68 resultados para Pequenas e médias empresas - Rússia


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Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR


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O texto traz uma reflexão sobre o papel das incubadoras de empresas no apoio a práticas ambientais por micro e pequenas empresas. Reconhecendo as debilidades estruturais das empresas de pequeno porte e as dificuldades para a realização de investimentos ambientais, defende o uso de incubadoras como instrumento de política pública para estimular investimentos ambientais. Identifica um número restrito de incubadoras de tecnologias ambientais, em plano internacional. Relata os resultados de uma pesquisa que avaliou a aplicabilidade de um indicador para apurar o desempenho ambiental de incubadoras. Destacaram-se dois resultados: a) a baixa importância atribuída, pelas incubadoras (e pelas empresas abrigadas) ao desempenho ambiental; e b) a ausência de estímulos, pelas incubadoras, aos investimentos ambientais. Desse último resultado deriva importante conclusão: a de que, uma vez apurados os padrões insatisfatórios de desempenho ambiental, de incubadoras e empresas assistidas, ficariam criadas as condições para a formulação e a implementação de medidas indutoras de novas posturas.


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The local productive arrangements (LPA) are organizational mechanisms that enable the continuous performance of small businesses in production processes and business management models. To promote continuous improvement is essential that companies make decisions based on data that reflects business’ performance (performance measurement) and promote the cluster performance. This way, the aim of this article is to describe the performance measurement process that will support the corporate management of Micro and Small enterprises (SME) of a Local Productive Arrangement in Maringá, State of Paraná, Brazil. To develop this paper, the bibliographic search and action research methods were used. The field research was developed from the cooperation project (PROJVEST) conducted at the LPA, which goal is to deploy improvement actions in project’s participating companies. Metrics and performance indicators constructed from the diagnosis in the areas of Production, Quality and Ergonomics in companies will be presented. Among the main results, can be pointed out that the performance management of LPA is promoting the introduction of corporate management practices in SMEs, stimulating business cooperation, the continuous innovation in manufacturing processes and product quality and business processes.


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In the present paper, the authors carry out an exploratory analysis of the market of confidential online betrayals by examining the perceptions of the issue of those Ashely Madison Site users participating in the research. The ethnographic method and a multidisciplinary approach were employed in order to understand how love and market, technology and intimacy come together, and how traditional values related to family, conjugality and masculinity articulate in the world of online betrayals. Interactions between men aged between 38 and 70 were favored in the analyses.


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The product portfólio management is considered relevant activity to the proper performance of the product development process. This paper aims to present the main methods of management that technology-based small businesses adopt for decision-making in product portfolio. This survey, which collected data on 31 companies was conducted. It was observed that although firms adopt market research and mapping methods and financial methods and for this decision-making, most of them based on the informal deliberations of senior management. Unable to understand the business relationships between the presence of ISO 9001 certification with greater formalization for decision making in product portfolio.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O livro procura compreender o fenômeno de internacionalização das empresas e grupos econômicos com origem e consolidação nos países latino-americanos, especialmente do Brasil, Argentina, Chile e México, que vêm captando crescente volume de Investimentos Estrangeiros Diretos (IED) por meio de um número bastante significativo de empresas grandes e médias. De acordo com o autor, trata-se de um movimento de pouco mais de cem anos e com vários pontos de inflexão, que sinaliza a tendência de ampliação das escalas espaciais de acumulação desses capitais particulares multilatinos, embora de maneira desigual. Argentina e Brasil, por exemplo, alternaram-se na liderança dos estoques e fluxos de capitais produtivos realizados até os anos 1980. Desde então, México e Chile incrementaram sua relevância regional, ao passo que a Argentina apresentou uma significativa redução. As condições políticas e econômicas ao longo da história recente desses quatro países são também analisadas no livro. Uns mais, outros menos, eles levaram a cabo políticas de substituição das importações - com distintas intensidades - e promoveram, em diferentes momentos, políticas neoliberais de abertura econômica desenfreada, de desregulamentação financeira, de privatização e concessão de empresas públicas, entre outras, que influenciaram diretamente as estratégias corporativas dos grupos econômicos locais e a estrutura industrial


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this study was to find and discuss the possibilities of action of a public relations professional in social media, taking as an example, the most popular, Facebook and Twitter, to work the organizational communication with the public consumer. Social media are gaining more followers, who are seeking information on companies before consuming your products or hire your services, getting attention for any kind of promotion or crisis of this organization. We saw how public relations mediate communication between company and consumer, being responsible for the clear, objective and correct posting of your organization in social media


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The web has emerged as an important media. For the first time, people are highly connected, and users start to have lots of possibilities for expression and collaboration. Internet users contribute more and more to influence the preferences of your contact network. Organizations are beginning to discover that the power of influence networks is becoming more efficient than traditional marketing: people believe in what other people say, peers believe in peers. There is a new actor who builds preferences, who is constantly active in communication: the customer who narrates, on social networks, his experiences with a product, and makes his contacts become loyal customers or the most ardent critics of an organization. Transforming followers into disseminators is one of the biggest challenges of organizations in social media. Because of this, more and more companies have to plan communication strategies based in what customers think, desire, understand and discuss in these new places


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The growing concern of experts in organizational communication with appropriate business relationships with its various stakeholders through digital platforms causes an upgrowth on the number of studies on the topic of social media. The social network communication receives analysis in different approaches, ranging from behavioral changes to the instrumentalization of these tools for marketing, relationship and information exchange. The objective of this monograph is to make an exploratory study that relates to organizational communication and social media, and discuss how the theories can contribute to the optimization of communication mediated by specific platforms that bring with them opportunities for interaction and relationship in the digital environment