222 resultados para Caprine milk


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Milk yield, fat yield, and fat percentage during the first three lactations were studied using New York Holsteins that were milked twice daily over a 305-d, mature equivalent lactation. Those data were used to estimate variances from direct and maternal genetic effects, cytoplasmic effects, sire by herd interaction, and cow permanent environmental effects. Cytoplasmic line was traced to the last female ancestor using DHI records from 1950 through 1991. Records were 138,869 lactations of 68,063 cows calving from 1980 through 1991. Ten random samples were based on herd code. Samples averaged 4926 dams and 2026 cytoplasmic lines. Model also included herd-year-seasons as fixed effects and genetic covariance for direct-maternal effects. Mean estimates of the effects of maternal genetic variances and direct-maternal covariances, as fractions of phenotypic variances, were 0.008 and 0.007 for milk yield, 0.010 and 0.010 for fat yield, and 0.006 and 0.025 for fat percentage, respectively. Average fractions of variance from cytoplasmic line were 0.011, 0.008, and 0.009 for milk yield, fat yield, and fat percentage. Removal of maternal genetic effects and covariance for maternal direct effects from the model increased the fraction of direct genetic variance by 0.014, 0.021, and 0.046 for milk yield, fat yield, and fat percentage; little change in the fraction was due to cytoplasmic line. Exclusion of cytoplasmic effects from the model increased the ratio of additive direct genetic variance to phenotypic variance by less than 2%. Similarly, when sire by herd interaction was excluded, the ratio of direct genetic variance to phenotypic variance increased 1% or less.


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In this study the trait Stayability (SA) was evaluated according to the year of cull after first calvin, i.e., SA 1 to 6 for 1 to 6 years from first calving in lactating females from bubaline milk herds spread in nine farms located in São Paulo state. Informations were used regarding 1027 lactating Murrah breed buffaloes. The statistical analyses were made using LIFEREG (SAS, 1999) procedure. The SA was evaluated using the fixed effects: farm production, birth year, calving season (Season 1- April to September and Season 2 October - March) and class of milk yield at 270 days. The age at first calving (AFC) was considered as a random effect. The mean observed for total milk yield was 1458.75Kg. Calving Season 2 encloses 65.6% of births. The means of cull age, in months, and the percentage of SA were, respectively: 10.69 e 69% (SA1), 19.30 e 63% (SA2), 26.4 e 54% (SA3), 33.15 e 42% (SA4), 38.53 e 36% (SA5) e 42.65 e 26% (SA6). It is verified that most of culls happens after the first lactation, among the sixth and eleventh month after first calving. It was observed that the factors: farm production, birth year and class of milk yield at 270 days affected significantly all SAs. Factors like calving season and the age at first calving (AFC) were only significant for SAL Being significant the factor AFC in level of 1% and factor time in 10%. For other SAs these factors were not statistically significant.


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The objective of this trial was to document the total fatty acids in Murrah buffaloes milk on commercial farms in Brazil. Data from forty lactating Murrah-crossbred buffaloes were collected on five commercial farms located at Sarapui and Pilar do Sul, São Paulo-Brazil. A field survey was done from April to November 2002. In four farms, buffaloes were fed with wet brewers grains (primary concentrate). Only one farm (Farm 4) offered pasture and corn silage. Monthly milk samples were collected and stored at -20 degrees C until analyzed for fatty acid composition. The fatty acids with the highest percentage in total milk fat were C(16:0); C(18:1c9); C(18:0) and C(14:0). The average content observed in C(16:0) varied from 25.4 to 32.5%. Farm 4 (pasture plus corn silage) showed a higher C(16:0) value (32.5%). C(18:1c9) (varied) from 20.6 to 25.1%, C(14:0) varied from 5.9 to 8.9% and CLA content (C(18:2c9t11)) varied from 1.0 to 1.8%. Farm 3 presented higher average of C(18:1c9) (25.1%) and C(18:2c9t11) (1.8%), and lower average of C(14:0) (6.0%). Likewise, unsaturated fatty acids, C(18:1c9) and C(18:2c9t11) were higher on Farm 3. Probably, these results can be due to high CIA intakes derived from wet brewers grain and pasture. Long chain fatty acids varied from 34.2% (Farm 4) to 48.8% (Farm 3). In general, diets based on pasture and corn silage increased the levels of medium chain fatty acids in Murrah buffaloes milk.


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Conjugated Linoleic Acids (CLAs) comprise a family of positional and geometric isomers of linoleic acid. The main form of CLA, cis-9, trans-11-C18:2 show positive effects in cancer prevention and treatment. The major dietary sources of these fatty acids are derived from ruminant animals, in particular dairy products. In these animals, the endogenous synthesis mainly occurs in mammary gland by the action of enzyme Stearoyl CoA Desaturase (SCD). Different levels of expression and activity of SCD in mammary gland can explain partially the variation of CLA levels in fat milk. Considering a great fat concentration in bubaline milk and the benefit of a high and positive correlation between fat milk and CLA production, this study was carried on with the intention of sequencing and characterizing part of the gene that codifies SCD in buffaloes. Genomic DNA was extracted from blood samples of lactating bubaline which begins to the breed Murrah. After the (acho que nao precisa desse the) extractions, PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) reactions were made by using primers Z (sic) (sic) D1 and E1 (sic) (sic) F1. The fragments obtained in PCR were cloned into T vectors and transformed in competent cells DH10B line. After this, three samples of each fragment were sequenced from 5' and 3' extremities using a BigDye kit in an automatic sequencer. Sequences were edited in a consensus of each fragment and were submitted to BLAST-n / NCBI for similarity comparisions among other species. The sequence obtained with Z (sic) (sic) D1 primers shows 938 bp enclosing exons 1 and 2 and intron 1. The primers E1 (sic) (sic) F1 show 70 bp corresponding to exon 3 of bubaline SCD gene. Similarities were obtained between 85% and 97% among bubaline sequences and sequences of SCD gene described in human, mouse, rat, swine, bovine, caprine and ovine species. This study has permitted the identification and partial characterization of SCD codifing region in Bubalus bubalis specie.


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The buffaloes dairy milk production (BDMP) has increased in the last 20 years, mainly for the manufacturing of mozzarella cheese, which is recognized by its high nutritional quality. However, this quality can be affected by several factors i. e. high somatic cells count (SCC) provokes changes in the milk's constituents. As in bovine dairy milk, the SCC is used as diagnostic tool for milk quality; because it enables the diagnosis of sub-clinic mastitis and also allows the selection of individuals genetically resistant to that disease. Based on it, we collected information about SCC and BDMP along the lactation in Murrah breed buffaloes, during the period between 1997 and 2005. Curves were designed to estimate genetic parameters. These parameters were estimated by ordinary test-day models. There were observed variations in the estimated heritability for both characteristics the lowest score for somatic cells count (SSCC) was seen at first month (0.01) and the highest at sixth months (0.29 the genetic correlation between these traits varied from -1 at the 1 and 9(th) months to 0.31 and 0.30 in the2 and 4(th) month of lactation. Phenotypic correlations were all negative (-0.07 in the second month and up to -0.35 in the eighth month of lactation). These results showed that environmental factors are more important than genetics in explain SCC, for this reason, selection for genetic resistance to mastitis in buffalos based in SCC should not be done. In the other hand, negative phenotypic correlations demonstrated that as the SCC increased, the milk production decreased.


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A new enrichment procedure is proposed to improve the isolation of Yersinia enterocolitica and related species from milk. This procedure uses tryptic soy broth plus Polymyxin (5 IU/ml) and Novobiocin (10 mug/ml) - TSPN broth - incubated at 18-degrees-C for 3 d. Using raw milk and pasteurized milk inoculated with Yersinia strains, the efficiency of this procedure was compared to that of SB broth (sorbitol bile salts broth) incubated at 4-degrees-C for up to 21 d. Despite of the presence of antibiotics in TSPN broth, there were difficulties in recovering Yersinia organisms. Nevertheless, TSPN broth incubated at 18-degrees-C for 3 d showed better efficiency than that other method. In pasteurized milk samples, TSPN medium at 18-degrees-C for 3 d gave better results than the SB broth at 4-degrees-C for 7 d, showing that the proposed procedure is the preferable one due to the shorter period of incubation.


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Whey supplemented with soy milk has been used as a low-cost alternative in the growth of Lactobacillus acidophilus for the production of antimicrobial compounds. Response Surface Metodology has been employed in order to study the effects of initial pH, incubation temperature and soy milk rate for supplementation in the production of antimicrobial substance. It has been observed that both tested microrganisms used (S. aureus and E. coli) were inhibited by antimicrobial substance produced by L. acidophilus. The results obtained with E. coli inhibition did not follow the employed statistical model. on the other hand, when the tested microorganism S. aureus was used, the best inhibition results have been obtained when L. acidophilus was incubated at 36.80 degrees C in whey with 5.6 initial pH and 31,90% (v/v) rate supplemented with soy milk. The analysed antimicrobial substances were nor acids neither hidrogen peroxid.