O presente trabalho abordará o tema dislexia, que consiste em um distúrbio específico de leitura, caracterizado por dificuldades de reconhecimento de letras, decodificação e soletração de palavras, o que compromete a aprendizagem e o desempenho de alunos que possuem tal distúrbio. Através do levantamento bibliográfico será feito uma introdução histórica da dislexia, quando esta começou a ser discutida e abordada. Também será apresentando suas causas e características e as possíveis formas de reconhecê-lo. O estudo tem como objetivo apontar a importância do diagnóstico no inicio da alfabetização e quais possíveis estratégias de ensino para trabalhar com este aluno, destacando a importância do apoio dos pais e acompanhamento junto ao psicólogo e fonoaudiólogo, para o desenvolvimento desta criança
Pós-graduação em Educação Sexual - FCLAR
Cerebral palsy (CP) describes a group of permanent disorders of the development of movement and posture, causing activity limitation, that are attributed to non-progressive disturbances that occurred in the developing fetal or infant brain.A child with cerebral palsy may have impairments in motor control, which contributes to loss of functional abilities in posture and mobility. The severity of the impairment on the neuromuscular system determines the variations of functional mobility in children with cerebral palsy. The control of the patient, during the dental treatment, is of fundamental importance because these patients present some pathological reflexes which interfere in the odontological assistance
In this paper, we analyze the educational importance of teaching Physics in the early grades of elementary school from a teaching experience with students of 5th grade, using five experiments on electricity and magnetism. The theoretical framework used was the socio-historical psychology, especially Vigotski's studies on concept formation. It can be stated that the teaching of Physics and the use of experimental activities in the early grades cannot be simply associated to the teaching of certain scientific concepts, but should be explored bearing in mind the child's development.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Num primeiro momento a criança se apropria do conhecimento por mediações externas, nas quais um objeto externo a ela, que pode ser um adulto, faz uma mediação entre ela e o conteúdo a ser adquirido. Assim, a hospitalização pode tornar-se um fator de risco no desenvolvimento psicológico da criança, tanto no âmbito cognitivo quanto no afetivo, caso suas potencialidades não sejam mediadas pela equipe de saúde, pois esta tem grande contato com a criança durante a internação. Foi investigado, como objetivo do estudo, o conhecimento do processo de desenvolvimento infantil por parte dos profissionais da saúde envolvidos no cuidado com crianças hospitalizadas, em um hospital-escola público do Estado de São Paulo. Participaram da pesquisa onze profissionais, entre técnicas e auxiliares de enfermagem, e os resultados indicam que estas consideram importantes alguns aspectos no cuidado com a criança, tais como estimulação da linguagem, atenção, brincadeira, vinculação, contato físico, porém não reconhecem estes aspectos como importantes para o desenvolvimento, e elegem profissionais específicos para tratarem de aspectos relacionados ao desenvolvimento infantil na internação, não se percebendo como mediadoras no processo de desenvolvimento psicossocial da criança hospitalizada.
The objective of this study was to analyze the motor development of a ten year old child with ataxic cerebral palsy and the effects of a motor activities program in the swimming pool. Motor development was measured according to the motor assessment and the intervention program of motor activities in the swimming pool conducted at Sesi/Londrina, twice a week, during 45 minute sessions over a 2 month period, with an attendance rate of 87%. Data was analyzed descriptively comparing the results with before and after tests. Generally, the motor quotient regarding all items was classified as very low, characterizing motor deficit, with exception of temporal organization, presented as normal low. After intervention, the only area that showed positive change was balance; this result showed that the child gained 12 months in motor age, without corresponding alterations in the other areas.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Developmental dyslexia is characterized by impairment in reading and writing as a result of changes in the cognitive-linguistic behavior. The goal of the research was to analyze and compare the performance on tasks of reading and writing in children with developmental dyslexia after a mentoring program. Participated in this study 15 children of both genders from 3rd to 7th grade public schools of a city in the State of São Paulo, with average age (M = 9.4) and (DP = 1.08) divided into GIexperimental group (7 children who received intervention) and GII – control group (8 children did not receive the intervention, they were matched according to sex and age group with GI). The children were subjected to the diagnostic survey of reading and writing and to the intervention program in Reading Recovery tutoring. The data regarding reading and writing tasks related to mentoring program were collected in CEES-Centro de Estudos de Educação e Saúde da UNESP. The results revealed statistically significant difference between the GI and GII, where children with dyslexia in the GI showed superior performance on the task of reading words and reading the book I in relation to children of the GII. It was concluded that the GI introduced significant advances compared to GII that did not receive mentoring intervention, demonstrating that due to variability of cognitive-linguistic profile of children with dyslexia, it is necessary to develop, mainly, in the school context programs with specific difficulties that focus on interventions of this population.
This article discusses non-daily concept formation in children talking about contributions from historical-cultural theory, highlighting school learning and teaching mediation as effective instruments on the development of these concepts. The goal is to reaffirm the understanding that it is by teaching activity that children acquire cultural concepts that are necessary to their humanization process. It also discusses the opposition established between psychogenic understanding on the formation of non-spontaneous concepts and the perspective in this historical-cultural theory, lines of development of daily concepts and not daily ones, and finally highlights the assumption that school educative practices are universal and necessary forms for this development.