119 resultados para PST 2238


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A tecnologia assistiva favorece a participação do aluno com paralisia cerebral nas diferentes atividades do contexto escolar, pois possibilita que a criança atue de modo construtivo no seu processo de ensino e aprendizagem. O objetivo deste estudo foi operacionalizar as etapas de confecção de recursos da tecnologia assistiva para crianças com paralisia cerebral no contexto da Educação Infantil. Para contemplar este objetivo geral foram estabelecidos os seguintes objetivos específi cos: caracterizar os alunos que participaram do estudo, os seus professores e o contexto escolar que estavam inseridos. O estudo foi realizado em escolas municipais de Educação Infantil, sendo que seus participantes foram dois alunos com paralisia cerebral e seus respectivos professores. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio da atuação colaborativa entre o terapeuta ocupacional e o professor e foi dividida em cinco etapas: entender a situação, gerar ideias, escolher as alternativas viáveis, representar a ideia e construir o recurso de tecnologia assistiva. Os procedimentos foram registrados por meio de fi lmagem, diário contínuo, gravação das entrevistas e protocolo de registro, após a organização do material coletado foi realizada a triangulação dos dados e em sequência a análise de seu conteúdo. Foi possível concluir que para a prescrição e confecção do recurso de tecnologia assistiva é necessário à implementação de um programa de intervenção por meio da atuação do terapeuta ocupacional e do professor durante as atividades na sala de aula em que o aluno esta inserido.


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Patients with Down syndrome have shown different conditions of oral health, and there is a low occurrence of dental caries and a higher susceptibility to periodontal diseases. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of dental caries and periodontal diseases in subjects with Down syndrome. The population was composed of 40 patients with the syndrome, aged 6 to 18 years, of both genders, and an equal number of non-syndromic patients. The periodontal conditions were evaluated by mean of the criteria of PSR and dental conditions were registered following indexes dmft and DMFT. It was found that in children with Down syndrome, the dmft index was 1.17 and DMFT 3.53 while the control group was verified dmft 1.97 and DMFT 2.77. The results of PSR evidenced that 32.5% of children with Down syndrome were periodontally healthy, 65% were gingivitis patients and 2.5% were periodontitis patients, while in the control group, 50% healthy and 50% were gingivitis patients. The results evidenced similar populations of cariogenic cocci between patients with Down syndrome and non-syndromic subjects. It was concluded that the incidence of caries in children with Down syndrome was higher in permanent teeth compared with the control group, while in the occurrence of deciduous teeth caries was slightly higher in the control group, so when children with Down syndrome are subjected to periodic examinations, they present themselves periodontally healthy.


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The aim is to evaluate the influence of oral contraceptive intake and menstrual cycle on the electrical activity and pressure pain threshold from anterior temporal and masseter muscles. Twenty-eight women on reproductive age were selected, 13 OC users and 15 nonusers. They were weekly submitted to electromyography and algometry of the anterior temporal and masseter muscles during three consecutive menstrual cycles. Electrical activities at rest position and PPTs of temporal and masseter muscles were not affected by menstrual cycle or by OCs uses. Comparison between groups demonstrated that working side electrical activity was increased in OC users in both muscles, except during lutheal phase for the anterior temporal. However, comparison within weeks did not demonstrate statistical difference. It was suggested that, in healthy women, oral contraceptive use may influence electrical activity, but different phases of the cycle may not.


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The aim this study was to know work conditions of dental surgeon in Brazilian Health System (SUS), by their perception, analyzing: type of ingress, work regime, workload, realized income, existence of Career Plan, Posts and Ages (PCCS) and satisfaction with public employment. The sample was constituted by dental surgeons (n=83) of 12 cities public system from Health Regional Department XV – São José do Rio Preto City – São Paulo State. Data collection was by interviews using a questionnaire. Results point that 19% of interviewed people didn’t take an open competition to ingress on SUS. Statutory scheme of work was more adopted getting 57% of professionals. Different working days were observed: 57% is relative to 20 hours, 7% to 30 hours and 36 hours to 40 hours. About satisfaction with incomes, 66% of professionals were dissatisfied, observing the absence of PCCS in 11 cities. About satisfaction with public employment, just 5% said to be “dissatisfied”; 11% “few satisfied” and the majority 62% and 22% affirmed to be “satisfied” and “satisfied so much” respectively. Although PCCS not to be reality in studied cities and the majority of professionals to say “to be dissatisfied” with wage, around totality of interviewed people is “dissatisfied” with public employment on SUS.


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Odontoma is a term that refers to a benign tumor of odontogenic and mixed nature, composed of epithelial and mesenchymal components. Histologically, they are compounds of different configurations including dental enamel, dentin, cementum and in some cases the pulp tissue. A slow growing asymptomatic tumor, odontoma is usually discovered through routine radiographic examination. A 3-year old male patient sought care at the School of Dentistry’s Baby Clinic (UNESP-Araçatuba), complaining of “small ball close to the teeth.” During the interview, the mother reported that the lesion was observed soon after a trauma, and evolved in less than one month. An ulcerated lesion with a 0.8 cm diameter was found during intraoral clinical examination. It was located in the inferior and anterior region of the mouth, between teeth 81 and 82, and there was also crown distalization. A radiographic examination showed a radiolucent area and root distance. In the absence of clinical and radiographic characteristics suggesting a case of odontoma, the differential diagnosis was peripheral giant cell lesion and pyogenic granuloma. So the area was punctured. Nonetheless, due to the absence of liquid, the surgical removal of the lesion was performed, followed by histological examination, which showed the definite diagnosis of a suggestive case of emerging odontoma.


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As traduções dos best-sellers para o público infanto-juvenil apresentam inúmeras implicações culturais reconhecidas como estratégias de tradução. Além disso, existe o apelo comercial inserido nesse gênero literário. Esse importante recurso, adotado pelo tradutor e seus editores, tem como intuito alcançar um alvo certo: o leitor de literatura de massa. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste artigo é analisar algumas frases e expressões culturais contidas na tradução do best-seller Diário de um banana. Para tanto, a análise compara alguns excertos do texto original, identificando as escolhas lexicais e adaptações culturais usadas pelo tradutor brasileiro.


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This article evaluates the influence of culture and elements from organizational bonds in the perception of communicative process between a public teaching hospital and its users, and the strategies used to overcome difficulties in this dialogue. It was possible to evaluate how the dialogue is perceived in a scenario marked by organizational bonds such as identification, belonging feeling, idealization of the organization and solidarity.


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This paper presents a multi-agent architecture that was designed to develop processes supervision and control systems, with the main objective to automate tasks that are repetitive and stressful, and error prone when performed by humans. A set of agents were identified, based on the study of a number of applications found in the literature, that use the approach of multi-agent systems for data integration and process monitoring to faults detection and diagnosis, these agents are used as basis of the proposed multi-agent architecture. A prototype system for the analysis of abnormalities during oil wells drilling was developed.


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Given the widespread use of computers, the visual pattern recognition task has been automated in order to address the huge amount of available digital images. Many applications use image processing techniques as well as feature extraction and visual pattern recognition algorithms in order to identify people, to make the disease diagnosis process easier, to classify objects, etc. based on digital images. Among the features that can be extracted and analyzed from images is the shape of objects or regions. In some cases, shape is the unique feature that can be extracted with a relatively high accuracy from the image. In this work we present some of most important shape analysis methods and compare their performance when applied on three well-known shape image databases. Finally, we propose the development of a new shape descriptor based on the Hough Transform.


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Técnicas de reconhecimento de padrões tem como principal objetivo classificar um conjunto de amostras, sendo o processo de aprendizado a fase de maior consumo de tempo. O problema pode piorar em ferramentas de classificação interativas, o que pode ser inaceitável para grandes bases de dados. Um exemplo de classificador é o baseado em Floresta de Caminhos Ótimos [8] - OPF. Dado que muitos trabalhos tem sido orientados à implementação de algoritmos de reconhecimento de padrões em ambiente General Purpose Graphics Processing Unit - GPGPU, o presente estudo objetivou a implementação da etapa de treinamento do classificador Floresta de Caminhos Ótimos em CUDA, visando aumentar a sua eficiência. A otimização do classificador em CUDA demonstrou uma fase de treinamento mais rápida que a versão original.