206 resultados para S matrix
Este artigo apresenta uma área de pesquisa atual, ativa e interessante. Descreve a investigação da química de transferência de elétrons (TE) de um modo geral e resultados de TE em DNA em particular. Dois intercalantes de DNA foram utilizados: Ethidium Bromide como doador (D) e Methyl-viologen como receptor (A), o primeiro intercala-se entre as bases do DNA e o último na sua superfície. Utilizando o modelo de Perrin e medidas de Supressão de Fluorescência obteve-se a distância de migração do elétron; aqui a distância foi considerada o espaçamento linear entre as moléculas de doador e receptor ao longo da molécula de DNA. O valor determinado foi de 22,6 ± 1,1 angstrons e o número de pares de bases entre doador e receptor de 6,6. Na literatura os valores encontrados foram de 26 angstrons e de quase 8 pares de bases. Considera-se que a transferência de elétrons em DNA seja mediada através das interações através do espaço entre os elétrons do tipo p contido nos pares de bases.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The characteristics, performance, and application of an electrode, namely, Pt vertical bar Hg vertical bar Hg-2(IBP)(2)vertical bar Graphite, where IBP stands for ibuprofenate ion, are described. This electrode responds to IBP with sensitivity of (58.6 +/- 0.9) mV decade 1 over the range 5.0 x 10(-5)-1.0 x 10(-1) mol L-1 at pH 6.0-9.0 and a detection limit of 3.8 x 10(-5) mol L-1. The electrode is easily constructed at a relatively low cost with fast response time (within 1530 s) and can be used for a period of 5 months without any considerable divergence in potentials. The proposed sensor displayed good selectivity for ibuprofen in the presence of several substances, especially concerning carboxylate and inorganic anions. It was used for the direct assay of ibuprofen in commercial tablets by means of the standard additions method. The analytical results obtained by using this electrode are in good agreement with those given by the United States Pharmacopeia procedure. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Toda lattice hierarchy and the associated matrix formulation of the 2M-boson KP hierarchies provide a framework for the Drinfeld-Sokolov reduction scheme realized through Hamiltonian action within the second KP Poisson bracket. By working with free currents, which Abelianize the second KP Hamiltonian structure, we are able to obtain a unified formalism for the reduced SL(M + 1, M - k) KdV hierarchies interpolating between the ordinary KP and KdV hierarchies. The corresponding Lax operators are given as superdeterminants of graded SL(M + 1, M - k) matrices in the diagonal gauge and we describe their bracket structure and field content. In particular, we provide explicit free field representations of the associated W(M, M - k) Poisson bracket algebras generalising the familiar nonlinear W-M+1 algebra. Discrete Backlund transformations for SL(M + 1, M - k) KdV are generated naturally from lattice translations in the underlying Toda-like hierarchy. As an application we demonstrate the equivalence of the two-matrix string model to the SL(M + 1, 1) KdV hierarchy.
An investigation by optical spectroscopy of the Eu3 + and Er3 + active ions in the crystallized fluorozirconate matrix LaZr2F11 is presented. The D-5(1) --> F-7(0-5) emission lines of Eu3 + are used to extract the F-7(0-5) energy scheme and the observed extinctions permit the deduction of irreducible representations (IRREPS) associated with corresponding sub-levels in the D-2 symmetry. The crystal field analysis was carried out on a 387 x 387 basis set, comprising the F-7, D-5(1,2,3) F-5(1,2), (5)G(1,2,3) and P-3(1,2,3,4,5,6) terms of the Eu-3 (+) 4f(6) configuration. The deviation and rms are 6.8 and 7.9 cm (-1), respectively for 38 levels and ten parameters. The experimental crystal field parameters are in good agreement with the ab-initio ones. Moreover, the relative intensities of the D-5(0) --> F-7(2,3,4) emissions are well reproduced by an 'ab-initio' calculation, except for three lines. The Er3 + ions introduced in LaZr2F11, microcrystals also lie in an unique crystallographic site. A total of 31 energy levels were recorded and the crystal field analysis led to 6.6 and 7.8 cm (-1) for the deviation and rms, respectively, for nine variable parameters taken into account. The experimental CF parameters for Er3 + and Eu3 + are very similar, which seems to show that the host lattice contracts around the smaller Er3 + ion. The informations given by both Eu3 + and Eu3 + optical probes in LaZr2F11 are very consistent with the structure previously determined for the isotypic PrZr2F11 fluoride. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
The characteristics, performance, and application of an electrode, namely. Pt\Hg\Hg-2(Bzt)(2)\graphite, where Bzt stands for benzoate ion. are described. This electrode responds to Bzt with sensitivity of 57.7 +/- 1.0 mV/decade over the range 5 x 10(-4)-1 x 10(-1) mol l(-1) at pH 6.0-8.0 with a detection limit of 1.6 x 10(-4) mol l(-1). The electrode shows easy construction, fast response rime (between 10-30 s), low-cost, acid excellent response stability (lifetime > 6 months, in continuous use), the proposed sensor displayed good selectivity for benzoate in the presence of several carboxylate and inorganic anions. It was used to determine benzoate in various beverages by means of the standard additions method. The results obtained by using this electrode compared very favorably with those given by the official AOAC spectrophotometric method and by a HPLC procedure as well. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
This work reports on the photoluminescent properties of the complex diequatris(thenoyltrifluoroacetonate) europium(III), which was adsorbed or supported on tubes of modified surface silica matrix. The luminescence data and the experimental intensity parameter results evidence the existence of high interactions between the complex [Eu(tta)(3)(H2O)(2)] and the modified surface matrix. The anchored complex on macroporous silica shows higher intensity parameter values suggesting that the Eu-0 bond becomes more covalent than the adsorbed one. Therefore, the hypersensitive character of the D-5(0) --> F-7(2) transition increases evidencing a high contribution of the dynamic coupling mechanism possibly due to highly polarizable chemical environments occupied by europium(III) ion. The lifetimes of the complex on silica matrices were measured. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
The characteristics, performance, and application of an electrode, namely, Pt\Hg\Hg-2(PABzt)(2)\ graphite, where PABzt stands for p-aminobenzoate ion, are described. This electrode responds to PABzt with sensivity of (58.1 +/- 1.0) mV per decade over the range 1.0 x 10(-4) to 1.0 x 10(-1) mol l(-1) at pH 6.5-8.0 and a detection limit of 3.2 x 10(-5) mol l(-1). The electrode shows easy construction, fast response time (within 10-30 s), low-cost, and excellent response stability (lifetime greater than 6 months, in continuous use). The proposed sensor displayed good selectivity for p-aminobenzoate in the presence of several substances, especially, concerning carboxylate and inorganic anions. It was used to determine p-aminobenzoate in pharmaceutical formulations by means of the standard additions method. The results obtained by using this electrode compared very favorably with those given by an HPLC procedure. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective: the aim of this in vivo study was to evaluate the response of the pulp-dentin complex following application of resin-modified glass-ionomer cement, calcium hydroxide hard-setting cement and EDTA-soluble preparation of dentine matrix proteins (ESDP) in deep cavities prepared in non-human primate teeth. Methods: Eighteen deep Class V buccal cavities were prepared in premolars of four capuccin monkeys. In Groups 1 and 2, the cavity floor was lined with ESDP or a resin-modified glass-ionomer cement (Vitrebond - 3M ESPE), respectively. In Group 3 (control), the cavity was lined with a hard setting calcium hydroxide cement (Dycal - Dentsply). The cavities were subsequently filled with amalgam. After 6 months, the animals were sacrificed and the teeth were prepared for microscopic assessment. Six-micron thick serial sections were stained with H/E, Masson's trichrome and Brown & Brenn techniques. Results: No inflammatory pulpal response was observed for all experimental and control Groups. However, the amount of reactionary dentin deposition differed between groups in the rank order ESDP (Group 1) > calcium hydroxide (Group 3) > resin-modified glass-ionomer (Group 2). These differences were statistically significant. Conclusions: All materials were biocompatible when applied in deep cavities. ESDP stimulated higher deposition of reactionary dentin matrix than Vitrebond and Dycal.
To investigate the genetic characteristics of phosphoprotein (P) and matrix protein (M) genes of variable rabies virus (RV) prevalent in Brazil, the authors genetically characterized the P and M genes from 30 Brazilian RV field isolates. Phylogenetic analysis based on the P and M genes revealed the presence of six RV variants that consisted primarily of three insectivorous bats, the vampire bat, dog and fox in Brazil. Specific amino acid substitutions corresponding to these phylogenetic lineages were observed, with ASP(42) and GlU(62) in the P protein found to be characteristic of Brazilian chiroptera- and carnivora-related RVs, respectively. Amino acid sequence motifs predicted to associate with a viral function in the P and M proteins were conserved among Brazilian RV variants.
An efficient analytical method is described for the analysis of dicofol residues in pulp and orange peel. Samples are mixed with Celite and transferred to chromatographic columns prepacked with silica gel. Dicofol is eluted with ethyl acetate, and the extracts are analyzed by gas chromatography with electron capture detection. Mean recoveries for dicofol at levels of 0.5, 2.0, 5.0, and 10 mg/kg ranged from 87 to 95% with relative standard deviation values between 2.6 and 9.0%. To investigate the effect of a pilot washing system on dicofol residues in oranges, the analytical procedure was applied to samples submitted to different treatments with commercial formulations under field and laboratory conditions. The orange samples with and without washing were analyzed in duplicate, and the results indicated that washing under the described conditions did not allow a complete removal of dicofol residues from orange peel.