160 resultados para Rear wing
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Production and Use of Heteroptera Predators for the Biological Control of Eucalyptus Pests in Brazil
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In this article it is examined the work Persepolis, animation movie which summarizes the four volumes of the homonymous work launched in the form of comics in France, between 2000 and 2003. Narrated by the author Marjane Satrapi, it portraits the 15 years following the events of 1979 in Iran, from her personal perspective. Belonging to a left-wing social group, westernized according to the Iranian standards, she saw its utopias die as the Islamic Revolution won. However, during an auto exile in Vienna in her teen ages, she realized that the vaunted western liberty also charged its price. Considering Persepolis narrative literally as a look into perspective, it is debated the political and social aspects of the relationship east / west in a particular relation with the work of Edward Said.
During the first years of the military dictatorship, established in Brazil through a coup d'État, a number of institutions which repression had left unarticulated began a process of resistance and opposition to the military government. Cultural resistance was one of the consecrated forms of resistance that was exercised by intellectuals, artists, professors and cultural producers, among others, and that became an unprecedented political and cultural phenomenon in the country's history. Political, insofar as it aided in the process of re-organizing left-wing political parties and in the revision of the ideological postulates of its preeminent party, the PCB (Partido Comunista Brasileiro - Brazilian Communist Party). Cultural, because this re-organization occurred, frequently, within the ambit of cultural productions, in which the left created a space for contestation and engagement through the arts and intellectual activities. Within this process, between the years 1965 and 1968. The journal Civilização Brasileira became an important space for the building of leftist cultural resistance against the military dictatorship. The journal was able to impose its political legitimacy while at the same time participating actively in a market o cultural goods sustained by the so-called cultural hegemony of the left.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This work intends to perform the dimensioning of the Guaratinguetá’s Engineering College Baja SAE vehicle suspension system. To do so, concepts of suspension systems, human comfort limits to vibrations and automotive models for suspension vibration analyses are reviewed. On the development of this work descriptions of considerations specific for the vehicle object of this work are made as well as descriptions of the experiment made to determine the stiffness of the tire used. These concepts are applied through a computational routine that allows the dimensioning of springs and shock absorbers of both front and rear axles of a vehicle in a way to respect all the criteria showed during this work and visualize the system’s behavior when excited on different frequencies
The behavior and experience of pain are characterized by alertness and anxiety, which disappear soon after the healing process begins. Based on this area, the present study aimed to quantify the expression of c-fos in segments of the brain of rats after surgical stimulation in one rear hind paw (analgesia), using anesthesia with sodium thiopental and practices of acupuncture pre and post operative. The animals were stimulated with intraperitoneal injections of solution (NaCl) 0.2% (2ml), and divided into three groups, control, preoperative and postoperative. Each treatment was divided in manual acupuncture (AM) and electroacupuncture (EA). The animals were randomly distributed in each group. The c-fos expression was quantitated using immunohistochemistry for all situations. The results showed a great efficiency of all treatment compared to the control group (p <0.001), thus reenforcing data in the literature on the potential of acupuncture analgesia. There were no statistical differences among the different treatments, although there was a trend of EA being more efficient than AM
In the 20th century, youth has become a western myth rather than an important social category in the projection of future societies. The Right-wing was ahead of left-wing movements supporting national political projects. The crisis in the Welfare state and socialism system disoriented the right and left-wing movements. The myth of youth as reference for the progressive development of history was destroyed. Youth movements, consolidated in some student movements and supported by some religious organizations took over this reference position. However, these new youth movements are rarely engaged in political or environmentalist projects. The violence that originates from disturbing practices of social reproduction puts youth under pressure.
This introductory text to the 40th Issue of "Pensamiento Propio" refers to the diversity in the search to expand and deepen democracy in the continent. Even after a decade of left-wing parties who prioritized implementing high-impact policies on social inequality which characterizes Latin America, the democratic deficit persists, both in the context of local and national governments and of the multilateral organizations of the hemisphere. Reflecting on the participation of civil society in the control of governments and the State in the past few decades is an absolute necessity for those who acknowledge the need to strengthen our political citizenship.
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Considerado una verdadera lección de cine, ya que es una película que se refiere al propio arte cinematográfica, La ventana indiscreta (Rear Window), dirigida por Alfred Hitchcock en 1954, tuvo como base para el guión de John Michael Hayes el cuento “Tenía que ser un asesinato” (“It had to be murder”, 1942), de Cornell Woolrich. Reconocido como uno de los mayores escritores del género policial noir, Woolrich profesaba la “poética del fracaso, [...] conduciendo gradualmente la angustia de la víctima al centro del cuadro, en contraste con la indiferencia mecánica de una sociedad que no se molestaba con su suerte”. (OLIVA, 2003, p.116- 7). La película tuvo un gran éxito de público y crítica, pero esto no había ocurrido con el cuento, que solo se hizo conocido después de su adaptación para el cine. El propósito de este trabajo es realizar un análisis comparativo entre los dos textos, subrayando los siguientes aspectos: 1) la caracterización del género noir (cuando la investigación ya no es un juego para mentes refinadas, como había sido en la narrativa policial clásica) y del suspense (narrativa de tensión que se caracteriza por el aplazamiento de la resolución del enigma), tanto en la narración literaria como en la película; 2) la autorreferencialidad en la película y en el cuento mediante el uso de la metaficción; 3) el problema de la transposición del foco en primera persona de la narrativa para el cine; 4) los diferentes desenlaces, señalando en qué medida indican visiones del mundo también divergentes.