78 resultados para enthalpy of vaporization
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Gadolinium oxysulfide powders doped with different Tb3+ concentrations were prepared from sulfur vaporization on rare earths' basic carbonate precursors. Single-phase Gd2O2S samples were obtained, with Tb3+ doping up to 9 at%. The study of the excitation mechanisms revealed that the Tb3+ emission might occur after the direct Tb3+ excitation either by energy transfer from Gd3+ or from the phosphor host. The characteristic terbium emission lines were observed, resulting from the radiative decay from D-5(3) or D-5(4), to F-7(j) levels. The cross-relaxation phenomenon was observed and its effects on the materials emission color were discussed based on the CIE diagram. By using time-resolved spectroscopy, D-5(3) -> F-7(J) and D-5(4) -> F-7(J) transitions were separated. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Esta pesquisa foi conduzida com o objetivo de avaliar diferentes tipos de coberturas em instalações para aves, por meio do Índice de Temperatura de Globo Negro e Umidade (ITGU), Carga Térmica de Radiação (CTR) e Entalpia (H). O experimento foi conduzido na Universidade Estadual de Goiás, entre os meses de abril e maio de 2011, sendo composto por cinco tratamentos (coberturas): CA -Telha de cimento-amianto; BA -Telha de bambu; BAP -Telha de bambu pintada de branco; FB -Telha de fibra vegetal e betume; FBP -Telha de fibra vegetal e betume pintada de branco, com 15 repetições, sendo as repetições os dias de medição. Dentre os horários estudados, o considerado menos confortável foi às 14h, sendo que a cobertura de fibra vegetal e betume foi a que apresentou maior valor de ITGU (84,1) quando comparada às demais coberturas, caracterizando uma situação de menor conforto térmico, não sendo observada diferença para CTR e H entre os tratamentos na região estudada.
We used dynamic light scattering (DLS), a steady-state fluorescence, time resolved fluorescence quenching (TRFQ), tensiometry, conductimetry, and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) to investigate the self-assembly of the cationic surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium sulfate (CTAS) in aqueous solution, which has SO42- as divalent counterion. We obtained the critical micelled concentration (cmc), aggregation number (N-agg), area per monomer (a(0)), hydrodynamic radius (R-H), and degree of counterion dissociation (alpha) of CTAS micelles in the absence and presence of up to 1 M Na2SO4 and at temperatures of 25 and 40 degrees C. Between 0.01 and 0.3 M salt the hydrodynamic radius of CTAS micelle R-H approximate to 16 angstrom is roughly independent on Na2SO4 concentration; below and above this concentration range R-H increases steeply with the salt concentration, indicating micelle structure transition, from spherical to rod-like structures. R-H increases only slightly as temperature increases from 25 to 40 degrees C, and the cmc decreases initially very steeply with Na2SO4 concentration up to about 10 mM, and thereafter it is constant. The area per surfactant at the water/air interface, a(0), initially increases steeply with Na2SO4 concentration, and then decrases above ca. 10 mM. Conductimetry gives alpha = 0.18 for the degree of counterion dissociation, and N-agg obtained by fluorescence methods increases with surfactant concentration but it is roughly independent of up to 80 mM salt. The ITC data yield cmc of 0.22 mM in water, and the calculated enthalpy change of micelle formation, Delta H-mic = 3.8 kJ mol(-1), Gibbs free energy of micellization of surfactant molecules, Delta G(mic) = -38.0 kJ mol(-1) and entropy T Delta S-mic = 41.7 kJ mol(-1) indicate that the formation of CTAS micelles is entropy-driven. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Anelastic spectra (elastic energy absorption as a function of temperature) are reported which provide evidence that excess O in La2CuO4+delta starts forming two different types of defects already at very low concentrations, where no phase separation or changes in the type of O intercalation are believed to occur. The absorption peak with the lowest activation enthalpy, H/k(B) = 5600 K, is visible at lowest values of delta and is attributed to the hopping of single interstitial O2- ions. The second process, with a slightly slower dynamics, appears at higher values of delta and soon becomes preponderant over the former process. The latter process is proposed to be due to stable pairs of O atoms and is put in connection with the formation of partially covalent bonds between interstitial and apical oxygen; such bonds would reduce the doping efficiency of excess O at increasing delta. The geometry of the interstitial O defect is discussed. O 1998 Published by Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
The net isosteric heat and entropy of water sorption were calculated for kiwifruit, based on sorption isotherms obtained by the static gravimetric method at different temperatures (20 to 70 degreesC). The Guggenheim-Anderson-deBoer equation was fitted to the experimental data, using direct non-linear regression analysis; the agreement between experimental and calculated values was satisfactory. The net isosteric heat of sorption was estimated from equilibrium sorption data, using the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. Isosteric heats of sorption were found to increase with increasing temperature and could be well adjusted by an exponential relationship. The enthalpy-entropy compensation theory was applied to sorption isotherms and plots of DeltaH versus DeltaS provided the isokinetic temperature, T-B = 450.9 +/- 7.7 K, indicating an enthalpy-controlled desorption process over the whole range of moisture content considered.
Objective: This study compares wound healing efficiency on a rat's skin when the incision was closed with a conventional suture versus vaporized with a CO2 laser. Materials and Methods: In this study, 24 rats were used, and two longitudinal incisions were made with a conventional scalpel in the dorsum of each rat. The left incision was sutured with nylon thread, and the right incision was closed by vaporization with a defocused CO2 laser in continuous mode with an 8-watt power density. Clinical photographs were taken immediately after the procedure, 24 h later, and after 3, 7, 14, and 21 days, documenting the healing of the incision. Results: the results showed that there was an initial delay in wound repair in the vaporized incision as compared to the scalpel incision, but after 21 days, both incisions showed the same clinical characteristics. However, the vaporized incision showed no trauma of the tissue, as opposed to the sutured incision, and no hemorrhagic complications. Conclusion: These results suggest that the CO2 laser can eventually replace the use of sutures.
In this study we analyzed possible damages that vaporization from laser radiation could cause to implant material. Fifteen standard titanium implants, measuring 3.75 mm in diameter by 7 mm in length, were placed into the upper and lower jaws of three dogs according to Branemark's system. After osseointegration, all implants were exposed. In group I (control) conventional exposure with a punch was used; in group II, a CO2 laser with 2 W (power density: 256 W/cm(2); fluency: 0.077 J/cm(2), and a pulse mode of 0.30 ms) was used, and in group III 4 W (power density: 512 W/cm(2), fluency: 0.154 J/cm(2), and a pulse mode of 0.30 ms) was used. After vaporization, the cover screws were removed and sent for metallographic examination. The results showed that cover screws irradiated with 2 and 4 W power caused no superficial or microstructural alteration. The results also showed that the prescribed power densities, fluencies, and the use of the pulse mode were suitable for exposing implants without damage to tissue or implant material. (C) 2002 Laser Institute of America.
A series of N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM)-acrylic acid-ethyl methacrylate terpolymers with varied monomer compositions was prepared by radical polymerization. The solution behavior of these polymers was studied in dilute aqueous solution using spectrophotometry, fluorescence spectroscopy and high-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry. The results obtained revealed that the lower critical solution temperatures depend strongly on the copolymer composition, solution pH and ionic strength. At a high pH, the ionization of acrylic acid (AA) units leads to an increase in solution cloud points (T-c). Solutions of polymers containing 10% or less of AA display a constant T-c for pH above 5.5, with 15% there is a continuous increase in T-c with pH and, for higher AA contents, no clouding was observed within the studied temperature range. Fluorescence probe studies were conducted by following the I (1)/I (3) ratio of pyrene vibronic bands and the emission of anilinonaphtalene sulfonic acid, sodium salt (ANS), both approaches revealing the existence of hydrophobic domains for polymers with higher ethyl methacrylate content at temperatures lower than T-c, suggesting some extent of aggregation and/or a coil-to-globule transition. Scanning calorimetry measurements showed an endothermic transition at temperatures agreeing with the previously detected cloud points. Moreover, the transition curves became broader and with a smaller transition enthalpy, as both the AA content and the solution pH were increased. These broader transitions were interpreted to be the result of a wider molecular distribution upon polymer ionization, hence, displaying varied solution properties. The decrease in transition enthalpy was rationalized as a consequence of reminiscent hydration of NIPAM units, even after phase separation, owing to the presence of electric charges along the polymer chain.
Moisture equilibrium data of persimmon pulp powders with 50% maltodextrin (dry basis) obtained with different drying methods were determined at 20, 30, 40 and 50 degrees C. The spray-dryer gave a dry product with a higher adsorption capacity than the other methods. The vacuum- and freeze-dried products had the same adsorption capacity. The highest isosteric heat of sorption was observed for powders produced by spray-drying. The isokinetic temperature (T(B)) calculated for persimmon pulp powder obtained by vacuum-, spray- and freeze-drying were 541.4 K, 616.3 K, 513.2 K, respectively. The sorption process was spontaneous and enthalpy controlled.
The following sequence of substitution reactions was studied spectrophotometrically in organic solvents: RNH2 + TCNQ →-HCN 7-substituted TCNQ →-HCN +RNH2 7.7-disubstituted TCNQ where R = butyl, octyl, dodecyl, and hexadecyl. The production of 7-(alkylamino)-7,7,8-tricyanoquinodimethanes proceeds via the formation of the anion radical of TCNQ (TCNQ-·) whose rate of appearance was found to be a function of the chain length of R, reaching a maximum for octylamine. The formation of TCNQ-· was sensitive to the solvent polarity and electron-donor power and was associated with a small enthalpy and a highly negative entropy of activation. Above a certain [C8H17NH2] the rate of disappearance of TCNQ-· was independent of the amine concentration, and the reaction had a much higher enthalpy and entropy of activation. The occurrence of tautomerism precluded an investigation of the conversion of 7-(octylamino)-7,8,8-tricyanoquinodimethane into 7,7-bis(octylamino)-8,8-dicyanoquinodimethane. A study of the reaction of octylamine with 7-morpholino-7,8,8-tricyanoquinodimethane (which does not exist in tautomeric forms) showed that the second substitution step proceeds with the same mechanism as the first one. The only difference between the two compounds (TCNQ and its monosubstituted morpholino derivative) is one of reactivity. © 1985 American Chemical Society.
The economical viability of three cogeneration schemes as supplying alternatives for a hypothetical industrial process has been studied. A cost appropriation method based on Valero's studies (1986) has been used. This method enables the determination of exergetic flows, the Second Law efficiency of equipment and the monetary costs of the products acquired by the industrial process (steam and electrical energy). The criterion adopted for the selection is the global cost of the supplied products to the industrial process as regarding in Brazilian conditions.