74 resultados para Plasma amino acids


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A doença hepática crônica cursa, freqüentemente, com anormalidades metabólicas de macronutrientes que propiciam o desenvolvimento ou agravamento da desnutrição protéico-energética. O papel central do fígado no metabolismo dos substratos energéticos e de proteínas e aminoácidos é revisto, de modo relacionado à desnutrição protéico-energética, em pacientes com hepatopatia crônica. Aceita-se que a redução da ingestão dietética seja um dos principais componentes etiológicos da desnutrição, particularmente em pacientes alcoolistas. Acresce-se a iatrogenia pela indicação de dietas restritas e jejum prolongado aos pacientes hospitalizados. Como fatores agravantes, há má absorção intestinal de gorduras e o hipermetabolismo associado ao alcoolismo agudo. Hipoglicemia, resistência insulínica, esteatose e hipertrigliceridemia constituem achados comuns, assim como níveis elevados de alguns aminoácidos com conseqüências neurológicas. O entendimento desses mecanismos fisiopatológicos permite a intervenção nutricional apropriada reduzindo a morbidade e mortalidade desses pacientes.


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Com o objetivo de determinar as exigências de metionina+cistina, foram utilizados 1440 e 1080 frangos de corte da marca comercial Hubbard, 50% de cada sexo, para as fases de crescimento e acabamento, respectivamente. Seis níveis de suplementação de DL-metionina (0,0; 0,06, 0,12; 0,18; 0,24; e 0,30%) foram adicionados às rações basais deficientes em metionina+cistina. Foram avaliados, aos 22-42 e 43-56 dias, ganho de peso, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar, rendimento e composição química da carcaça, gordura abdominal e concentração plasmática de ácido úrico. Com base nas análises estatística e nos parâmetros estudados durante a fase de crescimento (22 a 42 dias de idade), sugere-se utilizar 0,896 e 0,856% de metionina+cistina total para machos e fêmeas, respectivamente. Para a fase de acabamento (43 a 56 dias de idade), com base nas análises estatísticas e nos parâmetros estudados, sugere-se utilizar 0,764 e 0,740% de metionina+cistina total para machos e fêmeas, respectivamente.


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Unlike the muscle protein, alpha-tropomyosin expressed in Escherichia coli does not bind actin, does not exhibit head-to-tail polymerization, and does not inhibit actomyosin ATPase activity in the absence of troponin. The only chemical difference between recombinant and muscle tropomyosins is that the first methionine is not acetylated in the recombinant protein (Hitchcock-DeGregori, S. E., and Heald, R. W. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 9730-9735). We expressed three fusion tropomyosins in E. coli with 2, 3, and 17 amino acids fused to its amino terminus. Ah three fusions restored actin binding, head-to-tail polymerization, and the capacity to inhibit the actomyosin ATPase to these unacetylated tropomyosins. Unlike larger fusions, the small fusions of 2 and 3 amino acids do not interfere with regulatory function. Therefore the presence of a fused dipeptide at the amino terminus of unacetylated tropomyosin is sufficient to replace the function of the N-acetyl group present in muscle tropomyosin. A structural interpretation for the function of the acetyl group, based on our results and the coiled coil structure of tropomyosin, is presented.


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We previously reported that truncation of the N-terminal 79 amino acids of alpha(1D)-adrenoceptors (Delta(1-79)alpha(1D)-ARs) greatly increases binding site density. In this study, we determined whether this effect was associated with changes in alpha(1D)-AR subcellular localization. Confocal imaging of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged receptors and sucrose density gradient fractionation suggested that full-length alpha(1D)-ARs were found primarily in intracellular compartments, whereas Delta(1-79)alpha(1D)-ARs were translocated to the plasma membrane. This resulted in a 3- to 4-fold increase in intrinsic activity for stimulation of inositol phosphate formation by norepinephrine. We determined whether this effect was transplantable by creating N-terminal chimeras of alpha(1)-ARs containing the body of one subtype and the N terminus of another (alpha(1A) NT-D, alpha(1B) NT-D, alpha(1D) NT-A, and alpha(1D)NT-B). When expressed in human embryonic kidney 293 cells, radioligand binding revealed that binding densities of alpha(1A)- or alpha(1B)-ARs containing the alpha(1D)-N terminus decreased by 86 to 93%, whereas substitution of alpha(1A)- or alpha(1B)-N termini increased alpha(1D)-AR binding site density by 2- to 3-fold. Confocal microscopy showed that GFP-tagged alpha(1D)NT-B-ARs were found only on the cell surface, whereas GFP-tagged alpha(1B)NT-D-ARs were completely intracellular. Radioligand binding and confocal imaging of GFP-tagged alpha(1D)- and Delta(1-79)alpha(1D)-ARs expressed in rat aortic smooth muscle cells produced similar results, suggesting these effects are generalizable to cell types that endogenously express alpha(1D)-ARs. These findings demonstrate that the N-terminal region of alpha(1D)-ARs contain a transplantable signal that is critical for regulating formation of functional bindings, through regulating cellular localization.


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This study was undertaken in a closed system with Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) to examine the effects of total replacement of fish meal (FM) by soybean meal. Nile tilapia fingerlings with an average weight of 5.34+/-0.08 g were hand-fed one of the five isoenergetic (approximate to13.5 MJ digestible energy kg(-1)) and isoproteic (approximate to31% of digestible protein) experimental diets to satiation, six times a day during 85 days in eight replicate fibreglass tanks (six fish per tank). The control diet containing FM was substituted by soybean meal, with and without essential amino acids (lysine, methionine and threonine) or dicalcium phosphate supplementation. The supplemental amino acids were added at levels to simulate the reference amino acid profile of Nile tilapia carcass protein, based on the ideal protein concept. The results showed that soybean meal diet supplemented only with dicalcium phosphate was inferior to the control diet with FM and soybean meal diets supplemented with dicalcium phosphate and essential amino acids. Multiple essential amino acids and dicalcium phosphate incorporation in soybean meal diets was associated with performance, whole-body composition and carcass yield equal to that of the fish fed with the control diet containing FM. These data suggest that a diet with all plant protein source, supplemented with essential amino acids, based on tissue amino acid profile, can totally replace FM in a diet for Nile tilapia, without adverse effects on the growth performance, carcass yield and composition.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A) is the only protein that contains hypusine [N-epsilon-(4-amino-2-hydroxybutyl)lysine], which is required for its activity. Hypusine is formed by post-translational modification of one specific lysine (Lys50 for human eIF5A) by deoxyhypusine synthase and deoxyhypusine hydroxylase. To investigate the features of eIF5A required for its activity, we generated 49 mutations in human eIF5A-1, with a single amino acid substitution at the highly conserved residues or with N-terminal or C-terminal truncations, and tested mutant proteins in complementing the growth of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae eIF5A null strain. Growth-supporting activity was abolished in only a few mutant eIF5As (K47D, G49A, K50A, K50D, K50I, K50R, G52A and K55A), with substitutions at or near the hypusine modification site or with truncation of 21 amino acids from either the N-terminus or C-terminus. The inactivity of the Lys50 substitution proteins is obviously due to lack of deoxyhypusine modification. In contrast, K47D and G49A were effective substrates for deoxyhypusine synthase, yet failed to support growth, suggesting critical roles of Lys47 and Gly49 in eIF5A activity, possibly in its interaction with effector(s). By use of a UBHY-R strain harboring genetically engineered unstable eIF5A, we present evidence for the primary function of eIF5A in protein synthesis. When selected eIF5A mutant proteins were tested for their activity in protein synthesis, a close correlation was observed between their ability to enhance protein synthesis and growth, lending further support for a central role of eIF5A in translation.


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Background: Cancer-cachexia induces a variety of metabolic disorders on protein turnorver, decreasing protein synthesis and increasing protein degradation. Controversly, insulin, other hormones, and branched-chain amino acids, especially leucine, stimulate protein synthesis and modulate the activity of translation initiation factors involved in protein synthesis. Since the tumour effects are more pronounced when associated with pregnancy, ehancing muscle-wasting proteolysis, in this study, the influence of a leucine-rich diet on the protein synthesis caused by cancer were investigated. Methods: Pregnant rats with or without Walker 256 tumour were distributed into six groups. During 20 days of experiment, three groups were fed with a control diet: C - pregnant control, W - tumour-bearing, and P - pair-fed, which received the same amount of food as ingested by the W group; three other groups of pregnant rats were fed a leucine-rich diet: L - pregnant leucine, WL - tumour-bearing, and PL - pair-fed, which received the same amount of food as ingested by the WL group. Results: The gastrocnemius muscle of WL rats showed increased incorporation of leucine in protein compared to W rats; the leucine-rich diet also prevented the decrease in plasma insulin normally seen in W. The expression of translation initiation factors increased when tumour-bearing rats fed leucine-rich diet, with increase of ∼35% for eIF2α and eIF5, ∼17% for eIF4E and 20% for eIF4G; the expression of protein kinase S6K1 and protein kinase C was also highly enhanced. Conclusion: The results suggest that a leucine-rich diet increased the protein synthesis in skeletal muscle in tumour-bearing rats possibly through the activation of eIF factors and/or the S6kinase pathway. © 2007 Ventrucci et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) is the major cause of lower respiratory tract infections in children under 5 years of age and the elderly, causing annual disease outbreaks during the fall and winter. Multiple lineages of the HRSVA and HRSVB serotypes co-circulate within a single outbreak and display a strongly temporal pattern of genetic variation, with a replacement of dominant genotypes occurring during consecutive years. In the present study we utilized phylogenetic methods to detect and map sites subject to adaptive evolution in the G protein of HRSVA and HRSVB. A total of 29 and 23 amino acid sites were found to be putatively positively selected in HRSVA and HRSVB, respectively. Several of these sites defined genotypes and lineages within genotypes in both groups, and correlated well with epitopes previously described in group A. Remarkably, 18 of these positively selected tended to revert in time to a previous codon state, producing a flipflop phylogenetic pattern. Such frequent evolutionary reversals in HRSV are indicative of a combination of frequent positive selection, reflecting the changing immune status of the human population, and a limited repertoire of functionally viable amino acids at specific amino acid sites.


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l-Amino acid oxidases (LAAOs) are flavoenzymes that catalytically deaminate l-amino acids to corresponding α-keto acids with the concomitant production of ammonia (NH 3) and hydrogen peroxide (H 2O 2). Particularly, snake venom LAAOs have been attracted much attention due to their diverse clinical and biological effects, interfering on human coagulation factors and being cytotoxic against some pathogenic bacteria and Leishmania ssp. In this work, a new LAAO from Bothrops jararacussu venom (BjsuLAAO) was purified, functionally characterized and its structure determined by X-ray crystallography at 3.1å resolution. BjsuLAAO showed high catalytic specificity for aromatic and aliphatic large side-chain amino acids. Comparative structural analysis with prokaryotic LAAOs, which exhibit low specificity, indicates the importance of the active-site volume in modulating enzyme selectivity. Surprisingly, the flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) cofactor was found in a different orientation canonically described for both prokaryotic and eukaryotic LAAOs. In this new conformational state, the adenosyl group is flipped towards the 62-71 loop, being stabilized by several hydrogen-bond interactions, which is equally stable to the classical binding mode. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.


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The objective of this study was to develop and evaluate a mathematical model used to estimate the daily amino acid requirements of individual growing-finishing pigs. The model includes empirical and mechanistic model components. The empirical component estimates daily feed intake (DFI), BW, and daily gain (DG) based on individual pig information collected in real time. Based on DFI, BW, and DG estimates, the mechanistic component uses classic factorial equations to estimate the optimal concentration of amino acids that must be offered to each pig to meet its requirements. The model was evaluated with data from a study that investigated the effect of feeding pigs with a 3-phase or daily multiphase system. The DFI and BW values measured in this study were compared with those estimated by the empirical component of the model. The coherence of the values estimated by the mechanistic component was evaluated by analyzing if it followed a normal pattern of requirements. Lastly, the proposed model was evaluated by comparing its estimates with those generated by the existing growth model (InraPorc). The precision of the proposed model and InraPorc in estimating DFI and BW was evaluated through the mean absolute error. The empirical component results indicated that the DFI and BW trajectories of individual pigs fed ad libitum could be predicted 1 d (DFI) or 7 d (BW) ahead with the average mean absolute error of 12.45 and 1.85%, respectively. The average mean absolute error obtained with the InraPorc for the average individual of the population was 14.72% for DFI and 5.38% for BW. Major differences were observed when estimates from InraPorc were compared with individual observations. The proposed model, however, was effective in tracking the change in DFI and BW for each individual pig. The mechanistic model component estimated the optimal standardized ileal digestible Lys to NE ratio with reasonable between animal (average CV = 7%) and overtime (average CV = 14%) variation. Thus, the amino acid requirements estimated by model are animal- and time-dependent and follow, in real time, the individual DFI and BW growth patterns. The proposed model can follow the average feed intake and feed weight trajectory of each individual pig in real time with good accuracy. Based on these trajectories and using classical factorial equations, the model makes it possible to estimate dynamically the AA requirements of each animal, taking into account the intake and growth changes of the animal. © 2012 American Society of Animal Science. All rights reserved.


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Amino acids are well known to be an important class of compounds for the maintenance of body homeostasis and their deficit, even for the polar neuroactive aminoacids, can be controlled by supplementation. However, for the amino acid taurine (2-aminoethanesulfonic acid) this is not true. Due its special physicochemical properties, taurine is unable to cross the blood-brain barrier. In addition of injured taurine transport systems under pathological conditions, CNS supplementation of taurine is almost null. Taurine is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory semi-essential amino acid extensively involved in neurological activities, acting as neurotrophic factor, binding to GABA A/glycine receptors and blocking the excitotoxicity glutamate-induced pathway leading to be a neuroprotective effect and neuromodulation. Taurine deficits have been implicated in several CNS diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, epilepsy and in the damage of retinal neurons. This review describes the CNS physiological functions of taurine and the development of new derivatives based on its structure useful in CNS disease treatment.&; 2012 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.


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Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB