32 resultados para mito

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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This work aims at analyzing how Adam Smith, one of the founders of the liberal regime was seen by Roberto Campos, one of the patriarchs of Brazilian liberalism. In this sense, it will be shown how and why the legacy of Scotland was used to legitimize the new pattern of accumulation necessary to capitalism from the second half of the twentieth century on. So, it is the intention to make explicit that the changes in Campos discursive form are consistent with the requirements of capitalism in crisis and were fundamental in the creation of another common sense. To achieve these goals it will be assessed in what way the liberal rhetoric of the Brazilian, harmonized with foreign authors with the same vision, has become an important weapon to transform Smith into a myth in contrast to the political and economic criteria advocated by the same, but valuable to what Roberto Campos intended


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This study was elaborated based on our research of the work Mithologiques by the anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908-2009), which affirms that languages, indigenous myths and music are related. He proposes that the understanding of myths occurs in a similar manner as with an orchestral score. In the course of his tetralogy we investigated the musical terms used in the analysis and in the division of the chapters, especially in the first volume of his work. Several compositional procedures and forms are named. Composers in pairs are categorized: Sebastian Bach for the code, Ludwig van Beethoven for the message, and Richard Wagner for the myths. In this deduction, we structured in parts: theme and variations, sonata and fugue with the aforementioned composers. Within the greatness of anthropological study, from among over 800 myths, we selected the first five of the indigenous tribe Bororo to discuss within the Theme and Variation segment. In the Sonata part there are two myths with the same theme: The wife of the jaguar which relates to the compositional structure, and four myths about The origin of women. Finally, in the segment related to the Fugue, we collected four myths that address The shortness of life. Honoring the many terms expressed in opposition, contrast, or symmetry under consideration in Levi-Strauss work, we entitled this thesis emphasizing the migration between the tempos Largo and Prestíssimo as these are oppositional presentations in music. Fifteen musical myths accompany the work supported by selected narratives. In light of this we questioned, we questioned: how are incest, murder and other events part of a society that elevates nature as an extension of life itself? And how did Lévi-Strauss think that anthropology harmonized with music? In the preparation of this study, philosophers like Peter Sloterdijk discuss the circular territory of Mythology


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The plot myth-techno-logic, contemporary, was developed starting from the dualism myth-reason. In this study, we deepened the alluded dualism taking as reference the historical contexts of the Renaissance and of the Enlightenment, emphasizing the discussion of the economical rationalization as conductive thread of the western development, in which we identified the game of the rational and of the irrational, for assure the superiority of the reason. In the context of that game, we analyzed the implications of the modernization, for the education, in function of the instrumental rationality, responsible for the environment of adaptation of the technological instruments to the scenery of the contemporary modernization. The new context is constituted by points of union and of ruptures among the technique, the science and the myth. Through our analysis, we noticed that the basic needs for the contemporary society were linked to the changes in the production means, for which the machine determine the rhythm of the work and the quality of the product. However, the changes in the productive processes promoted the appearance of the commercial marks that, as we see it, they represented the synthesis of the perfect harmony of the myth, of the technique, of the science and of the technology, in the conduction of the economical rationalization to the contemporary modernization. Thus, the contemporary modernization it arrives us for the economical rationalization, developed with the support of the technician-scientific knowledge and communicated by the articulations of the myth-techno-logical


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The thesis presents the body poetry and its inscribing in the myth and Butô dance. The argumentation highlights the sensitive dimension present in these itineraries, as a possibility to operate the emergency of knowing inscribed in the body, bringing a kind of rationality that links the fragments, that allows the knowing to break through the barriers of disciplinary isolation, that abandons the certainties and goes through the ways of creation and that gives the body new space and time, featuring epistemological elements, ethical and esthetical, that can permit a sensitive education. All along the way, we comprehend by sensitive education, a education that considers the relinking of logical, analogical, symbolic and artistic knowledge and therefore reconsiders the own act of knowing as a continuous and inconcluded process. That sensitive education is also understood as retaking the body experience, its sensitive nature, as well as being meaningful to reading the world. It includes the body memory, its history and creativity, opening it to innovation, change, sense amplification and dialogue with other bodies and world, because it is within them. It is about an investigation of phenomenologic nature, that dialogues philosophy and art, pointing breakdowns of this reflection foe the body and education studies. We find it necessary to notice the body language, that allows one to think through movements, articulate a thought that is risen from articulations, guts and all the body. This incarnated reason starts the expressive body action, that makes us move to mean, communicate, inaugurate senses. Among these senses, we present a possibility of approach of the elements of Butô dance teaching and physical education, as ways of sensitive education showings of body poetry


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This research was based on a study regarding the myth, the landscape and then man in Bolivian literature, a country whose cultural tradition transcends myth and reality, with an exotic nature, inherited from extraordinary people from a remote time, with archeological remains that show its glory, making it particular among other Latin American literatures. To contextualize the literary study of this nation, rich in fantasy literature, understanding its traits in the current literature, we have sought to rescue the history of its first inhabitants, the Kollas, and the cultural reference they inherited and reviewed in the acculturation process between indigenous and Spanish people. This study is based on the contributions of Latin American theorists, such as Antonio Conejo Polar, Nestor Canclini, the Cuban ethnologist Fernando Ortiz, and especially the concept of transculturation of the Uruguayan critic Ángel Rama. Thus, we have tried to rescue a study about the Andean past, approaching the fundamentals of mythic component in literature, addressing landscape and nature as the ones that illustrate, characterize and give life to the mythical characters and social problems of the Andean man


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From the many weavers known, the Queen of Ithaca is certainly among the most famous.Over the years,many writers have dedicated themselves to retell the myth of Penelope in their works by their own way. According to Ute Heidmann, the modern writers recurrence to the Greek myths in order to produce their texts is a renewing discursive practice, which gives new writing and relevance to the myth. (2003, p.47). This work deals with a differential and discursive comparative analysis on the myth of Penelope linking it with two short stories from Brazilian authors: Penélope by João do Rio (1919) and Penélope by Dalton Trevisan (1959). In order to do it, we are supported by: the works of Heidmann (2003, 2006, 2008) and Maingueneau (2006). We also concentrate ourselves on the temporal trace presented in both Penelope s myth and in its modern rewriting so that we can identify how each configuration of the classical myth develops into one of the most celebrated acts of this myth: the waiting. In order to so, we seek support on the studies by Paul Ricoeur (2006), Hans Meyerhoff (1976) and Benedito Nunes (1988)


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Esta tesis trata de cómo se desarrolla en la obra de la escritora contemporánea Nélida Piñon una especie de pensamiento cartográfico, presente desde su primer romance Guia-mapa de Gabriel Arcanjo, publicado en 1961. Para que se interprete el universo literario nelidiano, formulamos nuestro trabajo estableciendo un confronto con el texto del mito iluminado por las reflexiones de Eliade (2007; 2007b; 2008) y Meletínski (2002); con el discurso filosófico pos-estructuralista, representado principalmente por las contribuciones de Deleuze y Guattari (1995; 1996; 1997) a respecto de una geografía del nomadismo; y de Foucault (1996; 2006) sobre el orden del discurso, o nacimiento de la literatura y el ser del lenguaje. Examinadas por la lectura crítica y comparativista de esta investigación, las cartografías mito-póeticas de Piñon son presentadas al lector asociándose a una geografía de los sentimientos y al que Maffesoli (2001) denomina deseo de errância y de perdición, particularmente en las obras Tebas do Meu Coração, A República dos Sonhos, O Presumível Coração da América e Fundador. Esa última novela, publicada en 1969, por lo tanto anterior a los otros textos mencionados, servirá como corpus principal de nuestro análisis, que objetiva demostrar como la narrativa de Piñon se conecta a un linaje literario estructurado a partir de las acciones de un determinado tipo de personaje conocido como inaugurador de ciudades o héroe civilizador o cultural. En la reedición de ese arquetipo de personaje, la autora instaura el elemento de la seducción, en un juego que se establece entre los sujetos masculino y femenino y que pone de manifiesto cuestiones relacionadas al erotismo, a la transgresión y al sagrado, abordadas en nuestro discurso por las consideraciones de Baudrillard (2008) y Bataille (1987). Para que se explicite la constitución de esos puntos, realizaremos un viaje de las visiones del mundo arcaico al contemporáneo por las páginas de Fundador, apuntando de qué manera la escritora brasileña retoma las imágenes del mito cosmogónico, del mito del eterno retorno y del paraíso terreal, que se inscriben como fundamento do su texto literario


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CAVIGNAC, J. A. Mito e memória na construção de uma identidade local. Organon, Rio Grande do Sul, v. 21, n.42, jan./jun. 2007. Disponível em: . Acesso em:


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Nesse artigo, visa-se aprofundar, a partir da “Teoria da Comparação Diferencial” proposta por Ute Heidmann e das noções de diálogo cultural, os estudos acerca da reescritura dos textos clássicos na contemporaneidade, especificamente nos intertextos e na iconografia de Antígona e sua releitura cênica em diálogo com o mito de Oyá Balé


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In this dissertation we reflect about sensitive the dimension of the body, which enables us to participate in mythical space and set him as a potential space for artistic creation in dance, experience provider in senses for world, for life and for existence. It´s a written, thrashing some reflections on the human condition from a gaze cast upon the myth of Adam, leading us to think about the possible relationships between art and myth in contemporary times, as fields of knowledge open to creation, and semantic spaces able to assign new meanings to living through the pulsations of a body that is myth and what is dance. One of the goals of this study is set up a new point of view to analyze the Adam's myth, enabling to new interpretations, meanings and understandings from the experience in the process of creation in contemporary dance. Therefore, methodologically reference is made in the Phenomenology, or rather the phenomenological attitude proposed by Merleau-Ponty (1994), which considers the experience of the body as the primary source of knowledge. Dipping on this process of creation in contemporary dance, one artistic and choreographic work was originated, titled "The Body I am”, in contemplation of this dance that echoes the mystery, that emerges from the depths of the body, and it brings to the human surface and your world, your relationships. Realize that dance is as a sensitive guide and counselor reflections ontological and epistemological, able to validate and perpetuate the myth whereas ancestral wisdom inheritance.


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This dissertation is based on the ethnography of a strategic selection of three Tremembé ethnic situations, which are situated in the backlands of Acaraú and Itarema, municipalities located in Ceará State (Northeast Brazil). My main aims are the following. Firstly, I reconstitute the historical and social formation of three localities, called Lagoa dos Negros, Telhas, and Queimadas, related to a particular origin myth which refers to Almofala, an extinct colonial Aldeamento in the seashore, where the Tremembé indians and other native populations were converted and gathered under missionary administration. According to the origin myth, these three localities were set up after a strong drought which happened in 1888 (the so called three eights) when a group of Tremembé families moved to the countryside and established close to the Lagoa dos Negros and, later on, they were segmented into smaller groups which started to live in other areas and places not far from the former location. Notably, I develop an anthropological approach to understand the historical formation of these three localities. Secondly, I analyze some processes of territorialization, which were emerged from the 1980s and had important consequences to these indigenous families throughout the next two decades. This historical dimension is re-appropriated and ressignified in ethnic terms. A third point of my work is the analysis of the construction of territorialities and also the cultural and symbolic dimensions which are formulated by the Tremembé Indians who live in these localities. Therefore, I investigate some cultural traditions and rituals, such as the Torém dance, but I also examine their multiple semantics, which constitute a transversal direction throughout the history understood by the Tremembé of the different social situations I researched. To sum up, there is a process of cultural actualization, which is still going on and presents itself through the ludic sphere as well as their political and religions dimensions, which are usually associated to the ritual presentation of the Torém


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This paper examines two aspects. First, the symbolic dimension of politics and some of the elements that make up this universe, as the scenario, the representation, the myth, the spectacle, the media and the political and electoral marketing. We assume that the policy brings together a set of traits related to both reason and the human subjectivity, and can not be summed up in just a few calculations based on rationality. In the case of elections, in a process (ritual, according Irlys Barrier) of choice, there is a meeting of two systems of representations: to that transmitted by a political actor, in a scene from a particular context, based on a life trajectory unique, and the other from the public, crossed by social relations, situations own wishes, desires, expectations and unique perspectives. Between them there are the means of mass media (especially television), and with them the advent of language media and advertising applied to politics, changing the layout of public visibility and inaugurating what Rejane Accioly Carvalho will call the "aesthetics of mostrabilidade". This does not necessarily mean a preponderance of media on politics as a whole but only its adaptation to that with regard to contact with the public, the ad extra portion of the policy, according to Wilson Gomes. In a second aspect, try to apply these elements to a specific study to verify them in building an effective public image, in this case, the current governor of Rio Grande do Norte, Wilma de Faria. The concept of public image is from the book of Wilson Gomes The transformation was visible in the mass media, and relates to a conceptual image to fix "personality traits" through political history, personal conduct, action of image makers and the public reception. For this we will review some videos aired on Free Time for political propaganda in the years 2002 and 2006.


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This research looks at the collective imagination in which it keeps alive the issue of heroin wise. Two wise women appear in the narratives of popular history and the History of Donzela Theodora and History Imperatriz Porcina, collated by Luís da Câmara Cascudo in his Five Books of the People. The universality, mobility and circularity of these narratives are discussed by authors such as Bakhtin and Guinzburg. The research is developed from three key categories: Knowledge Magic as the knowledge of tradition (Almeida), sensitive knowledge (Levi-Strauss), thought mythical / magical / symbolic (Morin); Wise Women as carriers of this knowledge, which merge and overlap with the imagery of witches and healers; and Mythical Elements which corresponds to the archetypal images (Jung and Silveira), symbols and other images that relate to the magic universe, the magical beliefs and practices considered, ie belonging to the imaginary magic (Bethencourt). Porcina and Theodora are understood as bearers of knowledge of Métis (Detienne and Vernant), or the cunning intelligence, the manipulation of phármakon (Derrida), the healing potion, which may be the word or ointment of the herb. The route takes us to meet the great archetype of the Wise Woman as psychic power of the feminine, the anima. Narratives are medicinal balms (Estes) and is the clash between the anima and its embodiments by wise women, and animus, his opponents, which gives the transmutation of the psyche, a work comparable to that of alchemyThe Knowledge Magic, operating through the female, myth and nature can recover from its essential value to the emerging paradigm that suggests a more complete human science and a more plural


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This research intends to narrate the journey of a simple man who was turned into a saint by a group of believers in Mossoró, west of Rio Grande do Norte. We recognized in the story of José Leite Santana, the "cangaceiro" Jararacá, an appropriated land to build an investigative approach of how characters as different as bandit and saint can be interconnected. From the believers speech, a narrative was created about these detachments of concepts based on the hero myth that is shown here as a part of men´s dealing with death


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Dans ce travail, nous étudions la construction narrative du passé de la ville de Nova Cruz, dans l´agreste potiguar. Les récits soulignent l´existence d´un corpus narratif homogène qui fait référence à l´occupation du lieu et à l´évangelisation de ses habitants. Ainsi, les images des saints et des missionaires civilisateurs de l´espace qui domestiquent les manifestations d´un esprit autochtone sauvage, habitants du milieu naturel, sont recurrentes dans la description des personnages du passé. Observant la continuité sémantique des différentes versions de l´histoire de la ville, nous nous proposons d´analyser d´une manière conjointe les textes de l´historiographie locale et les témoignages oraux collectés. Comme il a été possible de le constater, les chemins de l´écrit et de l´oral se croisent en plusieurs occasions, obéissant à des logiques locales de représentations du passé. Ainsi, notre étude porte sur des champs communs à l´Anthropologie, à l´Histoire e à la Littérature. Les reconstructions narratives du passé local sont aussi activées par des faits plus récents, des "marques de la mémoire" comme le marché, le train, la croix et le réservoir, symboles d´une époque d´abondance qui suit l´action civilisatrice des personnages ancestraux