100 resultados para Surdos Educação Legislação


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Ps-graduao em Educação - FFC


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo examinar a potencialidade analtica do estudo dos instrumentos cientficos antigos na escrita da histria do ensino de Cincias, a partir da organizao de uma coleo de objetos, pertencentes ao laboratrio de Fsica da Escola Estadual Bento de Abreu, localizada em Araraquara (SP). Levando-se em conta que os instrumentos da coleo podem ser relacionados a propostas para o ensino de Cincias e de Fsica formuladas, em nosso pas, na primeira metade do sculo XX, apresenta-se aqui, com base na legislação, um resumo sobre os estudos cientficos no currculo do ensino secundrio at 1961. Na discusso, argumenta-se que, embora apresentem algumas dificuldades como fontes de pesquisa, os instrumentos oferecem, sem dvida, uma contribuio valiosa como objetos de estudo, alargando as possibilidades de compreenso do projeto histrico de difuso das cincias na educação escolar brasileira.


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Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar ao leitor a sntese de um estudo que compara a realidade de escolas do ensino fundamental, verificando as determinaes da lei n. 9394/96 e suas condies de aplicao envolvendo anlise de dados tericos e observaes em campo emprico referentes a aspectos como aplicao de recursos financeiros, implementao de novas propostas pedaggicas, atuao de organismos multilaterais e formao profissional dos professores.


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O presente estudo prende-se a uma anlise em que o autor procura avaliar a influncia que a legislação educacional brasileira, nos seus aspectos fundamentais, exerceu no processo de descentralizao do Sistema Escolar.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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The present study had as the main purpose to verify the teachers formation who update in the child education institutions of the Irati city (Parana State Brazil), throughout the years of 2005, 2006 and 2007, and their implications for the pedagogical actions. Seven institutions they had participated of the study. The data collection was made by means of documents of the institutions. A predominance of secondary school in the formation of the teachers was verified, even so had still one high index of professionals with formation level below of this requirement to the legislation. We conclude that it has urgency to the implementation of public politics directed toward the child education, with focus for the formations teachers.


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The article describes political and legal aspects of Brazilian education, through the analysis of Brazilian Constitutions, its amendments and major educational laws and resolutions in force until 2012, highlighting those that make direct reference to rural education and country education. It intends to identify the time when the educational legislation has incorporated the term country education, one of the struggles of the Movement for a Country Education. The use of the term country education will occur only in the first decade of this century. Despite the difficulties in consolidating country education, clearly the incorporation of this issue in the draft of the new National Education Plan (2011/2020), under discussion in Brazilian Congress.


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Recent years have seen a movement toward school inclusion of children with special educational needs. In Brazil, there is the formulation of laws guaranteeing rights for disabled people, giving you free access to regular classroom complemented by specialized educational services. In the case of students with deafness, the Federal Decree No. 5626 of 2005, recommends that schools offer the Brazilian sign language as language support, and should take into classrooms, an interpreter. In this study we conducted a mapping of the educational situation of students with hearing loss of 35 municipalities. There was a mode of education in which deaf students are enrolled, and also the municipalities have organized the specialized educational services for such students. Data were collected through interviews with managers of 35 municipalities. The results showed that the vast majority of municipalities participating in the study opted for the enrollment of deaf students in regular class. Only a few municipalities managers reported the existence of classes and enrollment in special schools or even the existence of deaf students out of schools. It also found that all municipalities have organized the specialized educational services, like additional offering in the resource rooms. We conclude that despite the existing difficulties, the Brazilian municipalities are gradually adjusting to the prospect of inclusive education. Continuing education courses should be offered in order to prepare more teachers to work with diversity.


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The Policy Pedagogical Project can be understand like a guide element of education actions, that links itself to a history social project, bringing an specific way to understand the school and its function in society. The actual brazilian legislation is based on inclusive educational policy defended since 1990 by Ministry of Education. Faced this situation the present research intends verify if the schools are organized to act into this new paradigm, using analisis of the Policy Pedagogical Projects. That's why were analized the projects of 6 public schools of basic study that attend impaired students in regular classes. Those projects were analized based on a inclusive school indicators purposed by the Ministry of Education, that is based on a specific theorical reference and on determined actions that favor the impaired student learning. The data pointed that the majority of schools shows in theorical camp assumptions vinculated to Inclusive Education Policy. However, the presented actions are still shy and limited, so there is no differentiated purpose that attend the educational needs of impaired students. It concludes that the speech about inclusive education have already been assimilated by the school, however the actions are still begginers. The Pedagogical Project colectively built, could constitute an effective instrument to think about an make a quality school, an emancipatory school for all.


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Since 1990, in Brazil, the paradigm of inclusive education has influenced public policies and educational systems. Continuing education courses for teachers are spreading with the intention of preparing them to face the challenge of working with students with disabilities. But what factor has motivated teachers to participate in these courses? This study sought to answer this question by identifying and mapping the aspects that led to 105 regular education teachers from municipal schools in So Paulo to participate during the year 2010/2011, the third edition of the specialization course called "Teacher Education in Special Education." Data was collected through a questionnaire applied to teachers who attend the course. The results revealed that motivation is intrinsically related to the characteristics of the teachers age and where they stand in the cycle of teaching career, as well as aspects related to professional activities. Moreover, from this research were pointed reflections on the importance of training teachers for the improvement of the educational system in order to effectively meet the principles of inclusive education, as suggested by the legislation in our country.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Esta pesquisa, financiada pela Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (Fapesp), tem como objeto de estudo as parcerias entre o pblico e o privado realizadas por municpios paulistas para a oferta educacional na educação infantil. O estudo parte integrante da pesquisa A oferta educacional na educação infantil: arranjos institucionais entre o pblico e o privado coordenada pela professora Raquel Borghi e financiada pelo CNPq. O objetivo geral identificar, mapear e analisar os arranjos institucionais firmados entre municpios paulistas pequenos e instituies privadas para o atendimento educacional em creches e pr-escolas. O estudo foi realizado com uma amostra de 50% dos 56 municpios pequenos (de 10.001 a 50.000 hab.) que declararam possuir parcerias para a oferta de educação infantil, e que constam do banco de dados da pesquisa Estratgias municipais para a oferta da educação bsica: anlise das parcerias pblico-privadas no Estado de So Paulo (ADRIO, coord., 2009). Foi realizado levantamento junto aos municpios selecionados, tendo em vista o recolhimento de informaes como ano de integrao das creches aos respectivos sistema de ensino, justificativa para a opo pelo convnio, formato da subveno publica as instituies privadas, tipo de instituio como Stricto Sensu (SS), ONGs, fundaes, filantrpicas, OSCIPs entre outros. O desenvolvimento do estudo vai requerer, ainda, o levantamento e a anlise de produes tericas relativas ao financiamento e oferta da educação infantil. Os resultados evidenciam que os convnios, legitimados pela atual legislação e impulsionados tanto pela esfera pblica e/ou privada, esto em expanso, e em alguns municpios representam a nica forma de atender a essa faixa etria, mostrando o equvoco de muitos municpios de aderir a esse tipo de atendimento municipal


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The reading of history is a fundamental part of early literacy for children as part of the goals for all children's education. The wheel of history or storytelling is an important moment of great help in the cognitive development of children, including a child with disabilities. Searching the accessibility of communication is that the present study aimed to make accessible in Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) the book O Penuginha by Luiz Vitor Martinello. To facilitate the achievement of this objective, it was considered appropriate to develop a descriptive study following the methodology of qualitative research, to survey the literature on how learning takes place in the Portuguese language by deaf students. This study resulted in a DVD with video recording with the translation of the book O Penuginha in LIBRAS and the narration of the book in Portuguese. Therefore, this project became relevant as the paradigm of the twenty first century is the inclusion of all people in different scenarios and the school is one of the first places where the removal of barriers is essential