7 resultados para Kephart, I. L. (Isaiah Lafayette), 1832-1908.

em CaltechTHESIS


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Part I</p>

Several approximate Hartree-Fock SCF wavefunctions for the ground electronic state of the water molecule have been obtained using an increasing number of multicenter s, p, and d Slater-type atomic orbitals as basis sets. The predicted charge distribution has been extensively tested at each stage by calculating the electric dipole moment, molecular quadrupole moment, diamagnetic shielding, Hellmann-Feynman forces, and electric field gradients at both the hydrogen and the oxygen nuclei. It was found that a carefully optimized minimal basis set suffices to describe the electronic charge distribution adequately except in the vicinity of the oxygen nucleus. Our calculations indicate, for example, that the correct prediction of the field gradient at this nucleus requires a more flexible linear combination of p-orbitals centered on this nucleus than that in the minimal basis set. Theoretical values for the molecular octopole moment components are also reported.

Part II

The perturbation-variational theory of R. M. Pitzer for nuclear spin-spin coupling constants is applied to the HD molecule. The zero-order molecular orbital is described in terms of a single 1s Slater-type basis function centered on each nucleus. The first-order molecular orbital is expressed in terms of these two functions plus one singular basis function each of the types e-r/r and e-r <i>l</i>n r centered on one of the nuclei. The new kinds of molecular integrals were evaluated to high accuracy using numerical and analytical means. The value of the HD spin-spin coupling constant calculated with this near-minimal set of basis functions is JHD = +96.6 cps. This represents an improvement over the previous calculated value of +120 cps obtained without using the logarithmic basis function but is still considerably off in magnitude compared with the experimental measurement of JHD = +43 0 ± 0.5 cps.


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On the materials scale, thermoelectric efficiency is defined by the dimensionless figure of merit <i>zTi>. This value is made up of three material components in the form <i>zT = Tα2/ρκi>, where <i>αi> is the Seebeck coefficient, <i>ρi> is the electrical resistivity, and <i>κi> is the total thermal conductivity. Therefore, in order to improve <i>zTi> would require the reduction of <i>κi> and <i>ρi> while increasing <i>αi>. However due to the inter-relation of the electrical and thermal properties of materials, typical routes to thermoelectric enhancement come in one of two forms. The first is to isolate the electronic properties and increase α without negatively affecting <i>ρi>. Techniques like electron filtering, quantum confinement, and density of states distortions have been proposed to enhance the Seebeck coefficient in thermoelectric materials. However, it has been difficult to prove the efficacy of these techniques. More recently efforts to manipulate the band degeneracy in semiconductors has been explored as a means to enhance <i>αi>.

The other route to thermoelectric enhancement is through minimizing the thermal conductivity, <i>κi>. More specifically, thermal conductivity can be broken into two parts, an electronic and lattice term, <i>κi>e and <i>κi>l</sub> respectively. From a functional materials standpoint, the reduction in lattice thermal conductivity should have a minimal effect on the electronic properties. Most routes incorporate techniques that focus on the reduction of the lattice thermal conductivity. The components that make up <i>κi>l</sub> (<i>κi>l</sub> = 1/3<i>l</i>) are the heat capacity (<i>Ci>), phonon group velocity (<i>νi>), and phonon mean free path (<i>l</i>). Since the difficulty is extreme in altering the heat capacity and group velocity, the phonon mean free path is most often the source of reduction.

Past routes to decreasing the phonon mean free path has been by alloying and grain size reduction. However, in these techniques the electron mobility is often negatively affected because in alloying any perturbation to the periodic potential can cause additional adverse carrier scattering. Grain size reduction has been another successful route to enhancing <i>zTi> because of the significant difference in electron and phonon mean free paths. However, grain size reduction is erratic in anisotropic materials due to the orientation dependent transport properties. However, microstructure formation in both equilibrium and nonequilibrium processing routines can be used to effectively reduce the phonon mean free path as a route to enhance the figure of merit.

This work starts with a discussion of several different deliberate microstructure varieties. Control of the morphology and finally structure size and spacing is discussed at length. Since the material example used throughout this thesis is anisotropic a short primer on zone melting is presented as an effective route to growing homogeneous and oriented polycrystalline material. The resulting microstructure formation and control is presented specifically in the case of In2Te3-Bi<sub>2Te3 composites and the transport properties pertinent to thermoelectric materials is presented. Finally, the transport and discussion of iodine doped Bi<sub>2Te3 is presented as a re-evaluation of the literature data and what is known today.


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In this thesis an extensive study is made of the set <i>Pi> of all paranormal operators in B(<i>Hi>), the set of all bounded endomorphisms on the complex Hilbert space <i>Hi>. T ϵ B(<i>Hi>) is paranormal if for each z contained in the resolvent set of T, d(z, σ(T))//(T-zI)-1 = 1 where d(z, σ(T)) is the distance from z to σ(T), the spectrum of T. <i>Pi> contains the set <i>Ni> of normal operators and <i>Pi> contains the set of hyponormal operators. However, <i>Pi> is contained in <i>L</i>, the set of all T ϵ B(<i>Hi>) such that the convex hull of the spectrum of T is equal to the closure of the numerical range of T. Thus, <i>Ni>≤<i>Pi>≤<i>L</i>.

If the uniform operator (norm) topology is placed on B(<i>Hi>), then the relative topological properties of <i>Ni>, <i>Pi>, <i>L</i> can be discussed. In Section IV, it is shown that: 1) <i>N P i> and <i>L</i> are arc-wise connected and closed, 2) <i>N, P,i> and <i>L</i> are nowhere dense subsets of B(<i>Hi>) when dim <i>Hi> ≥ 2, 3) <i>Ni> = <i>Pi> when dim<i>Hi> ˂ ∞ , 4) <i>Ni> is a nowhere dense subset of <i>Pi> when dim<i>Hi> ˂ ∞ , 5) <i>Pi> is not a nowhere dense subset of <i>L</i> when dim<i>Hi> ˂ ∞ , and 6) it is not known if <i>Pi> is a nowhere dense subset of <i>L</i> when dim<i>Hi> ˂ ∞.

The spectral properties of paranormal operators are of current interest in the literature. Putnam [22, 23] has shown that certain points on the boundary of the spectrum of a paranormal operator are either normal eigenvalues or normal approximate eigenvalues. Stampfli [26] has shown that a hyponormal operator with countable spectrum is normal. However, in Theorem 3.3, it is shown that a paranormal operator T with countable spectrum can be written as the direct sum, N ⊕ A, of a normal operator N with σ(N) = σ(T) and of an operator A with σ(A) a subset of the derived set of σ(T). It is then shown that A need not be normal. If we restrict the countable spectrum of T ϵ <i>Pi> to lie on a C2-smooth rectifiable Jordan curve Go, then T must be normal [see Theorem 3.5 and its Corollary]. If T is a scalar paranormal operator with countable spectrum, then in order to conclude that T is normal the condition of σ(T) ≤ Go can be relaxed [see Theorem 3.6]. In Theorem 3.7 it is then shown that the above result is not true when T is not assumed to be scalar. It was then conjectured that if T ϵ <i>Pi> with σ(T) ≤ Go, then T is normal. The proof of Theorem 3.5 relies heavily on the assumption that T has countable spectrum and cannot be generalized. However, the corollary to Theorem 3.9 states that if T ϵ <i>Pi> with σ(T) ≤ Go, then T has a non-trivial lattice of invariant subspaces. After the completion of most of the work on this thesis, Stampfli [30, 31] published a proof that a paranormal operator T with σ(T) ≤ Go is normal. His proof uses some rather deep results concerning numerical ranges whereas the proof of Theorem 3.5 uses relatively elementary methods.


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Let <i>L</i> be the algebra of all linear transformations on an n-dimensional vector space V over a field <i>Fi> and let A, B, Ɛ<i>L</i>. Let Ai+1 = Ai</sub>B - BAi</sub>, i = 0, 1, 2,…, with A = Ao. Let fk (A, B; σ) = A2K+1 - σ1A2K-1 + σ2A2K-3 -… +(-1)KσKA1 where σ = (σ1, σ2,…, σK), σi</sub> belong to <i>Fi> and K = k(k-1)/2. Taussky and Wielandt [Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 13(1962), 732-735] showed that fn(A, B; σ) = 0 if σi</sub> is the i<sup>th elementary symmetric function of (β4- βs)2, 1 ≤ r ˂ s ≤ n, i = 1, 2, …, N, with N = n(n-1)/2, where β4 are the characteristic roots of B. In this thesis we discuss relations involving fk(X, Y; σ) where X, Y Ɛ <i>L</i> and 1 ≤ k ˂ n. We show: 1. If <i>Fi> is infinite and if for each X Ɛ <i>L</i> there exists σ so that fk(A, X; σ) = 0 where 1 ≤ k ˂ n, then A is a scalar transformation. 2. If <i>Fi> is algebraically closed, a necessary and sufficient condition that there exists a basis of V with respect to which the matrices of A and B are both in block upper triangular form, where the blocks on the diagonals are either one- or two-dimensional, is that certain products X1, X2…Xr belong to the radical of the algebra generated by A and B over <i>Fi>, where Xi</sub> has the form f2(A, P(A,B); σ), for all polynomials P(x, y). We partially generalize this to the case where the blocks have dimensions ≤ k. 3. If A and B generate <i>L</i>, if the characteristic of <i>Fi> does not divide n and if there exists σ so that fk(A, B; σ) = 0, for some k with 1 ≤ k ˂ n, then the characteristic roots of B belong to the splitting field of gk(w; σ) = w2K+1 - σ1w2K-1 + σ2w2K-3 - …. +(-1)K σKw over <i>Fi>. We use this result to prove a theorem involving a generalized form of property L [cf. Motzkin and Taussky, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 73(1952), 108-114]. 4. Also we give mild generalizations of results of McCoy [Amer. Math. Soc. Bull., 42(1936), 592-600] and Drazin [Proc. London Math. Soc., 1(1951), 222-231].


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A Riesz space with a Hausdorff, locally convex topology determined by Riesz seminorms is called a locally convex Riesz space. A sequence {xn} in a locally convex Riesz space L is said to converge locally to x ϵ L if for some topologically bounded set B and every real r ˃ 0 there exists N (r) and n ≥ N (r) implies x – xn ϵ rb. Local Cauchy sequences are defined analogously, and L is said to be locally complete if every local Cauchy sequence converges locally. Then L is locally complete if and only if every monotone local Cauchy sequence has a least upper bound. This is a somewhat more general form of the completeness criterion for Riesz – normed Riesz spaces given by Luxemburg and Zaanen. Locally complete, bound, locally convex Riesz spaces are barrelled. If the space is metrizable, local completeness and topological completeness are equivalent.

Two measures of the non-archimedean character of a non-archimedean Riesz space L are the smallest ideal Ao (L) such that quotient space is Archimedean and the ideal I (L) = { x ϵ L: for some 0 ≤ v ϵ L, n |x| ≤ v for n = 1, 2, …}. In general Ao (L)I (L). If L is itself a quotient space, a necessary and sufficient condition that Ao (L) = I (L) is given. There is an example where Ao (L)I (L).

A necessary and sufficient condition that a Riesz space L have every quotient space Archimedean is that for every 0 ≤ u, v ϵ L there exist u1 = sup (inf (n v, u): n = 1, 2, …), and real numbers m1 and m2 such that m1 u1 ≥ v1 and m2 v1 ≥ u1. If, in addition, L is Dedekind σ – complete, then L may be represented as the space of all functions which vanish off finite subsets of some non-empty set.


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If E and F are real Banach spaces let Cp,q(E, F) O ≤ q ≤ p ≤ ∞, denote those maps from E to F which have p continuous Frechet derivatives of which the first q derivatives are bounded. A Banach space E is defined to be Cp,q smooth if Cp,q(E,R) contains a nonzero function with bounded support. This generalizes the standard Cp smoothness classification.

If an L<sup>p space, p ≥ 1, is Cq smooth then it is also Cq,q smooth so that in particular L<sup>p for p an even integer is C∞,∞ smooth and L<sup>p for p an odd integer is Cp-1,p-1 smooth. In general, however, a Cp smooth B-space need not be Cp,p smooth. Co is shown to be a non-C2,2 smooth B-space although it is known to be C smooth. It is proved that if E is Cp,1 smooth then Co(E) is Cp,1 smooth and if E has an equivalent Cp norm then co(E) has an equivalent Cp norm.

Various consequences of Cp,q smoothness are studied. If f ϵ Cp,q(E,F), if F is Cp,q smooth and if E is non-Cp,q smooth, then the image under f of the boundary of any bounded open subset U of E is dense in the image of U. If E is separable then E is Cp,q smooth if and only if E admits Cp,q partitions of unity; E is Cp,psmooth, p ˂∞, if and only if every closed subset of E is the zero set of some CP function.

f ϵ Cq(E,F), 0 ≤ q ≤ p ≤ ∞, is said to be Cp,q approximable on a subset U of E if for any ϵ ˃ 0 there exists a g ϵ Cp(E,F) satisfying

sup/xϵU, O≤k≤q ‖ Dk f(x) - Dk g(x) ‖ ≤ ϵ.

It is shown that if E is separable and Cp,q smooth and if f ϵ Cq(E,F) is Cp,q approximable on some neighborhood of every point of E, then F is Cp,q approximable on all of E.

In general it is unknown whether an arbitrary function in C1(<i>l</i>2, R) is C2,1 approximable and an example of a function in C1(<i>l</i>2, R) which may not be C2,1 approximable is given. A weak form of C∞,q, q≥1, to functions in Cq(<i>l</i>2, R) is proved: Let {Uα} be a locally finite cover of <i>l</i>2 and let {Tα} be a corresponding collection of Hilbert-Schmidt operators on <i>l</i>2. Then for any f ϵ Cq(<i>l</i>2,F) such that for all α

sup ‖ Dk(f(x)-g(x))[Tαh]‖ ≤ 1.

xϵUα,‖h‖≤1, 0≤k≤q


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Let F = Ǫ(ζ + ζ –1) be the maximal real subfield of the cyclotomic field Ǫ(ζ) where ζ is a primitive qth root of unity and q is an odd rational prime. The numbers u1=-1, uk=(ζk-k)/(ζ-ζ-1), k=2,…,p, p=(q-1)/2, are units in F and are called the cyclotomic units. In this thesis the sign distribution of the conjugates in F of the cyclotomic units is studied.

Let G(F/Ǫ) denote the Galoi's group of F over Ǫ, and let V denote the units in F. For each σϵ G(F/Ǫ) and μϵV define a mapping sgnσ: V→GF(2) by sgnσ(μ) = 1 iff σ(μ) ˂ 0 and sgnσ(μ) = 0 iff σ(μ) ˃ 0. Let {σ1, ... , σp} be a fixed ordering of G(F/Ǫ). The matrix Mq=(sgnσj(vi</sub>) ) , i, j = 1, ... , p is called the matrix of cyclotomic signatures. The rank of this matrix determines the sign distribution of the conjugates of the cyclotomic units. The matrix of cyclotomic signatures is associated with an ideal in the ring GF(2) [x] / (xp+ 1) in such a way that the rank of the matrix equals the GF(2)-dimension of the ideal. It is shown that if p = (q-1)/ 2 is a prime and if 2 is a primitive root mod p, then Mq is non-singular. Also let p be arbitrary, let ℓ be a primitive root mod q and let L = {i | 0 ≤ i ≤ p-1, the least positive residue of defined by ℓi</sup> mod q is greater than p}. Let Hq(x) ϵ GF(2)[x] be defined by Hq(x) = g. c. d. ((Σ xi</sup>/I ϵ L) (x+1) + 1, xp + 1). It is shown that the rank of Mq equals the difference p - degree Hq(x).

Further results are obtained by using the reciprocity theorem of class field theory. The reciprocity maps for a certain abelian extension of F and for the infinite primes in F are associated with the signs of conjugates. The product formula for the reciprocity maps is used to associate the signs of conjugates with the reciprocity maps at the primes which lie above (2). The case when (2) is a prime in F is studied in detail. Let T denote the group of totally positive units in F. Let U be the group generated by the cyclotomic units. Assume that (2) is a prime in F and that p is odd. Let F(2) denote the completion of F at (2) and let V(2) denote the units in F(2). The following statements are shown to be equivalent. 1) The matrix of cyclotomic signatures is non-singular. 2) U∩T = U2. 3) U∩F2(2) = U2. 4) V(2)/ V(2)2 = ˂<i>vi>1 V(2)2˃ ʘ…ʘ˂<i>vi>p V(2)2˃ ʘ ˂3V(2)2˃.

The rank of Mq was computed for 5≤q≤929 and the results appear in tables. On the basis of these results and additional calculations the following conjecture is made: If q and p = (q -1)/ 2 are both primes, then Mq is non-singular.