180 resultados para Abuso e ações disciplinares
The pharmaceutical industry invests heavily in promoting their products, and studies suggest that these actions influence doctor’s prescribing. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the opinions and attitudes of doctors when facing promotional activities of the laboratories. To this end, questionnaires were sent to doctors in Araraquara (SP) containing statements on the subject. Data analysis included study of the association by the chi-square. The results indicated that physicians relate to the propagandists (98%) by considering them useful (55%), but not as a main source update (86%). For 62% of them their prescriptions are not influenced by such relationships, while 24% disagree that doctors in general are influenced as well as new graduates (37%). The majority also disagrees that are influenced by amenities (86%) or free samples (70%) but only 38% believe their colleagues are not influenced by the samples. As for the ethics of these receipts, 57% considered to be appropriate when benefit patients, but only 32% while for personal use. The results show that doctors are vulnerable to the influences of marketing. Therefore, mechanisms and interventions are needed for prescribing drugs solely by criteria of effectiveness, safety, convenience and accessibility to the patient.
This paper presents some outcomes of a broader research on Astronomy Education in primary school teacher's education. From the analysis of the main astronomy subjects thought nationwide and the research outcomes, we identified a set of astronomy contents considered fundamental to the teachers practice. Through a research carried out among a sample of primary school teachers, however, we show that, even in these essential contents, persists alternative conceptions among those teachers. Data collected pointed out, thus, to the necessity of improving teacher's education in this area, taking into consideration astronomy edu cation research outcomes, in favor of a teaching which contemplates, at least, the fundamental contents on this subject.
A gestão de resíduos em distribuidoras de eletricidade é bastante complexa, pois enquadram-se em vários tipos (valorizados ou não) e gerados em grande quantidade. Em 2009, a AES Eletropaulo gerou quase quatro mil toneladas de resíduos não perigosos, subdivididos em 30 tipos. Uma divisão por materiais, após desmontagem e separação dos diferentes materiais contidos nos fios, cabos, chaves, isoladores com ferragem e para-raios, subiria o valor da venda em R$ 600 mil. Isso geraria cerca de 214 toneladas de porcelana que, moídas, poderiam substituir as 210 toneladas de brita compradas anualmente pela concessionária para uso em subestações. Cerca de 160 toneladas de porcelanas intactas poderiam ser utilizadas na confecção de gabiões para contenção de encostas. Além disso, peças de ferro galvanizado poderiam ser decapadas e novamente galvanizadas para reaproveitamento.
The Physical Activity Program for Persons with Special Needs (PAFIPNES) is a extension project developed since 2002, and operates in secondary care to the health of obese, diabetic and hypertensive women. This offer exercise programs supervised by physical education professionals, together with a multidisciplinary health team that works in a Health Basic Unit of São José do Rio Pardo/SP. Their actions included interventions to improve general health status and stimulate the adoption of a more active lifestyle. In addition, the PAFIPNES serves as an internship site for scholars of Physical Education can acquire knowledge and skills that enable them to act on basic health care of patients with Non Communicable Diseases, as mentioned above.
Introdução: O Laboratório de Design Solidário (Labsol) é um projeto de extensão criado em 2007 que tem como objetivo aperfeiçoar e revitalizar objetos artesanais e arranjos produtivos locais, baseando suas atividades no tripé conceitual: ecodesign, sustentabilidade e economia solidária. O LabSol visita grupos de artesãos, analisa seus produtos, métodos de produção e matérias primas e a partir daí, cria-se projetos e protótipos. O Laboratório conta com a atuação de alunos de Relações Públicas desde 2009 e estes têm como função promover ações de/para aprimoramento da comunicação interna e externa, além da parte burocrática e análise de propostas e projetos. No ano de 2011, ocorreram quatro exposições de produtos feitos pelo LabSol. Em cada uma destas exposições, o papel do profissional de RP foi fundamental, pois avaliou os convites, verificou a abrangência de cada público, a relação entre o projeto e os eventos, e tornou possível a sua efetiva realização. Objetivos: O estudo tem como objetivo analisar a validade e o alcance das exposições do Labsol no primeiro semestre de 2011. As exposições ocorreram no evento “Ecorreto” em 07 e 08 de maio; no Festival da Rádio UNESP em 26 de maio; no projeto “Perspectiva” – projeto de extensão da UNESP – em 01 de junho; e na XII Semana do Meio Ambiente de Bauru no Horto Florestal da cidade em 05 de junho. Métodos: As exposições aconteceram por meio de convite dos organizadores dos eventos e se deram através da exibição dos produtos, criados para os grupos de artesões, em pedestais individuais ou em mesas com produtos e cartazes explicativos. A análise será baseada no número de expectadores de cada evento e no interesse do público em relação ao projeto e aos produtos. Resultados: O público de interação em cada evento variou em numero de expectadores. O Festival da Rádio UNESP, contou com uma média de mil e duzentos; a Semana Integrada do Meio Ambiente, cento e cinqüenta; o “Ecorreto”, quinhentos expectadores (durante a exposição e através do site, onde estão fotos e informações sobre o evento); e o Projeto Perspectiva, realizado na cantina da Faculdade de Engenharia da Unesp, não foi mensurado, porém, alcança principalmente os alunos de período vespertino e noturno dos quatro cursos desta faculdade por ser espaço de fluxo constante de alunos. Cada uma destas exposições foi acompanhada pelos RPs. Durante as exposições, diversas pessoas se interessaram pelo trabalho e, conseqüentemente, perguntaram sobre o Laboratório, demonstrando grande interesse. Acredita-se que por meio destes interessados, a informação sobre o trabalho é multiplicada e, portanto, o conhecimento sobre o projeto alcança maior amplitude. Divulgando não apenas o projeto, mas principalmente o tripé conceitual sobre o qual se apoia.
This paper will discuss some aspects of the problem of child sexual abuse, specifically incest, drawing on psychoanalysis and in particular the psychoanalytic proposed by Françoise Dolto allowing their concepts of castration simboligênica, symbolic function, image and body language unconsciously take incest as the object of study to propose a psychoanalytic clinic devoted to listening to the subject, going beyond the legal concerns of policies on reporting and complaints, but not meddle in them, reflecting on the role of the psychologist and psychoanalyst in the clinic for children of sexual abuse.
The objective of this paper is to verify and analyze the existence in Brazil of stylized facts observed in financial time series: volatility clustering, probability distributions with fat tails, the presence of long run memory in absolute return time series, absence of linear return autocorrelation, gain/loss asymmetry, aggregative gaussianity, slow absolute return autocorrelation decay, trading volume/volatility correlation and leverage effect. We analyzed intraday prices for 10 stocks traded at the BM&FBovespa, responsible for 52.1% of the Ibovespa portfolio on Sept. 01, 2009. The data analysis confirms the stylized facts, whose behavior is consistent with what is observed in international markets.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This paper proposes an extension of the personal experience of the listener through radio. The radio, because it is a medium of reaching, disseminating and having considerable accessibilities towards the production of its contents, and if exploited, could very well combine functionality with aesthetics in the production and broadcasting of programs, something that makes the radio not only a means for transmission of information. In the production of dramatic art, for example, the use of other elements, such as sound effects, may suggest form and consistency to the object described during the practice of radio utterance. The proper combination of function and aesthetic in music, sound effects and voiceover radio can change the mood of the listener and even promote their creativity.
We live in a society governed by information, knowledge and social inclusion. This leads us to reflect on the importance of access and use of information for people with visual disabilities to build knowledge, exercising citizenship and contribute to lifelong learning. We are faced with a society more open to diversity, questioning their mechanisms of segregation and envisions new ways of social inclusion of people with disabilities. Hence the importance of understanding the inclusive practices, especially for the visually impaired person. Thus, we sought to perform a literature search to understand the theoretical corresponding to the selective approach of the existing literature on the subject. It was considered as a concept of this type of research, which provides that a systematic search for information on existing sources, ie, in all the literature that has become public in relation to the subject studied in order to offer reflections and contributions on issues of access and use of information, emphasizing the role of social responsibility of mobilizing information professionals are considered mediators and actors of vital importance in this scenario.
The introducing of new technologies at work contexts forces the contemporary organizations to search new structures and productive processes, as well as new management models, mainly personnel management. A strong pressure by positive results can favour health problems concerning to stress, which is caused by a highly competitive environment; studies reveals that stress is a present reality at organizations nowadays. The presence of stress on workers cause harm to organizations (due to absenteeism increasing, turnover, interpersonal conflicts, etc.) and individuals, whose life quality can be decreased. This text intends to highlight the importance of identifying stress presence on workers and eventual stressors at workplaces, with the objective of, through management strategies, propose interventions guided to promote occupational health and welfare. Identifying eventual stressors at workplaces becomes an essential task, because those signs predispose the stress presence on workers. Therefore, discovering them is a strategic way to preventing and managing of occupational stress. This text also proposes to show some personnel management strategies which can favour the prevention of occupational stressors, as well as interventions on them.
Influenced by the counterculture movement Provos (1965), the poetic narrative Islands of Croatan presents a brief analysis of its two artistic actions: in the experimental implementation of a white bicycle as collective, public and free transportation, inserted in the campus of UNESP/Bauru; and in TRANSITOSensorium action, deterritorializing an imaginary city from QRcodes throughout the city of Bauru, where the user finds a hybridity between visual, sound and written languages. The research relates the idea of territory through a relationship between space and power, listing the concepts of Psychogeography - the study of affective actions in collective space and Temporary Autonomous Zones. This is an experimental study, with the insertion of new technologies.