros fatores como a penosidade do trabalho...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The present study aimed at understanding humanized reception at a Family Health Unit in a city in São Paulo state according to users’ perspectives. It is a qualitative investigation with a Case Study as its methodological framework and the Theory of Complexity (TC) as its theoretical basis. Data were collected from March to July, 2011 by means of non-directive interviews and participant observation, and the Flowchart that analyzes the care provision model in health care services was used. The discourses were analyzed according to Bardin’s thematic approach, from which two themes emerged: humanized reception as an act that precedes medical consultation and humanized reception as a solution to demands stemming from medical action. The study provided visibility to the forms how humanized reception is understood, that is, the moment that precedes medical consultation, being configured as a pre-consultation instance when punctual actions are performed, such as measuring vital signs, and when users are sure that they will be seen by a doctor, in addition to the perception that humanized reception is not part of the process to solve their need, since such result is achieved by means of medication dispensation permeated by the polite treatment given by professionals. These results show how the fragmented, reductionist and linear approach to caregiving is still present in the words, thoughts and culture of health service users as well as in those of health care team members. TC seems to shed light on these issues, and it may result in important improvement in the understanding of interactional relationships between team members and users concerning the work process in the Family Health model as the main strategy in Primary Care
This paper analyzes the transformations in Brazilian society, especially in relations between the fields of work, education and youth. The implementation of a new logic in the process of capital accumulation, changes meant to hit the job market, causing new social issues, especially for youth, which can be translated by rising unemployment and new job settings, thus, have sparked a broad debate around the requirements that the market imposes on that intend to engage in it, relations skills, knowledge and ability to enter the labor market of the population, reissuing the discussion on social inequalities that required the field of alternative public policies to address this situation of exclusion. Turning to the reflection on the process of qualification / training and placing young people in employment relationships, this study aims to address and reflect on educational policies aimed at the inclusion ofyouth in the labor market, as well as analyze the actions of generating jobs and skills for young people between 18 and 29 years to do so, we will examine the National Youth Inclusion Program- PROJOVEM - sponsored by the Federal Governrnent, which aims to expand the service to the youngsters excluded from school and vocational training, allowing young people to be reintegrated into the educational process, receiving social skills training
O Programa Nacional de Triagem Neonatal (PNTN), popularmente conhecido como “Teste do Pezinho”, é responsável pelo rastreamento das seguintes doenças nos recém-nascidos brasileiros: Fenilcetonúria, Hipotiroidismo Congênito, Doenças Falciformes e demais Hemoglobinopatias, e Fibrose Cística. Seu objetivo é o diagnóstico precoce dessas doenças congênitas em fase assintomática, buscando prevenir o aparecimento de sequelas neurológicas e outras complicações por meio do acompanhamento e tratamento adequados. O PNTN, além de realizar o diagnóstico pré-clínico de doenças que constituem problemas de saúde pública, gera informações que podem ser usadas em estudos epidemiológicos fundamentais para o planejamento de programas de saúde. Para que esse sistema seja completo, no entanto, é necessário haver o treinamento dos profissionais da saúde envolvidos no assunto, bem como a implantação de atividades educativas para estes e para o público em geral. Neste contexto, este estudo retrospectivo propõe investigar a relação de resultados alterados das doenças detectadas pelo PNTN entre os meses de abril e dezembro de 2009 e janeiro e dezembro de 2010 no município de Araraquara, verificar se as primeiras coletas de sangue estão sendo feitas segundo as recomendações do Ministério da Saúde e capacitar agentes comunitários da saúde nesse assunto. Foram analisados 4.116 resultados. Não houve diferença significativa entre as prevalências obtidas em 2009 e 2010, ou seja, as freqüências das patologias estudadas se mantiveram praticamente constantes ao longo dos dois períodos
A existência de índios em cidades como São Paulo, Campo Grande, Manaus, Belém, dentre outras, cada vez se torna mais evidente, com implicações que provocam dificuldades sociais, econômicas, saúde dentre outros agravantes. Em função desta realidade, os órgãos públicos envolvidos na Política Nacional Indígena do Brasil reconhecem esta população como índios urbanos. É o que ocorre com as comunidades existentes na região metropolitana de São Paulo. Reconhece-se a existência de quatro aldeias indígenas, três delas é Tupi-Guarani e a outra é da etnia Pankararu. O presente trabalho surgiu da discussão das dificuldades de sobrevivência das comunidades indígenas da região metropolitana de São Paulo e da resolução de seus problemas de saúde. Para esta reflexão, foi preciso inserir o tema numa análise mais ampla da Política Nacional de Saúde Indígena como parte integrante da Política Nacional de Saúde brasileira. A partir dos questionamentos tecidos e discutidos temos como objetivo principal a saúde coletiva da população indígena no traçar de seu perfil epidemiológico e demográfico e a caracterização de sua vivência cotidiana e condição de saúde do índio urbano. Tomamos como procedimento metodológico o uso de fontes orais, uma que é capaz de traduzir com uma maior confiabilidade o cotidiano dos indivíduos e de sua comunidade... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)