119 resultados para PST 2238


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Este artículo tiene como objetivo observar cómo estudiantes brasileños de licenciatura, más específicamente, estudiantes de lengua española y portuguesa organizan y ponen en práctica la enseñanza del portugués, en el contexto del TELETANDEM. La intención es comprender (a) cómo son planifi cados los contenidos de la enseñanza de Lengua Portuguesa y (b) ¿Cuál es el impacto de esta práctica a la formación de profesores de portugués y español. Lo principios metodológicos que orientan esta pesquisa están anclados en el marco de la investigación cualitativa, en su vertiente narrativa, basado en los estudios de J. Clandinin y Michael Connelly (1996 ). Los datos obtenidos hasta ahora nos muestran que, debido a la proximidad de las lenguas, este contexto de aprendizaje virtual requiere la presencia de un mediador que señala a los aprendices aspectos que deben ser considerados.


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This article presents the results of a research that has as its analysis focus the payment by performance, represented in the public educational system of the São Paulo State by the bonus-merit. The bonus, such as other measures implemented in the last decade, is part of neoliberal reforms that were predominant in the public educational system of the State. The article intends to debate the implications of this mechanism for the teaching from a bibliographic review about the topic as well as from the interpretation of data originated from a qualitative empirical investigation based on semi-structured interviews with second cycle teachers of high and middle schools of three regional departments of education. The results revealed an influence of performative and managerial elements in the organizational work of schools and teachers. Moreover, they showed that the payment by performance has not contributed for the improvement of the work conditions and for the career of the teachers, has a very limited impact to change the quality of education and thus represent a teacher accountability mechanism.


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The intent of this article is to investigate the contribution of Roberto Simonsen for the knowledge and the improvement of living conditions of workers in Brazil. Our hypothesis is that the intellectual contributed in a fundamental way to the theme of the living conditions of workers, especially workermen, was inserted into a broader agenda, that of “national-developmentalism”, to which it also contributed signifi cantly, as we will discuss throughout this work, being the subject at the center his theories, the core, the foundation of which he went to build the corollary of ideas about Brazil and the world that consecrated him as a great thinker in Brazil.


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Inclusive education is a proposal in which all people are accepted and recognized by their individual characteristics. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the concept of inclusive education and its relation within the democratic management on the early childhood education. Participated in these study educators of two schools in a municipal system school, the data were collected by means of interviews and were analyzed using qualitative approach. Educators participated in the study of two schools in a municipal school, and the data collected by means of interviews and organizes collective actions designed. The survey results suggest that is necessary that the management team is informed and understands the importance of articulating different social segments that can assist special needs of students with disabilities in their needs, promoting thus its development.


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The reflex of social and cultural changes in discursive practices can indicate that language has a fundamental role in transforming the society and attempts of defining the directions of changes must include new forms of language practices. One of these forms concerns to computer media in teaching-learning process, showing how technology and culture interact in a significant way to interfere in language uses. In this context, it has been developed in UNESP/Assis linked to the Center for Language and Teacher Development the project Teletandem Brasil: Foreign Languages for All as a new practice of language teachinglearning through technological resources. The present paper aims to present a description of the teletandem sessions as a discursive gender according to the Bakhtin’s gender theory. The data was collected during the second semester of 2010, in sessions of interaction with an American university. The considerations are directed by the following questions: (a) how are the statements of a session discursively organized; (b) what kind of relationship the partners have with their mother language when they teach it as a foreign language, in this context. The analysis allowed us to conclude that: (a) the sessions can characterize a hybrid and secondary gender in this specific area of human activity, even the partners still find difficulties in this gender domain; (b) the teletandem sessions constitute an important instrument for the critical language awareness between the partners.


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This paper is part of a larger project. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the movie Girl With a Pearl Earring (2003) by Peter Webber using the theoretical perspective of dialogue from the Bakhtin Circle, Medved, Volochinov. The multidisciplinary and interartistic potential of cinema is considered in this paper when the linguistic organization and the translinguistic elements in the corpus are focused on and understood as an example of cinema genre as discussed in the Russian Circle. The study of the ways of incorporation of different genericities by cinema, illustrated by the dialogues between the pictorial genre, the novel and the movies contribute to the recognition of the cinema as a genre that is composed by the incorporation of other genres. The construction of the cinematographic work in analysis will be regarded in its architectonic (form, content and style) and in the activity field in which it circulates.


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This article is about the democratic theoretical conceptions reformulated in face of the new social rules in which actors showed up claiming repressed social repressed from the second half of the XX century. In this article an approach of the main contributions of the dimensions of the conception of democracy. As a result, we present that the institutional innovations that came from a process of institutionalism of democracy have built a participative and inclusive ideal of social groups that so far were apart from the decision process in politics.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The enrollments in technical courses outgrew beyond 70% between 2002 and 2010. It has made fundamental to look after this educational segment because of the changes in the job market, associated with the promulgation of the Law #11.741, witch disentails the High Scholl from the Professional Education, points out to some better understanding of this population. This study intended to trace the profile of this student. The socioeconomic criteria by Abipeme (Brazilian Association of Market Research Institutes) was used, and the most important item was age, with a result higher than expected to this educational phase, about 24 years old. The respondents characterized themselves as pertaining to B and C economical classes.


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The entrance of women in the labor market carries implications for the organization and structure of family functioning, leading to the proposition of new settings, family arrangements with direct interference in the mother-child and family dynamics.A major challenge for women is to reconcile time for household chores, academic, external work and be able to stay with their children in order to be able establish an affective bond and harmonious.In this sense, one can say that in married life the roles played by man and woman has been increasingly confused and that family configuration has been designed differently from the traditional family structure as well as the mother-child relationship is also touched by these events.


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The objective of this study was to present the use of selfconfrontation in applied linguistics (AL) research on teachers’ activities. Selfconfrontation was developed by Faïta (1997), and improved by Clot (2006) within the context of Activity Clinics. It is a device that attempts to capture the multiple discourses around an activity and enable its transformation by workers. Thus, a qualitative research approach was employed and documental analysis of theses, dissertations and papers abstracts produced in Brazil (1987 to 2011), available in the electronic site of CAPES, was performed. The results demonstrated that selfconfrontation is used in a fragmented manner in AL studies that examine teachers’ activities, being primarily used for the collection of data, with little emphasis being placed on the transformation of the labor process.


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The paper presents a work project developed by the Laboratory of Studies and Research in History Teaching of Unesp/campus Assis (LEPEDIH), which the classroom is understood as a place of construction of historical knowledge through experiences, between students, teachers and future teachers that add teaching, research and extension, in a way that occur the approach between university and public elementary schools in order that participants can relate the study of history with their own life.


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This article presents research that aimed to discuss the theoretical frameworks about civil associativism prescribed by the trainers of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) workers. The requirements for civil associations made by trainers were analyzed based on two data and reference categories, named empirical and analytical. The empirical categories emerged from the data collected by means of interviews with trainers and also examining the documents that guided the course. The analytical categories were constructed from the literature review on the approaches of civil associations, which are: North American Third Sector Approach; Critical Approach to the Third Sector and Social Local Development (DSL in the Portuguese acronym). The study presents indications that could support the development of other research on the topic and, mainly academic knowledge for further development of new training processes for NGO workers.


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This paper presents some reflections about the challenge of the Psychiatric Reform (RP) and the National Policy of Humanization (NHP) to change modes of production and health care. Starting at observations about the current scenario , marked by a conservative tendency, the author seeks to explain the care that has freedom as a principle and ethical requirement and that compulsory admissions represents a worrying setback in the public mental health policy. At the end the author points out that both policies (PNH and Mental Health) are bets which are produced in nooks and crevices of the conservative model, which represents an immense challenge.


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This work is a clipping of a Master's research which aims to discuss critically the Work Cooperated in the field of Solidarity economy (EcoSol), starting from the benchmark of the Institucional Analysis and rom their fundamental operators. Initially, we performed an analysis of how the EcoSol was built institutionall in Brazil. To this end, we researched and analyzed documents in official files of public policies and of the social movement of this field.