24 resultados para Imunoestimulante


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Aquicultura - FCAV


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do imunoestimulante β-glucano na dieta do tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) sobre o desempenho produtivo, as respostas fisiológicas e imunológicas, e a resistência ao desafio com Aeromonas hydrophila. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em arranjo fatorial 5x2, com cinco níveis de β-glucano na dieta (0, 0,1, 0,2, 0,4 e 0,8%) e dois tempos de amostragem (antes e após o desafio com A. hydrophila), com três repetições. Os peixes (28,65±0,49 g; 12,14±0,07 cm) foram alimentados, por 60 dias, com dieta (28% de proteína bruta) suplementada com preparação comercial de β-glucano. Após o período de alimentação, avaliou-se o desempenho produtivo, e os peixes foram desafiados com A. hydrophila. Os parâmetros hematológicos e imunológicos (concentração e atividade de lisozima) foram avaliados antes e após o desafio bacteriano. Após o desafio bacteriano, observouse a ocorrência de anemia normocítica-normocrômica. A suplementação com β-glucano não alterou a concentração nem a atividade da lisozima; porém, a menor concentração de β-glucano (0,1%) favoreceu maior sobrevivência para a espécie quando desafiada com Aeromonas hydrophila. A suplementação de β-glucano não exerce influência sobre o desempenho produtivo e nem sobre os parâmetros hematológicos do tambaqui.


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Bacillus thuringiensis is an environmental bacteria that produces a group of crystallizable proteins (Cry) that are toxic for several insects and worms species. Recently, it was described a novel class of Cry proteins called parasporins (PS) that showed cytotoxic effects on animal and human tumor cells. Six types of PS have been described so far, PS1 to PS6, and their cytotoxic activity has been studied. However, the direct effect on tumor cells has been the current research focus, while the immunomodulatory role of the PS has not been studied yet. Therefore, this study aimed to verify whether PS of TC 2.3.1R6 B. thuringiensis strain has immunostimulatory activity on human lymphocytes and monocytes. We have evaluated the protein toxicity against human cells, the lymphoproliferative activity and the effects on peripheral blood monocytes. The PS-PK showed no toxic or stimulating activity on lymphocyte proliferation. However, it inhibited the spontaneous production of IL-10 as well as ConA-induced and the production of IFN-γ. PS-PK decreased the release of hydrogen peroxide and increased the production of TNF- α by monocytes. PS-PK performed inhibitory production of hydrogen peroxide and TNF-α by monocytes, whereas PS-Tp showed stimulation of the production of hydrogen and TNF-α


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The understanding of fish immune system structure and function is essential for the development of new technologies and products to improve productivity. This is the first review on immune system of fish with Brazilian studies. Aquaculture in Brazil has shown massive growth in recent years due to methods of culture intensification. However, these procedures led to disease outbreaks, as well as the chemotherapy and the misuse of antibiotics. A viable alternative to avoid the use of chemicals and prevent economic losses is the administration of immunostimulants and prebiotcs, which act by increasing the innate immune system. In Brazil there is a lack of studies on fish immune system, except by some groups that have studied the effects of the immunostimulants administration in various species.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)