74 resultados para Acessibilidade para deficientes


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Mobility and accessibility are terms that are related to each other. Large urban centers now face problems arising from rapid population growth and among them are problems inherent to mobility and accessibility. The aim of this paper was to conduct a literature review, from a review in journals and books on the issue of mobility in urban centers, showing how mobility is associated with accessibility. A key finding was that the new social reality is the challenge for the future planning of cities and in these cases should be used the knowledge of design, architecture, urbanism and urban planning to address these problems.


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Chega uma idade dos filhos em que surge a pergunta que os pais tanto temem: Mãe/Pai, de onde eu vim? Imagine tal questão para um aluno com deficiência visual? Com base nesse questionamento e nos princípios da didática multissensorial, foi confeccionado um material abordando o tema fecundação humana. O presente trabalho relata como esse material foi construído, detalhando passo a passo sua confecção, além de propor uma metodologia, baseada na pedagogia histórico-crítica, para a utilização desse material. Cabe destacar que trata-se de uma sugestão de metodologia, ficando a critério de cada professor utilizá-la ou não, com as adaptações necessárias a sua turma.


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We live in a society governed by information, knowledge and social inclusion. This leads us to reflect on the importance of access and use of information for people with visual disabilities to build knowledge, exercising citizenship and contribute to lifelong learning. We are faced with a society more open to diversity, questioning their mechanisms of segregation and envisions new ways of social inclusion of people with disabilities. Hence the importance of understanding the inclusive practices, especially for the visually impaired person. Thus, we sought to perform a literature search to understand the theoretical corresponding to the selective approach of the existing literature on the subject. It was considered as a concept of this type of research, which provides that a systematic search for information on existing sources, ie, in all the literature that has become public in relation to the subject studied in order to offer reflections and contributions on issues of access and use of information, emphasizing the role of social responsibility of mobilizing information professionals are considered mediators and actors of vital importance in this scenario.


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In recent years the availability of equipment for exercise in public places increased demand on the principles of universal design, ergonomics and accessibility, since they are intended for use by many different users. This paper presents an analysis of ergonomic equipment and discusses the main problems observed, as well as projective presents parameters for the development of new products.


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This article aims to analyze the content expressed in the weekly Bundas and show how this addressed the economic issues in Brazil in the period 1999-2001. Through this study, we will seek to understand how the printed addressed the economic issues and the language employed by evidence how the vehicle was differed from the others in the category accessibility. The economic journalism has a way of approach often incomprehensible by readers, so the analysis of Bundas show the role of that journalism to the society and the importance of it becoming available to the reading public.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A inexistência de espaços adaptados às pessoas com algum tipo de deficiência compromete o direito à vida, à liberdade e à segurança pessoal, assegurados a todos os seres humanos. Nesse contexto, observa-se a necessidade de planejar um local adequado aos deficientes auditivos, sejam eles surdos ou com perda auditiva. Todas as deficiências têm características próprias e acessibilidades necessárias, que refletem na importância de criar espaços planejados. O intuito não é criar um espaço que os separe e sim que crie condições de aprendizado e os insira na sociedade. O presente trabalho objetiva o projeto de um Centro de Apoio e Lazer para Deficientes Auditivos na cidade de Presidente Prudente - SP


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB