165 resultados para Superconducting magnets.


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Anelastic spectroscopy has been performed on a sample of superconducting oxide SmBa2Cu3O7-delta (SBCO) using a torsion pendulum operating with frequency around 10 Hz. A thermally activated relaxation peak is observed near 500 K with the activation enthalpy of 1.55 +/- 0.03 eV and the pre-exponential factor of approximately 10(-15) s, which is attributed to the mobility of non-stoichiometric oxygen by jumps in positions O1 and O5 of the lattice. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We describe the design, manufacturing, and testing results of a Nb3Sn superconducting coil in which TiAIV alloys were used instead of stainless steel to reduce the magnetization contribution caused by the heat treatment for the A-15 Nb-3 Sn phase formation that affects the magnetic field homogeneity. Prior to the coil manufacturing several structural materials were studied and evaluated in terms of their mechanical and magnetic properties in as-worked, welded, and heat-treated conditions. The manufacturing process employed the wind-and-react technique followed by vacuum-pressure impregnation(VPI) at 1 MPa atm. The critical steps of the manufacturing process, besides the heat treatment and impregnation, are the wire splicing and joint manufacturing in which copper posts supported by Si3N4 ceramic were used. The coil was tested with and without a background NbTi coil and the results have shown performance exceeding the design quench current confirming the successful coil construction.


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We examine a Lipkin based two-level pairing model at finite temperature and in the thermodynamic limit. Whereas at T = 0 the model exhibits a superconducting ground state for sufficiently high values of the coupling constant, a partially superconducting phase in which some of the particles are paired, is found to survive at high temperatures in a special treatment. This phase is a mixture of abnormally-occupied eigenstates, which lie at higher energy, of the interactionless model Hamiltonian.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A bifilar Bi-2212 bulk coil with parallel shunt resistor was tested under fault current condition using a 3 MVA single-phase transformer in a 220 V-60 Hz line achieving fault current peak of 8 kA. The fault current tests are performed from steady state peak current of 200 A by applying controlled short circuits up to 8 kA varying the time period from one to six cycles. The test results show the function of the shunt resistor providing homogeneous quench behavior of the HTS coil besides its intrinsic stabilizing role. The limiting current ratio achieves a factor 4.2 during 5 cycles without any degradation.


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We write the London limit of the Lawrence Doniach free energy in terms of the local magnetic field and of the average supercurrent over the interplane distance. Starting from this formulation we study a model where the supercurrent at the buffer layers is obtained from the superconducting sheets by a Taylor expansion. The continuum limit of this model gives corrections to the anisotropic London theory due to the layered structure.


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The solutions of a renormalized BCS equation are studied in three space dimensions in s, p and d waves for finite-range separable potentials in the weak to medium coupling region. In the weak-coupling limit, the present BCS model yields a small coherence length ξ and a large critical temperature, T c, appropriate for some high-T c materials. The BCS gap, T c, ξ and specific heat C s(T c) as a function of zero-temperature condensation energy are found to exhibit potential-independent universal scalings. The entropy, specific heat, spin susceptibility and penetration depth as a function of temperature exhibit universal scaling below T c in p and d waves.


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It is shown that the appearance of a fixed-point singularity in the kernel of the two-electron Cooper problem is responsible for the formation of the Cooper pair for an arbitrarily weak attractive interaction between two electrons. This singularity is absent in the problem of three and few superconducting electrons at zero temperature on the full Fermi sea. Consequently, such three- and few-electron systems on the full Fermi sea do not form Cooper-type bound states for an arbitrarily weak attractive pair interaction.


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Nowadays, many investments have been made in the area of superconductor materials, with the aim to improve their potential technological applications. Applications on the energy transport using cables, to get high resolution images in the medicine use high magnetic fields, high speed signals use superconductor devices all of them are in crescent evidence and they are showing that the future is coming and next for this new kind of materials. Obviously that everything of this is possible due to the increasing of research with new materials, where the synthesis, characterization and applications are of the mainly objective of these researches. The production of cable for the energy transport has been in advanced stage as the bulks production is too. However, the film production that to aim at the electronic devices area is not as developed or it still need expensive investments. Thinking about that, we are developing a research where we may increase the relation of cost/benefits. Thereby, we are applying the polymeric precursors method to obtain films that will be used in the built of electronic devices. Thin films (mono and multilayers, on crystalline or metallic substrates, controlled thickness) of the BSCCO system have been obtained from dip coating deposition process with excellent results in terms of preferential orientation, controlled thickness, a large area, which may indicate future applications. Based on these results, we present an electrical circuit and their principal characteristics as superconductor transition (85K), transport current density and structure. DC four probes method, scanning electron microscopy, digital optical microscopy and X-ray diffractometry were some techniques used for the characterization of this superconductor electric device. © 2006 Materials Research Society.


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Electric propulsion is now a succeful method for primary propulsion of deep space long duration missions and for geosyncronous satellite attitude control. Closed Drift Thruster, so called Hall Thruster or SPT (Stationary Plasma Thruster), was primarily conceived in USSR (the ancient Soviet Union) and, since then, it has been developed by space agencies, space research institutes and industries in several countries such as France, USA, Israel, Russian Federation and Brazil. In this work we present the main features of the Permanent Magnet Hall Thruster (PMHT) developed at the Plasma Laboratory of the University of Brasilia. The idea of using an array of permanent magnets, instead of an electromagnet, to produce a radial magnetic field inside the plasma channel of the thruster is very significant. It allows the development of a Hall Thruster with power consumption low enough to be used in small and medium size satellites. Description of a new vacuum chamber used to test the second prototype of the PMHT (PHALL II) will be given. PHALL II has an aluminum plasma chamber and is smaller with 15 cm diameter and will contain rare earth magnets. We will show plasma density and temperature space profiles inside and outside the thruster channel. Ion temperature measurements based on Doppler broadening of spectral lines and ion energy measurements are also shown. Based on the measured plasma parameters we constructed an aptitude figure of the PMHT. It contains the specific impulse, total thrust, propellant flow rate and power consumption necessary for orbit raising of satellites. Based on previous studies of geosyncronous satellite orbit positioning we perform numerical simulations of satellite orbit raising from an altitude of 700 km to 36000 km using a PMHT operating in the 100 mN - 500 mN thrust range. In order to perform these calculations integration techniques were used. The main simulation paraters were orbit raising time, fuel mass, total satellite mass, thrust and exaust velocity. We conclude comparing our results with results obtainned with known space missions performed with Hall Thrusters. © 2008 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.


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The aim of this paper is to verify the correlation between environmental indicators and behaviors expressed by laying hens kept in cages. The birds react to a severe environment through their behaviors, end the behaviors can be monitored to identify the birds' welfare conditions. The behaviors birds display ere the result of stress caused by the combination of environmental temperature, relative humidity, radiant heat, and air speed (environmental temperature being the most important). In order to check the influence of the environment, an experiment was carried out on a commercial poultry farm, located in the city of Bastos. The study was initiated in March 2007, during four non-consecutive weeks. The birds' behaviors were recorded using video, by cameras installed in the cages. The birds behaviors were identified and noted for the frequency of occurrence for each bird, and the average duration of each behavior (in seconds), using video samples of 15 minutes recorded from 1 PM to 4 PM. The environmental variables collected were: air temperature, concentration of ammonia, relative air humidity, velocity of the air, noise, roof temperature, and light intensity. The observed behaviors were: opening wings, stretching, threatening, ruffling feathers, drinking water, aggressive pecking, eating, running, lying down, stretching head out of the cage, preening, mounting and prostrating. Principal Components Analysis was used to determine associations between the behavior variables and environmental variables described above. In this experiment, there were no significant correlations between behavioral variables and environmental variables.


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An experiment was carried out in order to investigate the behaviors of laying hens due to the environmental factors of: density inside of the cage, aviary type, breed, and age. The experiment was configured as a factorial 4x2x2x2 study, with treatments being four different ages, two different breeds, two different cage densities, and two different aviaries. The birds' behaviors were recorded using video cameras installed in the cages, using samples of 15 minutes recorded from 12 PM to 4 PM. The observed behaviors, frequency and duration of behaviors (measured in seconds) were identified and noted related to each bird. The study was initiated in March 2007, during four non-consecutive weeks. The observed behaviors were: opening wings, stretching, threatening, ruffling feathers, drinking water, aggressive pecking, eating, running, lying down, stretching head out of the cage, preening, mounting, prostrating, and doing nothing (inactivity). Due to the non-normality of the data recorded, the Kruskal-Wallis statistical test of the MINITAB Statistical Software® was used to compare the medians of the variables. For breed factor, only the durations of the eating presented significant differences (p-value< 0.05). For cage density, there was a significant median difference (p-value< 0.05) for almost all behaviors observed. The average length of time of behaviors was higher for the lowest cage density. However, the frequency of behaviors was lmerfor the lowest cage density. The frequency of the behaviors to preen feathers, to lie down, to drink water and to stretch the head were higher in the aviary, where the groups of birds were smaller. The observed behaviors were particularly affected by experimental factors cage density, and aviary type, which directly affects the available space for each bird.


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This paper describes the design and development of a high input power-factor (HPF) AC to AC converter for naval applications using Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG). The proposed converter comprises an isolated three-phase uncontrolled multipulse rectification stage directly connected to a single-phase inverter stage, without the use of DC to DC intermediary stage, resulting in more simplicity for the overall circuitry, assuring robustness, reliability and reduced costs. Furthermore, the multipulse rectifier stage is capable to provide high power factor and input currents with low total harmonic distortion (THD). The output voltage of the PMG varies from 260V rms (220 Hz) to 380V rms (360 Hz), depending on load conditions. The output single-phase inverter stage was designed to operate with wide range of DC bus voltage, maintaining 120V rms, 60 Hz output. Measured total harmonic distortion for the AC output voltage represents less than 2%, at 3.6kW nominal linear load. © 2010 IEEE.


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A Fault Current Limiter (FCL) based on high temperature superconducting elements with four tapes in parallel were designed and tested in 220 V line for a fault current peak between 1 kA to 4 kA. The elements employed second generation (2G) HTS tapes of YBCO coated conductor with stainless steel reinforcement. The tapes were electrically connected in parallel with effective length of 0.4 m per element (16 elements connected in series) constituting a single-phase unit. The FCL performance was evaluated through over-current tests and its recovery characteristics under load current were analyzed using optimized value of the shunt protection. The projected limiting ratio achieved a factor higher than 4 during fault of 5 cycles without degradation. Construction details and further test results will be shown in the paper. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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The CMS detector is designed around a large 4 T superconducting solenoid, enclosed in a 12 000-tonne steel return yoke. A detailed map of the magnetic field is required for the accurate simulation and reconstruction of physics events in the CMS detector, not only in the inner tracking region inside the solenoid but also in the large and complex structure of the steel yoke, which is instrumented with muon chambers. Using a large sample of cosmic muon events collected by CMS in 2008, the field in the steel of the barrel yoke has been determined with a precision of 3 to 8% depending on the location. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd and SISSA.