102 resultados para Kephart, I. L. (Isaiah Lafayette), 1832-1908.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In the present work, we quantify the fraction of trajectories that reach a specific region of the phase space when we vary a control parameter using two symplectic maps: one non-twist and another one twist. The two maps were studied with and without a robust torus. We compare the obtained patterns and we identify the effect of the robust torus on the dynamical transport. We show that the effect of meandering-like barriers loses importance in blocking the radial transport when the robust torus is present.


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A non-twist Hamiltonian system perturbed by two waves with particular wave numbers can present Robust Tori, barriers created by the vanishing of the perturbing Hamiltonian at some defined positions. When Robust Tori exist, any trajectory in phase space passing close to them is blocked by emergent invariant curves that prevent the chaotic transport. We analyze the breaking up of the RT as well the transport dependence on the wave numbers and on the wave amplitudes. Moreover, we report the chaotic web formation in the phase space and how this pattern influences the transport.


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In the present work, we determine the fraction of magnetic field lines that reach the tokamak wall leaving the plasma surrounded by a chaotic layer created by resonant perturbations at the plasma edge. The chaotic layer arises in a scenario where an integrable magnetic field with reversed magnetic shear is perturbed by an ergodic magnetic limiter. For each considered line, we calculate its connection length, i.e. the number of toroidal turns that the field lines complete before reaching the wall. We represent the results in the poloidal section in which the initial coordinates are chosen. We also estimate the radial profile of the fraction of field lines, for different temperatures, whose connection lengths are smaller than the electron collisional mean free path.


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Ba(Zr0.50Ti0.50)O-3 thin films were prepared by the polymeric precursor method using the annealing low temperature of 300 degrees C for 8, 16, 24, 48, 96 and 192 It in a furnace tube with oxygen atmosphere. The X-ray diffraction patterns revealed that the film annealed for 192 h presented some crystallographic planes (1 0 0), (1 1 0) and (2 0 0) in its crystalline lattice. Fourier transformed infrared presented the formation of metal-oxygen stretching at around 756 cm(-1). The atomic force microscopy analysis presented the growth of granules in the Ba(Zr0.50Ti0.50)O-3 films annealed from 8 to 96 h. The crystalline film annealed for 192 h already presents grains in its perovskite structure. It evidenced a reduction in the thickness of the thin films with the increase of the annealing time. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ba(Zr0.25Ti0.75)O-3(BZT) thin films prepared by the polymeric precursor method (PPM) were annealed at 500, 600, and 700 degrees C for 4h. All films crystallized in the perovskite structure present a crack-free microstructure. Dielectric properties of the BZT thin films were investigated as a function of frequency and applied voltage. The dielectric constant of the films were 36, 152 and 145 at 1 kHz, while the dielectric loss were 0.08, 0.08, and 0.12 at 1 MHz. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this study the incidence of moths and beetles was examined from feces samples of bats that use different foraging behaviors. Twenty sites around the Fazenda Intervales, a Field Research Station located in São Paulo State, in southeastern Brazil were sampled. Feces were collected from bats caught in mist nets, Turtle Traps or hand nets and, in one case, from beneath a roost. Feces samples were taken from six species of bats: Micronycteris megalotis (Gray, 1842), Mimon bennettii (Gray, 1838), Furipterus horrens (F. Cuvier, 1828), Myotis riparius Handley, 1960, Myotis ruber (E. Geoffroy, 1806) and Histiotus velalus (I. Geoffroy, 1824). To record and describe the frequencies dominating bat echolocation calls, an Anabat II bat detector coupled with an Anabat ZCA interfaces and DOS laptop computers were used. The data show that Furipterus horrens feeds extensively on moths, as predicted from the features of its echolocation calls. Gleaning bats, whose echolocation calls are much less conspicuous to moths take a wide range of insect (and other) prey.


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Assessing the composition of an area's bat fauna is typically accomplished by using captures or by monitoring echolocation calls with bat detectors. The two methods may not provide the same data regarding species composition. Mist nets and harp traps may be biased towards sampling low flying species, and bat detectors biased towards detecting high intensity echolocators. A comparison of the bat fauna of Fazenda Intervales, southeastern Brazil, as revealed by mist nets and harp trap captures, checking roosts and by monitoring echolocation calls of flying bats illustrates this point. A total of 17 species of bats was sampled. Fourteen bat species were captured and the echolocation calls of 12 species were recorded, three of them not revealed by mist nets or harp traps. The different sampling methods provided different pictures of the bat fauna. Phyllostomid bats dominated the catches in mist nets, but in the field their echolocation calls were never detected. No single sampling approach provided a complete assessment of the bat fauna in the study area. In general, bats producing low intensity echolocation calls, such as phyllostomids, are more easily assessed by netting, and bats producing high intensity echolocation calls are better surveyed by bat detectors. The results demonstrate that a combined and varied approach to sampling is required for a complete assessment of the bat fauna of an area.


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Caracterizaram-se a linhagem e o grau de diferenciação das células neop¡sicas no estudo histopato³gico e ultraestrutural da leucose mie³ide. Histologicamente as células neop¡sicas apresentaram pleomorfismo, núcleos ovais, nuc©olos proeminentes, cromatina distribuída de maneira irregular, figuras de mitose atípicas e moderada quantidade de citoplasma contendo granulações eosinofílicas esféricas. Essas características indicam a linhagem mie³ide. Ultraestruturalmente evidenciaram-se células com núcleo oval, volumoso, eletrodenso, com predomínio de eucromatina e citoplasma com numerosos grânulos esféricos, eletrodensos e homogêneos, indicando mie³citos com diferenciação para eosinófilos. Constatou-se também a presença de partículas virais tipo-C no espaço intercelular dos túbulos renais, no interior de vesículas intracitoplasmáticas dos mie³citos imaturos presentes na medula óssea e ovário, e PCR positivo para ALV-J.


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Assim como a maioria dos cultivos, em cafeeiro, a associação de inimigos naturais com produtos fitossanitários seletivos é uma importante estratégia no manejo integrado de pragas (MIP). Dessa forma, este estudo objetivou avaliar a seletividade de agrotóxicos utilizados na cultura cafeeira sobre larvas de Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant, 1853 (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), em laboratório. Os bioensaios foram realizados em cond§Ãµes controladas (25±2°C, UR de 70±10% e fotofase de 12 horas). Cada bioensaio consistiu em seis tratamentos e dez repet§Ãµes, sendo cada parcela composta por duas larvas. Para as comparações das médias dos tratamentos, empregou-se um esquema fatorial inteiramente ao acaso de produtos x número de instares para os diferentes instares subsequentes à aplicação. Os inseticidas utilizados e suas respectivas dosagens de aplicação, em g de i.a. L-1 foram: tiametoxam (0,5), imidacloprido (0,7), óleo mineral (13,3), endossulfam (2,63) e dimetoato (0,48). A testemunha foi composta apenas por água destilada. A aplicação dos produtos foi realizada por meio de torre de Potter. Avaliaram-se a sobrevivência dos espécimes após serem contaminados com os produtos e os efeitos dos compostos sobre os parâmetros reprodutivos do predador. Tiametoxam (0,5), imidacloprido (0,7) e endossulfam (2,63) foram os mais prejudiciais, tendo sido observados, para os dois primeiros, 100% de mortalidade de larvas de primeiro e de segundo instares um dia após a aplicação e significativa redução na sobrevivência das larvas de terceiro e quarto instares. Dimetoato (0,48) foi nocivo para larvas de primeiro instar e levemente nocivo para larvas de quarto instar. em função da seletividade apresentada pelo óleo mineral (13,3), este pode ser recomendado em compatibilização com o predador C. montrouzieri em programas de MIP na cultura cafeeira, sem prejuízo ao desempenho do inimigo natural.