204 resultados para Transcephalic Impedance


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The laser Welding process was introduced into dentistry by the end of the 1980s, resulting on a great impulse to that area with the development of cheaper and smaller equipment, using simpler technique. This allowed greater use of that process on the confection of prostheses compared to the brazing process since the heat source for that process is a concentrated light beam of high power, which minimizes distortion problems on the prosthetic pieces. Ag-Pd-Au-Cu alloy used on the confection of dental implant prostheses was observed before and after subjection to the laser welding process. The microstructure was analyzed with the. use of optic microscopy and the corrosion resistance was studied by the traditional electrochemical techniques and by electrochemical impedance, under environmental conditions simulating the aggressiveness found in the mouth cavity. A structural change was detected on the weld area, which presented a refined microstructure deriving from the high-speed cooling. The base metal out of the weld area presented a fusion coarse microstructure. The electrochemical essays showed differences on the potentiodynamic polarization behavior in both weld and metal base areas, indicating superior corrosion resistance in the weld area. The impedance spectra were characterized by capacitive distorted components, presenting linear impedance in the low frequencies area. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The electrochemical behavior of the annealed Cu-5wt.%Ni alloy in 0.5 M H2SO4 was studied by means of open-circuit potential (E-OCP) measurements, cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and quasi-stationary linear potential sweep. The hydrodynamics of the system was also studied. This material is constituted by a single a, phase. The anodic behavior of a Cu-Ni alloy in H2SO4 consists fundamentally on the electrodissolution of Cu, its main component, and the formation of a sulfur-containing passive layer. The presence of Ni decreases the rate of Cu oxidation, mostly at high positive potentials. The impedance spectra, obtained for the unrotating electrode, can be interpreted in terms of a simple charge-transfer reaction across a surface layer. When the electrode is rotated, the occurrence of an inductive loop evidenced the existence of an adsorbed layer. All the resistance estimated from the proposed equivalent circuits diminished with the electrode rotation rate, emphasizing the influence of ion transport in the overall electrode process. The system presented two anodic Tafel slopes: 40 mV dec(-1) for E < 255 mV and 67 mV dec(-1) for E > 275 mV. A Tafel slope of 40 mV dec(-1) evidences that copper dissolution can be interpreted in terms of the mechanism proposed by Mattsson and Bockris. The second Tafel suggests that at potentials more positive than 275 mV, copper dissolves according to a mechanism that considers the disproportionation of adsorbed Cu(1) species. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The problems of wave propagation and power flow in the distribution network composed of an overhead wire parallel to the surface of the ground have not been satisfactorily solved. While a complete solution of the actual problem is impossible, as it is explained in the famous Carson's paper (1926), the solution of the problem, where the actual earth is replaced by a plane homogenous semi-infinite solid, is of considerable interest. In this paper, a power flow algorithm in distribution networks with earth return, based on backward-forward technique, is discussed. In this novel use of the technique, the ground is explicitly represented. In addition, an iterative method for determining impedance for modelling ground effect in the extended power flow algorithm is suggested. Results obtained from single-wire and three-wire studies using IEEE test networks are presented and discussed. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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dThe detection of aromatic compounds from pesticides and industrial wastewater has become of great interest, since these compounds withstand chemical oxidation and biological degradation, accumulating in the environment. In this work, a highly sensitive biosensor for detecting catechol was obtained with the immobilization of Cl-catechol 1,2-dioxygenase (CCD) in nanostructured films. CCD layers were alternated with poly(amidoamine) generation 4 (PAMAM G4) dendrimer using the electrostatic layer-by-layer (LbL) technique. Circular dichroism (CD) measurements indicated that the immobilized CCD preserved the same conformation as in solution. The thickness of the very first CCD layers in the LbL films was estimated at ca. 3.6 nm, as revealed by surface plasmon resonance (SPR). PAMAM/CCD 10-bilayer films were employed in detecting diluted catechol solutions using either an optical or electrical approach. Due to the mild immobilization conditions employed, especially regarding the pH and ionic strength of the dipping solutions, CCD remained active in the films for periods longer than 3 weeks. The optical detection comprised absorption experiments in which the formation of cis-cis muconic acid, resulting from the reaction between CCD and catechol, was monitored by measuring the absorbance at 260 nm after film immersion in catechol solutions. The electrical detection was carried out using LbL films deposited onto gold-interdigitated electrodes immersed in aqueous solutions at different catechol concentrations. Using impedance spectroscopy in a broad frequency range (1Hz-1kHz), we could detect catechol in solutions at concentrations as low as 10(-10) M. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Bismuth titanate (Bi4Ti3O12-BIT) films were evaluated for use as lead-free piezoelectric thin-films in micro-electromechanical systems. The films were grown by the polymeric precursor method on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si (1 0 0) (Pt) bottom electrodes at 700 degrees C for 2 h in static air and oxygen atmospheres. The domain structure was investigated by piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM). Annealing in static air leads to better ferroelectric properties, higher remanent polarization, lower drive voltages and higher piezoelectric coefficient. on the other hand, oxygen atmosphere favors the imprint phenomenon and reduces the piezoelectric coefficient dramatically. Impedance data, represented by means of Nyquist diagrams, show a dramatic increase in the resistivity for the films annealed in static air atmopshere. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A constant-current stimulator for high-impedance loads using only low-cost standard high-voltage components Is presented. A voltage-regulator powers an oscillator built across the primary of a step-up transformer whose secondary supplies, after rectification, the high voltage to a switched current-mirror in the driving stage. Adjusting the regulated voltage controls the pulsed-current intensity. A prototype produces stimulus of amplitude and pulsewidth within 0 less than or equal to I-skin less than or equal to 20 mA and 50 mus less than or equal to T-pulse less than or equal to 1 ms, respectively. Pulse-repetition spans from 1 Hz to 10 Hz. Worst case ripple is 3.7% at I-skin = 1 mA. Overall consumption is 5.6 W at I-skin = 20 mA.


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The effect of lithium salt doping on the structure and ionic conduction properties of silica-polyethyleneglycol composites is reported. These materials, so called ormolytes (organically modified electrolytes), were obtained by the sol-gel process. They have chemical stability due to the covalent bonds between the inorganic (silica) and organic (polymer) phase. The structure of these hybrid materials was investigated by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) as a function of lithium concentration [O]/[Li] (O being the oxygens of the ether type). The spectra have a well-defined peak attributed to the existence of a liquid-like spatial correlation of silica clusters. The ionic conductivity was studied by AC impedance spectroscopy and is maximum for [O]/[Li] = 15. This result is consistent with SAXS and thermo-mechanical analysis measurements and is due to the formation of cross-linking between the polymer chains for the larger lithium concentrations. These materials are solid, transparent, flexible and have an ionic conductivity up to 10(-4) S/cm. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ultra-fine powders of Na1-xLixNbO3 (x=0; 0.06; 0.09; 0.12) were synthesized by the Polymeric Precursors Method. Such powders had their orthorhombic structures determined by X-ray diffraction and their surface area determined by BET isotherms (less than 10 m(2) g(-1)). Densification was followed by dilatometric study. The powders, calcined at 700 degrees C for 5 h, were sintered at 1290 degrees C during 2 h under ambient atmosphere with no application of extra pressure. The samples with relative densities higher than 95% were analyzed by impedance spectroscopy at room temperature, under a signal amplitude of 1 V-rms. Dielectric constants of about 180 and dielectric loss factor of about 0.03 were measured showing small dependence with frequency. The electrical properties were similar to those obtained for samples sintered by hot pressing. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. Limited and Techna S.r.l. All rights reserved.


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We report the preparation and characterization of yttria-stabilized zirconia/nickel oxide composites (YSZ/NiO). This composite is the precursor material of the cermet YSZ/Ni, which is used as solid oxide fuel cell anode material. The performance of the anode is strongly dependent on the microstructural properties of the cermet. Therefore, the control of the microstructure of the YSZ/NiO composite is a key step for the fabrication of high-performance anodes. In this study, the composites were prepared by a modified liquid mixture technique. Scanning electron microscopy analysis evidenced the good dispersion of the phases and that NiO nanoparticles are spread over the YSZ surface. Sintered pellets were studied by X-ray diffraction and impedance spectroscopy. The main results show that the composite is comprised of a well-dispersed mixture of the two phases. The electrical conductivity data show that there is a strong dependence of the transport mechanism on the relative composition of phases. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Reactive pure and manganese-doped (5% and 10 at.%) ceria nanosized powders were prepared by the polymeric precursor technique. Physical properties of powder materials were studied by X-ray diffraction, nitrogen adsorption, and diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy. Characterization of powder compacts after fast firing at 1200 degrees C for 5 min was carried out by scanning electron microscopy and impedance spectroscopy measurements. The bulk apparent density of sintered pellets was determined for pellets of different compositions sintered at 1200 degrees C. A gradual decrease of the particle size occurs with increasing doping content. Relatively high values of apparent density were obtained after fast firing doped specimens at 1200 degrees C. DRIFT spectra evidence that a fraction of Mn ions was segregated onto particles surface. The electrical resistivity of sintered pellets reveals different mechanisms of conduction depending on the Mn content. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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SnO2 based ceramics doped with 1.0 mol% ZnO, 1.0 mol% CoO, 0.1 mol% WO3 and 0.05 mol% Cr2O3 show varistor behavior with nonlinear coefficient alpha = 33, breakdown electric field E-B = 12.5 kV/cm, leakage current I = 0.63 mA/cm(2) and average grain size of 1.52 mu m. Experimental evidence shows that the addition of Cr2O3 improves the nonlinear properties of the samples significantly, the impedance data, represented by means of Nyquist diagrams, show a dramatic increase in the resistivity for the samples doped with Cr2O3. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The alternating conductivity, sigma*(f) = sigma'(f) + i sigma ''(f), of in situ polymerized polyaniline thin films doped with hydrochloric acid, deposited on top of an interdigitated gold line array previously deposited on glass substrates, were measured in the frequency (f) range between 0.1 Hz to 10 MHz and in the temperature range from 100 to 430 K. The results for sigma'(f) are typical of a disordered solid material: for frequencies lower than a certain hopping frequency gamma(hop), log[sigma'(f)] is frequency-independent rising almost linearly for in logf > gamma(hop). A master curve was thus obtained by plotting the real component of the conductivity using normalized scales sigma'(f)/sigma(dc) and f/gamma(hop) which is indicative of a single process operating in the whole frequency range. An expression encompassing the conduction through a disordered structure taken from previous random free energy barrier model for hopping carriers, as well a dielectric function to represent the capacitive behavior of the PAni was employed to fit the experimental results. The dielectric constant and activation energy for hopping carriers were obtained as function of the polymer doping level. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents a non-model based technique to detect and locate structural damage with the use of artificial neural networks. This method utilizes high frequency structural excitation (typically greater than 30 kHz) through a surface-bonded piezoelectric sensor/actuator to detect changes in structural point impedance due to the presence of damage. Two sets of artificial neural networks were developed in order to detect, locate and characterize structural damage by examining changes in the measured impedance curves. A simulation beam model was developed to verify the proposed method. An experiment was successfully performed in detecting damage on a 4-bay structure with bolted-joints, where the bolts were progressively released.


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The effect of LiNbO3 and KNbO3 seeds on the microstructure and dielectric characteristics of PMN ceramic prepared by columbite route have been investigated with the addition of 0, 1, and 2-wt% of seeds. X-ray diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy and an impedance analyzer were used to characterize the influence of seeds on physical characteristics and dielectric properties of PMN. LiNbO3 -seeded PMN samples present a significant increase in the amount of perovskite phase. The addition of LiNbO3 seeds in sintered PMN ceramics at 1100degreesC during 4 h causes a decrease in the porosity and the amount of pyrochlore phase. Weight losses during sintering of PMN ceramics are suppressed more significantly for LiNbO3 -seeded PMN. T-m of PMN ceramics changes with seeds concentration. KNbO3 seeds displace T-m to lower temperature whereas LiNbO3 causes its elevation. Dielectric constants of approximately 13,000 at 1 kHz was measured at -5degreesC in PMN ceramics with 1-wt% of LiNbO3 seeds.


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Bi1.5ZnSb1.5O7 dielectric ceramic with pyrochlore structure was investigated by impedance spectroscopy from 400 to 750 degreesC. Pyrochlore was synthesized by the polymeric precursor method, a chemical synthesis route derived from Pechini's method. The grain or bulk resistance exhibits a sensor temperature characteristic, being a thermistor with a negative temperature coefficient (NTC). Only a single region was identified on the resistance curve investigated. The NTC thermistor characteristic parameter (beta) is equal to 7140 degreesC, in the temperature range investigated. The temperature coefficient of the resistance (alpha) was derived, being equal to -4.46x10(-2) degreesC(-1) at 400 degreesC. The conduction mechanism and relaxation are discussed. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.