377 resultados para Lodo anaeróbio


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This study aimed to develop, implement and evaluate the performance of a new type of bioreactor for anaerobic treatment of wastewater using different filling materials like trickling filters post-reactor. This bioreactor has mixed characteristics of the UASB reactors and horizontal flow from the point of view of removal of BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) ssed (settled solids), TS (Total Solids), SS (Suspended Solid), SD (Dissolved Solids) and turbidity. The experimental model consists of a bioreactor with a volume of 12 m³, 2/3 filled by fluidized bed and 1/3 for fixed. The fluidized bed is made of polystyrene plates used as a system percolation and compartmentalized trickling filters, where each compartment was filled with a support medium with different characteristics (gravel number 4, plastic rings of polystyrene, PET and HDPE) . In addition, the output of a filter system was installed three entries filled with activated carbon. The bioreactor was installed in private residence in the city of Igarapava-SP (20° 02'40.18"S and 47° 45'01.36" W). The system was highly efficient as the removal of organic contaminant load 92% on average reducing the BOD, a significant result when compared to other anaerobic systems. For the other parameters, the mean reduction was 96% for turbidity, 99% ssed, 67.5% ST, 57% SD and 88% of SS. As for its operation the system was capable of operating in continuous flow without the need for maintenance during the entire period of evaluation and without energy, as it operates taking advantage of the natural slope of the terrain where it is installed. The environmental impacts were minimized due to the preservation of local vegetation allowing the ecosystem to remain unchanged beyond the prototype was completely sealed preventing exhalation of odors and therefore not causing inconvenience to neighboring populations. Given these facts it was concluded that the prototype is shown to be highly feasible deployed as a new alternative for treatment of sewage in rural and urban settings (individual homes, condos, farms, ranches, etc.) Due to ease of design and operability, and sustainability at all stages of execution.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV


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Exercise physiology has attempted to reproduce the experimental exercise in the laboratory using mainly rats. The swimming exercise has emerged as one of the leading research in these type ergometers. Thus, this research consisted of a literature review addressing the key issues which involve the exercise of swimming in the model rats. Training of aerobic and anaerobic swimming, evaluation models and models of periodization were the topics suggested in this research. In several studies, models of aerobic and anaerobic training have been proposed with the aim of studying their effect on normal and abnormal physiological parameters. However, earlier studies lacked methods of analysis aiming to determine the exercise intensity in the animal model. For this reason, in the last decade, assessment models have been adapted for humans to animals, especially rats. The maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) and lactate minimum (LM) are among the various techniques used to measure the amount of effort produced by swimming exercise in rats. Thereafter, based on biochemical parameters such as lactate, swimming exercise in rats has become the highest-rated, ie, using as reference the anaerobic threshold (AT). In another aspect, an entirely new line of research has tried to understand and promising swimming training in a periodized and its effects on some biochemical parameters. But this is an area little researched so far. Thus, the experimental model of swimming has proved an important resource of exercise physiology. From this model, it becomes possible to study the exercise, especially swimming, in more accurate, based on invasive and incisive analysis of the rat


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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The aim of this study was to compare the quality of clarifi ed juice and VHP (Very High Purity) sugar produced from “bisada” sugarcane and an early maturation variety, at the beginning of harvest. The experiment was conducted at Usina São Martinho S/A, Pradópolis,SP (Brazil). The process of juice clarifi cation and sugar production was conducted at the Laboratory of Technology of Sugar and Alcohol in the College of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences at the Universidade Estadual Paulista (FCAV/UNESP), Jaboticabal (SP). The experimental design was randomized, and two varieties were used: SP83-2847 (“bisada” sugarcane) and RB855156 (early maturation), with twelve replications for technological analysis and four replications for sugar production. The clarifi cation process and the clarifi ed juice was evaluated in terms of settling rates, volume of sludge that formed, total soluble solids, pH, turbidity, total phenolic compounds, starch and color. The sugar was characterized regarding the percentage of apparent sugar, color, total phenolic compounds, starch, fi lterability, humidity and safety factor. It was verifi ed that the processing of the juice clarifi cation was not affected by the processing of the “bisada” sugarcane. However, the clarifi ed juice from the SP83-2847 variety had a more intense color and a higher total soluble solids value. The sugar produced from the “bisada” sugarcane presented similar quality to the early maturation variety. It was concluded that the processing of “bisada” sugarcane at the start of the harvest did not affect the juice clarifi cation and resulted in VHP sugar of a quality similar to that of the early maturation variety.


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O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido no Centro de Raízes e Amidos Tropicais – CERAT, Na UNESP em Botucatu, estado de São Paulo onde foram realizados ensaios de fermentação alcoólica com hidrolisado de amido de mandioca. A fécula de mandioca foi utilizada como fonte de carboidrato para obtenção dos açúcares redutores consumidos no processo. Em um reator agitado foi produzido 12Kg de hidrolisado a partir de suspensão de fécula a 30% (p/p) utilizando enzimas alfa amilase na primeira etapa, seguida de amiloglucosidase na etapa posterior. As dosagens em unidades enzimáticas foram 2KNU.g-1 de amido e 2AGU.g-1 de amido respectivamente. O planejamento experimental considerou a realização de três ensaios de hidrolisados e três ensaios de fermentação a partir do mosto produzido; a) mosto aerado; b) com microaeração; c) em meio anaeróbio. Os ensaios foram realizados em erlenmeyers com 2,5 Kg de hidrolisado, ajustado a concentração de glicose a 100g.L-1 sendo inoculada a levedura do gênero Saccharomyces cerevisiae à taxa de 1,5% (p/p). Todos os erlenmeyers foram colocados sob agitação orbital e temperatura controlada de 30ºC sendo acompanhado o processo de fermentação através de coleta de amostras do mosto a cada hora. A aeração nos frascos erlenmeyers foi realizada através de mangueira coletora de válvula que regulava a vazão de ar. De acordo com os dados obtidos pode se concluir que o sistema anaeróbio em 32h foi o mais eficiente para a produção de etanol. Também foi possível observar que enquanto ocorre aeração no meio não se observa alteração significativa na concentração de etanol e quando cessa a aeração o meio torna se anaeróbio e tem início a produção de etanol. Quando aumenta a concentração de etanol no meio, o crescimento celular do sistema anaeróbio cai e etanol inibe a levedura, parando o crescimento celular.


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The objective of the research was to evaluate the effect of a training program of physical exercises mixed (aerobic / anaerobic conditioning circuit-break with active), including exercises, walking, weight training and Swiss ball, caused about possible changes in their metabolic system, as changes acute and chronic, individuals bearers of DM2. The methodology used is a model of experimented design of pretest and post-test applied to the group. The blood glucose levels were analyzed in fasting pre-test and post-test, and capillary glycemia in three periods of physical exercise: pre, during and post training, and the statistical processing done by the use of Statistical Software for PC-For SPSS ® Windows ®, V. 12.0 .. With the result has been a drop in the values significant glucometers between 6 weeks of training, with a negative delta average of 68 mg / dl. Furthermore, similar results were also found variations in the daily glycemic between the moments before and after the training session acute. Thus we find that, regardless of the biological mechanism responsible, the program mixed aerobic and anaerobic conditioning circuit-break with active was effective in reducing and controlling chronic and acute glycemic of subjects type 2 diabetic.


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The study took place in a sewage treatment plant located at the actual Department of Water and Sewer in Bauru, city of Sao Paulo state. This treatment plant has an average entrance flow of 4.8 l. s-1 made by upflow anaerobic filter, followed by wetland systems constructed in parallel. . As objective of this study we evaluate the effectiveness of three systems of constructed wetlands, with three different types of plants (Lily pond, Giant papyrus and Cattail),quantify, and qualify the effluents at various stages of treatment to monitor their effectiveness and the possibility of reuse in agriculture. There was a satisfactory removal of organic matter, with a mean concentration of 36 and 39mg.l-1 at the , phases 1 and 2 of the operation, respectively. The constructed wetlands effluent nitrogen and phosphate concentrations were high throughout all the system and the removal efficiency of ammonia nitrogen was much lower than expected, then the system is functioning as secondary treatment and not as tertiary treatment. The concentrations of micro-organisms found in the final effluent were also high. Therefore, it is concluded that the results of removal efficiency of organic matter, of constructed wetland systems, meet the parameters required by legislation for effluent discharges but do not attend the parameters required for nitrogen and micro organisms. This way, these analyzed plants effluents are suitable for reuse in agriculture restricted irrigation


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)