11 resultados para outbreaks

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Canine Visceral Leishmania (CVL) is an important zoonotic disease that has a world wide distribution and has a large impact on public health on the American Continent, especially in Brazil, where the nature of endemic diseases in humans affects a large part of the nation. The influence of the prevalence of CVL in the increased rate of human cases in endemic areas and in the unleashing of epidemic outbreaks shows the need for a more profound understanding, that would generate significant advances in the current measures used to control the reservoirs of sickness that are practiced by the Programa Nacional de Vigilância e Controle da Leishmaniose Visceral. The present work describes and compares the clinical-laboratorial and histopathological findings of twenty-three dogs that were naturally infected by Leishmania chagasi, from endemic areas in metropolitan Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. These animals, that were selected and given physical and serological exams (IFI and ELISA rK-39), were classified according to the degree of clinical severity and had blood samples drawn (whole blood and serum) for a complete hemogram and a coagulogram to be done as well as biochemical tests for kidney and liver function. The confirmation of infection by L. chagasi was done after the euthanasia of the animals, through the direct demonstration of the parasite in the impression of the spleen and liver crowned with GIEMSA and through a cultivation by means of NNN/Schneider. According to the clinical evaluation, the animals were classified as asymptomatic (7), oligosymptomatic (7) and polysymptomatic (9). Among the animals that were chosen to be autopsied, there were 2 asymptomatic, 3 oligosymptomatic and 3 polysymptomatic, for the purpose of studying their histopathology, having collected fragments of the spleen, liver, kidneys and skin and were fixed in 10% tamponed formol. The comparison between the average parameters of the clinical-laboratory tested animals in the groups was done through the Student t test (a<0.05). The main clinical signals observed were lymphadenomegaly, alopecy, dermatitis, exfoliation, cutaneous ulcers, onicogriphosis and emaciation. The main clinical-laboratorial alterations established, mainly in the polysymptomatic group, were anemia, hyperproteinemia, hyperglobulinemia, alterations in the albumin/globulin ratio and increased ALT activity. Renal alterations were not verified (urea and creatinine levels were normal). Thrombocytopenia was observed in three clinical groups. However, the other indicators of coagulation function (TAP and TTPA) did not have abnormal variations. There were inflammatory infiltrations and leishmania amastigotes in the skin of polysymptomatic dogs, however, they were not found in the skin of asymptomatic animals. Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the phagocyte mononuclear system, leishmania amastigote parasites were found in the macrophages, extramedullary hematopoiesis and degenerative alterations were detected in the spleen and liver of 8 of the animals submitted to histopathological exams. In accord with these results, it was demonstrated that the expected alterations in the hematological and biochemical parameters in function of their viscerotropic nature of CVL are mainly observed in the more advanced stages of the disease. The absence of inflammatory infiltration and parasite load in the skin suggest that infected animals without symptoms may have an importance irrelevant to the infectiousness of the vector


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Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonosis of considerable medical and economical importance that affects humans in both urban and rural contexts, as well as domestic animals and wild fauna. Leptospira interrogans is the causative agent and is transmitted to humans by indirect contact with contaminated soil or water. The clinical syndromes include sub clinical infection, self-limited anicteric febrile illness, and severe and potentially fatal illness, known as Weil´s syndrome. In developed countries, leptospirosis is related to occupational or recreational activities while in developing countries, outbreaks occur during floods. In those regions, traditional strategies to prevent the transmission are difficulties to be implemented because of costs and lack of community acceptance. In addition, no efficient vaccine is available for human use. Several studies have suggested that chemoprophylaxis with doxycycline pre and post-exposure may be effective to prevent leptospirosis. Leptospirosis has been reported in rural areas of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil since 1985 in rice farmers who present the anicteric illness. The disease cause great social and economics impact. The study was conducted in São Miguel where an epidemic of leptospirosis in rice farmers was reported. The main objective was to determine the efficacy of doxycycline in preventing Leptospira exposure. A taxa de soroprevalência de leptospirose na população estudada antes e após a colheita foi de 14,2% (n=22) e de 16.6% (n=27) respectivamente. Anti-Leptospira serology was determined for 61 subjects in two instances, pre and post-exposure to potential contaminated water. There was an increased risk of 29.0 per cent in acquiring infection for individuals that did not use doxycycline. In addition, an increased risk of 30.0 % observed in farmers who did not use protection when exposed to Leptospira. The adhesion to preventive chemoprophylaxis was 55.7%. Therefore doxycycline, under specific circunstances appears to be an effective alternative to protect against leptosprirosis infection. A large sample composed of individuals to adhere to preventive therapy is needed to define time, dosage and length of use of doxycycline in this area


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In recent years, the biosafety has been made possible a new look which are based the conceptions of health and illness process, as well as human needs. This new vision is focused on health vigilance that is referenced specifically in this study to the worker s health. The health of workers is essential for the prevention and control of epidemics and outbreaks of diseases as well as emerging and reemerging diseases. The present study wants to show the importance of biosafety measures for health workers, showing them through the concepts in their daily work. It is also to direct the use of biosafety measures in the care of oncology and hematology patients care, because of its infection susceptibility. OBJECTIVES: To analyze the conceptions of health workers in the biosafety pratice to the patients in oncological and hematological treatment in an oncological institution in Natal / RN, as well as make a socio-demographic profile of these workers and to know their difficulties to adequate biosafety measures. METODOLOGIA: The research is exploratory descriptive with qualitative approach, using the technique of oral history. The use of this technique is justified for the possibility of analyze the conceptions of health workers in the face of biosafety measures. From the definition of analysis categories that have emerged in the study. The categories were: daily work, education, occupational risk and onco-hematological care. The research population was the health workers who provide care to patients in oncological and hematological treatment. The study was conducted in the League against Cancer, in Natal / RN, specifically in the unit Luiz Antonio Hospital. Data collections were conducted from June to August of 2011 and were interviewed sixteen employees who assist in oncology and hematology. Structured interviews were conducted in three shifts, given the prospects of expanding the possibilities of analysis of the biosafety concepts. After data collection, the interviews were analyzed qualitatively by the technique of oral history. This genre, thematic oral history is a modern resource used for preparation of documents, files and studies concerning the social experience of people and groups with the construction of a script prior to the interview moment (MEIHY, 2002). ANALYSIS OF INFORMATION: It was made a reflection about the concepts and practices of professionals who take care of patients in oncology and hematology as well as its relation to biosafety measures. The speech of employees revealed that the adoption has been very supportive of these standards, although some have been highlighted gaps in the understanding of employees in relation to biosafety and the proposed categories. CONCLUSION: The analysis of information showed that biosafety has been cited by employees as an immeasurable benefit to safety and occupational health. And the strengths marks in their understanding were: the excellence of care and safety in occupational diseases risk reduction and infections resulting from their work activities, despite some difficulties in adopting appropriate biosafety standards


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In this research study, in which I discuss the discursive constitution of ethnic-racial identity of black male and female teachers, I understand that the process of identity formation of the subject covers both personal/family and social/professional areas. In it, I propose, in general terms, to analyze the discursive practices present in narratives of black male and female teachers when they look for their social insertion into different social contexts, identifying outbreaks of resistance that are present in their process of ethnicracial identities. The fundamental issue that permeates the survey investigates: how can black male and female teachers behave discursively in the construction of ethnicracial identities in multiple distinct contexts? The theoretical foundations that support this research work come from theoretical fields that complement each other; among them, French Discourse Analysis, Foucault s Theory and cultural studies. These, even with their singularities, are being interlaced by the conception that conceives language as social practice. Methodologically, I adopt an interpretative and qualitative paradigm to examine not only the linguistic repertoires that compose these teachers written narratives written but also the data that were generated by semi-structured interviews. The results show that the subjects, realizing contrary forces that interfere in their process of social inclusion, make use of acetic techniques to (re)signify the history of their lives


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The development of epidemiological practices in the last years of the nineteenth and early twentieth century was characterized by both an influence of medical geography and the emergence of microbes and vectors of diseases. Both theories were used to explain outbreaks in Rio Grande do Norte specially in Natal. In this process were organized new institutions linked to public health, unhealthy spaces and prescribed hygiene measures. The redefinitions of the spaces were linked to updated elements of Hippocratic medicine such as aerism and emphasis on medical topography. How the physicians of the town were organized in the face of new meanings and fields of expertise in the demarcation of diseases and regulation of their own practices against the illegal medical practitioners? Likewise, the very occurrence of epidemics mobilized people, urban institutions and apparatuses. But how the Hippocratic legacy that leads to the idea of bad air originated by swamps from the eighteenth and nineteenth century has been linked to new microbial assumptions and disease vectors in the early twentieth century? How an invader from Africa, (the mosquito A. gambiae) mobilized transnational efforts to combat malaria and redefined the epidemiological practices? The aim of this work is to understand how epidemiological practices redefine the way we define spaces, practices and disease from both an approach influenced by a relational history of spaces and a theoretical synergy which includes topics in Science Studies, Post Structuralist Geography and some elements of Feminist Studies. Documentary research were surveyed in the reports of the provincial presidents, government posts to the Provincial Assembly, specialized medical articles and theses, and documents from the Rockefeller Foundation and national and international journals. In this regard shall be given to both material and discursive aspects of space-related practical epidemiological that Natal as much (in general) Rio Grande do Norte between bad air and malaria.


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The school bullying involves all aggressive, intentional, repetitive attitudes, occurring without apparent motivation, adopted by one or more students against another (s) causing pain and anguish, and implemented within an unequal relationship of power, making possible the intimidation of the victim. Its expressions involve defamatory rumors, discrimination, theft or damage to property, harassment, threats, beatings, isolation, exclusion of a person or group, intimidation, intolerance and disrespect. In this study, we sought to identify the design educators have about the bullying, and are known by what means are aware of the problem, is involved when identifying cases of bullying and how to give this speech. This study used for data collection a questionnaire applied to 107 educators from 14 private schools in Natal / RN, who received statistical treatment in the program SPSS and the results analyzed in the light outside of a social and historical reference. Among the results, we found that 83% of the interviewed educators has at least heard about bullying, and the information about the problem are mainly the media, like television, newspapers and magazines. The educators said that the surname and physical attacks are more frequent outbreaks of violence among students and also the most common complaints when they look for help. The necessity for intervention when it identifies a case of bullying is present in 97.03% of respondents and 73.27% of educators are also called by students or school officials to remedy the situations of bullying among students. On the forms of intervention employed, the most common is the conversation and warning the students involved. It is suggested that the intensification of studies related to the subject and the development of actions and programs antibullying involving the school community (educators, parents, students, employees), in partnership with social segments like Tutelar Council and others related to the protection of children and adolescent


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Aiming to consumer s safety the presence of pathogenic contaminants in foods must be monitored because they are responsible for foodborne outbreaks that depending on the level of contamination can ultimately cause the death of those who consume them. In industry is necessary that this identification be fast and profitable. This study shows the utility and application of near-infrared (NIR) transflectance spectroscopy as an alternative method for the identification and classification of Escherichia coli and Salmonella Enteritidis in commercial fruit pulp (pineapple). Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Independent Modeling of Class Analogy (SIMCA) and Discriminant Analysis Partial Least Squares (PLS-DA) were used in the analysis. It was not possible to obtain total separation between samples using PCA and SIMCA. The PLS-DA showed good performance in prediction capacity reaching 87.5% for E. coli and 88.3% for S. Enteritides, respectively. The best models were obtained for the PLS-DA with second derivative spectra treated with a sensitivity and specificity of 0.87 and 0.83, respectively. These results suggest that the NIR spectroscopy and PLS-DA can be used to discriminate and detect bacteria in the fruit pulp


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The most varied ways of manifestation of the violence phenomenon in the contemporary society are each time more found in the media spaces and among society discussions. It makes think about procedures to be taken before the growth and new outbreaks of such phenomenon. The violences manifestations in schools reveal themselves as a reflection of what happens in the scope of social violence. Its dynamics originates in society and reflects itself in scholl, that is, the violences in schools combine internal and external elements to school enviroment of many fields and spheres of which the individuals participate. To reflect about the violences in the schools requires, over all, to make a bridge with the categories: youth and violence. Violences in schools: A new look to the social relations, is a Ms. Sc. Dissertation that has as main objective: to analyze the main existing forms of violence in the school space. For its achievement, it was made a bibliographical survey, questionnaires application (annexed) and observation. Thus, this research articulated the two approaches: qualitative and quantitative. The questionnaires application happened in a state school of the Natal city and amongst yhe criteria for this choice there was the fact of the school had more than 500 pupils, to be located on a strategical place of the city, providing a subjects heterogeneity to be researched, deyond the limitations of available resources financial and material and the available time for the research accomplishment. The scool congregates objective conditions, specifically in what concerns the criteria previously defined: age range, socioenomical level and number of pupils. Amongst the main results obtained, it can be detached that the violence is a phenomenon seen, for the great majority of the research subjects, as a phenomenon connected to the most visible violence forms: the agressions. And a question always present in the public education institutions: infrastructures precariousness, high scool evasion índex and vulnerability among the pupils that makes possible to the pupil to see school as an home extension. Such dissertation concludes that the phenomenon of the violence in scools demands and requires of the most varied subjects involved in the processes na understanding of its determinants so that thus, one can intervene in such phenomenon that does not restrains itself to the physical acts of aggression, but that it is, over all, on a non respecting the different


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Historically, man has empirically acquired knowledge about the therapeutic applications of extracted elements of the natural environment in which belonged. Such knowledge over time culminated in the formation of traditional health systems. Among its features, the use of bioactive plant species - medicinal plants - stands out for its efficiency and high popular acceptance. Despite its importance for public health, the population still has in the open-air fairs the main source for the acquisition of the species used. In these spaces, the trade generally occurs informally, under unfavorable conditions to the quality of the products and to the financial sustainability of the business. In this context, this study aimed to characterize the socioeconomic, cultural and sanitary aspects related to the trade of medicinal plants in municipalities of a semiarid region of Rio Grande do Norte, and additionally, proposing a specific legislation to the activity. Socioeconomic data were collected through on-site interviews, guided by structured form. The observations about the hygienic and sanitary adequacy of physical facilities and practices employed at the point of sale /environment were conducted and recorded with the use of assessment tool developed for use in open markets. The adequacy of medicinal plants to consumption was determined by microbiological analysis. The activity was carried out by individuals who are aged between 21 and 81 years of age, low educational level and low-income, predominantly males. The data showed a tendency to extinction of the activity in all the districts studied. It was observed in all the fairs studied hygiene and sanitation inadequacies that characterized very high health risk, representing in this way, the high probability of Food Transmitted Diseases outbreaks Such conditions were reflected in the high percentage of inadequacy to the consumption of the analyzed medicinal plants samples, illustrating the potential health risk to consumers. To contribute to the correction of hygiene and sanitation inadequacies observed in the studied open-air fairs, educational interventions were made to the training of traders in Good Practices. As a complement, was drafted a specific legislation for the marketing of folk medicine's products in open-air fairs. Such actions, products and its developments will contribute significantly to improving the quality of products available to the population and the preservation of activity, potentially reducing the risks to public health.


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Canine Visceral Leishmania (CVL) is an important zoonotic disease that has a world wide distribution and has a large impact on public health on the American Continent, especially in Brazil, where the nature of endemic diseases in humans affects a large part of the nation. The influence of the prevalence of CVL in the increased rate of human cases in endemic areas and in the unleashing of epidemic outbreaks shows the need for a more profound understanding, that would generate significant advances in the current measures used to control the reservoirs of sickness that are practiced by the Programa Nacional de Vigilância e Controle da Leishmaniose Visceral. The present work describes and compares the clinical-laboratorial and histopathological findings of twenty-three dogs that were naturally infected by Leishmania chagasi, from endemic areas in metropolitan Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. These animals, that were selected and given physical and serological exams (IFI and ELISA rK-39), were classified according to the degree of clinical severity and had blood samples drawn (whole blood and serum) for a complete hemogram and a coagulogram to be done as well as biochemical tests for kidney and liver function. The confirmation of infection by L. chagasi was done after the euthanasia of the animals, through the direct demonstration of the parasite in the impression of the spleen and liver crowned with GIEMSA and through a cultivation by means of NNN/Schneider. According to the clinical evaluation, the animals were classified as asymptomatic (7), oligosymptomatic (7) and polysymptomatic (9). Among the animals that were chosen to be autopsied, there were 2 asymptomatic, 3 oligosymptomatic and 3 polysymptomatic, for the purpose of studying their histopathology, having collected fragments of the spleen, liver, kidneys and skin and were fixed in 10% tamponed formol. The comparison between the average parameters of the clinical-laboratory tested animals in the groups was done through the Student t test (a<0.05). The main clinical signals observed were lymphadenomegaly, alopecy, dermatitis, exfoliation, cutaneous ulcers, onicogriphosis and emaciation. The main clinical-laboratorial alterations established, mainly in the polysymptomatic group, were anemia, hyperproteinemia, hyperglobulinemia, alterations in the albumin/globulin ratio and increased ALT activity. Renal alterations were not verified (urea and creatinine levels were normal). Thrombocytopenia was observed in three clinical groups. However, the other indicators of coagulation function (TAP and TTPA) did not have abnormal variations. There were inflammatory infiltrations and leishmania amastigotes in the skin of polysymptomatic dogs, however, they were not found in the skin of asymptomatic animals. Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the phagocyte mononuclear system, leishmania amastigote parasites were found in the macrophages, extramedullary hematopoiesis and degenerative alterations were detected in the spleen and liver of 8 of the animals submitted to histopathological exams. In accord with these results, it was demonstrated that the expected alterations in the hematological and biochemical parameters in function of their viscerotropic nature of CVL are mainly observed in the more advanced stages of the disease. The absence of inflammatory infiltration and parasite load in the skin suggest that infected animals without symptoms may have an importance irrelevant to the infectiousness of the vector


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Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonosis of considerable medical and economical importance that affects humans in both urban and rural contexts, as well as domestic animals and wild fauna. Leptospira interrogans is the causative agent and is transmitted to humans by indirect contact with contaminated soil or water. The clinical syndromes include sub clinical infection, self-limited anicteric febrile illness, and severe and potentially fatal illness, known as Weil´s syndrome. In developed countries, leptospirosis is related to occupational or recreational activities while in developing countries, outbreaks occur during floods. In those regions, traditional strategies to prevent the transmission are difficulties to be implemented because of costs and lack of community acceptance. In addition, no efficient vaccine is available for human use. Several studies have suggested that chemoprophylaxis with doxycycline pre and post-exposure may be effective to prevent leptospirosis. Leptospirosis has been reported in rural areas of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil since 1985 in rice farmers who present the anicteric illness. The disease cause great social and economics impact. The study was conducted in São Miguel where an epidemic of leptospirosis in rice farmers was reported. The main objective was to determine the efficacy of doxycycline in preventing Leptospira exposure. A taxa de soroprevalência de leptospirose na população estudada antes e após a colheita foi de 14,2% (n=22) e de 16.6% (n=27) respectivamente. Anti-Leptospira serology was determined for 61 subjects in two instances, pre and post-exposure to potential contaminated water. There was an increased risk of 29.0 per cent in acquiring infection for individuals that did not use doxycycline. In addition, an increased risk of 30.0 % observed in farmers who did not use protection when exposed to Leptospira. The adhesion to preventive chemoprophylaxis was 55.7%. Therefore doxycycline, under specific circunstances appears to be an effective alternative to protect against leptosprirosis infection. A large sample composed of individuals to adhere to preventive therapy is needed to define time, dosage and length of use of doxycycline in this area