158 resultados para Objectos de cena


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The purpose of this work is to study the multiplication of loaves and fishes miracle scene that is narrated by the four gospels of the New Testament. After briefly presenting the gospels and the Greek dialect, koiné, that is used in the composition of these texts, we translated the corpus in order to recognize both the syntactic structures and lexicon used by the authors. In addition, we shortly analyzed the narrative categories of the miracle. At last, we focused on the descriptive and comparative study of the direct and indirect speeches that feature in the narratives, which has lead us to conclude that the direct speech takes a key role in organizing the scene as a whole


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A virtual studio system can use technologies as augmented reality and digital matting to decrease production costs at the same time it provides the same resources of a conventional studio. With this, it’s possible for the current studios, with low cost and using conventional devices, to create productions with greater image quality and effects. Some difficulties are recurrent in virtual studio applications that use augmented reality and digital matting. The virtual objects registration in augmented reality techniques suffer from problems caused by optical distortions in the camera, errors in the marker tracking system, lack of calibration on the equipments or on the environment (lighting, for example), or even by delays in the virtual objects display. On the other hand, the digital matting’s main problem is the real-time execution to preview the scene, which must have optimized processing speed at the same time while maintain the best image quality possible. Taking the given context into consideration, this work aims to give continuity to a virtual studio system called ARStudio, by enhancing digital matting, virtual objects registration and introducing a segmentation based on depth map, yet adding better control over functionalities previously implemented


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The award-winning and controversial movie by Pedro Almodóvar “The skin I live” (2011) is an adaptation of Mygale’s novel (1984), the French writer Thierry Jonquet (1954-2009), translated into Portuguese in 2005 as Tarântula. It is a horror story, full of suspense, in which a renowned surgeon, Robert Ledgard, played by Antonio Banderas, switches, without any scruples, the sex of the young Vincent. What it shown to the viewer since the first images of the movie is, therefore, Vicente/Vera in her new and perfect female body. Flashbacks clarify during the movie the events that culminated in the opening scene that is presented to us, surprising us and, of course, shocking us. References to myths and symbols can be noticed in the movie. They bring with them, to be recognized by the viewer, issues related to the creation or metamorphosis, among others, as the Pygmalion and Galatea myth, which binds to artistic creation. Artistic metamorphosis operated equally by the filmmaker in his modern version of the doctor and the monster, for example, but, especially, in the rereading of the Jonquet’s novel. This study seeks to highlight some of the major myths and symbols inserted in Almódovar’s movie and what interpretations such insertions may ensue.


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The formation of intellectuals, in Gramscian terms (GRAMSCI, 2000), was addressed throughout our academic career, for example, Villela (2003; 2008; 2009; 2010-2012; 2011; 2012; 2014). This article aims to resume some relationships between education of intellectuals in Italy for years 1920, the organization of industrialization in São Paulo and the construction of bourgeois hegemony in Brazil. In this paper I review my dissertation, Villela (2003), whose aim was to understand the rationalization of work processes in architectural offices. This dissertation possible to trace, among other things, another story of the relationship between architecture and state in Brazil from industrialization in São Paulo. Based on the notion of intellectuals Gramsci, we discuss the extended state design and envision a particular kind of state, which in our case is the State industrialist. And relate interested in public policy of that State for industrialization industries office designed by Rino Levi Architects Associate SC Ltda. (ERLAA) that has developed over the decades its activities from 1920 to 1990, many projects in the city of São Paulo. The relationship proposed here is unprecedented. Grounded in this relationship, put in another scene about the formation of intellectuals and hegemony, a Gramscian point of view.


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Faremos uma leitura do poema 754 de Emily Dickinson, “My Life had stood – a Loaded Gun”, à luz da teoria feminista de Sandra Gilbert e Suzan Gubar com o intuito de entender o dilema da autoria feminina no século XIX: a necessidade de auto-afirmação poética em contraposição à impossibilidade de auto-afirmação como mulher em uma sociedade patriarcal. O poema 754 dramatiza esse dilema criando uma cena pastoril na qual é a personagem feminina que fala e age em nome do homem, invertendo os papéis do gênero pastoril e da sociedade norte-americana da época. Esta inversão é que possibilita a superação do dilema, na medida em que pressupõe um eu-lírico de voz forte e eloquente, capaz de se pronunciar afirmativamente sobre assuntos do universo masculino enquanto silencia a voz masculina.


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No presente estudo, destacamos como a estrutura da poesia trágica em partes cantadas e dialogadas resulta num grande espetáculo dominado pela palavra. Nos cantos corais e nos cantos de ator, os estados emocionais são marcados pelo viés da tradição do dialeto dórico. Nos diálogos, o ritmo próximo da fala quotidiana, em dialeto ático, acelera os acontecimentos em cena, põe em ação e movimenta o que Aristóteles depois vai chamar de “ação”. O resultado da mescla de tradição e novidade, de canto e fala, de dança e gestos, é um espetáculo contendo mito e “realidade”, poesia e retórica, entre outras dicotomias, em que o poder da linguagem é colocado em cena. Na tragédia, então, a palavra em todos os seus modos de expressão é o espetáculo a ser visto e ouvido. Assim, a tragédia grega insere-se numa longa tradição iniciada pela poesia oral homérica e anuncia o estabelecimento da filosofia.


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This article analyses the transformations of spatial references in Sophocles’Philoctetes. As we can see, instead of being cristalized in formulas and conventions, Ancient Greek Theater has renewed itself constantly, by experiencing different ways to correlate audience and events on stage.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The novel As intermitências da morte, by José Saramago (2005a), presents an imaginary narrative that treats one of the most classical themes of universal literature. Besides that, the novel discusses the question of fictional discourse construction, showing the potentialities (and limits) of language as an intermediation between life and art.


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This article aims to analyze the political and educational conceptions of Renato Jardim, intellectual who participated actively in Brazilian educational and political scenario in the early decades of XXth century. He was responsible for educational reform initiatives and had an active participation in major debates on education that occurred at that time. The methodology is the traditional analyses of bibliography. In addition to literature specialized in this theme, this work uses the author’s autobiography published in 1946 and four books of his own published between 1932 and 1936. In political area, it examines his arguments concerning the government stated by Getúlio Vargas in 1930 and the constitutionalist movement of 1932. In educational area, the work analyses his ideas regarding the introduction of psychoanalysis in pedagogical practices and his thoughts in search of a definition for the concept of New School.


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This paper aims to draw some outlines of what I understand to be background for possible investigations that examine the cultural / educational problems in Brazil from the perspective of Critical Theory. Under the light of these outlines I intend to present two directions of research which are the main objectives of the research project I develop within the Department of Educational Psychology of College of Sciences and Letters of Unesp in Araraquara. In particular, it is necessary to understand the internal deformation that education suffers as a concrete substance of the teaching process in schools, which makes an empirical investigation how the cultural industry’s schemes become present in the “didactic pedagogical scene” necessary. On the other hand, the elucidation of this problem requires a theoretical investigation about the broader process of constitution of today’s subjectivity under the impact of that industry. Both goals set forth herein are intended to provide subsidies to make readings about new educational demands possible in Brazil.


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This is a critical and analytical study about some poems written by the Brazilian poet Fábio Weintraub concerning the construction of the poetic space as a critical and poetical view of the subject. The lyric aspect in the poet's work is objective and sensitive towards urban scenes in which all the objects play a role as images of the cities' routine, in which space is performed as the drama of the subject who sees the scene.