91 resultados para Lingua inglesa - Exames


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The main purpose of this article is to investigate the social and linguistic behaviors of a translator, analyzing the use of simplification aspects in the translational process into English of the Anthropology developed by Darcy Ribeiro. With this aim, we used a parallel corpus composed by the work O povo brasileiro (1995) and by its respective translation, performed by Rabassa. The methodology used is that of Corpus-Based Translation Studies (BAKER, 1993, 1995, 1996; CAMARGO, 2005, 2007), Corpus Linguistics (BERBER SARDINHA, 2004) and Terminology (BARROS, 2004). We also adopted Sociology of Translation theories (SIMEONI, 1998, 2007; GOUANVIC,1999, 2005), as well as the habitus conception, proposed by Bourdieu (1980). Results show that this simplification may be found in Ribeiro’s translated texts, indicating the difficulties of conceptualizing the Brazilian universe in English


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The main purpose of this article is to investigate the social and linguistic behaviors (the habitus) of a translator in face of cultural barriers in translation, analyzing the use of explicitation aspects in the translational process into English of the terminological Brazilianisms developed by Darcy Ribeiro. With this aim, we used a parallel corpus composed by the work O povo brasileiro (1995) and by its respective translation, performed by Rabassa. The methodology used is that of Corpus-Based Translation Studies (BAKER, 1993, 1995, 1996, 2000; CAMARGO, 2005, 2007), Corpus Linguistics (BERBER SARDINHA, 2004) and Terminology (BARROS, 2004). For data analysis, we adopted Sociology of Translation theories (SIMEONI, 1998, 2007; GOUANVIC, 1995, 1999), as well as the habitus conception, proposed by the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu (1980). We believe that, as pointed by Baker`s theories (1996), explicitation is a translator`s tendency or procedure, which explains, in the translated text, parts of the original text that have been left implicit by the author. Results show that this action may be found in Ribeiro’s translated texts, indicating the difficult of conceptualizing the Brazilian universe in English.


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This study aims at discussing aspects related to learner corpora and linguistic features found in texts written by English learners based on the use of collocations in text production. For this research, we analyzed collocations with the verb “to have” and with the nouns “prejudice” and “regret”.


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This paper consists in the evaluation of the exposure rate to ionizing radiation to which professionals working in surgical procedures which require radiological examinations are subjected. Were initially performed real-time readings of exposure rate within four distinct operating rooms during the execution of four surgical procedures that made use of fluoroscopy equipment (including three orthopedic surgeries, one in the shoulder, one in the arm, another for deployment of metal pin in the leg region, and a fourth for vascular procedure); in these surgeries were used ionization chamber detector and an electrometer. In order to check the values achieved, was made a re-evaluation of the distribution of the rate of exposure to radiation, from the surgical procedures, now with thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs). For this, thirty TLDs were distributed in the operating rooms, arranged in points of interest as occupation by professionals. The TLDs were prepared for thirty consecutive days, after which they were removed and replaced with new dosimeters not exposed yet. The dosimeters were subjected to reading of the rate of exposure; this procedure was repeated for four months without interruption. The quantification of the results sought primarily to convert the rate of exposure for equivalent dose rate, both in measurements with ionization chamber as in measurements with TLDs, in order to highlight the presence of the biological effect of ionizing radiation for comparisons within scientific context. Then, the results were plotted to establish the relationship between the values of equivalent dose and the distance to the central axis of the x -ray source, confirming the inverse square law for distance. Finally, the values were associated with the maximum limit recommended by the legislation for occupationally exposed individuals. The methodology for the analysis and quantification of the data in this work aims at implementing a work plan that meets ...


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Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo observar a presença de palavras de origem inglesa em dicionários do Português Brasileiro relacionando este fato com a atual identificação do brasileiro com a cultura norteamericana – como consequência da importância dos EUA no cenário mundial nas últimas décadas. Neste estudo, notou-se que as palavras estrangeiras passam por um período de observação pelos lexicógrafos antes de serem finalmente inseridas em importantes obras de referência da língua portuguesa. Observou-se também que, quando inseridas nos dicionários, as palavras inglesas são encontradas em diferentes tipos de verbetes: alguns trazem transcrição fonética, por exemplo, outros não. Além disso, muitos verbetes não indicam se a palavra ainda pode ser considerada “estrangeira” à língua portuguesa ou se já se encontra aportuguesada. Dessa forma, podemos concluir que não há um padrão de entrada para palavras estrangeiras em dicionários do Português Brasileiro e que vem sendo uma tarefa difícil para os lexicógrafos encontrar um modelo de verbete que melhor atenda as necessidades das pessoas. Por fim, esta pesquisa comprovou que fatores extralinguísticos e culturais são importantes para que se decida se uma palavra estrangeira deve ou não estar presente em um dicionário do Português Brasileiro.


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This papaer's main objective is to discuss partial data collected for an ongoing reserch wich aims at investigating the pedagogical pratice (re) construction process in Teaching Pratice as part of a pre-service teacher education course.


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The aim of this study was to verify the potential of music as a pedagogical resource in the English class of a public school. The results confirmed that it is possible to motivate students through the use of songs.


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This paper aims at discussing the relevance of student-teachers’ motivational variants in an English as a Foreign Language Teacher Education course whose syllabus proposes, since the beginning of the program, the development of students’ proficiency in the target language aligned to EFL teacher education theories. In addition, this study also intends to comprehend how this course structure has been developed, verifying how prospective teachers react towards its proposal. Results indicated relevant aspects related to motivation, since from all participants, many declared their interest in following the teaching career while others revealed interest in developing their English language skills, which indicates that both needs and expectations of these groups seemed to be attained, favoring their motivation to language learning and teaching.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The aim of this study was to retrospectively evaluate in the casuistry on class and systems frequently diagnosed in wild animals that were sent to the FMVZ–UNESP-Botucatu diagnostic imaging service. The class of birds was the most referred to the centers, followed by the mammals and reptiles. The majority of the requested tests were the radiographs and in a minor scale the tomography and ultrasound. Although the birds were the greatest number of animals sent to the service, mammals were the most radiographed for wound control. The most frequently observed system was the musculoskeletal caused by trauma, especially in birds. The radiograph was the most exam initially indicated, then the animal could be forwarded to other imaging modalities, which in wild animals medicine is still limited to research.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE