77 resultados para minería de texto


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O artigo mostra, por meio de exame bibliográfico e observação empírica, que a construção do texto radiofônico, por ser escrito para ser falado e ser ouvido, requer o uso de um estilo próprio oral-auditivo, conseguido a partir do emprego de normas técnico-lingüísticas e lingüístico-gramaticais.


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Este trabalho apresenta um encaminhamento para o ensino da produção de textos dissertativos a alunos que encontram dificuldades relativas às estratégias de interação requeridas por essa tipologia. A análise de alguns problemas detectados no percurso entre a pretensão de dizer e o dito levou-nos a pensar numa prática que diminuísse tais problemas, a partir de um enfoque das habilidades de raciocínio, para o estabelecimento de premissas e das habilidades discursivas, para o engajamento a elas, por meio do trabalho com esquemas marcadores de quadros de interação social diferentes.


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Lúcia Regiane Lopes-Damasio propõe aqui uma análise da palavra assim e suas formas correlatas - assim como, mesmo, ainda assim, assim que - no que diz respeito aos processos de repetição, correção, paráfrase, parêntese, hesitação e metadiscurso. Ao mesmo tempo, a autora verifica o funcionamento tópico destes termos - classificados linguisticamente como marcadores discursivos - dentro de diferentes tradições discursivas, faladas ou escritas, no período que abrange do século XVIII aos nossos dias, a fim de apreender e iluminar aspectos relativos ao seu processo de gramaticalização. A hipótese geral que conduz o trabalho de Lopes-Damasio - que deve já ser considerado uma importante contribuição para o levantamento da história do português paulista - baseia-se na aceitação de que a adoção de novas tradições discursivas tem servido, na história da língua, como motor para inovações. Isto, segundo a autora, leva ao pressuposto de que, a cada tradição estabelecida, se dá uma busca de meios linguísticos apropriados, ainda que seja conservado o que já faz parte do sistema.


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O objetivo da autora aqui é discutir como se dá, no trabalho da romancista e contista escocesa Muriel Spark (1918-2006), a constituição das personagens femininas e a forma como estas veem a si mesmas e aos outros. A análise tem como base a coletânea composta de 41 contos publicada em 2001 sob o título de All the Stories of Muriel Spark (inédita no Brasil), cujas narrativas, em sua maioria, já haviam sido publicadas anteriormente em outras coletâneas ou em outros meios, como jornais e revistas. A autora também estuda nos contos o modo como os textos da escritora revelam sua visão peculiar do mundo e dos indivíduos, que foi se tornando mais amarga, embora mais compreensiva, com o passar do tempo. As narrativas curtas sparkianas se distinguem por refletir os diferentes contextos históricos vividos pela escritora: há contos que têm como ambiente a África, onde ela viveu nos anos 1930 e 1940, outros que se passam na Europa do pós-guerra e ainda os contos escritos mais recentemente. De passagem, a pesquisadora também analisa o engajamento político e ideológico de Muriel Spark, cuja vida conflituosa não a impediu de alcançar considerável sucesso de crítica e público nos países de língua inglesa. Sua obra-prima, o romance Primavera de Miss Jean Brodie (1961), foi adaptada para o cinema - o filme foi exibido no Brasil sob o título Primavera de uma Solteirona


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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The relation among the concepts text, document and information is discussed, with the aim of clarifying the concept of document, with a focus in the field of economic information organization and management. A document is a medium in which information is recorded and manifested. A document is, thus, material, has a purpose, can be organized and treated for its improved dissemination, and has a specific subject and context.


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This study was aimed to analyze a procedure that makes the description of pictures in printed text from a book that promotes accessibility for blind people. In addition, the study was aimed to analyze the reformulations suggested by the judges and the index of agreement between researcher and judges. The descriptions were submitted to judges to evaluate the content of the material. The results were obtained through the analysis of two assessments: 1) agreement rate ‒ between the researcher and judges A and B, and between judge A and judge B and 2) analysis of the suggested reformulation. In quantitative terms, the results indicated that the material described achieved a high reliability. In qualitative terms, the reliability achieved represents the quality of the material offered, with well structured descriptions where writing meaning is equivalent to image information, fulfilling the purpose to present in printed text the elements represented in the pictures, effectively conveying their meaning.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper is the result of a research about literacy concept from official documents, dictionaries and linguists. As an expansion of literacy concept was observed through last century, this investigation searched for an opposite way, in other words, a contraction of the literacy concept in order to clarify its nature and this way to be the starting point for literacy teachers. The best way to literacy happens was also part of the research, then the text was considered like that, since it is a real communicative situation. Besides it should be a meaning system which can be accessed again any time. It would include many kinds of texts – oral or written – as long as they were recorded somehow. The best text form was investigated as well, in other words, the best speech genre for teaching literacy, once there are important elements which should be considered during the literacy acquisition, such as the encouragement to read and to think about the correct writing of the words. In the end, considerations were made concerning the literacy teacher‘s awareness about the context change when the text is used in a scholar context and about the skills acquired by the students which should be transported to other texts in varied contexts


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We are included in a society where the use of the Internet became very important to our everyday life. The relationships nowadays usually happen through technological devices instead of face to face contact, for instance, Internet forums where people can discuss online. However, the global analysis is a big challenge, due to the large amount of data. This work investigates the use of visual representations to support an exploratory analysis of contents in messages from discussions forums. This analysis considers the thematic and the chronology. The target forums refer to the educational area and the analysis happens manually, i.e. by direct reading message-by-message. The proprieties of perception and cognition of the human visual system allow a person the capacity to conduct high-level tasks in information extraction from a graphical or visual representation of data. Therefore, this work was based on Visual Analytics, an area that aims create techniques that amplify these human abilities. For that reason we used software that creates a visualization of data from a forum. This software allows a forum content analysis. But, during the work, we identified the necessity to create a new tool to clean the data, because the data had a lot of unnecessary information. After cleaning the data we created a new visualization and held an analysis seeking a new knowledge. In the end we compared the new visualization with the manual analysis that had been made. Analyzing the results, it was evident the potential of visualization use, it provides a better correlation between the information, enabling the acquisition of new knowledge that was not identified in the initial analysis, providing a better use of the forum content


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From a diagnostic on the learning of written text, this research aimed to carry out educational activities aimed at textual production, performing operation and activity of reflection on texts written by students in a learning situation of parallel recovery, aiming to improve the standard textuality of his written production. These actions were guided from the conception of language as social practice and discourse and, later, a survey was made in the standard of textuality textual productions resulting from such actions. 5 students participated in the research of a 4th grade of elementary school, a School of Duartina peripheral zone integrating the local school system of that city. The textual productions written by these students were analyzed from three categories: common mistakes in the process of literacy, with subdivisions: phonetic transcription, dialetação, hollow hipossegmentação or vocabulary, or improper separation hiperssegmentação, overcorrection, exchange, omission or addition letters, phonemes homorganic exchange; factors textual and contextual, in which it reviewed the following factors: coherence, cohesion and story elements, clarity, in which category were analyzed: the segmentation of text into paragraphs, grammar errors of different nature, use of direct and indirect speech. The results of the intervention and ongoing analysis of data shows that there has been considered developments in the performance of the written production of the research subjects


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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The development in recent years of different media formats has boosted the consumption of narratives, generating a ‘narrative hunger’. Audiences have increasingly looked forward to absorb new and old narratives, and ‘adaptation’ has become a key operational concept to describe processes involved in the transformation of texts. Thus, our discussion will be centered around a few theoretical propositions on adaptation and appropriation in various textual architectures. Although relevant to the debate, literary canonical texts will not be the primary focus. Non-canonical texts will be used to re-visit concepts such as narrativization, intertextuality and transmediality and also to elaborate some ideas on interactivity and multimedia crossover.


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Machine translation systems have been increasingly used for translation of large volumes of specialized texts. The efficiency of these systems depends directly on the implementation of strategies for controlling lexical use of source texts as a way to guarantee machine performance and, ultimately, human revision and post-edition work. This paper presents a brief history of application of machine translation, introduces the concept of lexicon and ambiguity and focuses on some of the lexical control strategies presently used, discussing their possible implications for the production and reading of specialized texts.


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This work analyses the chapter 35, book I, of the agricultural treatise Opus agriculturæ, written by Rutilius Taurus Aemilianus Palladius (V C.E.). In that chapter the author presents some recipes, called remedia, to protect the farm and the garden against weeds and weather phenomena, as blight and fogs. The magical practices are identified according to both the fundamental principles of magic (similarity, contiguity, contrariety), which rule magical thought, and some elements of magical symbology. As the author seems not to distinguish magic and science, for he brings together both kinds of recipes, the analysis of some remedia emphasizes a specific study on the materials and substances employed in those recipes and their value in Science today. This leads to the discussions of how magical thought works, what are the limits (if they actually exist) between Magic and Science and between Magic and Religion. This work covers the subjects above and it has the following pourposes: demonstrate the characteristics that authorize the remedia described by Palladius to be classified as folk magic; identify the relations between this kind of practice with more complex forms of magic, as with religion, with science; demonstrate the contribution of the folk magic in ancient Rome farming for the formulation of more apropriated criteria of evaluating magic in comparison to religious and scientific thought.