270 resultados para peroxidase enzyme
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objective: To evaluate the effect of periodontal therapy on clinical parameters as well as on total salivary peroxidase (TSP) activity and myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity in the gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) and of systemically healthy individuals.Material and Methods: Twenty DM2 subjects with inadequate metabolic control (test group) and 20 systemically healthy individuals (control group), both groups with chronic periodontitis, were enrolled. Periodontal clinical parameters, namely periodontal probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL), visible plaque index (VPI), bleeding on probing (BOP), gingival bleeding index (GBI) and presence of suppuration (SUP), as well as TSP activity and GCF MPO activity, were assessed before and 3 months after non-surgical periodontal therapy.Results: At baseline and 3 months post-treatment, the test group presented a higher percentage of sites with VPI and BOP (p < 0.01). MPO activity in the GCF presented lower values (p < 0.05) for the test group at both baseline and the post-treatment period. The periodontal treatment resulted in a significant improvement of most clinical and enzymatic parameters for both groups (p < 0.05).Conclusions: In both groups, the periodontal therapy was effective in improving most clinical parameters and in reducing salivary and GCF enzymatic activity. The diabetic individuals presented lower MPO activity in the GCF.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A crude antigenic preparation of Babesia bigemina was used to develop an ELISA for the detection of IgM antibodies. Optimal dilutions of the antigen, using positive and negative reference sera, were determined by checkerboard titrations. Negative sera from cattle imported from tick-free areas, serum samples collected from infected B. bigemina cattle were used to validate the test. The specificity was 94% and sensitivity of the Elisa 87.5%. Sera from 385 cattle deriving from areas free from tick-borne diseases, which were submitted to a preimmunization process, were screened by this technique. The Elisa detected seroconversion on the 14th day post-inoculation in animals either infested with Boophilus microplus ticks (infected with B. bigemina), or inoculated with B. bigemina infected blood. Antibody titers decreased after day 33; however, all animals remained positive until the end of the experiment (124 days). The ELISA described may prove to be an appropriate serological test for the detection of IgM antibodies against B. bigemina.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Existe uma demanda, na região semiárida produtora de uvas no Submédio São Francisco, por medidas sustentáveis de controle de doenças pós-colheita, uma vez que o modelo atual de revestimento de caixas com polietileno de alta densidade, associado ao metabissulfito de sódio, não tem se mostrado eficiente no controle dos fungos que ocorrem na região. O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar um controle da podridão por Aspergillus em uvas 'Thompson Seedless' por meio da modificação da atmosfera, pelo envolvimento de caixas de uva em bolsões de poliamida. Comparou-se o bolsão de poliamida (PA) ao de polietileno alta densidade (PEAD), comumente usado na região, combinados ou não com o metabissulfito de sódio (SO2). Frutos provenientes de propriedade comercial, após serem selecionados e desinfestados foram feridos com alfinete entomológico e inoculados com uma suspensão de Aspergillus niger na concentração de 10(6) conídios.mL-¹ e submetidos à câmara úmida por 24 horas. em seguida as caixas de uva foram colocadas em bolsões específicos de acordo com o tratamento e armazenadas em câmara fria à temperatura de 2 ºC e umidade relativa de 75%, durante 40 dias. A partir do 12º dia de armazenagem foram feitas avaliações semanais da incidência da doença e de variáveis físico-químicas: perda de massa, sólidos solúveis totais (SST), pH, acidez titulável (AT), ratio (SST/AT); peroxidase (POD) e medição das concentrações de CO2 e O2 até o 40º dia. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente ao acaso em parcelas subdivididas com cinco repetições. O revestimento de caixas de uva em bolsões de poliamida, mesmo sem o uso de metabissulfito de sódio, apresenta-se como uma alternativa viável na manutenção da qualidade pós-colheita de uva Thompson Seddless, bem como na redução de podridão causada por A. Niger. A enzima peroxidase pode ter atuado no processo de manutenção de qualidade da fruta, contribuindo para uma redução dos níveis da doença em uvas.
This study investigated the consequences of intrauterine protein restriction on the gastrointestinal tract and particularly on the gene expression and activity of intestinal disaccharidases in the adult offspring. Wistar rat dams were fed isocaloric diets containing 6% protein (restricted, n = 8) or 17% protein (control, n = 8) throughout gestation. Male offspring (n = 5-8 in each group) were evaluated at 3 or 16 weeks of age. Maternal protein restriction during pregnancy produced offspring with growth restriction from birth (5.7 ± 0.1 vs 6.3 ± 0.1 g; mean ± SE) to weaning (42.4 ± 1.3 vs 49.1 ± 1.6 g), although at 16 weeks of age their body weight was similar to control (421.7 ± 8.9 and 428.5 ± 8.5 g). Maternal protein restriction also increased lactase activity in the proximal (0.23 ± 0.02 vs 0.15 ± 0.02), medial (0.30 ± 0.06 vs 0.14 ± 0.01) and distal (0.43 ± 0.07 vs 0.07 ± 0.02 U·g-1·min-1) small intestine, and mRNA lactase abundance in the proximal intestine (7.96 ± 1.11 vs 2.38 ± 0.47 relative units) of 3-week-old offspring rats. In addition, maternal protein restriction increased sucrase activity (1.20 ± 0.02 vs 0.91 ± 0.02 U·g-1·min-1) and sucrase mRNA abundance (4.48 ± 0.51 vs 1.95 ± 0.17 relative units) in the duodenum of 16-week-old rats. In conclusion, the present study shows for the first time that intrauterine protein restriction affects gene expression of intestinal enzymes in offspring.
A influência de estresse induzido por cloreto de sódio (75 e 150 mM) sobre o conteúdo de carboidratos solúveis e atividade da peroxidase, foi estudada em plântulas de mandioca cultivadas in vitro. Os resultados mostraram que a atividade da peroxidase diminuiu gradualmente durante o crescimento de plântulas em todos os tratamentos. O conteúdo de açúcares redutores foi menor em plântulas submetidas a 75 mM de NaCl, nas fases mais adiantadas do desenvolvimento, em comparação com a dose mais elevada do sal (150 mM de NaCl) ou sua omissão. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que o NaCl alterou o metabolismo de carboidratos, atividade da peroxidase e o crescimento de plântulas cultivadas in vitro.
O teor de poliaminas (putrescina, espermidina e espermina) e a atividade enzimática da peroxidase (EC foram determinados em plantas de Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv Carioquinha, após terem sido submetidas a estresse salino (50 e 100 mM de NaCl). Foram observadas alterações nos teores das poliaminas, principalmente putrescina, que aumentou com o tempo e a concentração de NaCl. Também ocorreu aumento na atividade da peroxidase em ambas concentrações de NaCl utilizadas. Os resultados mostraram alterações no metabolismo de poliaminas e peroxidases nas plantas de feijão cultivadas em meio salino.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Phytochernical work in the search for bioactive metabolites from the methanolic extract of Senna spectabilis green fruits led to the isolation of a new piperidine alkaloid, (+)-3-O-feruloylcassine (1), in addition to the known (-)-spectaline (2) and (-)-3-O-acetylspectaline (3). The isolates were submitted to in vitro evaluation of lipoperoxidation (LPO) and cyclooxygenase enzymes (COX-1 and -2) inhibitory properties and showed moderate antioxidant activities (40-70%) at 100 ppm when compared to commercial standards BHT and vitamin E and moderate inhibition of COX-1 (ca. 40%) and marginal inhibition of COX-2 enzymes (< 10%) at 100 ppm when compared to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) aspirin, rofecoxib, and celecoxib, respectively.
Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) has been evaluated by analyzing rich-humic water samples from tropical rivers. The samples were spiked with atrazine at ppb level Different pHs (4 to 9) and humic concentrations (2.5 to 40 mg L-1) were investigated. The assay performance showed a strong dependence on the pH values and amount of humic matter at low atrazine concentration. From all the conditions studied the low pH (pH 4) and high humic substances concentrations (40 mg L-1) showed the greatest influence. The IC50 value to control sample (no humic) diminished from 0.28 nmol L-1 to 0.64 nmol L-1 to humic acid solution. This effect is specially noted for the humic acid fractions, since fulvic acid fractions showed no significant change on the immunoassay results. Additionally, it has been demonstrated that at basic pH the matrix effect produced by the natural Brazilian water sample containing humic substances even at 40 mg L-1 disappears. Therefore, the ELISA method used to determine atrazine, can be employed to determine this pesticide in water samples containing humic substances without prior preparation.
1. The effect of lisinopril, a potent inhibitor of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), injected into the medial preoptic area (MPOA) on water intake was investigated in male Holtzman rats (200-250 g).2. Injection of lisinopril (2 mug/mul) into the MPOA abolished the water intake induced by subcutaneous (sc) injection of isoprenaline (100%) and water deprivation (90%) and drastically reduced the water intake induced by sc injection of polyethyleneglycol (60%). A small reduction of water intake induced by lisinopril was also observed 90 and 120 min after sc hypertonic saline (N = 10 for each group).3. These results suggest that central ACE activation, particularly in the MPOA, plays an important role in the dipsogenic responses induced by the agents studied.
The objective of this research was to measure the activity of e-desaturase enzyme in lactating buffaloes. Data from forty lactating Murrah-crossbred buffaloes were collected on five commercial farms located at Sarapui and Pilar do Sul, São Paulo-Brazil. A field survey was done from April to November 2002. In four farms, buffaloes were fed with wet brewers grains (primary concentrate). Only one farm (Farm 4) offered pasture and corn silage. Monthly milk samples were collected and stored at -20 degrees C until analyzed for fatty acid composition. The Delta(9)-desaturase activity was measured using an indirect method (myristoleic and myristic acids ration - C(14:1c9)/C(14:0)). The higher C(14:1c9)/C(14:0) rate was verified on Farm 4 (0.092). The C(14:1c9)/C(14:0) ratio were 0.064 to Farm 1; 0.065 to Farm 2; 0.062 to Farm 3 and 0.065 to Farm 5. The C(17:1)/C(17:0), C(18:1c9)/C(18:0) and C(18:2c9t11)/C(18:1t11) ratios were also affected. The Farm 4 showed higher value for all ratios. Therefore, in lactating buffaloes grazing pasture the Delta(9)-desaturase activity could be enhanced.