64 resultados para Principle component


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Autonomic control of heart rate variability and the central location of vagal preganglionic neurones (VPN) were examined in the rattlesnake ( Crotalus durissus terrificus), in order to determine whether respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) occurred in a similar manner to that described for mammals. Resting ECG signals were recorded in undisturbed snakes using miniature datalogging devices, and the presence of oscillations in heart rate (f(H)) was assessed by power spectral analysis (PSA). This mathematical technique provides a graphical output that enables the estimation of cardiac autonomic control by measuring periodic changes in the heart beat interval. At fH above 19 min(-1) spectra were mainly characterised by low frequency components, reflecting mainly adrenergic tonus on the heart. By contrast, at f(H) below 19 min(-1) spectra typically contained high frequency components, demonstrated to be cholinergic in origin. Snakes with a f(H) > 19 min(-1) may therefore have insufficient cholinergic tonus and/or too high an adrenergic tonus acting upon the heart for respiratory sinus arrhythmia ( RSA) to develop. A parallel study monitored f(Hd) simultaneously with the intraperitoneal pressures associated with lung inflation. Snakes with a fH < 19 min(-1) exhibited a high frequency (HF) peak in the power spectrum, which correlated with ventilation rate (f(V)). Adrenergic blockade by propranolol infusion increased the variability of the ventilation cycle, and the oscillatory component of the f(H) spectrum broadened accordingly. Infusion of atropine to effect cholinergic blockade abolished this HF component, confirming a role for vagal control of the heart in matching f(H) and f(V) in the rattlesnake. A neuroanatomical study of the brainstem revealed two locations for vagal preganglionic neurones (VPN). This is consistent with the suggestion that generation of ventilatory components in the heart rate variability (HRV) signal are dependent on spatially distinct loci for cardiac VPN. Therefore, this study has demonstrated the presence of RSA in the HRV signal and a dual location for VPN in the rattlesnake. We suggest there to be a causal relationship between these two observations.


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In order to characterize the cellular component of the polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma (PLGA) of the salivary gland, a morphological and immunohistochemical study was carried out. Thirty cases of PLGA were studied by light microscopy and immunohistochemistry and five cases by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The expression of cytokeratins (CKs) 7,8,10,13,14,18,19, vimentin and muscle-specific actin (MSA) was investigated through the streptavidin-biotin method. The majority of tumor cells stained for vimentin, CKs 8,18 and 7. CK 14 was positive in most cells of the papillary and trabecular sub-types. Although the expression of CKs 8,18 and 14 varied among the tumors sub-types, a straight relationship between each histologic pattern and the CK expression could not be delineated. MSA was reactive in only three tumors while CKs 10 and 13 were not detected in any tumor studied. The absence of MSA and the expression of CKs 8,18 and 7, in most of the tumor cells, lead to the hypothesis that myoepithelial cells are not the major cellular component of the PLGA. TEM revealed cells exhibiting microvilli and variable amounts of secretory granules, some of them suggesting an excretory activity. The presence of CKs 8, 18 and 7, added to the secretory granules, indicates that PLGA originates from cells located at the acinar-intercalated duct junction. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We study the possible impact of the neutrino oscillation which could be induced by a tiny violation of equivalence principle (VEP) on the observation of neutrinos emitted from supernova driven by gravitational collapse. We show that using supernova neutrinos, one can probe very small values of VEP parameters, delta(tau) less than or similar to O(10(-31)) for massless or degenerated neutrinos and delta(tau) less than or similar to O(10(-16)) x (Deltam(2)/10(-5) eV(2)) for massive neutrinos. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The spectral principle of Connes and Chamseddine is used as a starting point to define a discrete model for Euclidean quantum gravity. Instead of summing over ordinary geometries, we consider the sum over generalized geometries where topology, metric, and dimension can fluctuate. The model describes the geometry of spaces with a countable number n of points, and is related to the Gaussian unitary ensemble of Hermitian matrices. We show that this simple model has two phases. The expectation value , the average number of points in the Universe, is finite in one phase and diverges in the other. We compute the critical point as well as the critical exponent of . Moreover, the space-time dimension delta is a dynamical observable in our model, and plays the role of an order parameter. The computation of is discussed and an upper bound is found, < 2.


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The Leishmania amazonensis telomerase gene was cloned by a polymerase chain reaction-based strategy using primers designed from a Leishmania major sequence that shared similarities with conserved telomerase motifs. The genes from three other species were cloned for comparative purposes. A ClustalW multiple-sequence alignment demonstrated that the Leishmania telomerases show greater homology with each other than with the proteins of other kinetoplastids and eukaryotes. Characterization experiments indicated that the putative Leishmania telomerase gene was probably in single copy and located in the largest chromosomes. A single messenger ribonucleic acid transcript was found in promastigotes. Phylogenetic analysis suggested that Leishmania telomerase might represent a liaison between the oldest and the newest branches of telomerases.


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We will present measurements and calculations related to the antisymmetric perturbations, and comparisons with the symmetric ones, of the IFUSP race-track microtron booster accelerator end magnets. These perturbations were measured in planes situated at +/-12 mm of the middle plane, in a gap height of 4 cm, for a field distribution of about 0.1 T. The measurements were done in 1170 points, separated by a distance of 8 mm, using an automated system with a +/-1.5 mu T differential Hall probe. The race-track microtron booster is the second stage of the 30.0 MeV electron accelerator under construction at the Linear Accelerator Laboratory in which the required uniformity for the magnetic field is of about 10(-3). The method of correction employed to homogenize the IFUSP race-track microtron booster accelerator magnets assures uniformity of 10(-5) in an average field of 0.1 T, over an area of 700 cm(2). This method uses the principle of attaching to the pole pieces correction coils produced by etching techniques, with copper leads shaped like the isofield lines of the normal component of the magnetic field measured. The ideal planes, in which these measurements are done, are calculated and depend on the behavior of the magnetic field perturbations: symmetric or antisymmetric with reference to the middle plane of the magnet gap. These calculations are presented in this work and show that for antisymmetric perturbations there is no ideal plane for the correction of the magnetic field; for the symmetric one, these planes are at +/-60% of the half gap height, from the middle plane. So this method of correction is not feasible for antisymmetric perturbations, as will be shown. Besides, the correction of the symmetric portion of the field distribution does not influence the antisymmetric one, which almost does not change, and corroborates the theoretical predictions. We found antisymmetric perturbations of small intensity only in one of the two end magnets. However, they are not detected at +/- 1 mm of the middle plane and will not damage the electron beam.


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A quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) study of 19 quinone compounds with trypanocidal activity was performed by Partial Least Squares (PLS) and Principal Component Regression (PCR) methods with the use of leave-one-out crossvalidation procedure to build the regression models. The trypanocidal activity of the compounds is related to their first cathodic potential (Ep(c1)). The regression PLS and PCR models built in this study were also used to predict the Ep(c1) of six new quinone compounds. The PLS model was built with three principal components that described 96.50% of the total variance and present Q(2) = 0.83 and R-2 = 0.90. The results obtained with the PCR model were similar to those obtained with the PLS model. The PCR model was also built with three principal components that described 96.67% of the total variance with Q(2) = 0.83 and R-2 = 0.90. The most important descriptors for our PLS and PCR models were HOMO-1 (energy of the molecular orbital below HOMO), Q4 (atomic charge at position 4), MAXDN (maximal electrotopological negative difference), and HYF (hydrophilicity index).


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Stroma-epithelium relationships are of great relevance in prostatic morphogenesis and physiology, However, little knowledge exists about either stromal cells or extracellular matrix composition and arrangement in this system, Ultrastructural analysis revealed the existence of a microfibrillar system which occupies large areas of the rat prostatic stroma, In this work, we have applied immunocytochemistry and an ATP treatment for the ultrastructural identification of collagen type VI microfibrils, aiming at examining its participation in the prostatic microfibrillar network. Immunocytochemistry was also extended to a human case of prostatic nodular hyperplasia, Both methods succeeded in identifying collagen type VI in the rat ventral prostate, Collagen type VI is evenly distributed throughout the stroma but mainly associated with the basal lamina, collagen fibrils, and around the stromal cells, the use of ATP treatment allowed for the discrimination between collagen type VI and elastin-associated microfibrils, and demonstrated that these two classes of microfibrils establish an extended, mixed, and open network. The same aspects of association with the basal lamina, with stromal cells (particularly with smooth muscle cells), and with fibrillar components of the stroma were observed in the human tissue, We suggest that the collagen type VI and elastin-associated microfibril system may be involved in the control of some aspects of cellular behavior and may also play a structural role, maintaining the organ integrity after the deformations occurring under smooth muscle contraction.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The Weyl-Wigner prescription for quantization on Euclidean phase spaces makes essential use of Fourier duality. The extension of this property to more general phase spaces requires the use of Kac algebras, which provide the necessary background for the implementation of Fourier duality on general locally compact groups. Kac algebras - and the duality they incorporate - are consequently examined as candidates for a general quantization framework extending the usual formalism. Using as a test case the simplest nontrivial phase space, the half-plane, it is shown how the structures present in the complete-plane case must be modified. Traces, for example, must be replaced by their noncommutative generalizations - weights - and the correspondence embodied in the Weyl-Wigner formalism is no longer complete. Provided the underlying algebraic structure is suitably adapted to each case, Fourier duality is shown to be indeed a very powerful guide to the quantization of general physical systems.


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The in vitro cytogenetic effects of the 43-kDa molecular mass exocellular glycoproteic component (GP 43) from Paracoccidioides brasiliensis were studied in cultures from human lymphocytes. The sample included 10 healthy, white, non-smoking, non-related males (mean age of 31.3 ± 8.2 years). Besides the control, three concentrations of GP 43 (0.125, 1.25 and 5 μg/ml) were used. In each group, around 1000 cells were examined in search of chromosome aberrations, and 30,000 metaphases were analysed for the determination of the Mitotic Index. The authors conclude that GP 43 most probably causes inhibition of the cell cycle and aneugenic and clastogenic effects.


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The δ-expansion is a nonperturbative approach for field theoretic models which combines the techniques of perturbation theory and the variational principle. Different ways of implementing the principle of minimal sensitivity to the δ-expansion produce in general different results for observables. For illustration we use the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model for chiral symmetry restoration at finite density and compare results with those obtained with the Hartree-Fock approximation.


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This paper presents a semi-automated method for extracting road segments from medium-resolution images based on active testing and edge analysis. The method is based on two sequential and independent stages. Firstly, an active testing method is used to extract an approximated road centreline which is based on a sequential and local exploitation of the image. Secondly, an iterative strategy based on edge analysis and the approximated centreline is used to measure precisely the road centreline. Based on the results obtained using medium-resolution test images, the method seems to be very promising. In general, the method proved to be very accurate whenever the roads are characterized by two well-defined anti-parallel edges and robust even in the presence of larger obstacles such as trees and shadows.


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Scientific research plays a fundamental role in the health and development of any society, since all technological advances depend ultimately on scientific discovery and the generation of wealth is intricately dependent on technological advance. Due to their importance, science and technology generally occupy important places in the hierarchical structure of developed societies, and they receive considerable public and private investment. Publicly funded science is almost entirely devoted to discovery, and it is administered and structured in a very similar way throughout the world. Particularly in the biological sciences, this structure, which is very much centered on the individual scientist and his own hypothesis-based investigations, may not be the best suited for either discovery in the context of complex biological systems, or for the efficient advancement of fundamental knowledge into practical utility. The adoption of other organizational paradigms, which permit a more coordinated and interactive research structure, may provide important opportunities to accelerate the scientific process and further enhance its relevance and contribution to society. The key alternative is a structure that incorporates larger organizational units to tackle larger and more complex problems. One example of such a unit is the research network. Brazil has utilized such networks to great effect in genome sequencing projects, demonstrating their relevance to the Brazilian research community and opening the possibility of their wider utility in the future.