105 resultados para spiral extrusion


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Sorubim lima is a migratory catfish that do not reproduce in lenthic environments such as those formed after construction of hydroelectric power plants. An alternative for conservation of the species in these environments is the stocking with fingerlings produced in captivity. The technique used to reproduce it in captivity was the induction by carp pituitary hormone, with dosage of 5 mg.kg(-1) for females (1 mg.kg(-1) in the first dose and 4 mg.kg(-1) in the second) and 3 mg.kg(-1) for males (1 mg.kg(-1) in the first dose and 2 mg.kg(-1) in the second), with an interval of 14 hours. The determination of extrusion moment of oocytes was made by monitoring the migration of nucleus from central to peripheral position. After UTA 264.5 (accumulated thermal units) the oocytes were obtained by compression of the ventral region of the female, and male were sacrificed for extraction of sperm. The eggs were kept in an incubator and the time of hatching of larvae was 370 UTA. The larvae were initially fed with plankton and showed no cannibalism. Moreover, they were not demanding about the food, accepting prepared rations after fifteenth day of life. The weight gain of larvae was very low even close to 20 mm in length (14 days), not exceeding 0.05 mg per day. After that both weight and length increased rapidly.


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The morphological aspects of the hypopharyngeal glands were analyzed in worker bees of Apis mellifera of 15 and 30 days of age. The individuals were kept in a room with controlled temperature at 32degreesC where they received water and either a protein or a high energy food. Nurse and foraging workers were used as a control for the experiment. The morphological results showed that the different diets modified the cell death characteristics and intensified its occurrence. Both diets caused precocious glandular degeneration. However, this anticipation of cell death was more pronounced in the glandular tissue of the workers who received the high energy diet when compared to the glands of the bees fed with the protein meal.The degenerative signs observed were an intense cytoplasmic vacuolization, with a loss of cytoplasm and of the cell boundaries, dilation or condensation of the cells and nuclei, and nuclear fragmentation. At the end of the degenerative process, we observed the extrusion of nuclei and, finally, the dissolution of the glands. The hypopharyngeal glands' remains were found in the haemolymph.


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Foi investigada a ocorrência e caracterizada ultra-estruturalmente a eliminação de material nuclear eletrondenso (nuage) para o citoplasma durante a ovogênese e durante os estágios iniciais da espermatogênese de Piaractus mesopotamicus, um peixe do Pantanal Matogrossense de ciclo reprodutivo sazonal. Constataram-se nas células germinativas femininas dois momentos de eliminação desse material, na ovogônia e no ovócito em fase perinucleolar. Nas células masculinas, material com morfologia e comportamento muito semelhante foi encontrado na espermatogônia. em todos os casos, o material associou-se a mitocôndrias. A possível função desse material foi discutida.


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The mechanism of silk formation in Apis mellifera salivary glands, during the 5th instar, was studied. Larval salivary glands were dissected and prepared for light and polarized light microscopy, as well as for scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The results showed that silk formation starts at the middle of the 5th instar and finishes at the end of the same instar. This process begins in the distal secretory portion of the gland, going towards the proximal secretory portion; and from the periphery to the center of the gland lumen. The silk proteins are released from the secretory cells as a homogeneous substance that polymerizes in the lumen to form compact birefringent tactoids. Secondly, the water absorption from the lumen secretion, carried out by secretory and duct cells, promotes aggregation of the tactoids that form a spiral-shape filament with a zigzag pattern. This pattern is also the results of the silk compression in the gland lumen and represents a high concentration of macromolecularly well-oriented silk proteins.


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The phylogeny of Celastraceae subfamily Salacioideae (ca. 255 species in the Old and New World tropics) and tribe Lophopetaleae (ca. 29 species in southern Asia and the Austral-Pacific) was inferred using morphological characters together with plastid (matK, trnL-F) and nuclear (ITS and 26S rDNA) genes. Brassiantha, a monotypic genus endemic to New Guinea, is inferred to be more closely related to the clade of Dicarpellum (New Caledonia) and Hypsophila (Queensland, Australia) than it is to Hippocrateoideae or Salacioideae. This unambiguously supported resolution indicates that a nectary disk positioned outside the stamens has been convergently derived in these two lineages. The clade of Kokoona and Lophopetalum is resolved as more closely related to Breria and Elaeodendron than it is to Hippocrateoideae or Salacioideae. Sarawakodendron, a monotypic genus endemic to Borneo, is resolved as sister to Salacioideae. Salacioideae are inferred to have an Old World origin that was followed by a single successful radiation within Central and South America. We infer that capsular fruits are primitive within the clade of Hippocrateoideae + Sarawakodendron + Salacioideae, with berries a synapomorphy for Salacioideae. Based on the resolution of Sarawakodendron as sister to Salacioideae, we hypothesize that the filaments of Sarawakodendron arils are homologous to the spiral filaments in the mucilagenous pulp of Salacioideae.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The gel to liquid crystalline phase transition of the double-chained cationic dioctadecyldimethylammonium chloride and bromide (DODAX, X = Cl- or Br-) in aqueous vesicle dispersions prepared by non-sonication, sonication and extrusion has been investigated using high-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The transition temperature (T-m) is a function of the preparation method, amphiphile concentration, vesicle curvature and nature of the counterion. DSC thermograms for DODAB and DODAC non-sonicated vesicle dispersions exhibit a single endothermic peak at T-m roughly independent of concentration up to 10 mM. Extrusion broadens the transition peak and shifts T-m downwards. Sonication, however, broadens slightly the transition peak and tends to shift T-m upwards suggesting that extrusion and sonication form vesicles with different characteristics. DODAC always exhibits higher T-m than DODAB irrespective of the preparation method. T-m changes as follows: T-m (sonicated) greater than or equal to T-m (non-sonicated) > T-m (extruded). Hysteresis of about 7 degrees C was observed for DODAB vesicle dispersions. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Combined dynamic and static light scattering (DLS, SLS) and cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) were used to investigate extruded cationic vesicles of dioctadecyldimethylammonium chloride and bromide (DODAX, X being Cl- or Br-). In salt-free dispersions the mean hydrodynamic diameter, D-h, and the weight average molecular weight, M-w, are larger for DODAB than for DODAC vesicles, and both D-h and M-w increase with the diameter (phi) of the extrusion filter. NaCl (NaBr) decreases (increases) the DODAB (DODAC) vesicle size, reflecting the general trend of DODAB to assemble as larger vesicles than DODAC. The polydispersity index is lower than 0.25, indicating the dispersions are rather polydisperse. Cryo-TEM micrographs show that the smaller vesicles are spherical while the larger ones are oblong or faceted, and the vesicle samples are fairly polydisperse in size and morphology. They also indicate that the vesicle size increases with phi and DODAB assembles as larger vesicles than DODAC. Lens-shaped vesicles were observed in the extruded preparations. Both light scattering and cryo-TEM indicate that the vesicle size is larger or smaller than phi when phi is smaller or larger than the optimal phi* approximate to 200 nm. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We develop a model for spiral galaxies based on a nonlinear realization of the Newtonian dynamics starting from the momentum and mass conservations in the phase space. The radial solution exhibits a rotation curve in qualitative accordance with the observational data.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de estimar o consumo total e o diário de matéria seca do pasto, de vacas mestiças Holandês - Zebu, em piquetes de capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.). Três grupos de 24 vacas foram usados em piquetes (4,5 vacas/ha), pastejados por três dias e submetidos a diferentes períodos de descanso durante dois anos. Os tratamentos consistiram de descansos de 30 dias sem concentrado e 30, 37,5 e 45 dias com a suplementação de 2 kg de concentrado (20,6% de proteína bruta). de julho a outubro, as vacas receberam, como suplementação, cana-de-açúcar mais 1% de uréia. O consumo total de matéria seca foi estimado a partir da digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca da extrusa e da produção fecal obtida com óxido crômico. Independentemente do tratamento, o consumo total foi 2,7; 2,9 e 2.9±0,03%, e o consumo de matéria seca do pasto foi de 1,9; 2,1 e 2,1±0,03% do peso vivo (p<0,05), respectivamente, no primeiro, segundo e terceiro dia de ocupação do piquete. Somente no verão, o consumo do pasto foi semelhante nos três dias de pastejo. A mistura cana-de-açúcar e uréia substituiu o pasto, principalmente no primeiro dia de pastejo, ocasião em que o consumo do pasto era mais baixo.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito da umidade, temperatura de extrusão e rotação da rosca na produção de produtos extrusados expandidos com a utilização do polvilho doce e da polpa de laranja desidratada como matéria-prima. O processo seguiu delineamento central composto rotacional com três fatores, totalizando 15 tratamentos (oito pontos fatoriais, seis pontos axiais e um ponto central com seis repetições). Os produtos obtidos foram caracterizados quanto ao índice de expansão (IE), ao volume específico (VE), ao índice de solubilidade em água (ISA) e à cor (L*, a* e b*). Os resultados mostraram efeito das condições operacionais do processo sobre as características físicas dos produtos, e produtos claros com maior expansão e menor solubilidade em água foram obtidos nas condições mais elevadas de temperatura (80-90°C), condições intermediárias de umidade (16%) e rotação da rosca (218rpm).


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Hymenolobium petraeum Ducke é uma espécie arbórea pertencente à família Leguminosae conhecida popularmente por angelim-pedra. Apresenta alto valor comercial, com madeira muito utilizada na construção civil e marcenaria. Este trabalho teve por objetivo descrever morfologicamente o fruto, a semente e as plântulas, assim como, determinar as temperaturas cardeais para a germinação de sementes de angelim-pedra. Foram determinados o comprimento, a largura e a massa fresca de frutos e sementes. Para os testes de germinação foram utilizadas três repetições de 50 sementes, colocadas em placas de Petri e mantidas em germinadores nas temperaturas de 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 e 40°C e fotoperíodo de 12 horas. Os frutos são legumes-samaróides, indeiscentes, oblongos e unicarpelares. As sementes são de coloração castanho-escura, oblongas, estenospérmicas, exalbuminosas e com plúmula inconspícua. A raiz primária é branca e pubescente na região próxima ao colo; a parte aérea das plântulas possui pilosidade branca, protófilos compostos imparipinados e com inserção oposta, epicótilo verde, ereto, cilíndrico e piloso e os metáfilos imparipinados e com inserção alterna-espiralada. A germinação é semi-hipógea criptocotiledonar. Para de sementes de angelim-pedra as temperaturas máximas de germinação estão acima de 35°C e a mínima abaixo de 15°C, enquanto a faixa de temperatura ótima para germinação está entre 25 e 35°C.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)