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This article has as objective to discuss some topics concerning the supposed crisis of the society of the work and its consequences for the debate in social sciences and also for the work category contextualization in the secondary school curriculum. As the work has represented an important explanation category for the classic social thought, the contemporary paradigm of deep metamorphoses in the world of the work and the advent of the new question (CASTELS, 1995; ROSANVALLON, 1995) backward the necessity to rethink the theoretical shades that base the interpretation of the social life on the current context, when the center position of the work is being questioned. Having taken some theoretical references from the sociology of the work, we search to delineate on a brief way the quarrel about the dimensions of the social and political phenomena these days and the importance of this debate on the contextualization of the secondary school curriculum contents.


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Studies have shown that adolescents begin to make use of alcoholic beverages earlier and excessively, a behavior which has several negative consequences. Thus, the present study aims at investigating whether the expectations they have for the effects of alcohol consumption are high or low and if there is a relationship between expectation and consumption pattern. AUDIT and IECPA were applied as data collection instruments. The first indentifies the pattern of alcohol use and the second investigates the expectations the subjects have in relation to the use of alcohol. The results of this study, differently than others, do not evidence the positive relationship between binge-drinking and high expectations about the use of alcohol.


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The teaching of modern and contemporary Physics subjects in high school is indispensable and it was already justified by several researchers. Among the subjects which must be taught, there is, for instance, Bohr atomics model. However, as it was noticed in literature review, many didactic materials do not deal with this model adequately, since that they do not take into account Bohr ideas, which involved Planck studies on black-body radiation, Einsten theory for photoelectric effect, Rutherford experiences and atomics model and the empiric results upon the spectrums of chemical elements emission. From that, it is extremely important teaching through approaches which potentialize the learning of the model proposed by Niels Bohr. On the other hand, teachers from high schools cannot have clearness about which approaches can be applied for teaching the mentioned model. Thus, it is presented some possibilities for teaching Bohr atomics model, with examples and justifications for the use of each one. Special treatment was attributed to the teaching from Science History and Philosophy, from the reading of scientific diffusion and original scientific texts, from analogies, from comic strips and from computer simulations.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE


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The education research guidelines have shown the important contribution of the investigations that focus on analysis of the discursive dimension of teaching and learning of Science in actual classroom. An interesting proposal to analyze the effectiveness of an educational activity is to assess the potential of investigative activities in the development of argumentation in science classes. Several studies have taken into account the use of argument in the classroom as a way to provide students with new ways to know the science. Argument refers to the process of associating components that play a central role in the construction of explanations, models and theories. In order to investigate the potential of these activities took place the application of investigative activities with third-year high school students, recorded in audio and video, focusing on the development of the argument. The search, conducted ranks as a qualitative research with characteristics of a case study. The arguments collected during the activities contained the students' conceptions about the concepts discussed and all were recorded in audio and video. With the encouragement of the argument by the investigative activity we evaluate the learning experienced by the speech of students. It may be noted that students have appropriated the concept of oxidation involving electron transfer, thus the activity reached the goal, so that was planned, making it effective for the introduction of electrochemical concepts


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Teaching cases are records, through written narratives, of an academic episode or incident, they appear in educational scenery as a rich strategy not only for the teacher's conformation but also for their investigation. The bibliography shows that young students are still not very much investigated and it contributes to the establishment of negative images of this social subject. In this sense, the objective of this work is to analyze the stories and episodes, called teaching cases, in narrative style, written by students from High School about their physical education classes. The participants of this study are High School students from two public schools from two cities in the countryside of São Paulo state. The researcher stayed in the schools for nine months and in this meantime she made contact with the students, asking, for the ones who showed interest, the construction of teaching cases. For this interested students, the researcher explained researcher explained what teaching cases are, as well as, she presented a template to guide them in the production. At the end of this process, twenty teaching cases were delivered to the researcher. They were analyzed under the qualitative approach, valuing the expressive wealth in the narratives, complemented by the interviews with the authors. Inset the mosaic of narratives and interviews, showing a variety of experiences and possibilities of distance and approximation of the students to the physical education classes, we can indicate that from the 20 cases, only one was set as a total distance from the physical education classes (this is the student's situation since she was in the second grade from elementary school). Mentioning the positive experiences and the approximation to the physical education classes, the association of teaching cases and interviews showed that seven students lived the context and until today present an affective proximity to the classes. These evidences can help...


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Este artigo descreve um conjunto de atividades educativas desenvolvidas no âmbito do projeto “Lab InCognITA – Laboratório de Inovação em Cognição, Informação, Tecnologia e Aprendizagem”, que objetiva promover o desenvolvimento de um conjunto de atividades e projetos com escolas públicas de nível médio, vinculadas à Diretoria de Ensino de Guaratinguetá, buscando despertar o interesse dos alunos para as áreas tecnológicas e engenharias. Destaca-se a importância dos recursos didáticos, em especial os baseados em experimentação, para promover uma melhoria no interesse dos estudantes pelas ciências exatas. A operacionalização do projeto é descrita por meio da apresentação das atividades previstas para o seu desenvolvimento, e de como estas são realizadas durante eventos denominados “Visita à UNESP”, em que alunos das escolas vêm até o Campus da UNESP – Guaratinguetá. Os resultados parciais obtidos sugerem que as atividades desenvolvidas durante as visitas têm contribuído para despertar o interesse dos estudantes para as áreas de Exatas e Engenharias.


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The new National Curriculum of Basic Education in Brazil Parameters (PCNs- br) propose the curriculum reformulation of the High School in thematic areas encompassing competences and abilities. In this aspect the goal of this article is to verify the effects and meaning of the speeches posted on Folhateen's Blog (http://blogdofolha teen.folha.blog.uol.com.br/), to analyze if the practices of reading and writing, taken in this application, can be contemplated on the basic goals of the PCNs from the Languages area, codes and its technologies. It wonders of the using of media blogs for High School students as articulators of the Portuguese Language contents' study. It is possible to verify that the blogs offer its own languages and the expression of knowledge and power. They put the high school student before the articulation of several cross-cutting themes that promotes the interdisciplinarity. It points the need of a teacher's support so in a matted discursive voices the student won't be distracted, drift and paraphrase, but the interpretation and "new" methods of reading and polysemy. The theoretical framework is composed by the authors Foucault, Pecheux, Orlandi and Coracini.


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Aim: observe the knowledge of dental caries and periodontal disease of primary schoolteachers, according to type of institution (public and private) from Araraquara city. methodology: for that participants were 113 teachers from public schools and 57 from private schools. The instrument of analysis was based on a questionnaire with closed and open questions concerning the etiology, prevention and development of dental caries and periodontal disease. Results: 97,3% of public ́s schoolteachers and 91,2% of private ́s schoolteachers answered that they knows what is dental caries, but they didn ́t answer correctly about the caries etiology as being multifactorial and about methods of prevention. Both of schoolteachers (public and private) had more sucessful when answered about bacterial plaque than periodontal disease and yours manifestation. Conclusion: the dental knowledge of schoolteachers in public and private school was evaluated and limited educational programs should be directed to both public and private schoolteachers, in order to increase the level of dental knowledge of them, so that they can act as educational agents with the children.


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In recent years, public schools have experienced the deployment of external evaluation that, legally, should promote the development and deployment aimed at enhancing the educational process of teaching offered at the country's public policy systems. However, such a situation occurred in a broader regulations of teaching and managerial measures and performative nature context generated implications in everyday school life, notably due to the pressure exerted on schools before the publicity of accountability for results and performance indicators changing, in many cases, the purpose of teaching work. In this context we understand that it is very important to discuss the history and characterization of implanted a city in São Paulo state systems, and vision teachers about them, and the consequences that assessments have caused in practice in the classroom. So be performed an empirical research of qualitative nature in four elementary schools-cycle Teaching I and II, with the aim of analyzing the perception of teachers about external reviews of a municipal school. As an instrument for data collection dense interview with teachers that will be used will be audio-recorded and then transcribed and analyzed with the support of the theoretical frameworks adopted


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The aim of this paper is to analyze the current brazilian high school situation that refers specifically to issues of infrastructure, training of professionals working in high school and the question of management of high school, because we believe that such questions also may have fundamental importance for both young people who drop out of high school and for young people who stay there. We will discuss these issues (infrastructure, management and training of professionals working in high school) as a reference, on the one hand, the goals and objectives proposed by the last National Education Plan (PNE - Law No. 10.172/2001), and on the other hand, the objectives and goals proposed for these same issues by the new PNE, to run until 2020, emphasizing that this is still under discussion in Congress, therefore, liable to modifications.


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Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE


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Regular physical activity can prevent and treat various diseases and non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity and cardiovascular disease. However, the prevalence of physical inactivity among adolescents in Rio Claro is 83%. Thus, it is necessary to encourage physical atividade through the community, especially parents and schools. The objective was to investigate the influence of two types of gym class in functional abilities in high school students in the city of Rio Claro-SP. Methodology: The study included 20 students from high school, 8 boys and 12 girls. The study took place in two high school halls of a public school in the city of Rio Claro. With the collaboration and participation in only 10 students in each room search reviews of all students occurred in mid-July in the year 2012 with the completion of the battery of tests and application of PAQ-C questionnaire at the beginning of classes of and after three months. All students were subjected to the test battery Eurofit. To compare the values of physical fitness for each type of class was held factorial ANOVA for repeated measures using SPSS and the level of physical activity was performed the Wilcoxon test. To compare the delta values (post-test-time time pre test every physical fitness) we performed the t test for all analyzes was adopted p <0.05 Classes G1 followed the schedule proposed by the state 's Notebook, where he worked subjects as body and beauty and its relationship with the media today, prevailing more conceptual classes than procedural . Unlike what has been developed with the G2 who had classes were focused on physical fitness and physical conditioning to increase the level of physical activity inside and outside the school environment . Result :The results from the data collected in this study indicate that physical fitness is not worked continuously or expressive within the Physical Education classes of high school to the population...