51 resultados para fun
Pós-graduação em Fisioterapia - FCT
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
O Direito de propriedade, seguindo o desenvolvimento da sociedade, evoluiu e suportou grandes transformações ao longo da história. Diversas foram as concepções que surgiram para explicar sua natureza, partindo da idéia exposta no regime feudal, onde somente ao senhor cabia o direito de propriedade, passando para um conceito que consagrou a propriedade como um direito sagrado e inviolável, até acolher expressa e constitucionalmente sua função social, na consagração máxima ao princípio da Soacialidade, reflexo da publicização do Direito Civil moderno. Mesmo nos dias atuais, trata-se de um assunto emblemático haja vista sua utilização tímida na administração publica, muito embora o princípio da função social da propriedade tenha sido genericamente consagrado na Constituição Federal de 1988, igualmente adotado pelo Código Civil de 2002. O presente artigo, de caráter multidisciplinar, composto de duas fases, se propõe a analisar, inicialmente, a (in)aplicabilidade da função social dos bens públicos dominicais, estudo que se situa em uma zona cinzenta entre o Direito Constitucional, o Direito Administrativo e o Direito Civil. Para tanto, será feito uso dos princípios de interpretação constitucional, a fim de se alcançar o real sentido da norma estatuída nos artigos 170, III, 182 e 186, da Carta Política de 1988, além dos artigos 421, 1228, 1239 e 1240, das normas de direito material, e da análise do Estatuto das Cidades, inovação constitucional que delega aos Municípios a competência para impor a desapropriação, como decorrência última das sanções suportadas pelo proprietário, em razão do uso degenerado da propriedade urbana. Portanto, ainda que a aplicação da função social aos patrimônios públicos nos parece redundante, já que compete ao Estado a garantia do bem comum, resulta necessário, no panorama atual, fixar os parâmetros para a construção de um novo modelo de gestão do patrimônio público, atribuindo uma destinação adequada aos bens dominicais ociosos, que atenda a função social e atenda aos interesses públicos, em detrimento dos interesses dos rent seeking, tema abordado na segunda fase de desenvolvimento do presente projeto, conforme se poderá verificar com as conclusões apresentadas, haja vista que a tese apresentada busca revolucionar os modelos atuais de gestão do patrimônio público, que permanece mais público do que nunca, apenas com critérios bem definidos e estabelecidos para sua destinação, que em sendo adequada favorecerá o desenvolvimento econômico, social e cultural da sociedade, reduzindo as desigualdades.
With the development and popularization of gaming through the use of mobile devices, there are more and more young people involved in the world of games. At the same time, that this revolution happening in the world of new generations, the school seeks opportunities to integrate new tools that can benefit the learning process and keep up with the relentless social change. In this context, there are various tools and media that can be used for this approach. Gamification can foster learning content in a fun and relaxed way.
Teaching foreign languages, especially English, has been highly valued and widespread in Brazil in recent decades; so many schools now offer it from the earliest grades of Elementary school or already in kindergarten. This fact can be observed mainly through the spread of bilingual schools and private ones in which individuals begin language instruction as earlier as possible. In this article we report the experience developed in the project “Oficina de Inglês para crianças”, conducted at a Child Care Unit in São Carlos Federal University (UFSCar), and that had counted with the use of various pedagogical materials with the goal of providing a first contact of children with the English Language through a fun and enjoyable way.
The use of computers in childhood education makes it possible for them to acquire knowledge in a fun way through games. This paper describes the experience of implementing the course “Computers for Children”, which is part of a University Extension Program at the School of Dentistry at UNESP - Araraquara. This course is offered to children aged 5-7 years old and it aims, not only, to offer children, via computer, a direct contact with new teaching technologies, but also, to help them develop both their motor and logical thinking abilities through educational games. The children that participated in this course are from the Children’s Center “Casinha de Abelha” at the UNESP -Araraquara and also from the Municipal Recreation and Educational Centers also in Araraquara, SP, Brazil. The software resources used in this course to teach computer skills are the educational games “Coelho Sabido Maternal”, “A Estrela Cintilante” and “Festa dos Dentinhos”. The children’s learning and the level of difficulty in using the computer as a tool were evaluated. It was possible to conclude that the course has been contributing to the digital inclusion of children aged 5-7 years old, in addition to training their visual and audio perception, their motor coordination and memorization, hence developing skills that are essential to the children’s literacy process.
Pós-graduação em Matemática - IBILCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
One of the interests of leisure is social and involves the festival. The holidays can be of different types and occur in different places, having lots of functions as the union of those involved, the development of creativity, fun and identification with the culture. The festivities are part of the play culture. The school, being an environment that deals directly and indirectly with the culture of organized behavior and appreciation of the discipline, often in second person through the formation of relationships, cultural transmission and access to the traditions of the groups around it. The entertainment component of culture in the school also finds himself sidelined in a society of work and a school that educates more to the labor market. The parties almost do not occur at school and when they happen, are given in order to make profits and sell consumer goods, apart from values that are intrinsic. In this study the objective was to deepen the study of parties, given that these are elements provides the establishment of the identity of a group of groups and of each individuals. When it comes to educating people, parties contributed to the emancipation of the human being which is cultural. Was developed a study in the field about the theme parties at the school, to understand whether and how it is being taught in schools, and what is its real importance for teachers and students, since we consider it fundamental to the development of culture and leisure culture of individuals. For this, we conducted a qualitative study based on a field research, using as a tool for collecting a semi-structured interviews with 52 students from 6th grade (7 years) from two schools at Ibitinga-SP, since one of them was a public school and the other a private school. Based on data collected from interviews and analysis, we found that the parties do not happen in schools, students do not learn what is leisure, and do not study or folklore festivals in physical...
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Docência para a Educação Básica - FC
The anticipation of the beginning of Elementary School for six-year-old children, recently imposed by the Brazilian federal law, brought controversies and debates about the organization of the curriculum, routines, contents and activities, spaces and objects, conduct of behavior of teachers and parents, as well as about the policies of teachers’ training, amongst other issues. The present article, supported by advances of scientific production on children formal education, considers the changes in the concepts of children education and, consequently, in curricular practices. For this purpose, games and fun are taken as object of analysis and discussion, and the playfulness is proposed as a central curricular axle in the initial years of Elementary Education.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)