288 resultados para pedagogia de infância
This was part of the post-doctorate study developed at the Faculty of Eucation in the University of Salamanca - Spain in 2010 with the Professor José Maria Hernández Díaz, who teaches the subject “History of Education” at the Pedagogy course provided by the institution. The objective of this reflection is to present some characteristics of that course, in order to highlight some of its peculiarities, and also indicate some similar issues when compared to Brazilian courses, thus producing a research useful for comparison and deepening of teacher’s training. The method was based on quali-quantitative nature (WOODS, 1996; BESSON, 1995): participant observation (EZPELETA; ROCKWELL, 1986; KETELE; ROEGIERS, 1993) and a questionnaire application (HEGENBERG, 1976; BOOTH; COLOMB; WILLIAMS, 1995) to the first and third classes in 2010, which resulted in a total of 99 students: 17 male and 82 female. This comparative information evinces the feminisation in that course, establishing direct relationship with Brazilian research. Another data, which has not yet been duly checked in Brazil, concerns the intellectual/social role of women in the classroom. Although this data is especific from that school environment, it is an important key-point for teachers’ training and teaching. The potentiality of this reflexition is exactly on this point.
The new educational context requires the prospect of a more playful and pedagogic practices more flexible, and that meets promote child development, which includes the child in her singularity and allows her to read display that features the world, that stimulates exercise and allow the creative act that respects the feelings and emotions she has, which values the different forms of infantile expression. The child needs and is entitled to promote his integral development potential. Therefore, it is necessary to have professional commitment to promote a quality educational services for children.
This text presents the Pedagogy of Alternating methodology, highlighting its contribution to re-think the formation of catadores of recycling materials (rubbish collectors). Whereas the use of this approach in the urban area is unusual, the goal of the article is to initiate a debate to promote further elaborations. Initially an overview of the Pedagogy of Alternating is presented and the main instruments used in this approach are commented. Two theoretical and methodological issues are indicated as challenges for catadores formation: the relations between Education and Work and the relations between Theory and Practice. The need to overcome dichotomy between these dimensions of human activity (that predominates in today's society) is defended. The catadores work reveals the exclusion of these workers of less organized sectors of production chains, with few opportunities to obtain better income and qualification. Overcome this gap requires an intense training to turn the catadores in recycling workers . To reach this goal the implementation of Alternating experiences between study and work in cooperatives and schools is not enough. A deep transformation is needed over the ways and subjects of both study and work, in order to create emancipating activities that promotes a full development of these workers.
This text aims to present some ideas of the philosopher Walter Benjamin, one of the most intriguing intellectuals of our time, trying to outline in his work the relationship that the author establishes between childhood playing and ludic culture, more precisely regarding the memory of playing, childhood, culture, history and memory in contemporary society after the twentieth century. Thus, in order to identify reinterpreted experiments, as places, forms of playing and types of toys made out of this paradigm, we were guided by the notes, essays, translations and articles in which Benjamin identified conceptions of childhood and ludic culture. Benjamin's view of childhood is not childish, simplistic or reductive. His works allow us to discuss and justify the need for a more detailed analysis on the phenomenon of development and teaching practice within the everyday schoolchildren. By revisiting the original ideas, and irreverent criticism of Benjamin, thinking education from his account, we hope to contribute with other studies in the field of education, by elucidating the process of development and teaching practice in relation to the ludic childhood culture, specifically regarding childhood and the places of childhood in the contemporary context.
The curriculum is an important instrument, through which are outlined the main aspects to be achieved in the educational context . It can be real, occurs in the classroom as a result of the education program, and be hidden normally be transmitted without being mentioned by teachers. Sexuality although it is not integrated with the components of the formal curriculum, and is present in said prohibited school , the way you act, speak and articulate the school community , expressing itself through the hidden curriculum. Considering this, the present study based on qualitative and quantitative aimed to analyze the curriculum of a course in pedagogy of a State University located in the State of São Paulo, as well as giving voice to students of that course in order to analyze if sexuality is to clearly present the formal curriculum. Therefore , a study of the documents in that course , but precisely its curriculum process n º 342/89 , their volumes I to IX , the period extending from 1959 to 200, as well as the curriculum in force until the year 2007. In addition, we used a closed questionnaire containing 20 questions which included the participation of 70 students Pedagogy daytime and night of that educational institution. Since its initial curriculum to the latest nonexistent space for disciplines sexuality, and the ' progress ' that can be noted is the introduction of the limited elective courses that no longer exist in the current course. In the words of most students sexuality is not a matter encompassed in that course. These data show that both the real and the hidden curriculum does not give due importance to this issue. Therefore, it is imperative that this course, as well as the different undergraduate courses, should adhere to sexuality need to be part of the actual curriculum, in order to allow students access to this knowledge.
Brazilian Sign Language signature in the pedagogy courses curricula. In 2002, the Law nº 10.436 was published determining the obligation of offering the Brazilian Signal Language (Libras) signature in all teaching graduation courses. Considering this measure, it was searched to characterize how the public Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in the States of Paraná and São Paulo are organizing the signature in Pedagogy courses. The curriculum analysis developed showed that most of the public HEI’s in the State of Paraná provides its inclusion, while in the State of São Paulo the estimate is 60%. Most of the syllabus covers topics including deaf students, deaf culture and Libras linguistic aspects.
Is there a place inside Marxism for the debate on individuality? Does the historical-critical pedagogy need a theory of individual’s education? The article answers affirmatively to both questions and analyses the pillars of a Marxist theory of human individuals’ education. The start point is the relation between the processes of objectification and appropriation that were originated by the work activity. The relation between objectification and appropriation is analysed from a dialectical materialistic historical perspective. This perspective implies the understanding of the contradiction generates by class struggle that gives to the sociocultural development both the meanings of humanization and alienation. In this sense, individual’s education is understood as part of historical self-building process of humankind. The direction of this movement is from humanity in itself to humanity for itself that means a process that promotes the development of free and universal individuality.
This paper analyses a PhD dissertation which was written by Ademir Lazarini with the purpose to present a radical criticism to the Dermeval Saviani´s interpretation of the relation between the capital and the school education. The dissertation argues that the Historical-Critical Pedagogy based on Saviani’s works is very distant from the Marxian theory of capitalist society. The paper detects fundamental mistakes inside the criticism formulated by the author of the dissertation and the examination of those mistakes revealed a lack of comprehension of the materialistic historical dialectical method.
In order to expand educational services in the country, were recently approved laws that changed the organization of schools and the population served by them, as was the case of Law No. 11.274/2006 elementary school that extended from eight to nine years, establishing the admission of children to this level of education to 6 years old. The research aimed to analyze the relationship between the legal text and the meanings of schooling and the specifics of childhood with the entry of children in elementary school. We proceeded to carry out theoretical research and documentation and with the main results we can state that: 1) referring to the childhood and school education, we can reflect on the period that includes the ages between 5 and 7 years, periods in which the child Brazil, according to new legislation can be met in kindergarten and compulsory from 6 years in elementary education, refers to the student at a time conducive to the psychological and cognitive investment in the development of imagination, thought through images, perception , logical reasoning, comparison and identification of elements of the property, creativity and playful and symbolic creations, 2) found that the formation of the 1st child. years of elementary school students is directed around the practices of literacy, with emphasis on the acquisition of reading and writing; Find out what this new educational context, schools are presenting great challenges due to the specifics of care for children six years in the first year Elementary School, showing gap between the law and the actual developments in the reorganization of schools.
This paper aims to contribute on (re)awakening new and/or known discussions about childhood and the relation school and family, linking the debate to some confrontations that could be developed at school environment. The paper presents the following topics: 1) Childhood and Education: Family and school relationship, 2) Childhood and schooling: the child in school. This paper also seeks to discuss childhood specificities and educational practices in family and at school,allowing the construction of a school project that interweaves school cultures, childhood cultures and the families in the contemporary society
The paper defends that the historical-cultural psychology needs the mediation of the historical-critical pedagogy in order to contribute to the school educational practice. In this direction, the paper analyses, in the field of the relations between Psychology and Pedagogy, a criteria for the human development characterization. Considering both, psychology and pedagogy, inside the historical process of social class struggle, the paper defends that human beings develop themselves by using the mediations which makes possible the movement from the condition of “being in itself” to the condition of “being for itself”.
Teacher training is a frequent academic theme and object of various approaches. This article aims at presenting a few contributions of historical-critical pedagogy to this debate. It takes into account the concept of human-being, development and role of the school, opposing current parameters which empty and devalue teachers and, consequently, school education.
This article aims to show elements based on historical-cultural psychology, which are reiterative of historically systematized scientific knowledge transmission as condition of human development and essential function of school education. In that way, it points the sign appropriation as decisive mark in the natural psychic basis overcoming towards to culturally established psychophysical properties formation, characterizing the psychism as an interfuncional system answerable for the constitution of the subjective image of objective reality. In the face of such presuppositions, it firms the role of school education in the mentioned image formation, highlighting the qualitative differences resultant of education based to quotidian and spontaneous concepts, as well as scientific ones. It pleads that the defense of sign quality offered to appropriation by school education is the main intersection point between the historical-cultural psychology and the historical-critical pedagogy.
This article presents the theoretical and methodological unity between the historical-critical pedagogy and cultural-historical psychology. It highlights, in addition to the membership of both theories to historical-dialectical materialism, the basic premises that point toward the affirmation of school education as a condition of humanization of individuals, as well as the transmission of historically systematized knowledge as one of the requirements for the achieving this purpose. In this direction, we aim to demonstrate that the historical-critical pedagogy contains, in its innerness, a solid psychological foundation, consistently built by a cultural-historical conception of man, society and educative nature that guides the relationship between them through the human vital activity, that is, through the work. It is in the core of those fundamentals that the alliance between this pedagogical theory and cultural-historical psychology is evident.